Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 665

"No." Xiaolan didn't need to speak. Conan's request was definitely rejected by Qiye. He would promise Conan to come with him purely to stimulate him. If he promised Xiaolan to sleep with him, wouldn't it stimulate Qiye herself?Even if Conan is just a useless person now!

Qiye lowered her head to look at Conan, and said, "Xiao Lan is my girlfriend. I won't let her sleep with other men. Even children are not allowed. So, Conan, you tonight Let's sleep alone."


As soon as Conan was about to get angry, he found his body was flying up. It turned out that the garden had picked him up.

Although Yuanzi is a wealthy eldest lady, she likes to play tennis very much. Although it is not very good, she has good physical fitness. It doesn't take much effort to mention a child.

"Yeah, yeah..." Yuanzi took Conan directly and threw him out the door, saying: "Qiye is right, you can go to bed alone today, and you still have a cold, don't infect us Oh, Conan shoes, hehehe..."

Yuanzi slammed the door shut, then immediately locked it, and then jumped to Qiye's side, as if waiting for his praise.

"It's beautiful." Qiye smiled and gave her compliments, then she lowered her head and kissed Yuanzi's lips.

Yuanzi's eyes were full of smiles, and he immediately hugged Qiye, and kissed him passionately.

Yuanzi is the boldest and most active of all the girls that Qiye knows. She will take the initiative when kissing. If it weren't for her slightly jerky technique, I'm afraid she would really think that she is a very experienced mature woman.

Qiye and Yuanzi walked to the bed while kissing. Xiaolan seemed to know what would happen next, closed the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony, and then turned on the heating in the room.

"Yuanzi, there is still some time before dinner, okay?" Qiye lay on the bed, propped up her upper body, and looked at the girl under her.

Yuanzi looked at Qiye with a little excitement, and couldn't wait to say: "Okay, Qiye!"

"Hehe, you little girl, are you so anxious?" Qiye scraped the garden's nose funny.

"I'm lust! But..." Yuanzi said with a trace of shame on her always carefree face, "I'm only looking for you!"

"Yuanzi..." Qiye looked at this girl slightly moved, "I really love you!"

"Hehe..." Yuanzi laughed again. This time is different from the previous naughty, it is a real joy, "Come on, Qiye, take me!"

Qiye took off the clothes on the garden, and then released her weapon. After doing enough foreplay, the weapon was against the delicate holy ground of the garden.


Chapter 648-The Murder Case of Magic Lovers!(under)

There is no way to suffer the first time. Women instinctively cherish the first time, coupled with the huge pain in the most delicate and fragile part of the woman's body. The dual feelings of physical and psychological make a woman never forget the person who took her for the first time. Of course, If it’s a fan, and you don’t know who did it afterwards, let’s say it...cough...

A super nympho like Yuanzi, who naturally fantasizes about what it is like at this moment countless times, even for this reason, Yuanzi doesn’t know how many times he has asked Xiaolan how it feels like when he did it with Qiye, how big is Qiye? , Or explicit questions such as what posture you prefer.

If the garden’s practices were set in ancient times, she would not look like the eldest lady of a rich family, but rather like an old bustard in a brothel...

Although Xiaolan was blushing when asked by the garden every time, she also knew her friend's approach, so she always resisted the shame in her heart and explained to her.

In today's picture, I am afraid that the garden has been conceived thousands of times in his head, but it is far better than trying it in person. The hugeness of Qiye almost suffocates the garden.

Qiye lowered his head and kissed Yuanzi's small mouth, and grabbed the beautiful breast of Yuanzi with his big hand. Yuanzi quickly entered the state, which was surprisingly fast, even surprised Qiye.

Qiye hadn't done much soothing yet, the pain in the garden seemed to disappear by herself, and the ivory skin all over her body turned pink.

Qiye felt that the garden's body was constantly getting hot, and there were bursts of spring water gushing from below. The painful cry just now turned into a faint moan.

Isn't this girl born to be charming?Qiye couldn’t help thinking like this in her heart. It was that Yuanzi’s reaction was too fast. It was faster than taking the medicine. Yuanzi this girl was actually a white tiger. The woman who used to say that the white tiger killed Rickoff, and her sexual desires were very strong. I'm afraid I have to do Takejiro once.

Yuanzi’s reaction naturally made Qiye very fond of it. Anyway, it was her woman, Qiye was not afraid that the little white tiger in Yuanzi could kill him. Besides, even if Yuanzi was a white tiger with strong sexual desire, Qiye was not afraid of being drained by her. , If all his women are little white tigers like the garden, that would be another matter, but a woman who is born with a charming body is one in a thousand.

