Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 683

Kujo Reiko was surprised on her face, but strangely she didn't say a word and remained silent, which made Qiye's two swords frown deeper.

"What the hell are you doing, you almost got you arrested in another case, or do you have any other purpose?" Qiye frowned and looked at Reiko Kujo, this woman was absolutely wrong.

"Okay!" After listening to Qiye's words, Reiko Kujo suddenly stood up, her tone seemed a little stunned, and said: "I just let go!"

"Wait! Reiko!" Nanaya reached out and grabbed the arm of Kujo Reiko who was about to leave.

"Sorry, police officer Liudao." Reiko Kujo shook Qiye's hand and said, "I still have a job, so let's leave."

"Six Dao Police Officer? Damn, what is this woman thinking?!" Qiye scratched her hair a little irritably, she was clueless, but he couldn't use illusion on the woman he liked to read her mind. , Really...

Although Kujo Reiko's actions made Nanya angry, he wouldn't just break with this woman. He returned home, and Qiye directly used the computer to enter the archives of the police station. He wanted to check all the information about Kujo Reiko, even He didn't bother to take care of the Takeuchi Hiraki who was just released.


The sky began to rain lightly. Although it is spring, the day is still so gloomy that people feel depressed and uncomfortable, and the time has reached 8 o'clock in the evening.

Qiye looked at the Kujo Reiko's past information displayed on the computer screen and fell into deep thought. At this moment, his mobile phone rang.

"Hey, Green, it's me."

"Seven nights, Takeuchi Hiraki committed suicide!"

"What?!" Qiye was shocked. At this time, Takeuchi Hiraki died suddenly. If there was nothing in it, Qiye would not believe it.

"It's true, Qiye, it's downstairs at his house. The teacher and I are rushing over now. Come here too!"

"Okay!" Qiye hung up the phone, jumped directly on her Lamborghini, rushed out with a kick of the accelerator, and hurried to the apartment building of Takeuchi Hiraki's house.

"Hiri!" Qiye directly found Concubine Hideri in the crowd and said, "What the hell is going on, Takeuchi Hiroshi committed suicide?"

"Yeah," Fei Yingli nodded and said, "I jumped from the balcony on the sixth floor of this apartment."

"Suicide?" Qiye's eyebrows were not stretched today, and said: "This is unreasonable. I finally released it. Why did he commit suicide when he came out?"

"I don't know." Fei Yingli covered her forehead with a headache and said: "But even the suicide note was found, and there are witnesses."


Fei Yingli turned her head, and Qiye followed her gaze and found Reiko Kujo with a heavy face leaning against a police car.

"How could it be her?!"


More than an hour later, as an eyewitness, Reiko Kujo came out of the police station after recording her confession, and found that she was standing in the rain and had been soaked for seven nights.

"I'll take you home." Qiye said in a deep voice, "you should have no car."

"No, I'll take a taxi."

"Slow wordy!" Qiye's anger burned. This is also the rare few times that he has angered a woman. He directly grabbed the wrist of Jiujo Reiko and threw her into his car, and then drove out in the rainy night. .

Qiye held the direction with one hand, and his face was as black as Hattori Heiji. Everyone knew that he was in a bad mood. The hands holding the steering wheel also tried hard several times and caught several fingerprints on the steering wheel.

Reiko Kujo sat in the car, bowed her head and said nothing. She didn't react at all, just like a wax statue.

Two people, one was sultry and the other remained silent, and the atmosphere in the car was even lower than the central pressure of Typhoon Signal No. 8.

Qiye drove very fast, day or night, rain or sunny day, it didn't make any difference to him. He didn't know how many red lights he drove along the way, but Nanaya and Reiko Kujo were obviously not in the mood to care about such trivial matters.

Qiye drove the car to the underground parking garage, but did not get out of the car, saying: "What happened, tell me."

Reiko Kujo remained silent, and Qiye's eyes shrank slightly and said, "If you don't say anything, you don't need to tell me anymore."

Kujo Reiko trembled, and a trace of panic and fear was smeared in her green eyes, and she finally spoke.

"Hiroaki Takeuchi called me and told me to tell me the truth, and asked me to go to his apartment at 8 o'clock in the evening."

"This is not what I want to ask." Qiye turned off the car, leaned back in the chair, and said, "What I want to know is that it happened five years ago."

