Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 675

The tearing pain made Gaocheng Saya's eyebrows frown, and a trace of red blood slipped from Gaocheng Saya's body and fell to the grass. It also heralded the girl's life of Gaocheng Saya's forever farewell.

The severe pain caused Saya Gojo's body to tremble constantly, and his chest, which appeared bigger because of the fall of gravity, also shook. It was really choppy.

Qiye bent down, the weapon stayed in Saya's body, her hands grasped the tumbling waves, and the scorching breath poured into Saya's body through both hands.

"Does it still hurt?"

"You wait a moment." Gao Cheng Saya said with a trembling tone, her brows furrowed, but soon, her brows stretched out, and Qiye saw Saya's reaction from the side and began to tentatively move.

Qiye turned into a war god again, and attacked Saya's body frantically. How could the delicate young lady resist the stormy attacks of the demon king, her body was like a small boat, and she was in danger of capsize at any time in a storm.

After bursts of pleasure, Gao Cheng Saya couldn't help but loosen the trunk, straightened his waist back, and put his beautiful back on Qiye's broad chest. This posture made Qiye more convenient for Qiye to grasp the pair of snow peaks of Saya.

After being so crazy for a while, Qiye turned the body of Gaocheng Saya and let her face her, then reached out and hugged Saya’s two beautiful legs, and lifted her up. The sudden weightlessness made Saya involuntarily hug Qiye. But her arm strength obviously couldn't fully support her weight, and her body fell downward due to the attraction of Lord Earth, and Qiye's weapon reached the deepest part of Saya.

"Oh... to... to die..."

Chu Cheng Yulu is such a ferocious man, with such a lingering posture, Gao Cheng Saya almost rolled his eyes.

Qiye held Saya and started to attack the city again.Because of this posture, every seven nights can easily reach the deepest part of Saya, and every time it makes Saya confused.

The shoes on the feet have been kicked off with the shaking of the body, revealing the white cotton socks, which are wrapped in two cute little feet.

The headband of the bundled hair also fell, and the long red hair fell loose, and kept flying with the shaking of the body.

An hour later, Qiyehu roared and shot his own essence into the depths of Saya's body. Saya also went there for the third time, screamed, and lay on Qiye's body, losing strength.

"Saya, do you like it?" Qiye smiled and stroked Saya's sweaty back, and asked softly.

Saya didn't answer him, as if to keep silent on purpose.

Qiye knew that she was shy, and now she was a married woman. Of course, she couldn't adapt to this change of status. She might feel inexplicably emptiness and loss for this sudden loss.

Qiye hugged Saya's delicate body tightly, and had no idea of ​​putting clothes on her for the time being. He just wanted to tell her that he would always be by his side.

After a while, Saya gradually recovered from the happiness he had just now, and his breathing became stable.

Qiye stretched out her hand and squeezed Saya's round and lovely earlobes, and said, "Saya, it's time to change her name to Liudao Saya from today."

"Who wants your last name!" The red-haired girl in her arms groaned, and the earlobes that someone was staring at turned red.

Saya seemed to vent the shame in her heart, opened her small mouth, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. Among them, there were two cute little tiger teeth, which she bit down after opening her mouth.

Helplessly, there is no fat in Qiye’s body at all. The muscles are very developed and firm. Even without exertion, the density and firmness of the body are very high. Saya Gaocheng did not bite anything at all in one bite. Teeth.

"Dare to bite me, haha, Saya, it seems that I was too gentle with you just now, and I will keep you in bed for three days."

Qiye turned over, pressed the "disobedient girl" who dared to bite him under her body, and smiled badly.

"You! Pervert! Ghost!" Gao Cheng Saya cursed with a blushing face. Seeing that there was a tendency to score a few times with her, he immediately panicked and said: "Don't come! I still... still hurts. Now!"

"Really?" Qiye stopped her pretended offensive action, looked at those beautiful amber eyes, and said: "Then, what is your name?"

The clever Gaocheng Saye understood the meaning of Qiye. At this time, she a little hated the wisdom she had always been proud of.Saya turned his head away, staggered Qiye Xieyi's gaze, and said, "Of course I am Gaocheng Saya, what else can I call..."

"Really? It seems that you are still not behaved." Qiye smiled helplessly, his tone was like a father who was teaching his daughter, but even if he really became a father, he could only be a ghost father. Not a loving father.

Seeing Qiye's weapon resting on his red and swollen bun, Gao Cheng Saya was ashamed and scared, and said, "Don't come! I still hurt underneath!"

"So..." Qiye really stopped moving, looked down at the panicked girl, and said, "What is your name?"

Gao Cheng Saya stared at him shyly, for a long while, before lowering his head slightly, and said, "Six Dao Saya."

