Traveling from the collapse

Traveling from the collapse-Chapter 679

"Of course there will be no traces on the beams, because the murderer rose from under the beams of the ceiling together with the host to the height of the beams, and then put the rope around the neck of the host and hung on the beams!"

"Rising to the beam?" Mumu left a drop of cold sweat on his face, and said: "He is not a foggy dog, how can ordinary people do such a thing?"

"Of course, with the exception of the legendary misty tengu, the monster with strange power and flying ability, normal people can't fly in the air." Gao Cheng Saya seemed to overturn his judgment, but the smile on his face was still so confident, said : "But what if it's in the water?"

"In the water?" Mumu was stunned, something seemed to flash in his mind, but he couldn't catch it.

"Yes, Officer Megome, you should know that there is a huge waterfall next to this temple."

"Yeah, so what?"

"The waterfall passes through the skylight above this room. As long as the water is led from the skylight to the room, and the room is filled with water, the murderer can naturally float under the beam with Tianyong."

"Fill the house with water?" Mumu laughed and said, "That way, the murderer and the host can indeed float under the beam, but the body of the dead will also be wet, but the body is completely dry. Yeah."

"Using a rubber boat can solve this problem, Officer Mumu." Saye Gaocheng looked at Mumu with some helplessness. Can't you think of such a simple thing?No wonder he is only a police department at this age.

"What, rubber boat?"

Saye turned to look at Monk Kuannian and said, "Master Kuannian, I remember you once said that there is a rubber boat in this temple, right?"

"Haha." Gaocheng Saye smiled, and said: "After the murderer killed Mr. Tianyong, he placed his body on a rubber boat, and then covered it with a layer of plastic sheeting to prevent the body from getting wet. It rises below the beam."

"But, Miss Gaocheng, that skylight is still some distance away from the waterfall. How could the water from that waterfall flow into this room so skillfully?"

"Of course it won't be a coincidence. If you have this question, let him answer it for you, Qiye!"

Saya Gaocheng pointed her finger at the skylight above, and Mumu naturally followed her fingers to look up. Suddenly, a huge water column poured in from the skylight, directly drenching Mumu from head to toe.

"Hahahaha... Officer Mumu, so you can bring in the water." Saya Gaocheng laughed as he looked at Mumu like a chicken.

Mumu immediately jumped away from the "attack range" of the water column, looked helplessly at the skylight, and said, "But how is this done?"

The water column stopped, and a head came in from the skylight. It was Qiye, and said: "You can use the floor here. As long as you seal the gaps in the floor with tape, you can use the floor to introduce waterfall water into the training room. Yes. In terms of evidence, there are many cherry blossoms on the opposite side of the floor, beside the gap. This is evidence that tape was applied not long ago."

Mumu took a towel and wiped the water off his body, while raising his head to look at the head on the skylight, he said, "Qiya, why are you there?"

"Haha, Saya asked me to cooperate with her reasoning." Qiye reached out and wiped a hand on the wall in the ascension room, and sprinkled a cherry blossom petal, and said: "These petals are the murderer who puts the water on the wall after putting it away. Yes, the petals have not dried up and turned yellow. They must have been attached to them in a short time."

"Well, that's it."

Saya Gaocheng continued her reasoning, and there was nothing about Qiye for the time being. Qiye stretched out his head from the skylight and looked at Conan, who was leaning on the corridor with a gloomy face, and said: "How about it, loser, give an announcement. Comment on your failure."

If Qiye puts his head into the skylight to speak, his voice will reverberate in the wall of the practice room, and the voice will be clearer than usual, but if you speak outside the skylight, Qiye’s voice will be covered by the waterfall, so don’t worry. Your own voice will be heard.

"Next time I will definitely not lose to you!" Conan said with burning eyes.

"Next time?" Qiye raised the corners of her mouth disdainfully, and said: "How many times can you have? Only say the next time, it can only prove your weakness, Kudo Shinichi! You are a coward!"

"You bullshit!"

"Huh! Am I talking nonsense? Denying your own failure, unwilling to accept that your failure is only a performance of a coward, it's you!" Qiye looked at Conan coldly, and said: "I refused to accept my failure this time. I will only say something next time, I really have to say, you are so sad, Shinichi Kudo!"

Although Qiya has never lost, he is not someone who can't afford to lose. Denying reality is only the performance of the weak. For example, Kudo Shinichi. It is a fact that he lost to Qiya, but he himself refuses to admit it. How can he say Not a coward?

For example, some angry young people make themselves so patriotic. They talk about nonsense for a long time. You have the ability to go to the Diaoyu Islands to help in the war. If you want them to go, one by one, like a dog, what will they do?By the way, they would still smash Japanese cars, but so what?It is said that it is a Japanese car, that is, the brand is Japanese. The steel, lathes, and assembly workers are not all our Chinese. After a long time, it is not the Chinese people's own money, brain-dead goods!

Conan's idiot brain is the same as those idiot angry youths, denying his weakness and screaming waste.

