Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 666

Black Feather Thief One is the father of Black Feather Fighting, and the first Kaito Kidd.The level of Kuroba Thief I is far above Kuroba’s fast fight, I am afraid it can be compared with Lupin III’s bastard, but he was hunted down by a mysterious organization eight years ago, and his life and death is still unknown, but most people think he is already died.

The Black Feather Thief I was different from the pure thief of Lupin III. On the surface, he also had the disguise of the world's top magician.

"What I like is the popular Sanada Izumo. How about the three of you, Police Officer Liudao, who is your favorite magician?"

"I don't really like a magician." Qiye said lightly after eating a steak.

The fascinating thing about a magician is that you can’t see through his magic. It is attractive because of the mystery, but any magician’s hand is no longer than Qiye’s eyes, even the world’s number one thief bone Lupin III. Qiye didn't believe that Black Feather Thief I could be stronger than Lupin III.

Without the sense of mystery, the magician would not have any attraction to Qiye.

"If I insist, I just think Lupin III is more pleasing to the eye."


As soon as these words came out, everyone except Yuanzi, Xiaolan and Conan was stunned for a moment. Obviously, Qiye didn't expect Qiye to name such an international thief.

"But he is a thief." A drop of cold sweat dripped on Huang Yize's forehead.

The corner of Qiye's heart twitched, uncle, you still don't know that the black feather thief you admire is the first monster thief Kidd.

After drinking a sip of red wine, Qiye slowly said: "The magician’s charm comes from his ability to deceive you, and the thief also uses deception as a tool for making money. Without the world’s top fraud skills, Lupin III would not be possible. Stealing the mountain of light from the British royal family, right?"

Hehehehe...The mountain of light has long been used by me for living expenses, dear Lupin, thank you so much.

"It's not wrong to say that."

After dinner, the chat room chief escape king hadn’t come yet, Hamano Toshi also asked Sonoko as an assistant, and used magic to determine the acting director Kuroda Naoko Tanaka who would cook bath water for everyone, but he wanted to do it for everyone. Doi Takaki who was preparing for the entertainment show didn't know why he became Hamano Toshiya's own, but Hamano had no choice but to go back to his room to prepare for the show.

Huang Yi went to the wine cellar to get a bottle of good wine, while the gloomy Xuxuan went to prepare a few small dishes and snacks. The few who were really fine just sat in the living room and watched TV.

Yuanzi sat on Qiye's body, Qiye sat on the sofa, and Xiaolan leaned against Qiye and sent the peeled grapes into Qiye's mouth.

Qiye watched TV, holding Yuanzi's delicate body, really enjoying, but his mobile phone rang.

Qiye escaped from a very old mobile phone. Basically it can only make calls and send text messages. It doesn't even have a color screen. Basically, it can only go to the old-fashioned mobile phone bought from the antique market, but most people even want to buy this kind of mobile phone. Can't buy it, because this is just a satellite phone.

Qiye looked at the number displayed on the small black and white screen, frowned, let go of the garden, walked out of the villa, and answered the phone.

"Hey, Mugure, what's the matter?" That number is the satellite phone number of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Qiyao, did you participate in a party called the Magic Lover League today?"

"Yeah." Qiye said lazily, looking at the suspension bridge in front of him that had been swallowed by the raging fire, "Megumi, don't you tell me what murder happened? We still have an escape king and a shadow mage who haven't arrived here. , But is it related to them?"

"Unfortunately, Nanya, it is indeed related to them." Mumu said in a low tone, "Today, a corpse was found in Cupido Town. The deceased was called Nishiyama Mu. After investigation, he was found to be the chat room manager of the Magic Lover League , That’s what you called the King of Escape, and he left a paragraph on his computer screen, “I’ve solved one, go to the Shadow Master.”"

"Really, my vacation." Qiye frowned and said very uncomfortably.

"Qiyae, can you get down the mountain as soon as possible?!"

"I think it's impossible, because the only suspension bridge down the mountain from the villa has been burned down. If you want to go down the mountain, you can send me a helicopter."

