Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 685

Qiye flipped through the autopsy report in her hand and said: "The reason why Reiko Kujo came here was because the deceased called her and told her to tell her the truth of the case, but after that the deceased committed suicide. You said it was reasonable. ?"

"Hmm..." Asami Nakaoka squeezed her chin with one hand, her pretty little face showed a thoughtful expression, but her still childish little face was as cute as pretending to be mature.

"This is really weird." Nakaoka Mami agreed with Qiye's thoughts, but looking at Qiye's serious face, Xiao Mami immediately suppressed the joking thoughts, and then looked at Qiye just asked her to hold it. That record.

"Senior, look at this!"

Asami Nakaoka suddenly took the record in her hand and showed it to Nanya. The record on it was exactly the clothes worn by the deceased at the time, but it was strange that she was wearing a suit on her upper body and a pair of jeans underneath.

"This is indeed not right." Qiye frowned and looked at the photo of the deceased's pants and top. Although it was not evidence, any doubts should be paid attention to at this time.

"Could it be..." Qiye looked up at the obviously stretched clothes rack and the antenna that had hit the balcony. A chill flashed in her eyes, "So, but I don't know if that thing is still here. "

Nanya wanted to understand the method of Mariko Takeuchi's crime, and immediately stared.

"Grow your eyes! Open!"

Qiye opened her eyes, and the blue veins around her temples burst out, and the original red eyes all turned white, her gaze penetrated the walls, cabinet doors, and all obstacles, searching for everything in this room.

"Found it!" Qiye said in surprise. Fortunately, the thing was still there. Qiye looked for it directly in the direction he saw, and then found a twisted wire hanger in the closet in the room.

"That's it." Qiye grinned and opened the corner of her mouth. With this, it should be enough.


After Qiye was busy in the Metropolitan Police Department for a whole day, he returned to Reiko Kujo's house and saw Reiko Kujo sitting at the dining table with a laptop in front of him.

"What are you looking at?" Qiye asked, thinking that his virus would not be a problem. If Reiko Kujo sees any bad comments about her, Qiye will let those who spread the comments later. It's very poor quality.

"It's nothing, just type some information."

Kujo Reiko said indifferently, Nanaya walked over directly and looked behind her back to see what Kujo Reiko was doing, and when she saw what was displayed on the computer screen, her mood suddenly became worse, her sturdy arms wrapped her arms around Kujo Reiko’s neck. He lowered his head and said in Reiko Kujo's ear, "Do you want to resign?"

Yes, what Reiko Kujo was fighting was her resignation letter.

"Oh..." Reiko Kujo stopped the action in her hand, sighed softly, and said with a sigh of sadness, "Yes, a prosecutor who forced the prisoner to commit suicide, what else? What is the value of existence?"

Even if there were no negative remarks against her in the original book, Reiko Kujo still couldn't get past her. After all, for her, it was Takeuchi Hiraki who was forced to death. She could not face herself and could no longer stand in court as a prosecutor. on.

"You stupid woman!" Qiye said in a gloomy voice, with some anger in her tone, but more sympathy for the "stupid woman" in his mouth, "If I said that Takeuchi Hiroaki did not commit suicide, then So what?"

"What?!" Kujo Reiko turned around, her green eyes matched Qiye's scarlet eyes, green and red, she seemed to be sure whether Qiye deliberately said such a lie to comfort her general.

"What do you think I went out for today?!" Qiye grabbed Reiko Kujo by the shoulder and turned her over, facing herself, "I ran a lot today, the morgue, the forensic department, and the incident. At the scene, I went everywhere to help you find evidence to prove that Takeuchi Hiraki was murdered, and you actually resigned for me here?!"

Nanaya's words made Reiko Kujo lowered her head in shame, afraid to face his love and hatred.

"Did you know..." Nanya squeezed Kujo Reiko's chin, raised her head, and said, "You are the first woman who can make me so irritated, and you're still making it in this short period of time. I got angry twice, Reiko Kujo."

"I'm sorry." Reiko Kujo lowered her eyes and annoyed him twice in a short time, which made Reiko Kujo ashamed.

Qiye lowered her head to stabilize Reiko Kujo's forehead, and said, "You... don't need to say sorry to me."


The case of Hajime Takeuchi is finally in court. The prosecutor and defense lawyer are still Reiko Kujo and Hideri Hiori, but the defendant has changed from Takeuchi Hiroaki to his wife, Mariko Takeuchi.

After knowing that Hiraki Takeuchi did not commit suicide, but was murdered, Kujo Reiko's guilt and self-blame naturally disappeared. She turned back to that arrogant and high-spirited female prosecutor, although this looks somewhat Domineering, but Qiye looked pleasing to the eye, because this was what she should have been.

