Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 664

The garden’s gossip was blazing, and every sentence that was unreliable but suited to Xiao Lan’s psychology all flew out.

Xiaolan was so embarrassed to die, but there was nothing to do with her best friend, and her face flushed. After she said a word, the garden came back with ten sentences.

Looking at Xiaolan's flushed face, Qiye suddenly said something that made Xiaolan almost fainted.

"Will Xiaolan give me a baby? It's a good idea."

The car was immediately divided into three zones. The two girls in the back seat were full of enthusiasm. The driver's seat was whistling for seven nights, and the mood was as good as March, the co-pilot's seat...hehehe...In an instant~~The sky is dark~~~

Chapter six hundred and forty-seven-the murder of magic lovers!(in)

When he arrived at the villa in the mountain, Qiye found a place to park his Hummer, because in this world, there is a suspension bridge in front of the villa in the mountain, and the car cannot pass.

"So you used the identity of a man to communicate." On the suspension bridge, Xiao Lan looked at the best friend beside her in surprise.

"Yes, on the Internet, I am a 30-year-old successful man with a successful career. Only in this way can I attract more beautiful women." Yuanzi said with squinting eyes and head high.

"You girl." Qiye pinched the pretty face of the garden with a look of helplessness. This girl's behavior really made him so kind and funny. A majestic young lady went to help him pimp, although it was mostly a joke, but It also makes Qiye feel good, but does this mean that his charm has weakened?

"But isn't the name Suzuki Yuanko exposed right away?" Xiaolan asked her chin in confusion.

"No way, because everyone will use a fictitious screen name to contact me. For example, my screen name is the apprentice of a magician, and one named Doi Takshu is called Red Herring."

Qiye looked at the cheerful garden and said, "Don't be too excited, I don't think you are too excited. The man you dressed up must have been seen through."

"How could it be possible?" Yuanzi pursed his lips, looked at Qiye with an anguish, and said, "My acting skills are very good!"

"You!" Qiye pinched the garden's nose in a petting way, and said, "You are a naive girl who is born with acting skills."

What Qiye is telling is the truth. Yuanzi's girl writes everything on her face, and she is better than Xiaolan. Even if you use the Internet, Yuanzi's acting skills are equivalent to Kudo's EQ.

Yuanzi curled his lips and looked at Qiye, and said, "Are you complimenting me or demeaning me?"

"Guess it yourself."

"Qiyae, you hate it!" Yuanzi played Qiye a little bit angrily, and the two of them walked forward while arguing, and walked to the front of the villa within a few steps.

"Hello, I am here to meet."

The door of the villa opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a shit-green sweater came out and said, "Welcome, you are the apprentice of the magician, right?"

"Yeah." Yuanzi was taken aback for a while and then replied, as if he didn't expect to be seen through at once.

"We are all waiting for you."

"But, how could you all of a sudden know that I am the apprentice of the magician?" Innocent Yuanzi directly asked the doubt in his heart.

The owner of this small villa, the middle-aged man Xuanyi said with a smile: "I knew it immediately after reading your conversation. I knew it was a little girl who was talking like a big man. Everyone said is not it?"

"Yes, I still sneer at this end of the screen." Naoko Kuroda, who wore a pair of glasses and had two rustic braids, said with a smile.

"That's right." The dark-skinned Toshi Hamano also took the conversation and said, "If you say pretending, you should pretend to be as good as Miss Tanaka."

A 28-year-old mature beauty, Kikue Tanaka, walked over and said, “Actually, I can’t pretend to be a man to communicate on the Internet. Instead, I always thought that Barney who disappeared was a girl.” He said jokingly. Hamano Toshiya.

"Really? That means I can blur it."

"What do you mean by blurring!" Kuroda Naoko immediately became slightly angry, and said with a reddish cheek: "I also think of him as a girl, and I even discuss things about underwear with this person on the Internet."

