Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 676

"What's the interruption?" Yuanzi hung on Qiye, looking down at this big detective who had never been pleasing to her eyes, and said: "Xiaolan and I have known good friends for more than ten years. You little devil is the one who disturbs us the most, right, Qiye."

"I think so, Lan, let me have a baby soon." Qiye smiled slightly, and then returned to the room with her arms around the two girls who were still inconvenient to move.

Xiaolan blushed and hesitated, but in the end she lowered her body slightly and said apologetically to Conan: "Sorry, Conan, you can only sleep alone tonight."

"Xiao Lan..."

"Lan, hurry up, I won't wait for you."

"Oh, here comes Qiye." Hearing Qiye's urging, Xiaolan immediately turned and ran, leaving Conan directly behind.

Conan stretched out his hand, trying to pull the girl back, but he could only watch Xiao Lan run further and further.


In the evening, Qiye tossed all the four girls in the room, but considering that Ayako and Saya are both new women, the following is not quite comfortable, so Qiye only asked them both once, and Saya was still because of her face at first. Nen, can't adapt to this chaotic scene of polygamy, but after being put to bed by Qiye, there is no way.

And the main energy of Qiyeye was vented on Yuanzi and Xiaolan. Because of Yuanzi’s joke, Xiaolan also seemed to have the idea of ​​becoming a mother, and the action was a little wilder than usual. Finally, he actively asked Qiye to shoot. Inside her body.

After tossing the four girls, Qiye walked out of the room refreshedly and went to the bathroom while whistling. After returning from the bathroom, he saw a child standing at the door of his room, Conan Children's Shoes. .

Conan called the door for a long time at the door and didn't get any response. Even if he wanted to open the door, he couldn't help it. Of course, it was Qiye's hands and feet.

Qiye arranged a sound-proof barrier in the room. The sound waves cannot be transmitted. The outside sound cannot be heard inside, and the sound in the room cannot be heard outside. On the door, Qiye also put a simple seal. There is no way to open the door with brute force, just like a door lock.

No way, the four girls are all tired in the room now, and they are all naked. If anyone breaks in, Qiye is not dead.

Qiye grinned and ran back to the toilet quietly, and when she came back, she wore a strange mask on her face.

This mask was originally an ornament in the toilet. It has a big red face, a thick white beard and eyebrows, and a long nose like Pinocchio after lying, but it doesn’t look like a horse. Nozhao is so cute, and the mask has a very hideous expression, and this mask is the legendary monster in this temple-Tengu!

Qiye walked silently behind Conan, squatted down, suppressed even her breathing, made no sound, stretched out her hand and patted Conan on the shoulder.

Conan turned around and took a look.


Conan was frightened by Qiye. This is not Conan being timid. On the contrary, Conan is very courageous. Otherwise, how can he have the courage to peek at the transactions of the black organization and do so many "great" things later?

Just now, all Conan’s attention was focused on Xiao Lan in the room. Only Xiao Lan existed in his heart. When a person’s attention was fully concentrated, any sudden noise would shock him. Yes, not to mention the tengu's mask is indeed very deterrent.

Ta Ta Ta Ta...

There was a running noise from the wooden floor of the temple. Monk Kuannian heard Conan's cry and ran over immediately, saying, "What's wrong, what happened?"

Qiye immediately hid the mask behind her, and directly pushed the matter onto Conan's body, and said, "It's nothing, it's just that this kid, Conan, is afraid of the dark. I was scared just now." Then he stretched out his hand to push Conan and said, "Come on, Conan. Jiang, brother will send you back to your room~~"

Qiye pushed Conan back into his room, then dropped the tengu mask on the ground, and said, "What's the matter, Conan, can you explain to me, what were you doing at the door of my room just now?"

Conan clenched his fist, looked at Qiye angrily, and said, "What the hell did you do to Xiaolan?!"

Qiye spread her hands and said, "I remember you asked this question many times. What else? Of course, it's a human-making exercise. Xiaolan's physical strength is very good. Thanks to her karate practice, her body It's very good, it can bring me a lot of fun."

"You are really capable of doing this with four girls at the same time!" Conan gritted his teeth and said, I have to say that Conan's teeth are so good. I clenched so hard that my teeth didn't even break.

"Don't worry about this, let alone four, I can hold forty." Qiye smiled triumphantly. For a man, this is absolutely proud capital. After all, this is money that cannot be exchanged. Yes, his physical strength comes from the evil thoughts of all intelligent creatures. As long as these complex intelligent beings, the earth is of course human beings. As long as their evil thoughts have not disappeared, Qiye’s physical strength is infinite, even if he keeps doing it with a woman for several consecutive times. He won't be tired for thousands of years. After all, if he is just Huanai, his physical strength is not as fast as he can recover.

