Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 677

The protagonist of the photo is Qiye, and the heroine is Xizi and Xiaolan. In the photo, Xizi is facing Qiye, with arms around Qiye’s neck, and legs around Qiye’s waist. The whole person is hanging on Qiye’s. On the body, I was kissing Qiye intoxicatedly.

Xiao Lan stood aside, smiling while watching them kissing.

Qiye didn't remember that this photo was taken when he went out to play, anyway, he had too many similar photos, meaningless, just waiting for not knowing when to take it out to stimulate Conan.

Obviously, Qiye’s stimulus plan was very successful. Conan was holding the photo, his whole body trembling, his eyes turned crimson, and his hands tightly holding the photo, almost torn the photo completely.

"This is not true! This photo is not true!" Conan shouted madly, tearing the photo to pieces, and smashing it into Qiye's face.

Qiye sighed and blew away all the photos. Looking at Conan’s almost crazy face, Qiye felt better, and smiled and said: "Forget it, don’t care about you, uncultivated kid, I’ll go find a little Lan Zuoren has gone, we'd better give birth to a daughter earlier, hahahaha..."

Qiye turned and left. Regardless of the little devil whose mind was about to be distorted, he returned to his room and suddenly got into the middle of the four girls, with his head resting on Xiaolan's abdomen, with his hands on one side, holding Ayako and Saya's chest. , And Yuanzi lay on Qiye, and fell asleep with great enjoyment.

The next morning, not only Qiye was refreshed, but the four girls felt energetic. It was not surprising that Yuanzi and Xiaolan had experienced it, but Ayako and Saye were surprised.

Yesterday they climbed the mountain again, and bid farewell to the teenage career, and tossed again in the evening, and there was no body soreness.

Of course, with Qiye’s ability, even if all the women in the family go together, he can’t be defeated. Usually a few girls serve him together, because one person can’t afford it, but it’s also at night. In the morning, you will basically become energetic, unless it is occasionally punished to keep the girl out of bed for a few days.

From yesterday to today, it is naturally that Saya and Ayako have changed the most. The smiles on the corners of their mouths are bright, and they are different from the past.

The liveliness of the garden, the delicacy of Saya, the purity of Xiaolan and the gentleness of Ayako, Qiye admired these four beautiful pictures with great satisfaction.


The paper door was opened, and the honest monk Xiunian wearing round glasses appeared at the door and said, "Five donors, breakfast will be here soon."

Xiaolan, who was kneeling on the ground and making the bed habitually, raised her head and said, "Yes, we will come soon."

Xiunian at the door opened her mouth, yawned unconsciously, and a teardrop squeezed out of her eyes.

"Master Xiunian, you don't seem to wake up." Ayako looked at the little monk strangely.

"Well, because I read the book last night and saw it late." Xiunian explained, and then said: "Sorry, I missed you."

After Xiaolan and Lingzi made the beds, the five came to the dining room together, where they saw Monk Mu Nian and Conan.

Conan looked at Qiye. Although there was nothing on the face, there was still a strong hatred in his eyes. This was captured by the keen observational power of Saya and the garden of high emotional intelligence, and he smiled disdainfully.

A few people sat down on their knees, and the breakfast was ready. Naturally, the breakfast would not be big fish or meat. It was relatively light. Naturally it was even more so in the temple. A bowl of white porridge and some side dishes for porridge. The breakfast is relatively close.

Qiye knelt and sat down. At this time, the monk Mu Nian beside him yawned like Xiu Nian. Conan saw it and couldn't help asking: "Master Mu Nian, did you sleep well yesterday?"

"It's not because of the shout you called last night. I've been feeling uneasy in my heart. How can I sleep?!" Mu Nian looked at Conan and said uncomfortably, although because she was a child, Mu Nian had already controlled her tone of voice. He can still hear his upset.

"Uh... I'm sorry." Conan could only apologize helplessly, then immediately glared at Qiye angrily, because he was scared by Qiye when he shouted yesterday, but Qiye even said that he called it out because he was afraid of the dark. , But now even if he said that, no one believed him, and he could only help Qiye take the blame.

Mu Nian was not too good to care too much about the children, and said: "My situation is okay, Tun Nian hasn't slept almost all night." He looked at Tun Nian, the fat monk with bloodshot eyes on the other side.

Xiao Lan looked around and found that the old host was not there, so she couldn't help asking, "Well, where are Master Tianyong and Master Kuannian?"

"That's it. Because Senior Brother Kuannian didn't see the master, he went to see the master." The fat Tunnian said with a lack of energy, "I think the master must have been drinking in some room."

After Tun Nian finished speaking, Monk Xiunian just pushed in, and at this moment...

"Ah!!!" Kuannian who was not here yelled out, and immediately rang throughout the mountain mud temple, just like the sound of Qiye last night.

The crowd followed the sound and ran to the practice room soon.

Said to be a training room, it is actually a small room with nothing. The area is not big, about eight square meters, but the volume is very large, because the ceiling is very high, ten meters in full, and it is about nine meters high. There is a transom and a beam at the location.