This is what Qiye wants, and Saya also knows that after changing the surname to Liudao, it is not just the relationship between boy and girl friends, but the husband and wife, Liudao Saya. This title makes Saya feel shy and sweet in his heart.

After Qiye got these words, she was very satisfied, helped Saya put on clothes, and took her back.

Saya was naturally held by Qiye. Although she was ashamed of her desire to come down and walk on her own, Saya finally gave up the unrealistic idea of ​​going by herself.

After returning to Ayako and Yuanzi, Qiye sat on the grass, hugging the two women who had just lost their first time and bid farewell to the girls, and said touching words of love, while Yuanzi gagged on the side, and the atmosphere was very cheerful.

In the evening, the sky began to become overcast, and the humidity in the air began to increase. Qiye, who was full of water and bloodless, was very sensitive to changes in moisture. Knowing that it would rain soon, he took the three daughters down the mountain and returned Went to the mud temple.

Although it's a good idea to sleep in the wild, Saya and Ayako have just lost their lives. It is a stage of adaptation. If they catch a cold at this time, it will be a big trouble. Although Qiye can solve it, they don't want to suffer that kind of suffering.

When Qiye returned to Shanni Temple, they unexpectedly saw two people in the temple. After seeing Qiye, their moods changed drastically. One opened the gate of heaven and the other got on the hell through train. , A good mood was directly magnified by the microscope numerous times, and a good mood was directly slapped to pia.

These two people, one is a beautiful girl like an angel, and the other is a strange boy with a surprisingly big head.

"Seven nights!"

Chapter 658-The foggy dog ​​flying in the sky!(8)

"Qiye!" Xiaolan yelled Qiye's name with joy, and directly abandoned a certain little ghost head brought by her.

"Lan." Qiye took Xiaolan's hand very naturally, and said, "Why are you here?" In fact, what he wanted to ask was how the kid, Conan, was here, but looking at Xiaolan, the sentence was still Did not say it directly.

"I think Conan doesn't seem to be in a good mood these days, so I took him out to relax, but I didn't expect to see you here, Qiye." Xiaolan said happily, although for Angel Xiaolan at any time She can maintain a pure heart, but there is one more thing. For her, as long as she can see Qiye, even the worst can turn into a good thing. Of course, Xiaolan’s thoughts are completely reversed from Conan-kun. of.

Conan was in a very good mood today, Xiao Lan asked him to come out to play, and more importantly, there is no Qiye!This is the main thing, because once Qiye appears, Xiaolan’s eyes will be completely focused on Qiye and ignored him, and basically completely ignored, so this time Xiaolan asked Conan to come out alone, Conan was extremely happy. .

But people are not as good as the sky, and I didn't expect to "encounter" with Qiye after arriving here.

This can only be said to be Conan's bad luck, because Qiye didn't know that Xiaolan would come here with Conan. When Qiye met Qiye, that would be Xiaolan's luck and Conan's misfortune.

Who said Conan was born a disaster star, and Xiaolan was born a lucky angel?

"Lan," Qiye put her arms around Xiaolan's fragrant shoulders, leaning close to her ear, and said: "You always care about Conan so much. I'm jealous."

The damp and heat coming from the ear made the tender face of the small face slightly red, and after listening to Qiye's words, he inevitably gave him a big eye, and said, "Conan is just a child, why are you eating vinegar?"

"No way, who told me that I like you too much." Qiye smiled slightly, scraping Xiaolan's delicate cheeks with her fingers.

Xiaolan blushed with a pretty face and pursed her mouth, but Qiye's words made her very happy.

"I think, let Xiaolan be pregnant with a child quickly, so she won't always care about other people's children, are you right, Qiye?" Yuanzi hung on Qiye's body with a smile, watching Said badly to his best friend.

"Yuanzi!!" Xiaolan stomped her feet in shame. She was just a little angry, but now she is ashamed.

"I think this idea is pretty good." Qiye said half-jokingly and half-seriously while pinching her chin, imagining that Xiaolan had a big belly and a face of maternal tenderness. That must be beautiful, absolutely.

"Qiye! Why don't you even say that..." Xiaolan was ashamed and angry at first, and then her voice became quieter, and she unconsciously imagined it in her mind.

Listening to Qiye’s words, Conan was getting more and more "outrageous". He looked at Xiaolan's shyness but not for his pretty face. His heart was burning with jealousy, and his face still pretended to be a disgusting child. Sister, let's not disturb Brother Qiye and them."

It's disgusting!

Except for the two gentle girls, Xiaolan and Ayako, the remaining three thought at the same time, knowing Conan's true identity, and listening to his tone, it was really disgusting.

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