"But, I don't think Conan you can appreciate the beauty of love between men and women." Qiye pinched her chin, looked at Conan with a wicked smile, and said: "Just your little toothpick, there is no way to harden it."

In addition to anger and jealousy, Conan has a bit more embarrassment and humiliation. For any man, the loss of this ability is definitely a huge blow. Even if there is more money, it is boring and there is no way to be hard. Get up, if you have money, you are just an eunuch.

Conan has become smaller because he was forced to inject poison, and his second brother has also become smaller. For a man, that is a shameful thing.

So Conan hates his own child's body more and more. What if he tells Xiaolan that he is Shinichi Kudo?

Ideally, even if Xiaolan could change her mind after knowing his identity, what about after that?Why does he take care of Xiaolan? His body is just a pupil who is still in the first grade of elementary school. What is his ability to take care of a girl in the second grade of high school?

If he is with Xiaolan, what about real problems, money?Is it possible that Xiaolan quit school to work and support him?Isn't that a little boy? Conan's poor self-esteem would never allow this to happen.

In other words, before Xiao Ai develops the perfect antidote, Conan can only keep the way he is. It is impossible to tell the truth to Xiao Lan, and he can only watch Xiao Lan drift further and further in the Styx. .

"Konan-chan, tell you another secret, your mother, there is Xizi's body, it is very wonderful."

The six hundred and fifty-ninth chapter-the foggy dog ​​flying in the sky!(9)

"What?!" Conan was once again shocked by Qiye, but obviously his ability to resist pressure is not enough. Qiye still has a lot of news that can shock him.

"Isn't what I said is not clear enough?" Qiye looked at Conan amusedly, and said: "Forget it, for you idiot, I will make it clearer, alas, I am too kind."

Qiye fluffed her hair, and said narcissistically: "I said, Yu Xizi is my woman, and I lay in bed with her to do a human-making exercise two days ago the night before, understand?"

"You scumbag!!"

"That's right, that's right." Qiye said with a smile, this kind of little thing is not enough to make him angry, and continued to pinch his chin, stimulating Conan, and said: "Maybe You can get pregnant as soon as possible. At that time you will have a younger sister. What do you think, Conan? You said, what should be the name of the daughter born to me by Xizi and Xiaolan?"

"Shut up, you!" Conan's endurance was not good enough to be crushed by Qiye again, regardless of the difference in strength, kicked towards Qiye.

"It's boring." Qiye curled her lips boringly, then reached out her hand and grabbed Conan's foot and lifted him upside down. "What a poor boy, his head is broken, but your head never seems to be better. ."

Conan doesn’t wear those sneakers on his feet now, he just kicks a pair of slippers, and challenges a strong adult with the body of a primary school student. Even if it’s not Qiye, he is idiotic enough to kick a normal adult man. .

"Scum! Let go of me!" Conan struggled constantly.

"Okay." Qiye said with a smile, and then immediately let go of her hand. Conan was attracted by the great Lord Earth, and the huge head and the tatami came into close contact.


"It's such a big head. The sound is like falling from a meteorite." Qiye buttoned her ears and said with a wicked smile. Conan's head is really huge, but his head is not big and Cong is not smart, as if he doesn't have half a dime. Conan’s brain surface should be as smooth as a pearl...why...what a pig.

"Damn it!" Conan was tricked by Qiye again, after repeated defeats, he once again chose to attack Qiye.


Qiye kicked Conan out with one kick. Conan rolled like a ball on the ground for a few laps before hitting the wall before stopping.

"It seems that You Xizi didn't teach you to be polite, Conan, anyway, I am now your stepfather, too." Qiye shrugged and said, "I should teach You Xizi a little lesson when I go back, so that she won't come to bed for three days. All right."

"You demon!" Conan endured the pain and stood up, "I will tell Xiao Lan about this! I will never let Xiao Lan be with you again!"

"That's a shame~~" Qiye grinned openly and said: "Xiaolan knew about it a long time ago, and Xiaolan has a very good relationship with You Xizi now."

"It's impossible!" Conan yelled in disbelief. He couldn't imagine how a girl who grew up with him could accept a man with his mother. Conan didn't believe it.

To be honest, Conan's thoughts are within the scope of normal people, and normal people can't believe that a girl, together with the mother of her childhood sweetheart, serves the same man.

"Nothing is impossible." Qiye Evil smiled, stretched out her hand in her arms, took out a photo, threw it out like a shuriken, and inserted it on the tatami in front of Conan.

Conan picked up the photo in surprise, and the content on the photo almost made him run away.

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