Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 684

Chapter 665-Attack!A man without motivation!

Qiye's tone softened, he still couldn't help but, after all, he still liked this woman and couldn't keep getting angry with her.

Reiko Kujo sighed with relief when she heard Nanaya's tone, but she also knew that she had done something wrong, so she still didn't dare to look up, lowered her head, and had a weak face like an angry little wife.

Qiye got out of the car, opened the door for Reiko Kujo, and looked at the soft-faced Reiko Kujo, feeling a little bit distressed about the woman in her heart, and stretched out her hand to pull her out of the car. This time she was obviously more gentle.

When Reiko Kujo got out of the car, through the lights of the underground parking garage, Qiye clearly saw a trace of bruise on Reiko Kujo's wrist. Obviously, when he was in a bad mood, he caught Kujo Reiko when he got into the car. Bruises coming out.

Qiye felt some regrets and guilt in her heart, but he didn't intend to apologize to Kujo Reiko. This was not a matter of face, but was a wake-up call for this woman. He didn't tell him when he encountered something that couldn't be solved. This made Qiye Very upset.

Qiye and Reiko Kujo got into the elevator and reached the door of Reiko Kujo's house. Reiko Kujo was about to take out the key to open the door, and Qiye directly twisted the doorknob and walked in.

Reiko Kujo froze for a moment. She remembered that she had locked the door when she went out, but the atmosphere was obviously not suitable for asking such questions, so Reiko Kujo did not speak.

Kujo Reiko's home also came to Qiye. It was basically the same as Fei Yingri's house before. It was deserted and not popular. If it was taken out, people believed that it was a murder house because it was too cold.

Nanaya asked Reiko Kujo to sit down first, and then poured a glass of water for Reiko Kujo as if she were at home, and then sat in front of her, saying, "You tell me the details of Takeuchi's death. ."

This is the rare few times that Qiye is full of enthusiasm for the case, and Qiye has to resolve this case as soon as possible.

Reiko Kujo detained Takeuchi Hiroaki in the detention center for ten days for no reason. As soon as he was released, Takeuchi Hiroaki "suicided" and died. Regardless of the facts, he would definitely say that Takeuchi could not stand the prosecutor's review and committed suicide. This prosecutor is still the famous Madonna of the prosecutor circle. It is conceivable that there will be something on the front page of the newspaper the next day.

Splashing dirty water on celebrities is of course an excellent way to attract attention, no matter it is the same in any country, even the best celebrities will definitely have negative news.

Always facing the ordinary people with a solemn and fair image, Madonna Reiko Kujo, who is a dignified prosecutor, actually forced a suspect to death. Thinking about it, you know it’s big news.

Nanaya would never allow this to happen. Although he is angry with Kujo Reiko, Kujo Reiko is still a woman he likes after all, so how can he allow others to abuse her.

Qiye is stingy, his woman, no matter what mistakes are made, there is still him alone to scold and scold, and outsiders are absolutely not allowed.

For things that would damage Kujo Reiko's reputation, Nanaya must be strangled in the cradle. The main point is that the case must be solved quickly.

If the prisoner did not commit suicide because of the prosecutor, but was murdered by others, then the rumors that have not yet appeared will naturally be self-defeating.

Reiko Kujo drank, and then said, "Not long after I returned to the office today, I received a call from Takeuchi Hiraki. He asked me to go to his apartment at 8 o'clock in the evening. He said he wanted to tell me the truth of the incident. I arrived at his apartment, and when I got into the elevator, Mariko Takeuchi happened to come back from the outside. She said that she hurried home from the company because she received a strange email from Takeuchi Hiraki."

"Strange mail?"

"Well, the content is "Thank you very much for taking care of me, forget me, and live happily."

Qiye curled his lips in disdain, and he didn't believe that the little white face could send such a sentimental text message to a woman without feelings. The probability that this text message was fake was 100%, but... Qiye looked at the whole person. Kujo Reiko with a sad atmosphere, this woman is afraid that she hasn't noticed it.

Indeed, Reiko Kujo, who was not in a normal state, did not notice Nanaya’s anomaly, and continued: “Later, Mariko Takeuchi and I entered the room, only to find Hiraki Takeuchi standing on the balcony. I knocked on the window desperately to stop him. It's useless, he was in front of me... committed suicide by jumping off the building."

Qiye looked at the gloomy Reiko Kujo, and shook her head helplessly. For this woman with a sense of justice, she could not stop herself by watching someone jump off the building in front of her. I am afraid it would be a big blow to her. , Even if that person is a suspect.

"Okay." Qiye reached out and grabbed the small hand of Reiko Kujo, feeling the coldness on her hand, feeling pity in her heart, and said: "Don't worry about it anymore, I will help you solve it. I will help you with everything. solved."

Reiko Kujo raised her head and looked at Qiye’s scarlet eyes. She had never seen such a serious look on this man’s face. Feeling the warmth his big hands brought to herself, her depressed mood was finally relaxed. Some.


The next day, Qiye arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department on time as never before. This surprised the entire Metropolitan Police Department.

