Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 668

"Have you heard of a name called Chunjing Fengchuan?"

"Chunjing Fu Chuan? Is that the old magician who claims to be the Japanese escape king?" Xiaolan looked at Aran Yoshinori strangely, and said: "But didn't he accidentally die during the performance last month?"

"Yes, when we were all discussing the accident, the Shadow Mage suddenly said something very strange. He said that the reason that great magician would die was all caused by you!"

"What does this mean?" Xiaolan has never joined the Magic Lovers League, so she is not too clear about the things inside.

"When we were chatting half a year ago, we discussed the escape magic that was popular in the past very vigorously. Later, we said that we should find someone to perform. Then the accident happened. So the shadow mage said it was because we discussed that. Because of the topic."

"To be on the safe side, I confirmed with the chat room manager Nishiyama that in the chat six months ago, there was no person who resembled Chunjing Fengchuan at all. Besides, the information entered by everyone is not necessarily the person himself, and he may also have asked something. People have read this chat log, so after I discussed it with Xishan, I planned this gathering. All the members who have been in the chat room for more than half a year are called over. It is more convenient to confirm the information in person."

"Then that Shadow Mage has joined for more than half a year?"

"That's not true." Kuroda frowned and said, "The Shadow Mage joined the chat room recently, and we don't know how he knew about it six months ago."

"I also wanted to find him to confirm directly, and I came with him just to resolve the misunderstanding."

"It's really troublesome." Qiye said with his head drooping, and dropped a quick cookie in his mouth. Then he gave Yuanzi a gun of his own and said: "Yuanzi, this gun is for your self-defense."


"I didn't expect you to actually shoot, just let you shoot me when you meet that shadow mage, I will save you when I hear the gunshots." Qiye said, rolling the dead fish eyes. I didn't expect Yuanzi to actually shoot. If it were a normal pistol, Yuanzi could not even hold the recoil.

Qiye gave a shotgun eggplant of his own to the garden. Some chakras from Qiye have been injected into it, enough to fire ten bullets, and the bullets flying out of the eggplant can automatically track the enemy, and there is no problem of aiming. , Is also for the garden's self-defense, let this girl hold a gun without thinking about it.

"Cut! If I meet that Shadow Mage, I'll shoot him down!" Yuanzi said triumphantly with the gun, and made an aiming gesture. Obviously, this girl is starting to lose her mind again.

Kikue Tanaka suddenly said that it was a little bit cold and she needed to wear a piece of clothing. For safety's sake, Qiye, Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others also went up together, and the moment the door opened.

An arrow shot through the window suddenly and flew straight in!

Chapter six hundred and fiftieth-the murder of magic lovers!(Finish)

A short arrow pierced the window and flew in directly, and Qiye's instant reaction was to draw the gun, and then, bang!

A bullet directly interrupted the short arrow that flew in. The two intercepted arrows lost their strength and fell directly from the air and fell to the ground.

What speed is this?!

Conan and Kuroba Kaido looked at Qiye in shock, this speed is really...

Although there are more than moving targets in shooting competitions, they are all frisbees. In comparison, the target is much larger and the speed is slower. In addition, the moving targets in shooting competitions will have red, orange and so on. s color.

But this one in Qiye...

An arrow, as an arrow, has to minimize the probability of being spotted, and it’s just such a long, thin arrow. Although the light is on in the room, it’s not easy to see it, let alone. It's about to aim.

And the speed of the arrow is not slow. After shooting through the window, there is less than half a tick time to complete the complicated things of drawing, aiming, and firing a gun, and it is still an arrow flying at high speed. No matter how long it takes, it is impossible.

"Who is there?! Come out!" Tanaka Yakue stepped out of the balcony and shouted outside.



At this moment, there was a sudden sound of broken glass from downstairs, and then Naoko Kuroda's voice.

Everyone was taken aback, rushed downstairs and rushed into the toilet. They saw Naoko Kuroda kneeling on the ground, and an arrow shot through the transom of the toilet and directly onto the mirror in the toilet.

"Does it mean that someone is going to attack us from the outside?!"

"What a joke! It really made me angry!!" Tanaka Kikue said angrily, and ran out of the villa desperately.

"Wait! Miss Tanaka!"

"I don't know who you are! Don't hide in fear, come out quickly!" Tanaka ran to the forest outside the villa and shouted while looking at a dark forest.

