Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 674

"Of course!" Yuanzi said proudly, stiffening his chest.

Qiye stretched out her hand and squeezed the tender milk in the garden, and said, "Don't stand it up, it's much smaller than Saya's."

Yuanzi was immediately discouraged, spit out her tongue and grimaced towards Qiye, and said, "Who knows what she usually eats, she grows up so big that she is not tired to walk."

"Yuanzi, are you jealous?"

"Yeah, how about it." Yuanzi pouted, "I'm just jealous!"

Yuanzi's cute expression made Qiye very fond of it. He lowered her head and kissed Yuanzi's small mouth, rubbed her cute short hair, and said, "What a lovely girl."

"Okay, you go find Shayejiang soon."

Qiye smiled and ran to find Saya Gaocheng, but the garden naturally stayed and took care of Ayako as Qiye said.

Yuanzi took out the tissues she carried with her from her clothes, and wiped the marks left by her sister and herself after the love, especially in the middle of Ayako’s legs, which was stained with a lot of red and white stains, and Ayako’s first time Cheng Huan, the "belly weight" is much smaller than Yuanzi's sister, and the bottom is swollen like a bun.

Although the garden is mischievous, but it is absolutely clear. For her, Qiye, Xiaolan, and sister Ayako are the most important, and they are naturally cautious now.

Ayako was wiped with the marks on her body by the garden. Although she felt ashamed, she felt a little relieved when she saw her serious expression. She couldn't help but said, "Yuanzi, it feels like you have grown up all of a sudden."

"Hehe, because I am not a kid anymore, but a woman." Yuanzi said with a smile, and then the smile on his face suddenly became naughty again, "Being a woman before my sister~~ "

"Yuanzi!" Ayako blushed immediately, her face was lightly angry, and she was thinking too much, and Yuanzi was still as naughty as before.

"Hehe..." Yuanzi, the gossip girl, is definitely the master who is not forgiving. When he sees her sister's shyness, she immediately chases after her and said: "Sister, was it very comfortable just now? You look so obsessed."

"Yuanzi!" Ayako is really ashamed. She can't stand the fact that she has always been so tender. Ayako understands one thing very well now, that is, she may not be able to show it in front of the garden. Sister's shelf is gone.

Yuanzi made Ayako's jokes while helping her get dressed. After all, Ayako's body is not good. It's still a bit cold now. It's easy to catch a cold just sitting on the ground like this.

After getting dressed, they both sat on the grass again, Ayako was too tired to move, and Yuanzi simply accompanied Ayako.

Yuanzi held Ayako's arm, and their relationship was the same as that of Xiaolan and Concubine Yingri. Above the original family relationship, now there is this kind of transcendence, and the relationship between the sisters has also soared.

"Sister, we will always be the best sisters, right?"

"Well, Yuanzi."


Qiye followed the aura left by Gaocheng Saya and quickly found it. Simply Saya did not run too far. Qiye quickly found Gaocheng Saya under a tree.

Saya was squatting under a tree, her hands wrapped around her legs, her face buried between her legs, obviously crying, to be precise, she was over crying.

Of course Saya Gaocheng was very wronged, very wronged. Because of seeing things that made her extremely ashamed, Saya with a thin face ran away directly, but with her physical strength, she couldn't run far in this strange wood. Tired, sat down under a tree.

Generally, girls get angry and run away, and more than 90% of them will wait for their boyfriend to find herself. Same goes for Saya, although she has always arrogantly denied her friendship with Qiyechao.

But after waiting for a long time, Saya Gaocheng couldn't wait for seven nights, and her heart was sour and astringent. Grievance and jealousy emerged together, making this lady who had always been just pretending to be strong to cry.

Saya Gaocheng asked herself that there was no place inferior to the garden, and the facts are also true. Compared to her family, her Gaocheng family is stronger than the Suzuki chaebol. She is more beautiful than the garden, and Saya after taking off her glasses is better than the garden, more than her figure. No need to compare, Saya has always been very confident about his figure, let alone a garden, even the poison island Kongzi, who is known as the number one beauty of Emperor Dan, is not comparable to Saya on this point.

Saya's smart brain just doesn't understand why she is better than Yuanzi at any point, but Qiye chooses Yuanzi instead of her.

Gao Cheng Saya also proved once again that IQ and EQ are two different things.

Qiye hugged Saya Gaocheng, Saya Nephrite Wenxiang's body, Qiye didn't have any evil thoughts this time, he did not think about the matter this time, but he didn't expect Saya Gaocheng to care so much, and even cried.

