Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 669

Qiye put handcuffs on the murderer Kikue Tanaka, and then locked her up temporarily, and then went back to the room with Xiaolan and Yuanzi, and Conan naturally blasted out.

"Qiye, hug me."

On the bed, Yuanzi stretched out her hands and extended an invitation to Qiye. This is a situation that every girl has. After the first time, the physical and psychological emptiness made her need Qiye's hug.

"No problem." Qiye lay on the bed, holding Yuanzi's somewhat thin body. Although Yuanzi's girl is very wild, at this moment, she is extremely clever, lying motionless on Qiye's chest, showing silly and very stupidity. Lovely smile.

"Qiyae, can you do it again?" Yuanzi rubbed Qiye's chest with her cheek, her legs already separated.

"Yuanzi, aren't you in pain anymore?" Qiye looked at the garden which looked like a bitter woman amusedly. It didn't take long for this girl to break her body, right?

"Hehe, but they want it." Yuanzi rolled over and rode on Qiye, his face flushed slightly.

"You girl." Qiye looked at the garden helplessly, then turned over and pressed her under her, "Don't blame me if you can't get out of bed and walk tomorrow."

"Hee hee, it's okay, I just want Qiye to get me out of bed, and then you can let you hug me."

"I'll take it..." Qiye vomited a swear word silently, then stiffened into the garden's already slippery body.

"Oh... hard... so comfortable..."

Chapter six hundred and fifty-first-the foggy dog ​​flying in the sky!(1)

"Yuanzi, I can't drive like you."

It was another sunny day. Qiye drove the car and looked at the girl sitting in the passenger seat helplessly.

Since that day, the garden’s nympho of Qiye has risen again, and it has skyrocketed to the point where there is no one before and after. This super idiot girl hangs on Qiye almost as soon as she sees it, and she can’t pull it away. Qiye also took the garden without a trace.

Just like now, Qiye is now driving, but Yuanzi has been holding Qiye's arm, so that he can only control the direction with one hand, and can't even change gears.

"Yuanzi, you can't drive for seven nights like this." The old sister Yuanzi sitting in the back seat, Miss Ayako Suzuki looked helplessly at the younger sister sitting in front, and whispered softly. There seemed to be a slight hint of jealousy in her tone. ?

"It's okay, Qiye is omnipotent, even with one hand you can drive." Yuanzi said with a smile, there was no intention to let go of Qiye, like a clingy kitten, using her cheek Rubbing Qiye's arm.

Ayako held her forehead helplessly, and she had nothing to say to this nymphomaniac sister. Since the last time her little sister and Nanya went to a party together, Ayako has keenly discovered that the garden seems to be more attached to Qiye.

Although this nympho sister had always been attached to Qiye, but now it seems that there have been some changes. Yuanzi seems to have intentionally or unconsciously made many actions similar to...seduce to Qiye.

It's true that people are curiosity. Women are more curiosity than men. It doesn't matter whether it is a fashionable girl like Yuanzi, or a gentle and introverted, intelligent woman with the temperament of Nakoko. the same.

Ayako was very curious about her sister's sudden changes. She secretly observed the behavior of the garden at home, and finally determined the cause. Now that she thinks about it, Ayako will blush at her behavior at the time.

Being one step ahead of her sister, Ayako, as her older sister, felt a little anxious in her subconscious mind. When she came out with Yuanzi this time, she seemed to be expecting something to happen.

And sitting next to Ayako, a girl with unreasonably big breasts, arms around her chest, squeezing her breasts into a more attractive shape, the girl with big breasts looks at the pair of "adulter and adulteress" in front , Said sourly: "Huh! It's still like this while driving! Sooner or later I will fall off the cliff!"

This is absolutely unflattering, but Yuanzi didn't mean to be angry at all. He still hugged Qiye's arm tightly, and said with a smile: "If you can be with Qiye, it doesn't matter if you die, and Qiye If you die together... so happy~~"

What the hell!

Hearing Sonoko's extreme nympho said, Ayako and Saya Takashiro, the big breasted girl, including Nanya, had the urge to be killed directly. This girl was not saved, so let's go directly to the crematorium.

"But to come back..." Qiye looked at the garden next to him, as well as the helpless Ayako and the sour Saya sitting in the back seat, and said: "The worth of the three of you really puts me under pressure. ."

The two eldest ladies of the Suzuki chaebol and the eldest from the Gaocheng family, if these three girls were tied up, it would not be difficult to get a hundred million dollars each, but it would only take life.

"Hehe, I'm all yours anyway, my sister will be your woman sooner or later, and sooner or later the Suzuki chaebol will be yours." Yuanzi said with a smile on Qiye's arm.

She doesn't care about her status as the eldest lady, and in the Suzuki family's generation, she and her sister are two people. Now Qiye is the boyfriend of both of them at the same time. It will be sooner or later to get the huge fortune of the Suzuki family.

Qiye released the steering wheel, pinched Yuanzi’s nose with her hand, and quickly grabbed the steering wheel again, and said, "You girl, let alone I seem to pursue yours because of your family's money, OK?"