"It's troublesome now!" Mumu Shisan, who was far away in the Metropolitan Police Department, frowned, but of course he meant something different from Qiye. "It's too dark now. I'm afraid there will be The danger of falling off the cliff, and it’s so dark, the helicopter can't fly up! Qiye, I can only rely on you over there."

"I'll do my best, don't forget to pay me the processing fee." Qiye hung up the phone. This satellite phone burns like F1, so it's a quick one.

Qiye turned around and looked at the villa isolated in the mountains, feeling helplessly, and said:

"Oh, hard work~~"

Chapter six hundred and forty-ninth-the murder of magic lovers!(Unfinished)

When Qiye returned to the villa, everything to eat and drink was ready, and Qiye was also directly pulled by the garden to sit down. It didn't take long before Qiye Tanaka who went to boil hot water returned.

"You are all ready."

"Yeah, come, quickly find a chair and sit down." Naoko Kuroda, who is the acting director, said immediately.

Kikue Tanaka found a chair and sat down, and said, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, where are the others?"

The garden put a finger up and said with a smile: "Hamano is going to be in charge of the entertainment show, and he is thinking about what show to perform in the room, and Mr. Ara has gone to the wine cellar."

Just at this time, the ridiculous person who went to the wine cellar to get the wine also happened to come back, carrying a good bottle of wine in his hand, and said: "I'm so cold!"

Kikue Tanaka looked at this place and said, "Neither the King of Escape nor the Shadow Mage have come."

Naoko Kuroda showed a helpless expression on his face, and said, "The two of them are getting along too well. Will they quarrel wherever they meet?"

Think about the relationship between the King of Escape and the Shadow Mage. If they were all here, I'm afraid this party will be distracted.

"Is the relationship between King Escape and Shadow Mage bad?" Qiye ate the salad and looked at the garden around him.

"That is to say, they had a serious dispute about a magician." Yuanzi also had some distressed expressions on his face, obviously not having a good impression of them.

"Well..." Huang Yi said while driving the red wine: "Let's not talk about these unpleasant things tonight. I don't dare to say the shadow mage, but the Chief Escape King will definitely be there soon."

"If the Escape King will come, unless he can take out Hades's palm." Qiye used a fork to fork a piece of cheese baked shrimp and stuffed it into her mouth. The taste is not bad, "The Escape King has been killed. It's in his own apartment."

"What?!!" Qiye's words shocked everyone.

"What the hell is going on, Qiye?" Xiaolan looked at Qiye in surprise.

Qiye was still calm, and put another piece of shrimp into his mouth, then looked at Huang Yize, and said, "The King of Escape is called Xishanwu."

"Ah, yes."

"That's right." Qiye took out her satellite phone and shook it, and said: "Just now the Metropolitan Police Department called me a satellite phone, and I found the body of Nishiyama Gou in the apartment in Muidocho. And a paragraph was left on his computer screen,'I've solved one, enter the Shadow Mage'."

"what did you say?!"

Kikue Tanaka squeezed his chin and said, "In that case, Hamano also participated in the discussion when the two of them had a dispute."

"In any case, we have to tell him about this!" Aranyi said immediately, and then everyone ran up to the second floor, Hamano Toshiya's room.

Qiye looked at the table full of delicacies, and shook his head helplessly. This is nothing to eat... I'll take another piece of shrimp meat.

Everyone ran to the third floor. Hamano's door was not locked. Qiye opened the door and entered, but Hamano was not in the room, and the window on the balcony was also opened. The cold wind blew in.

Could it be that... Conan gritted his teeth, immediately ran to the balcony and looked down, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief without seeing Hamano.

Qiye put her hands in her pockets and walked to the balcony, staring straight out, she immediately saw a figure lying on the snow not far away, her mouth twitched, and she complained that it was really troublesome. She pushed her hand on the railing and turned over. Jumped down from the third floor, and then strode towards the corpse in the snow.

Others don't have Qiye's skill to easily jump from the third floor, so they can only honestly walk down the stairs.

Qiye walked to Hamano’s corpse, knelt down and stretched out her hand to touch Hamano’s neck. The whole person was cold and the corpse was completely frozen. Although it was in the snow, it was at night, but it was so cold. It will take a while.

"Don't come here!" Qiye looked at Hamano's body and shouted at the people who were about to run over behind him.

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