I almost burst out laughing outside. This spoof, putting aside the messy thoughts in my mind, I stab Yuanzi in the ribs with an elbow, and whispered: "How about it, Yuanzi, I just said your acting skills are poor. Right."

Yuanzi immediately turned his head, spit out a pink tongue, wrinkled his nose, and made faces at Qiye.

Huang Yi turned his face to the garden, and said, "I haven't introduced myself yet. I am the owner of this holiday cottage, and this person is Mr. Xu Suan who I hired to work here this time. "

Wearing a black sweater, Kiyoshi Lu, who looked gloomy, greeted Yuanzi.

Yuanzi looked at the few people present and said, "It looks like there are still a few people who haven't arrived."

"Oh, yes, but the red herring is already upstairs."

Then came down from upstairs a big fat man in blue clothes, the corner of the garden's mouth twitched, and the man died except Qiye.

Qiye's gaze stopped for a while on this Doi Tuck tree, but it didn't break him.

Everyone walked into the house, put down their luggage, and took off their coats. Kikue Tanaka held a sheet in his hand and said, "If you haven't been here yet, there are only the chat room chief escape king and the shadow mage."

"Hey, the shadow mage will come this time?" Yuanzi looked at Tanaka Kikue in surprise.

"What's the matter with you, Garden?"

Yuanzi frowned slightly. With her carefree personality, she would show this expression. Thinking about it, she knew that she had a bad impression of this shadow mage, and said: "Because this person writes something every time,'I want to fly I've gone' or'I can disappear at any time without a trace'. Every time I see these statements, it makes people feel terrible."

Qiye drank a sip of hot coffee, then ate a piece of cookie, and said, "Ah, Yuanzi, if the shadow mage dares to hurt you, I will throw him into hell and become a dark mage."

"Hehe, I knew Qiye is the best." Yuanzi said happily, and then immediately rushed over and hung on Qiye.

"I'm suffocating! You nympho!" Qiye exclaimed, the degree of extroversion of this girl is really love and speechless.

Several people also felt funny seeing the appearance of the garden. Naoko Kuroda stood up and said, "Does anyone know the phone number of the King of Escape?"

"I know his phone number and his name." Huang Yi walked to the phone and dialed the number of the escape king, but was transferred to the telephone message box.

And in an apartment in downtown Tokyo, a man was lying on his computer desk. He had lost his breath, and a word flashed on the computer screen that was always on.

Solved one... Shadow Mage...


Of course, everyone in the holiday cabin would not know this, and Qiye would not be so boring that Behemoth would find the escape king, and it had nothing to do with him.

Since the King of Escape could not be contacted, everyone decided that they would play first. The owner of the hut, Xuanyi, and the hired workers had to prepare dinner together, while the others went to their room to change the sheets.

"What a wide backyard..." The garden stood on the balcony of the middle room on the second floor, looking at the whole garden covered with snow, flat without any footprints, and couldn't help exclaiming, "It's so beautiful!"

"We are really here."

"I think so too." Qiye stood between Xiaolan and Yuanzi, stretched out her arms around the waists of the two girls, and looked at the snow in front of her.

Although this is not a big snow-capped mountain, there is such a wide snowy area. There are no footprints on this snowy area. It is clean and pure white color.

"Hehe, Nanya, this time I didn't meet the big beauty you expected. Isn't it disappointed?" Yuanko looked at the man next to him mischievously. Although Naoko Kuroda and Kikue Tanaka look good, they are not The level that makes Qiye attractive.

"Isn't it enough for you two big beauties?" Qiye said with a smile, and then kissed Xiaolan and Yuanzi's tender faces.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan smiled on their faces, and took the initiative to kiss him on the face.

Conan, who had just walked to the door, saw this scene. He was jealous. He walked in, forced a child’s innocent tone, looked at Xiao Lan, and said, "Sister Xiao Lan, I want to be with you tonight. sleep."

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