Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 678

"Suicide, how is it possible?" Qiye said directly in denial.

"Qiye, do you have any findings?" This sentence was naturally asked by the honest and honest uncle Mumu Shisan. Now he is a very suitable dragon set to connect the plot.

Qiye pointed her finger at the big hole in the corner of the wall and said, "It was originally a transom, but now it has been opened so big. Where are the fragments of the transom? There are too few fragments."

Indeed, in the corridor outside the ascension room, there are a few peanut-sized fragments scattered, and outside the corridor is the lake under the waterfall.

"Could it be that Monk Tianyong is about to commit suicide, and he dug a big hole here for no reason, and is still in the mood to take a broom and dustpan to clean it up? Even if it is, why does he not clean it anymore?"

Qiye yawned, then picked up the axe that had fallen in the training room, weighed it, and said, "Also, this axe is not light. Although Tianyong is tall, he is still a white beard. The old man, this hole is so big, even if you hold an axe, you have to hit it for a long time. Could it be that Tianyong would have the physical strength to climb this nearly ten meters high with bare hands after opening such a big hole? If so, He can apply for the Guinness World Records."

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" Qiye was talking about this when a woman's voice rang.

Qiye walked over and took a look. Mumu saw the woman who was crying on Tianyong's body and said, "I remember she seemed to be that..."

"She is Master Tianyong's granddaughter, Miss Junai." Kuan Nian explained.

With this sentence, Mumu, Nakaoka Asami, Saya, and Xiaolan didn't think anything. Qiye was slightly surprised. After all, he knew a lot, but he didn't fully understand Japanese culture.

In Japanese Buddhism, there are many sects, and because of the different sects, each has different precepts. For example, there is a sect called Pure Land School. As long as it is not during the practice period, you can decide whether to keep your hair or not. Generally, the outside world understands it. Buddhism mainly emphasizes the protection of all living beings, while Japanese Buddhism emphasizes the spiritual and spiritual aspects of personal cultivation, and does not pay attention to appearance. To put it simply, it means that meat and wine pass through the intestines and the Buddha's heart is left.

This kind of wine and meat monk is real in Japan. In China, this kind of monk is basically the monk Lu Zhishen, Xuzhu, and at most, Zhu Yuanzhang.

After that, a monk in a suit came and almost made Qiye’s mouth cramp. I heard that it was this Mr. Juno, who got married some time ago. Hearing from Monk Mu Nian said that Juno had a good relationship with the Zhongnian who died two years ago. Zhongnian committed suicide because he couldn't stand the blow.

"Now, Saya, what do you think?" Qiye asked aloud looking at the girl with a pensive look.

Now they are by a corridor upstairs, and next to them is the window above the ashram.

"I can't figure it out, just like you said, with the help of Monk Tianyong, it is impossible to dig such a big hole in one night and then climb the beam to hang himself, but..." Lying on the window, looking at the beam, his face was even more puzzled, saying: "Monk Tianyong is very tall, it is not easy to climb the beam with his back, and it is impossible that there are no traces on the beam. Stay, unless the murderer can fly."

Saya Gaocheng didn't have much sense of justice, but because she was eager to compete and was very interested in such complicated puzzles.

"It is." Qiye said lightly. Of course, normal people can't fly. Even if Xiaolan and Asami Nakaoka have chakras, they can attach chakras to their feet and walk on the wall, but on the wall The paint became very smooth, and the weight of Monk Tianyong was not light, and the two of them might not have the ability to hang Monk Tianyong on the beam.

"If you can't think of it, let's go ahead. It's not a problem to stay here."

"Yeah." Gao Cheng Saya nodded, and just after taking a step, he suddenly slipped under his feet and fell forward...Why did he fall forward?Because the front is too heavy.

"Be careful." Qiye's big hand wrapped Saya's waist and smiled lightly.

"I see." The shy girl immediately got out of his arms. Although she had already done the last step, and even her surname was changed under his pressure, her shy and arrogant temperament would not change.

Qiye let go of her hand, and Saya moved her foot, as if she wanted to stabilize her and stop slipping, she heard a bang.

"How did the floor crack?" Gao Cheng Saya looked at the cracked floor under his feet strangely.

"Maybe you are too heavy." Qiye said in a chilly voice. Seeing that Saya Gaocheng seemed to change from spoiled to proud, he immediately said: "This fracture looks very old. It has been broken for at least a year. Right, Saya."

"Humph!" Saye snorted sweetly, then looked at the wooden planks on the ground with a pensive expression.

The floor on this ground is a bit like a railroad track, but it’s the other way around. The railroad track is first laid with horizontal planks on the ground, and then I-shaped steel rails are laid on the planks, but this is just the other way around. First, two are laid on the ground. The long strips of wood and the dense horizontal planks on the wood are also a bit like a chain bridge.