It is absolutely unreasonable for a girl to get angry. Saye Gaocheng used all his attack methods on Qiye, and the girl vented all her dissatisfaction.

When Saya gradually calmed down, and to be precise, she was exhausted, Qiye picked up Gaocheng Saya's pretty face.

"Sorry, Saya... I love you."

Chapter six hundred and fifty-seventh-the foggy dog ​​flying in the sky!(7)

Qiye’s sudden affectionate confession made Gaocheng Saye stunned. After the reaction came, the first feeling was anger, but it was not against Qiye, but the irritation towards himself, the irritation of himself, because Qiye was so happy with a word Soul.

Saya Gaocheng’s clever mind could not analyze that she would be so happy because of Qiye’s words. The grievances and sourness in her heart just disappeared without a trace. Maybe she waited here alone for more than an hour. This is what he is waiting for.

Qiye lowered her head and kissed Gaocheng Saya's cheek, sticking out her tongue, licking away the dried tears on her face, and swallowing all the bitter taste into her mouth.

Saya Gaocheng couldn't resist his intimate behavior, and his body became weak due to the excessive exercise today, and his face suddenly turned red.

"Saya, I love you, can you give it to me?" Qiye said in a deep voice, holding Gaocheng Saya's delicate face. He has already got Ayako, and Saya wants to take it today.

"Do you think about this kind of thing?!" Saya's amber eyes were full of shyness, and Qiye's words really made her shy and panicked.

Qiye's thumb touched Saya's tender face lightly, her scarlet eyes pointed at the beautiful and rare amber eyes, and said: "Saya, can you give it to me?"

Although Saya was so embarrassed that he wanted to escape, his body became weaker and he wanted to say no, but it seemed as if something was stuck in his throat, and his big eyes closed weakly.

With a smile on the corner of Qiye's mouth, her big hand directly grabbed the most impulsive part of Gaocheng Saya. Her chest was really attractive.

Saya Gaocheng's body trembled, and as soon as he was about to scream, his lips were sealed by Qiye's big mouth, and all his emotions were suppressed in his chest.

Nanaya held Saya Takashiro's breasts with big hands. Although Saya's breasts were not as good as those of Shizuka and Fujiko, it also made Nanaya's big hands difficult to grasp with one hand. The big and soft breasts full of girlish vitality are not at all. Will sag, it is a superb stunner.

Because of the confession before Qiye, Saya had already succumbed psychologically. Physically, the little struggling of the girl’s restraint could not withstand Qiye’s strength. His body quickly adapted to Qiye’s invasion, and she twisted slightly, as if for It fits more closely to the temperature and power of the big hand.

Qiye took off Saya's shirt, and the BRA that had been re-worn by Saya also took off and threw it aside, directly grabbing the full chest.

Qiye lowered her head, held a lovely grape with her mouth, and continued to hold the snow-white soft snow hill with her big hand.

Saya Takashiro's body trembled lightly, and his legs showed signs of weakness and began to tremble, but because Qiye's two hands grasped the key, his body couldn't fall down either.

"Saya, turn around, hold the trunk with your hands, and face me with your butt up." Qiye said badly looking at the blushing Saya.

"I don't want to make that kind of posture, badass!" Gao Cheng Saya said proudly. At this time, I can still be arrogant, and I really don't have this ability.

"Really? I'll let you do it." Qiye smiled slightly, he has a way to deal with this arrogant little girl.

Reached out and touched Saya’s already wet holy place, and gently stroked it, Gaocheng Saya was completely powerless to resist, letting Qiye play around, turned around unconsciously, carried it with his hands on his back, and grabbed the trunk of the cherry tree. The hips also turned up towards Qiye.

"By the way, Saya, that's it. Separate the legs a little bit." Qiye stroked and guided Saya on what to do.

Being played in such a shameful posture by Qiye, Gaocheng Saya also seemed to give up, just wanting to end the shame that made her want to die soon, and her legs were slightly separated.

Saya Gaocheng is not tall, so the legs are not long, but the legs are straight and the legs are very beautiful.

Saya's legs were parted to the two sides, and the girl's holy land was also parted a bit, exposed in front of Qiye.

Qiye watched Saya's wet Yumen with his own eyes, and the lust in his heart swelled extremely, holding on to his already fiery weapon, squeezing onto the holy land that no one could set foot on.

Qiye’s weapon pried open the two closed Yumen. With the lubrication of the liquid, Qiye smoothly slipped into Saya’s body. Soon, it pierced the last layer of chastity that guarded the girl. film.


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