Now that Yuanzi has adapted, Qiye naturally does not need to restrain his swelling weapons, sprinting into Yuanzi’s slightly thin body, Yuanzi can play tennis, and his physical fitness is good, but this good physical fitness basically lies with Xiaolan. It will show up when we press the road together.

Yuanzi's first time was obviously more beautiful than she had imagined, because she didn't know that she was a glamorous woman. Although it hurts, she quickly entered the state.

Yuanzi hugged Qiye's strong body, entangled with him frantically, and Xiaolan was secretly surprised when she looked at him in such a devoted manner. It is hard to imagine that Yuanzi was still in a place two minutes ago.

After that, Xiaolan was naturally pulled over by Qiye. The three of them spent a long time in bed, until Huangyi told them to go to dinner, and Qiye only mingled with gold to retreat and fired from the garden.

"Yuanzi, you really surprised me." Qiye looked at the blushing girl under her body, grinned and said, this girl is really a stunner.

"Do you like it?" Yuanzi gazed at Qiye with a silky eye, and now he hasn't slowed down yet.

"Of course I like it." Qiye said without hesitation, and then kissed the garden again.

The garden rested for a few minutes, and after gradually slowing down, looking at the man who was pressing on him, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and said: "Qiye, help me dress."

"No problem, my eldest lady." Qiye said with a smile. Of course he wouldn't mind dressing his own woman, he wouldn't be the one who would suffer anyway.

Yuanzi leaned on Qiye's body, her body matched her clothes, and she seemed to be twisting her body, as if she was deliberately stimulating Qiye.

"Hey, Yuanzi, I can't bear you anymore."

Yuanzi turned his head, looked at Qiye with a smile, and said, "I can't help but come." She rubbed Qiye's crotch with her little fragrant buttocks, like a female satyr.

"You girl!" Qiye lowered her head and kissed Yuanzi's lips forcefully, rudely plundering the fragrance from her mouth. Treating this nymphomaniac girl, let it be gentle or anything, the rough movements can make her fascinated even more.

After a very rough but not a long kiss, the little mouth of the garden became red and swollen, and he looked at the man obsessively in his eyes, his hands and feet locked in Qiye's body like reinforced concrete. A nympho.

Fortunately, Yuanzi knew that he had to go to dinner. After Qiye's service, the three of them went downstairs after putting on their underwear.

When I just walked out of the room, my dear Conan Shoes just came out of the next room. When I saw Qiye, my eyes suddenly seemed to burn.

But it doesn't matter, Conan doesn't know Amaterasu, and the fire doesn't really burn up, and even if it is Amaterasu, Qiye has N+1 ways to put it out.

Qiye glanced at Conan contemptuously, then turned around and walked downstairs with Xiaolan and Yuanzi around her. When her back was facing Conan, her hands were naturally weak, she gradually moved from the waist of the two girls to the hips, gently rubbing Pinch.

Of course, the girl’s sensitive body was aware of Qiye’s actions. Xiaolan gave him a blushing face, but she still shyly leaned on Qiye’s body, her face flushed but she was shy and sweet. It pierced Conan's heart like a Longinus gun.

However, Yuanzi was much more generous than Xiaolan. Qiye stroked her hips. This girl was not shy at all. Instead, she kept twisting her fragrant buttocks and let Qiye's big hands touch them at will.

Speaking of it, Xiaolan should be a senior, Yuanzi is just a rookie, but why is the reaction the other way around?

Qiye hugged the two girls and reached the table. Qiye sat in the middle, with the garden on the left, Xiaolan on the right, and Conan on the right.

The dinner was very good. It was a Western-style dinner, a sizzling steak, accompanied by a little vegetable salad, two slices of lemon, mushroom soup, French bread, a very delicate dinner.

"By the way, let's talk about who your favorite Japanese magician is." Naoko Kuroda suddenly proposed when he finished eating.

"Hey, your favorite Japanese magician?" Aranyi stopped his knife and fork, and said, "My favorite should be the Kuroba Thief. His stage performance can be said to be superb."

"By the way, yes, I am too." The big fat man Doi Tuckshu immediately agreed.

Qiye rolled her eyes secretly at this big fat man, Kuroba is fighting, even if you admire your dad, you don't have to be so obvious.

"Ask me, I think it should be Koshiro Koshiro, who is young and has all the titles in one at the age of 20." Tanaka said with a smile.

"If you want to talk about me, the person I admire most is Ninety-nine Yuan Yasu." This is the dark-skinned Hamano Riya.

"How did you do it, people who are no longer admired?" Naoko Kuroda said helplessly while holding a red wine glass.

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