Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 680

Qiye picked up Feiyingri, and then sat in the position of Feiyingri, who naturally sat on Qiye's body.

"What's the matter, is there any tricky case?" Qiye asked in a low voice, Fei Yingli's expression just now was not only serious, but also frowning clearly. Normal cases would not let her show such an expression. .

"Look at this." Fei Yingli opened the information about the case she was looking at now and displayed it in front of Qiye.

Qiye looked at this case. He knew about this case, but it was not the responsibility of their criminal department. The main situation of the case was that a man drove into a bicycle and escaped, but then he ran away again, because It was a traffic accident case, and the perpetrator came first, so it was not classified as a criminal case. Naturally, this case was handed over to the traffic department to handle this case. Qiye also heard Yumi talk about this case.

"What's wrong with this case? Is there any problem?" Qiye asked suspiciously. The facts of this case are very simple. It was a car hit someone and escaped, and then turned back to voluntarily. Since the person has voluntarily turned himself in, there should be no problem. That's right.

"It's just a big problem." Fei Yingli reluctantly stroked her forehead and said: "The prosecutor has detained the man for ten days. He won't open the court or let him go. I don't know what to do."

"Ten days?" Qiye frowned. Ten days is too exaggerated. There is no doubt that there is nothing to investigate in cases where the prisoner has already come first. There is no reason to detain the prisoner for ten days without opening the court. Don't let people go?

"Who is the prosecutor of the prosecutor?"

"What do you mean?" Fei Yingli turned her head and rewarded Qiye with a big eye, and said: "Who do you think it is, of course it is your'Madonna of the prosecutor's world'."

"Uh..." Qiye was choked, and it was Reiko Kujo again.Qiye is a bit helpless, the duel between Fei Yingri and Reiko Kujo is really helpless and speechless.

Kujo Reiko is afraid that she won't be willing to win if Concubine Hideri once, but it would be extremely difficult for Concubine Hideri to lose once.

"I don't understand why she keeps holding on to people." Fei Yingli didn't have much joking about Qiye, but mainly focused on Kujo Reiko's strange behavior.

"She won't do this for no reason," Qiye said slightly.

"Yeah." Fei Yingli nodded, and she agreed with that. Reiko Kujo is the strongest opponent she has ever encountered, and they know each other very well. No matter how competitive Reiko Kujo is competitive, she would never use that. She must have discovered something by means of indecent means. The key is, what exactly did Reiko Kujo found out? Concubine Hideri was very concerned.

"Forget it, I'll go to the detention center in a while." Fei Yingri said helplessly, asking her to directly ask her opponent what they found was obviously impossible, so I had to go to the suspect Takeuchi. See if there are any clues.

"Will you go again later?" Qiye smiled. The big hand that was originally placed on Fei Yingli's waist started to coat, grabbed the bulging chest through the suit and shirt, and said: "Then do I still have time to do something? what?"

"Bad boy." Fei Yingli turned her head to look at him, her white pretty face turned red, her teeth biting her lower lip, and said: "Do you want to do it here again?"

"Yeah, Yingri." Qiye smiled and looked at the shy Fei Yingri, with one hand on Fei Yingri's chest and she started to knead her hand, holding her obviously raised hand with the other, and said, "This is very exciting, isn't it? You were very involved last time, Yingli."

"Hate! Don't talk anymore!" Fei Yingli's face was shy. Qiye and her had been sitting in chairs many times. Each time Fei Yingli was very involved, although she knew that her office had reinforced soundproofing equipment, After changing the code lock anti-theft door, the floor-to-ceiling windows have also become one-way glass, but they still feel as if they will be exposed at any time, making Fei Yingli feel extremely frightened and excited.

The last time Qiye and Fei Yingli were working in the office, Fei Yingli's jade fluid leaked out of her emotions wetted the documents already signed on the table at that time, so Kuriyamalu had to reprint all the documents again later, Feiyingri Signing it again will count as giving up.

"Then I won't say it anymore." Qiye smiled and acted directly, reaching out and unbuttoning Fei Yingli's shirt one by one, revealing the purple butterfly pattern cover inside.

Fei Yingli is strong on the outside, soft on the inside, strong on the outside, soft and shy on the inside, but can give everything for Qiye, even for him, replaced the conservative white underwear before and put on this sexy style.

Even a mother-daughter husband can accept this kind of thing, so what does it mean to change underwear?

Qiye caught a snow-white ball of flesh, kissed Fei Yingli's pink face, and said, "Yingri, are you trying to seduce me?"

"Stop talking..." Fei Yingli blushed, leaned her head on his chest, and said: "Hurry up and end it..."

"It seems a bit difficult." Qiye smiled badly, lowered her head and stuck Fei Yingli's thin lips, her tongue stretched out, Fei Yingli gently opened her vermilion lips, her teeth opened and closed, and his tongue greeted him. Come in and let him plunder his fragrance.

In comparison, although Saya Takashiro has more breasts than Fei Yingri, a 37-year-old mature woman, Fei Yingri must have a mature body, making Qiye very obsessed with her.

Qiye’s Lushan’s claws raged on Fei Yingli’s chest, and her other hand had already let go of Fei Yingri’s powerless hand. He reached out and got into Fei Yingri’s clothes, slid to the back, and unbuttoned the cover. .