While Conan’s face was pale because of Qiye’s words, Saya Gojo’s reasoning continued, saying: “I estimate that the length of the floor of this room is about 2.7 meters, the height is about 10 meters, and the volume is 72.9 cubic meters. If the room is fully filled with water, the weight of the water is 72.9 tons. In the case of squeezing such a large amount of water, if you use an ax to make a crack in the transom from the outside, it will produce 98,000 pascals in an instant The pressure is enough to propel a heavy truck."

"Ninety-eight thousand pascals..." Mumu looked at the big hole in the corner and said, "It turns out that it is because of this that such a big hole can be opened in one night, and there are almost no fragments left."

"The fragments of the transom that were washed out were found by Qiye downstream."

"Yes, this is it." Qiye appeared at the door of the practice room, holding a plastic bag in his hand.

"So that's the case, this is the piece with the tape attached." He said clearly, then looked at Saya Gaocheng again and said, "But, who did it?"

Saya Gaocheng folded his arms in front of his chest, and said, "It will take less than ten seconds to let out all the water in this room, but it would be a very time-consuming task to fill such a large room. Waterfall water flows in. The water flow is five or six times that of a tap. It would take about seven hours to fill the room completely. The time of death of Tianyong was from 10 to 12 last night, and the time when the body was found this morning At eight o'clock, the time to clean up the scene after draining the water is removed. The murderer should have stayed in this room from 12 o'clock last night to 6 o'clock this morning."

"But what does this have to do with the murderer?"

"Master Xiu Nian." Qiye suddenly said, "I remember you said that you had been reading here before three o'clock last night, right? In this case, I think you should have heard it too, last night at two o'clock. Around the clock, a person screamed because he was frightened. Who is this person, Master Xiunian, please answer me."

"Xiu Nian..."

"Of course I heard it, it's Miss Xiaolan."

"Oh~~" Qiye dragged a long tone and said, "It's a pity, you guessed it wrong. It was Conan's kid who screamed at two o'clock in the morning, and asked me to send him back to the room, which caused Mu Nian. The three masters, Kuannian and Tunnian, didn't sleep well." Qiye unceremoniously splashed dirty water on Conan's body, and then praised herself by the way.

Gao Cheng Saya looked at Xiunian jokingly, and said, "Actually, you can't hear it, right? After all, you have been in this room all the time. The sound of the water is so loud that it is impossible for you to hear it."

"But this kind of reasoning cannot be used as evidence, Miss Gao Cheng." Mumu pointed out the loopholes in it. If this is the case, it is not enough to take the court. Xiu Nian can say that he is too tired because he is too tired. Conclusive evidence.

"For the decisive evidence, Mumu, isn't that in your hand?" Qiye pointed to the bag in Mumu Shisan's hand, and said: "On the piece of tape, I bet a yen. , There must be fingerprints of the murderer on it, how about it, Mumu, do you want to gamble?"

In the end, Mumu certainly wouldn't bet with Nanaya, and then Xiu Nian, who would avenge his brother, took it back to the police station.

Saya Gaocheng, who completed the case with his own reasoning, looked very proud, and his chin was almost up to the sky.

Qiye squeezed Saya's little nose and said, "Really, you girl, you are so happy to have won that guy."

Seven nights naturally ushered in Saya's furious fan fist... What a happy day!

Chapter 662-Office Passion!

The trip to Shanni Temple was successfully concluded. Although the case happened because of the disaster star of Conan, fortunately, the case happened after Qiye pushed the two girls, so his skipper came back.

However, when Nanya returned to the Metropolitan Police Department, she was naturally "greeted" by Mikako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto. The so-called greeting was actually repaired.

Qiye had a meal at Saya's side, and returned to the Metropolitan Police Department and was given a women's mixed doubles by Mikako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto. It felt... it was really good.

I live a peaceful life from 9 to 5 every day, and occasionally work overtime. After such a week has passed, Qiye went to visit his dear mother-in-law again.

Qiye went to the pantry to make two cups of coffee, then pressed the fingerprint code to open the office door and walked in directly.

Fei Yingli is now working in office, with a purple suit, her hair tied behind her head, and a pair of very expensive but not extravagant glasses. She is looking at the file in her hand seriously, with a serious and meticulous expression, serious work Men are the most handsome, and women who work hard are the most beautiful. Fei Yingli is like that.

After Qiye walked in, what she saw was Fei Yingli's beautiful appearance, she could not help but stand motionless with her coffee, and couldn't bear to disturb the serious Fei Yingri.

Fei Yingli knew how many people could go directly into her office without her consent, so she didn't look up at first, and waited for the other person to speak first, but after a while, she found that the other party hadn't spoken and raised her head. When he came, he saw Qiye's drunken gaze, with a smile on his face involuntarily.

"What's wrong, Qiye?"

Since Fei Yingli has raised her head, Qiye will no longer stand there stupidly. He walked over and put a cup of coffee in front of Fei Yingri, then took a sip of her latte, and said: "Eri, you just It looks beautiful when you work hard."

Fei Yingli smiled happily, her heart was so sweet that she almost poured out honey, even a cup of black coffee did not feel bitter at all.

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