Qiye is guilty of greed, naturally very greedy, greedy for money, greedy for power, but will not approach the rich lady because of money, otherwise it will make him look like a cowboy. If he just wants to collect money, there are ways, such as To buy a lottery ticket, buy 10,000 bets per number, and then use super powers to influence the lottery result. The entire pot can be emptied instantly by him and it is not illegal.

"Hehe, Qiye is the best, how could he be that kind of person."

"Huh! Shameless!" Saya, who was sitting at the back, couldn't understand the way Qiye and Yuanzi hook up, and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Yuanzi's adversity is only aimed at Qiye. For other people, Yuanzi is not so good-tempered. He turned around and glared at Saya Gaocheng and said, "How about it, big breasts, that's how I am. Come on if you have the ability~~" After speaking, she spit out her pink tongue, deliberately making faces at Saya.

Gaocheng Saya was flushed by Yuanzi's unceremonious big breasts, and stared at Yuanzi with shame and anger, and said, "What did you say?!"

"Okay, don't quarrel with you two." Qiye saw that Yuanzi and Saya were pinching up, and immediately said, the two girls are obviously out of magnetic fields.

As soon as Yuanzi heard Qiye's words, he immediately became extremely well-behaved. His little head rubbed against Qiye's arms again, and Gaocheng Saya's heart was even more jealous, but after all, he listened to Qiye's words and snorted without saying anything.

Today, Qiye and they are here to enjoy the cherry blossoms. Winter has passed, and it is now mid-March. It is the flowering season of Japan’s national flower, cherry blossoms. In Japan, a country where cherry blossoms are commonly planted, there is an ocean of cherry blossoms everywhere, except for the most flowering season Except for the late Japanese evening cherry blossoms, the other cherry blossoms are basically in full bloom.

In Qiye, they did not choose to see the cherry blossoms in the city. Firstly, there are too many people who enjoy the cherry blossoms at this time. Secondly, it is also because the cherry blossoms are too common and they want to see something different.

However, Qiye didn't have any vacation today. He just absented from work directly. By the way, he also abducted Yuanzi, Saya and Ayako. These two high school students and a college student were absent from class together. Anyway, it was just such a thing, so I am not afraid to remember it.

Qiye drove the car and stopped on a gentle slope on the mountain.

"The cherry blossoms in the mountains are so beautiful..." Ayako stood by the fence on the side of the road, looking at the sea of ​​cherry blossoms in the mountains, "Qiye, there are also on that mountain!"

"It seems that I was right to take you to absenteeism this time." Qiye walked to Ayako, put her arms around her waist, and smiled slightly.

The cherry blossoms on the mountains here are not artificially planted, but wild cherry blossoms that grow naturally. Although they are not as good as those planted in the city, they have more vitality. The mountains and plains are full of cherry blossoms. The spring breeze blows up the cherry blossoms. The petals are flying all over the sky, which is completely incomparable to the cherry blossoms in the reinforced concrete jungle.

Ayako was hugged by Qiye, her face was slightly shy, but she smiled sweetly, and leaned her head on Qiye's shoulder, like a sweet couple in life.

However, this tranquility was soon broken, Qiye felt a heavy weight on her shoulders, and the girl's fragrance quickly penetrated into Qiye's nose, and Qiye instantly recognized the owner of the fragrance.

"Yuanzi, you want to strangle me, so you will be a widow." Qiye turned her head, kissed the little mouth of the garden, and smiled badly.

"I can't bear to kill you." Yuanzi said cutely, wrinkling her nose, and then immediately put on a small fox smile, and said: "If I kill you, my sister must kill you righteously. I will help you get revenge. It."

"Yuanzi! What nonsense are you talking about?!" Ayako glared at her sister in embarrassment, and said with an awkward tone.

"No nonsense!" Yuanzi pursed her mouth, and then smiled: "Sister, you often look at Qiye's photos in a daze, even when you are in class, don't want to lie to me."

"No." Ayako is far less emotionally bold than her sister, and a shy blush appeared on her face.

"So Ayako doesn't want me?" Qiye said in a low voice, obviously the bastard started to pretend again.

"No! I...uuuuu..."

As soon as Ayako spoke her words, Qiye kissed her little mouth. She has to say that bullying a pure and kind girl is really full of guilt, but also full of excitement.

Ayako was weak at first, so she didn't know how to refuse. She was captured by Qiye's kiss within a few seconds. She leaned softly on Qiye's body, and Gaocheng Saya looked at Qiye and their affection, and his heart was even more boundless. Be jealous forever.

Qiye let go of Yuanzi and Ayako, and walked to the side of Gaocheng Saya, dragged the awkward Gaocheng Saya, and walked under a cherry blossom tree, and said: "Yuanzi, help Saya and me take some pictures."

"OK, leave it to me." Yuanzi confidently assured, and took out the camera from the car.

Qiye hugged Saya Gaocheng from behind, leaned her head on Saya's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Now, Saya, I'm going to take a picture, smile."

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