"Have you seen it, the woods are full of footprints!" Naoko Kuroda said, looking at the snow covered with footprints.

"So there are people hiding in the woods."

Qiye pinched her chin and looked at the footprints on the ground. Although these footprints are from three different pairs of shoes, they are basically the same in depth. Calculated according to the size of these footprints and the footprints on the snow caused by a person's weight , The weight of the people who left these footprints should be between 50 and 55 kilograms, this weight...


It seems that Yakue Tanaka accidentally slipped on the ground because of a slippery snowy road, and said: "Why did we run into this kind of thing?! Why?!"

Then a few people found a crossbow in the woods. Because they were afraid that there would be danger in the woods, everyone went back to the villa first.

Qiye said to get something and went upstairs, but instead of going back to her room, she came to a room next door, turned the door and walked in.

"You idiot still like to be coquettish!" Qiye sneered and looked at Kuroba Kuaito, who was standing on the balcony in white clothes.

Putting on the costume of Kaito Kidd, this guy stood on the balcony so bluntly and the door was not locked. Do you really think no one can catch him?

"Cut, you've discovered it a long time ago," Kuroba said in a very uncomfortable expression.

"Just the idiot breath of your low-level thief, who can't recognize it?!" Qiye said with contempt.

"Inferior thief?!" Kuroba's mouth twitched quickly, but compared to Lupin III, he was really an inferior thief.

Qiye leaned against the wall, holding her arms, and said, "What's wrong, how did Kidd, the inexhaustible monster thief, come to this small place today? Is it to steal my mountain of light? But it's really true. It's a pity, that diamond has become my lunch money."

Hearing Qiye’s words, Kuroba Kuaito has the urge to jump from here. He actually dared to sell the Bright Mountain for money, although in fact many people want to do this, after all, it is a world-renowned super Diamonds, but selling the Mountain of Light for money is an absolutely unbearable shame to the British royal family. If they are discovered, they will really cause a lot of trouble. This is a trouble that normal people cannot afford.

Kuroba shook his head, cleared the mess of thoughts out of his brain, and said, "I can't be as bold as you and Lupin III."

"Oh, is it?" Qiye smiled jokingly, "Kuroba Kuaito, listening to your tone, have you given up Qingzi?"

If this is the case, Qiye would be a little disappointed, because he hasn't played enough yet, and it would be really not fun if Kuroba Kaidoo exits early.

Kuroba froze for a while, turned around, took off his monocle, looked at Qiye, and said: "Six Dao Qiye, to Qingzi, where is I worse than you?"

In fact, Kuroba has been thinking about this issue for a long time, but he doesn't understand how, after all, an IQ of 400 is useless in emotional matters.

"Are you just going to ask this question?" Qiye looked at Kuroba Kuato with boredom, and said, "I will apologize to Qingzi, but you won't."

"that's it?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Qiye buttoned her ears and said, "That time you and Qingzi had a big quarrel. If you were willing to apologize to Qingzi, she wouldn't be so angry that she would run to my house alone. There will be no more things to do. I admit that I am a good face, but for Qingzi's sake, I am willing to give up my face. How about you, Kuroba?"

Kuroba Kuaidou was stunned for a long time, and said: "I lost it. Since you are here, there is nothing wrong with me. Goodbye." Kuroba Kuaidou unfolded his white hang gliding wings and flew away. .

Qiye stepped onto the balcony and curled his lips helplessly. Kuroba Kuaito's early withdrawal was beyond Qiye's expectations. It must be said that human feelings are indeed unresolvable, and Qiye cannot be fully grasped. Kuroba Kuaidou just It has become a big variable, and Kuroba Kuaito's strikeout has reduced Qiye's fun a lot.

"Forget it, I will focus on Conan and Heiji's body in the future." Qiye grabbed his hair and thought, since Kuroba Kuaito has quit, he won't be full and do nothing. Go and ask Kuroba to come back and compete with him for a young son, unless he is mentally disabled.

After Kuroba Kuaito left, the difference afterwards was not much different from that in the original book, except that Qiye and Conan worked together to solve the case, and because of the truth of the magic, the knot of Yuanzi's heart was completely solved. , A smile appeared on his face again.(For this case, let’s read the original work. The reasoning process is too long and I don’t want to write it.)

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