But now the two long pieces of wood are cut off, and the whole board in the middle can be removed.

Qiye turned the wooden board over, and saw two rows of cherry blossom petals tightly attached to the two sides of every gap on the floor.

"Don't you think the petals are pasted too neatly?"

Indeed, the cherry blossom petals are too neat, and they are neatly pasted around the gap, as neat as a reviewing soldier. Under normal circumstances, this is absolutely not the case. Unreasonable is a demon.

Qiye reached out and touched a cherry blossom petal, squeezed it, and said, "It's still very fresh. It shouldn't have fallen for more than twelve hours."

Saye stretched out his index finger to poke the sides of the gap, then twisted it with his thumb and index finger, feeling a little sticky, and said: "It seems that I just taped something, wait a minute!"

There was a flash of light in Saya Gaocheng's smart brain, and a perfect crime scene took shape in her brain.

"Next is the decisive evidence! Qiye, come with me!!"

The happy Gaocheng Saya immediately took Qiye's hand and ran downstairs. Qiye was dragged by Saya with helplessness on his face. It seemed that he was the policeman.

Chapter 661-The foggy dog ​​flying in the sky!(Finish)

Qiye was dragged out of the temple by Gaocheng Saye, ran down the mountain road, and came to a small river, which was almost down the mountain.

This river is the removal of the water flow after the waterfall on the mountain hits it down, but compared to the upstream river water, it looks much calmer here, after all, the slope has also slowed down.

There are also many wild cherry trees along the river, but they are a lot sparse compared to the mountains, but such a peaceful river, dotted with scattered cherry trees is enough.

However, Qiye and Saya are not here to appreciate the scenery. They are here to do business. Of course, it is the business for Saya, and the business for Qiye can put Saya to death.

Saya’s little head, Guazi, had already figured out how the murderer committed the crime and guessed who the murderer was. They came here to look for decisive evidence. That thing should have fallen near here.

Although the way down the mountain was easy, Saya was still panting all the way down, so of course the troublesome thing of finding evidence fell on Qiye.

Qiye searched along the river, and it didn't take long for Conan to find evidence, and came to the river.

It seems that although Sayello is superior in IQ, it doesn't outperform too much.

"Why are you here?" Conan saw Saya and Qiye by the river, his face suddenly sank, and asked in a very bad tone.

Saya Gaocheng with her hands on her waist, looking down at Conan, although she is not tall, she still looks down at such a little devil. This perspective makes the proud lady very happy.

"Why, Shinichi Kudo, why can't we be here anymore? Is this mountain still your private property?" Saya Takashiro smiled disdainfully with his arms folded, "I don't know that your father can make money so much by writing novels. Well, but adding his insurance is probably enough to buy a mountain, right, have you inherited his inheritance?"

Saya Gaocheng has always been unpleasant to see this great detective. After all, Saya Gaocheng is very confident of his own wisdom. In the entire Emperor Dan, Shinichi Kudo is comparable to her in this respect. For Shinichi Kudo's pushy look, Saya Takashi has always been very contemptuous. After all, although she is also arrogant, she has the protection of the Takashi family behind her. What about Kudo Shinichi, what does he have?

"What did you say?!" Conan looked at Saya Gaocheng coldly.

Saya Takashiro is not a girl who will be frightened so easily, she immediately raised her head proudly and said: "Why, what I said is not clear enough, Shinichi Kudo, you are a poor bug, let alone that guy. You can't beat even me."

"Now, Saya, why do you compare with this idiot?" Qiye walked over with a smile, holding a rotten wooden board in her hand, swaying towards Saya, and said, "I found what you wanted."

"Great!" Saya Takashiro said happily, and then gave Conan a provocative look.

When Conan saw the wooden board in Qiye's hand, his face changed suddenly and he gritted his teeth very unwillingly, but it was useless. He still took a step slower. After all, the size and identity of children are too inconvenient.

"Humph!" Gaocheng Saye hummed triumphantly, and said, "Go and watch my reasoning show, detective!"


"Cough cough!" Gao Cheng Saya returned to the training room, coughed twice, cleared his throat, and attracted everyone's attention by the way, and said: "Sergeant Mumu, I have seen the truth of this murder case. And know who the murderer is!"

"What, do you know who the murderer is?" Mumu looked at Saya Gaocheng in surprise, but didn't stop her from saying that, after all, Saya is from Qiye, everyone knows.

Saya Gaocheng showed a triumphant expression on his face, and said: "Yes, I already know who killed the host and made this case look like a suicide!"

"But Mr. Tianyong was strangled by a rope and hung from the high beam in this room to die. If it was designed by someone deliberately, how did he do it? There is no trace of someone touching it."

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