In the past, monks who broke the precepts had to be locked up in this meditation room and punished, but in order to prevent climbing out of the upper transom, the surrounding walls were all painted and became slippery without holding hands, and could not climb up without tools.

When everyone arrived, Monk Kuannian was sitting on the floor in the practice room, looking at the ceiling in horror.

On the beam that was more than nine meters above the ground, Monk Tianyong had been hanged on it, his face was terrifying.

Chapter six hundred and sixtieth-the foggy dog ​​flying in the sky!(10)

Our industrious police officer Mumu quickly rushed to the Shanni Temple with his men, and the body of the old monk Tianyong was also put down from the beam.

"The deceased was the monk Tianyong, the presiding officer of this temple. It is speculated that the time was from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock last night. It was the monk who found the corpse here. Master you, don't you?"

"Yes." Kuan Nian nodded and said, "Because I didn't see Master early in the morning, so I went to look for him. I didn't expect to find out when I was in the training room..."

"Then I heard Master Kuannian's call, and the one who rushed here right away is Qiye you." Mumu turned his head and looked at Qiye who happened to be at the crime scene again.

"Yeah." Qiye grabbed his hair. When he came out to play this time, he encountered a case. It didn't make Qiye too depressed, because his main goal has been completed. Ayako and Saya have already taken it. This time, it is considered a return. This book also made a lot of money.

"Senior is really irresponsible. It's really wrong to skip out to play while at work!" Asami Nakaoka, a little rookie, looked at Qiye with an annoyed look on her face.

Qiye touched her nose and said, "I think you are jealous because I didn't take you off work with you."

"That's not it!" Nakaoka Mami said delicately, but her cute little face was a little bit shy.

"Ahem!" Mumu coughed twice, reminding the two of them that it is not the time to flirt.

And Conan’s children’s shoes, whose presence has been infinitely approaching zero, jumped out at this time, looking at Kuannian, with a disgusting expression on his face, saying: "Master Kuannian, your feeling is really sharp, God Master Yong is hanging from such a high ceiling, if it were me, there would be no way to find out so quickly."

moron!Qiye secretly said in her heart, looking at Conan with that extremely contemptuous look, but someone who was immersed in the case did not notice at all.

After hearing Conan's words, Mumu looked at Kuannian suspiciously, with a panic and embarrassment on Kuannian's face, and said, "No, I...I because..."

"Brothers will find it is also a natural thing." The black-skinned monk Mu Nian's voice came over, saying: "Because of this house, the same thing happened here two years ago."

"Two years ago?" Mumu frowned, and then said, "Is that the case? I was responsible for that case. I remember that a master named Zhongnian died at the time. The body was found. It’s Master Kuannian and Master Mu-nian, right?"

"Yes," Mu Nian nodded and said, "At that time, Zhongnian was locked in this practice room by the master for the purpose of practicing, but the next day, after a big hole was opened in the wall, Zhongnian disappeared. After that, we searched in the temple for three days and we didn't find it. Until the fourth day, Kuan Nian and I came here to repair the broken wall. When we looked up accidentally, we found that Zhong Nian had been hanged on it! "

Qiye pinched her chin, did she use the same technique as two years ago?Either the same murderer, or the same tactics for revenge.

Asami Nakaoka bent down and looked at the big hole in the corner, and said, "Is the place broken two years ago the same as the one now?"

"Yes, at first we thought it was the big hole that Kuannian made to escape, but the door was not locked at the time, and the carpenter who came to the temple to build the outer wall afterwards told us that if a person wants to open the wall so big For a hole, it takes at least a whole day, so the only thing that can do this is the monster with strange power, the foggy dog!"

"Fog Tengu?" Asami Nakaoka stood up straight, doubts appeared on her pretty face, and said, "What is that?"

Qiyeyi helped her forehead. Although this girl had grown a lot in the Metropolitan Police Department for so long, she was still so confused in some aspects that Qiye wanted to hit the wall.

"Fog Tengu is a kind of monster in the legend. It is said to have strange power and wings to fly in the air." In desperation, Qiye could only explain to Nakaoka Asami, in exchange for the latter's admiration.

"Nonsense, there is no such thing as a foggy dog ​​in this world." Mumu said, rolling his eyes.

In this scientific and civilized world, most people tend to be science rather than ghosts, and Conan’s complete materialism can only be said to have been brainwashed seriously.

If it were in the world of Inuyasha or the grandson of the slick ghost, the Wutiangu would naturally exist.

"Sir!" A policeman's voice came from everyone's heads. Looking up, you could vaguely see a man in a police uniform climbing up a beam close to ten meters from the ground, and said: "This is indeed the same as two years ago. Similarly, there is dust on the beams above this room, and there is no trace of anything touched. Although there is some dust in the middle of the beams, it is also removed by the rope. There is no trace of shaking, can it? Did you say that this case is also a suicide case?"

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