"Hey?" Reiko Kujo turned her head in surprise, and said, "Did you know?"

"Yes, thanks to someone, I hacked into the police department's archives." Qiye said flatly, "You were from the Special Search Department five years ago, right?"

The Special Search Department, also short for the Special Search Department, is a specialized criminal agency in Japan to combat corruption cases. It is similar to the Independent Commission Against Corruption in Hong Kong, but there is no similar department in the mainland. Some have long been harmonized. Five years ago, Kujo Reiko was a full-time prosecutor of the Special Search Department, specializing in prosecuting politicians who committed crimes.

Seeing that the incident had been uncovered, Reiko Kujo could no longer conceal it, and said, "You should also know the beginning of the incident. It was the case of improper construction by Takeuchi Construction, because that incident was likely to involve the corruption of political leaders. , I will be transferred to help."

"I heard that the director of the design firm who was involved in the overall situation committed suicide?"

"Yes, one of that minister's subordinates is Takeuchi Hiraki." Reiko Kujo whispered, "I thought his testimony would solve the case, but he suddenly retracted the confession, and we had to give up the prosecution."

"So that's the case." Qiye said indifferently. He found some information from the archives of the police station, but some of the files have been erased, and it has been impossible to restore it through technical means for many years, and the remaining parts are incomplete. It was made up by Reiko Kujo.

Roughly speaking, it was a tofu dregs project that involved political figures, so Reiko Kujo, who was under the special search department, was sent to assist in the investigation.

The key evidence at the time was the director of the design office, the main character who designed the tofu project, and Takeuchi Hiraki was one of the designers' subordinates.

However, the designer killed himself. Takeuchi Hiraki was a subordinate of that designer. He also knew some evidence. His testimony could be used as evidence, but for some reason, he suddenly withdrew his confession. Soon after that, Hiraki Takeuchi and Takeuchi's eldest lady Mariko Takeuchi got married.

Among them, it was probably because Takeuchi Hiraki used the evidence he had as a threat. If Mariko Takeuchi was not allowed to marry him, he would provide the evidence to the special search department. Perhaps, the death of the designer had something to do with Takeuchi Hiroaki.

And now, Hiroaki Takeuchi probably convicted Mariko Takeuchi for the crime of hit-and-run for some benefit. As for the benefit, it must be money, and the reason why Hiroaki Takeuchi asked Reiko Kujo to explain the truth in the past was probably to stimulate Mariko Takeuchi. , Increase the benefits you can get. Nanaya’s instinct told him that Takeuchi’s death was definitely not an accident, but was murdered by Mariko Takeuchi. As for the murder method, he would have to go to the scene another day.

I have to say that it is easy for Qiye to figure out the sinister heart of people, but to figure out the heart of women...

"That's why you want to use another arrest method to bring Takeuchi Hiraki to justice. This is the main reason why you keep holding him and refuse to release people?"


"So..." Qiye suddenly grabbed Reiko Kujo's hand, her eyes narrowed, her scarlet eyes gleaming with terror in the darkness, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You..." Reiko Kujo looked at Nanya in amazement as an angry beast that would pounce on him all the time and crush him. Was it because of this that he was angry?Kujo Reiko's originally depressed mood rose a little.

Nanayakai is so angry, of course, because of this. Reiko Kujo has something that cannot be solved but is unwilling to tell him. This can be understood as a manifestation of distrust. This is a great shame for men, but the woman she likes is not. Believing in yourself is really a blow to men who want to bring security to women.

In fact, Reiko Kujo did not distrust Nanya, but she wanted to use this method to imprison Takeuchi Hiraki. She was morally right. She put a person at large in jail, but legally, she had no evidence to prove Takeuchi. Haoming has broken the law, so her actions are also ethical and against the law. She doesn't want Qiye to be involved.

Qiye had no way of knowing the complicated thoughts in Reiko Kujo's mind. How could he know that this shrewd woman would have such boring and boring thoughts.

"Remember how you called me before? Police Officer Six, it's really polite, Prosecutor Jiujo."

"I'm sorry." Reiko Kujo didn't know how to explain it to him, but she was ashamed and apologized in a low voice.

Qiye's anger hadn't disappeared, but she looked at the weak Reiko Kujo with helplessness, how could it make it seem like he was bullying her.

"Forget it." Qiye let out a sigh of relief and said, "There is no next time."

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