"The defendant Mariko Takeuchi drove his car to the crossroads in Toya Town at around 23:00 on the night of the crime. After colliding with the bicycle of the victim Matsukawa Yasushi who was crossing the road, the victim escaped in disregard of his car. After that, he instigated her husband Takeuchi Hiroaki to commit the crime for himself."

The accusation was not much different from the original, but the defendant changed from Takeuchi Hiroaki to Takeuchi Mariko, and in addition to hit-and-run and escape, there was an additional defense department.

"My husband committed suicide, and now I'm going to sue his wife again. This Kujo Reiko is still..." In the spectator, a public whispered to his companion beside him, but before he finished speaking, he stopped abruptly with a strong wave The killing pressure was on him, making him almost crazy.

The master of this murderous spirit is naturally Qiye. He would not allow others to take responsibility for his own woman at will, even if he said casually.

After Kujo Reiko finished reading the charges, wearing glasses, a presiding judge with a hooked nose said, "Did the defendant plead guilty?"

"I'm innocent!" Of course Mariko Takeuchi would not plead guilty, and immediately stood up, then pointed to Reiko Kujo, and said aggressively: "Not only did she push my surrendered husband to suicide! Now even I... "

"Please be quiet! If the defendant has different opinions, please state it in the statement of opinions." The presiding judge stopped Mariko Takeuchi from yelling, and then said: "The following is evidence collection, prosecutor."

"Yes, the presiding judge." Reiko Kujo stood up and looked at Mariko Takeuchi with a faint arc of disdain from the corner of her mouth.

She already knew that Mariko Takeuchi was the real murderer, and with enough evidence in Nanya's hands, of course she would not take Mariko Takeuchi's words to heart. She was waiting for the shocked expression of Mariko Takeuchi, perhaps because of what just said. , She can also add another charge of libel.

"The evidence is as follows, the analysis results of the vehicle involved in the accident, the fingerprint identification report left on the steering wheel, and the glass fragments collected at the scene of the accident..."

Reiko Kujo presented the evidence one by one, and then summoned the first witness, Takeuchi's colleague.

"The banquet ended at around ten o'clock, and the president drove back by himself." The president that this person named Tanishima said was naturally the president of Takeuchi Construction, Mariko Takeuchi.

"Thank you, I'm finished asking, the presiding judge." Reiko Kujo asked. This is enough.

"Next, defender, please raise an objection."

"Okay, the presiding judge." Wearing a white suit, Hideri Fei stood up and said: "Mr. Tanishima, I have a question. Did you see the defendant driving home? Please answer whether I have it or not."


"I'm finished asking." After Fei Yingri asked, she sat down very calmly, while Mariko Takeuchi turned her head to look at Fei Yingri.

"No wonder you can get a high defense fee."

Fei Yingli smiled at her, but the smile seemed a bit fake, but this is not important. After the questioning, Fei Yingli stood up again and said: "The presiding judge, the defense asks a special witness to testify!"

"Prosecutor, what is your opinion on the sudden application that has appeared since the hearing today?"

This is a general practice. If one party suddenly applies for a witness after the hearing, the other party's consent is required before the witness can appear in court to testify.

"I have no opinion." Kujo Reiko naturally said so, but she and Fei Yingli had discussed this matter a long time ago, so of course she would not object.

"Then, as a special witness for the defense, call six police officers for seven nights."

Chapter 667-The case is over!

Qiye sat on the witness stand again, looking at the two women in the defense and the prosecution, she really felt inexplicable in her heart.

"First of all, I want to clarify that the original suspect in this hit-and-run case, Takeuchi Hiroshiaki, who was the deceased in the jump from the building a few days ago, did not die of suicide, but was murdered, and the murderer was his wife. , Is also the defendant here today, Ms. Takeuchi Mariko."

As soon as Qiye spoke, she didn't stop talking, and dropped a blockbuster, blowing up the whole court in a mess.

"Quiet!" The presiding judge stopped the court's noise, then looked at Qiye seriously, and said: "Six Dao police officers, as a policeman, you should be aware of the consequences of saying this in court."

"Of course I know." Qiye said with a smile, then slapped her police card on the table and said: "If my reasoning is wrong, I am willing to bear the charge of defamation and surrender my police card." He did not say to hand over his police gun.

"The presiding judge, please use Mr. Liudao's speech as a relevant testimony to make the truth clear." Fei Yingli stood up and said to the presiding judge, and her words were clearly on Qiye's side, so that his reasoning could continue. .

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