Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 673

Qiye smiled, took out a knife, cut off a piece of fat grilled fish, and sent it to Ayako's bowl.

The four of them finished their lunch very harmoniously and warmly. They sat under a cherry blossom tree and sat in the middle of Qiye. Saya was on the left, Ayako was on the right, and Yuanzi was lying on Qiye’s lap, and gradually fell asleep...

It’s a good day...

Chapter 655-The foggy dog ​​flying in the sky!(5)

Four people are sitting under the tree, and the cherry blossoms are flying. Such a peaceful and serene scene will eventually be broken.

There are three beautiful girls by her side. If Qiye can control him, it is Liu Xiahui. Obviously he is not. If Qiye is the kind of man who can stand it, my book shouldn't be in Feilu.

Qiye’s two hands moved at the same time, moving on the waists of Saya and Ayako. Saya’s coat was wetted by Nanaya before, so he simply took it off and put it on the fire to dry. It is grilled and stewed, and it is hot, so Ayako's coat has also been taken off, and the two women now have a light shirt on their upper body.

The material is cotton, which is very delicate to touch, but it is not as delicate as the girl's skin.

The girl’s skin is so sensitive. Although the waist is not as high as the restricted areas of the chest and the lower yin, the sensitivity is also quite high. The two originally sleeping girls woke up when Qiye’s hand moved, and the heat quickly climbed into theirs. Jiao Yan.

Ayako and Saya opened their eyes quickly, and looked at Qiye at the same time. After seeing the evil smile on the corner of his mouth, they closed their eyes with shame.

The eldest ladies who were born in two big families with completely different personalities have surprisingly consistent thoughts at this time.

Because Nanya's head was blocked in the middle, Ayako and Saya didn't notice that the other party was also awake. The thoughts in their hearts were that they could not let the other party discover their embarrassment, so they chose to be silent.

Qiye closed her eyes and carefully felt the delicate skin of the two women with her fingers. Without exerting any force, her hands naturally slid on the waists of the two women. The seeming sliding movement made the two women's bodies tremble and smooth. There was a layer of goose bumps.

Soon, this layer of goose bumps disappeared, and the tight bodies of the two women gradually softened. If they lifted their clothes at this time, they would find that their originally white skin was stained with a faint crimson. color.

Among the three girls, only Yuanzi wore dresses under their coats, while Ayako and Saya had separate upper body clothes and lower body skirts. Nanaya's hands passed through the gaps in the clothes and directly attached to the smooth backs of the two women. .

The two women suddenly became more tense, and their breathing became rapid and heavy. Their small pink mouths have now become bright red. The vermilion lips lightly open, and they continue to exhale a sweet smell, seemingly light. Scratching Qiye's heart lightly.

Ayako and Saya were too ashamed to speak, and the two women's inaction gave Qiye a further opportunity. They kept climbing up with their big hands, and soon touched BRA's buttons.

Qiye was more proficient in untying this thing than taking off her own clothes. With a lightly buttoned finger, BRA that wrapped the breasts of the two women was immediately released.

The two women trembled, and there was more blush on their faces. Although they were still too ashamed to open their eyes, they couldn't help but hug their chests with their hands to prevent BRA from slipping down from their clothes.

Qiye moved his hands, his fingers felt the softness of the girl’s chest from the outside, but he was holding two people now, even if his hands were long, he couldn’t fully stretch his body. The fingers could only touch the periphery of the chest. But even so, it was enough for the two girls to trembled.

Just when Qiye happily felt the softness of the two women's breasts, someone under the crotch had already woke up.

When Qiye took advantage of the two girls, Xiao Qiye naturally raised his head and saluted, and naturally felt it in the garden where Qiye was sleeping under his crotch.

Yuanzi secretly raised her head and saw the reaction of her sister and Saya beside Qiye. The little fox smiled like a fox, unzipped Qiye’s pants, and released her favorite baby. Went in.

Qiye opened her eyes and looked at the little head that was up and down under her hips amusedly, but she was still enjoying the garden's services leisurely, and she also took advantage of Ayako and Saya.

After a while, Yuanzi’s body reacted. The panties got wet. It was not that Yuanzi did not do it outside with Qiye. It was nothing to be shy. On the contrary, he felt very exciting. He spread his legs and rode to Qiye. He held Qiye's weapon in one hand and sat down directly.

"Oh!" The weapon suddenly reached the deepest point, and the feeling of fullness made Yuanzi utter a very satisfying moan. This sound also surprised Ayako and Saye.

Ayako and Saya opened their eyes and looked at the contented garden riding on Qiye. Their hearts trembled greatly. After all, they only heard it yesterday, but today they actually see it. Vision is for humans. It is better than hearing.

"Ah!!!" Gao Cheng Saya saw Qiye's weapons up and down in the garden, yelled in embarrassment, and immediately pushed Qiye away, jumped up, and ran towards the woods with his face covered. Up.

With this speed, Japan may be able to win the Olympic women's 100-meter championship.