"Mami! Give me the post-mortem report and the on-site evidence collection report of yesterday's jumping from a building!"

Nanya said in a compelling manner, even Nakaoka Asami was forced by Nanya's momentum, and immediately went to get information about yesterday's case.

Qiye turned on his computer and plugged in a USB flash drive. A virus immediately entered the computer from the USB flash drive, and then followed the network cable of the Metropolitan Police Department into the Internet throughout Japan. Qiye’s super virus invaded Japan’s large size Small, thousands of websites, he doesn't want to see any bad comments about Reiko Kujo on the Internet, not at all!

As for how much impact he would have on Japan, that is not his concern. He only cares about Reiko Kujo now, and he doesn't care about the others.

After Qiye implanted the virus on the Internet, Nakaoka Asami returned with yesterday’s post-mortem report and on-site evidence collection report. Qiye received two reports, and while looking through it, he said: "Mami! Come with me to the crime. on site!"

"Yes!" Asami Nakaoka couldn't resist Qiye's current momentum at all, and immediately followed obediently.

"Six Dao police officers are very motivated today." After Qiye left, a policeman said to his side at the same time.

"Yes, I heard that Reiko Kujo and Police Officer Liudao who witnessed the jumping case were also..."

"You have a lot of time today!" The conversation between the two dragons was interrupted by Mikako Sato, "If you have time to talk about other people's gossip, don't you give me work immediately! Right away!"

"Yes!" The two dragons immediately awed in awe, "Officer Sato!"

What thoughts of those dragons were too lazy to worry about, and directly took Nakaoka Asami, mounted Behemoth, and rushed towards the apartment where the crime occurred.

Qiye was anxious to solve the case as soon as possible, so the speed of cycling directly exceeded the speed limit. From the Metropolitan Police Department to the scene of the crime, in the traffic jam of Tokyo, he arrived in less than five minutes.

"Mami, write down everything I say next!" Qiye got out of the car, turned on the switch of a voice recorder and put it on the neckline, and then said.

"Yes!" Asami Nakaoka also showed a serious expression on her small face. Looking at Qiye full of energy with serious and admiration, she quickly took out her police notes and the ball pen she carried with her.

Qiye walked to the place where Takeuchi Hiraki was mortalized, read the on-site evidence collection report in his hand, and said: "The post-mortem report said that the back of the deceased's head was hit by bricks, but..."

"Senior, are they the bricks next to the flower beds?" Nakaoka Asami said while biting her ball pen.

Qiye looked at the flower bed next to Takeuchi Hiraki’s fall, and said, "Impossible, if his head hits this flower bed, those branches should break, and if his head hits the bricks here If it's a piece, there should be dirt on the back of his head, but it's not on the autopsy report."

"That's it." Asami Nakaoka said suddenly, and then quickly wrote down what Nanaya said. As a rookie, shorthand is of course very good, recording the words of senior police or suspects. But the writing speed must be very fast, of course, the characters will not be too beautiful...but they are also better than the doctor's.

I couldn't find much useful information downstairs. Nanaya and Asami Nakaoka went upstairs and reached the door of Takeuchi Hiraki's house. He reached out and twisted the doorknob, and the door was locked.

"I'll go to the administrator to get the key!" Asami Nakaoka said immediately.

"No need." Qiye unscrewed the doorknob directly. He didn't have time to wait for the key, so he broke in. He didn't even get the search warrant. This is a trespassing into the house.

Qiye went to the balcony of Takeuchi Hiraki's house to take a look, and immediately squatted in front of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner on the balcony, and reached out and wiped it on one of the bricks that raised the outdoor unit.

"Senior, what is that?"

Qiye twisted what was on her hand with her fingers, a glint flashed in her eyes, and said, "It's mud."

"It's weird, why does this brick have mud?" Asami Nakaoka said suspiciously. Generally speaking, the bricks used to elevate the outdoor unit of the air conditioner were left during the renovation, or they were removed from the wall. , Either it’s the extra wall built, usually it won’t be stained with mud, and even if it is stained, this room Hiraki Takeuchi and his wife have lived for four or five years, even if stained with mud at that time, It should have dried to dust now, how could there be wet mud.

"Mami! Go and notify the forensic department immediately. I suspect that this brick has been replaced by someone and the turning head in the garden."

"Why do you want to change the bricks for no reason... Could it be that?!" Nakaoka Mami's eyes were surprised and looked at Qiye in shock.

"Yes." A fierce light flashed in Qiye's eyes, and said: "This is not suicide, but a murder case!"

Chapter 666-Trial!

According to Qiye's statement, Nakaoka Asami immediately contacted the forensic department and told them to come and collect evidence.

After hanging up the phone, Nakaoka Asami looked at Qiye and said in confusion, "Senior, what is going on in this case? Didn't Kujo prosecutor see the deceased jump off the building with her own eyes?"

Asami Nakaoka trusted Seven Nights, so she immediately contacted the forensic department, but she was also very puzzled. There were witnesses to this case, and it was the famous prosecutor Reiko Kujo. She saw the deceased jump off the building with her own eyes. What happened to this case? Will become a murder case?

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