Without the shackles of the cover, Fei Yingli's pair of elastic babies immediately bounced out. Although Xiaolan is seventeen years old, Fei Yingli has been breastfeeding for more than ten years, but her breasts have not fallen at all. The situation is still so creamy and full of elasticity.

Looking at the still pink bean, Qiye grabbed one in one bite.


Fei Yingli’s head was raised back, and her snow-white neck showed a perfect curvature, like a noble and beautiful white swan, her lips were light, and the sweet breath was sprayed on Qiye’s face. The original wise eyes behind the lens were already Buried by passion.

"Heart-hearted, you are killing me..."

After a long time, Fei Yingli spit out a scent and said with a wink.

"Who said you are so beautiful, my Queen." Qiye looked at Fei Yingli tenderly, and said, "Why are you so beautiful?"

When Fei Yingli heard the words, she felt sweet in her heart, pouting her mouth like a little girl, and said: "Even if someone is a queen, it's not that they can't escape the palm of your bad guy."

"Of course," Qiye smiled, holding Fei Yingli's chest and tightening her hands twice, the snow-white soft flesh ball deformed wantonly in his hands, letting him play with him, "It's true that I can't escape my palm. ."

Although Fei Yingli's chest is majestic, it is not as good as the talented girl of Sayana Takashiro. Qiye's big hands can be fully grasped and are very comfortable.

"I hate it!" Fei Yingli said again, but what kind of shyness and infatuation is in this sentence, "Don't talk about such shameful things!"

"Hehe, Yingli is still so shy and blushing easily." Qiye said playfully, obviously her daughter is so old, mother and daughter have done bed-sharing so many times, and Fei Yingli blushes so easily, which is so cute.

Fei Yingli was ashamed and uncontrollable, so she could only bury a pretty face on his broad chest, listening to his strong and powerful heartbeat.

Qiye's big hand was placed on Fei Yingli's buttocks. The plump and elastic buttocks held the skirt tightly. Qiye touched her while worrying that the woman would move a little bit and the skirt would split.

Qiye touched the edge of the skirt and pushed the skirt up, revealing her snowy buttocks wrapped in purple fat.

Qiye put her big hand on it and stroked it lightly. The shot was very smooth, but Qiye, who had countless maiden experiences, knew that it was clearly not the touch of the skin, but the silk stockings.

Fei Yingli doesn’t often wear silk stockings. Her legs are already beautiful, and her beauty is only shown to Qiye alone, so she doesn’t usually wear silk stockings, just knowing that he will come to her. Will put it on, just for him.

The black stockings wrapped Fei Yingli's slender white legs and round and full snow buttocks. These stockings are obviously new, and there is a unique fragrance that has just been opened.

Qiye reached out and pushed away the files, documents, and coffee on the desk, all pushed aside, leaving enough space on the desk, then, holding Fei Yingli, stood up and put her on the desk.

"Let me see." Qiye grabbed Fei Yingli's ankles and said in a deep voice, preventing her from trying to close her legs tightly.

Fei Yingli was extremely ashamed, but she couldn't resist any request of this man. She separated her legs and showed him the place between her legs.

Qiye stared at the place between Fei Yingli's legs with scorching eyes. Today it was a bit cloudy and the weather was cool, but Qiye's heart was fiery.

Fei Yingli's glasses are still on, and her hair is not unraveled, her face is still so dignified and noble, but her posture is extremely inelegant. The legs wrapped in black stockings are separated to the sides, and the middle part is colored. It's a bit deeper, and it's obviously wet.

Under the small piece of black stockings that have been wet, Qiye can see a hazy purple butterfly under the black. It is a purple butterfly of the same style as a bra. One of the purple butterfly is just in the middle. , Has been wet, under the light, slightly reflecting different luster, as if the butterfly has been alive.

Qiye leaned down, opened her mouth to bite the little bun under the fat, sticking out her tongue, and skillfully rolled the feminine taste on it into her mouth. Immediately, Fei Yingli's body provided him with more the taste of.

"Oh..." Fei Yingli's mouth let out a roar as heavy as a mother beast's estrus, and her legs unconsciously clamped Qiye's big head, lest this happiness leave her.

The queen of the legal profession could not resist the happiness that came like a wave, lying on her desk, looking confused, her legs changed from clamping Qiye’s head to kicking unconsciously, and her high heels were all kicked off. Only, showing a round little foot.

Ten minutes later, Fei Yingli's soft body straightened in an instant, and after trembling unconsciously several times, she collapsed completely.

"Yingli, it's your turn." Qiyean sat on Fei Yingli's chair and smiled slightly.

Fei Yingli nodded and barely got off the desk, but her legs softened and she knelt in front of Qiye. It happened that she stretched out and opened the zipper of Qiye’s pants, looking at the huge hot baby, Feiyingri Can't help but swallowed saliva.

Opened his small mouth and swallowed the huge thing in. Although Fei Yingli had worked hard enough that the weapon had even entered her throat, many of them remained outside.

When it was sufficiently moist, Fei Yingri stood up, turned her back to Qiye, bent down, and took off all the black stockings and purple chubby time, and because of her bending over, Fei Yingri’s wet shrine was fully revealed. In front of Qiye.

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