"Ayako, you can't run away." Saye Gaocheng ran away without a trace, and Qiye immediately grabbed another girl who wanted to escape. The two of them were shy, so it's better to come one by one. Ayako ran away, and Qiye was a failure.

"Qiya...Don't be like this...I'm so shy..." Ayako said weakly. With a gentle nature, she couldn't refuse the man she liked, but the situation in front of her made her too shy. After all, she was next to her relatives. Sister.

"That's not okay, Ayako, I must eat you today." Qiye stroked Ayako's greasy cheeks and said, "If you are a sister, you can't lose to your younger sister."

Ayako's heart trembled slightly, and Qiye's words really meant that she was in her heart. There are so many backward sisters who are older sisters. Even if Ayako is gentle, she will inevitably have a hint of thought in her heart.

Qiye took advantage of Ayako's daze, peeled off the clothes on Ayako's body, tore off the BRA that was already half-hung on Ayako's body, and threw it aside, looking at the pink dots, lowered her head and bit one.

"Ah!" Ayako couldn't help but yelled, her soft body arched forward, and her chest was more prominent, almost completely touching Qiye's face, her breathing almost stagnated, it was too exciting.

Qiye bit Ayako's chest while stroking her big hand between Ayako's legs. The wetness on her hand told Qiyao that Ayako was completely wet, and the garden was a naturally charming woman, and Ayako was probably sullen.

The garden went to the garden soon, and at this time Ayako's preparations were almost done. Qiye's things stood up twice in the garden's body and said: "Yuanzi, you come down first, let Ayako come."

"Okay." Yuanzi said obediently. Although she is not completely satisfied now, she knows better that her sister is about to usher in a very important moment.

Qiye helped Ayako ride on her body, holding her weapon in one hand, and withstood Ayako's wet place.

"Nanaiya...I'm afraid..." Ayako said weakly, her beautiful eyes full of shyness.

"It's okay, Ayako, I will make you comfortable."

"That's right, elder sister." Yuanzi put her hands on Ayako's shoulders, and said, "Although it hurts a little at the beginning, it will soon heal, and it will be very comfortable. Do H's work."

"Yuanzi..." Ayako turned to look at Yuanzi, not knowing what to say. At this moment, Yuanzi had pressed her down on her shoulders a little bit.

The garden is really becoming more and more pimp...

Ayako grabbed Nanya's arm nervously, and the tearing pain invaded her body, but obviously there was no intention to stop. Ayako didn't know how far Nanya would go into her body.

The weak Ayako gritted her teeth and did not scream, but tears were still squeezed from the corner of her eyes. Qiye praised her for her tightness, and did not forget to touch her, kiss her, and speak sweet words.

Yuanzi also knew the pain her sister was enduring, and posted it, kissing Ayako's earlobe, and reaching out to pinch her sister's chest.

After a while, Ayako's face looked like winter and spring. The paleness caused by the pain was covered by the peach-like pink. Ayako's tight expression became soft and moving, and her body temperature gradually increased, making her unspeakably itchy. Ayako couldn't help but wriggle.

Ayako first accepted Enze, unable to resist the waves of pleasure at all, and soon defeated, lying on Qiye's body panting, peach blush, very beautiful.

The garden has long been unable to bear it, and when Ayako can't bear it, the garden immediately takes over, and the sisters are blooming, and the spring is brighter than the cherry blossoms.

Chapter six hundred and fifty-sixth-the foggy dog ​​flying in the sky!(6)

After more than an hour, Yuanzi and Ayako were so tired that they were lying on the grass. On the green grass, they suddenly became green and even more green. It was because they were exposed to the liquid from the two girls. In the emerald green, there was a dazzling red, which was the first proof for Ayako.

After a few minutes, Yuanzi recovered first. After all, she had long experience, and it was not the first time like Ayako, so she recovered faster.

Qiye got dressed, kissed Yuanzi and Ayako on the sweaty faces, then stroked Yuanzi's little face, and said, "I'm going to find Saya, you take care of your sister first."

"No problem, I will take care of my sister." Yuanzi said confidently, not knowing who usually takes care of whom.

Qiye looked at Yuanzi with no other emotions on his face, and said, "What's wrong, Yuanzi, I said I went to Saya, why didn't you react at all?"

"Should I have any reaction?" Yuanzi tilted his head and looked at Qiye strangely.

Qiye squeezed the garden's nose and said amusedly: "Don't you and Saya's girl usually quarrel all day long, aren't you jealous now?"

Yuanzi smiled, not caring that she was naked now, and said: "I just see her proud look is not pleasing to the eye, she is not a bad person, and she likes you, how could I really and She quarreled."

"Hahahaha... It seems that Yuanzi has become a lot sensible after becoming a woman." Qiye laughed and said, building the harem. The most troublesome thing is that the harem is on fire. Yuanzi and Saya will not really fight. Qiye knows, but But he didn't expect Yuanzi to have such an idea, but it made him feel very good.

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