Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 686

"What are you talking about, you are my defender?!" Mariko Takeuchi, who was obviously not a good tutor, stood up immediately and looked at Concubine Eri in disbelief.

"What about the prosecutor's opinion?"

"We also want to let the truth come to light." Reiko Kujo stood up and said. Her words were on Nanya's side like Fei Hideri. Mariko Takeuchi was calculated by three high IQ guys this time.

The presiding judge thought for a while and said, "Witnesses, please continue to state their testimony."

"Wait a minute! Why should I..."

"Defendant, please wait for your opinion." The presiding judge said with some carelessness, obviously not happy with this defendant who has repeatedly interrupted.

Mariko Takeuchi had no choice but to sit down. Nanaya first glanced at the woman with disdain, and then said: "According to the testimony of the Kujo prosecutor, the deceased Hiraki Takeuchi called her on the day of the incident, saying that he wanted to tell the truth about the incident. For the time being, she, Takeuchi Hiraki said that the truth of the incident is not to be said, but since he asked the nine prosecutors to meet in his apartment, why did he commit suicide without telling the nine prosecutors? It is also in his suicide note. There was no mention of the truth about what he said, which I think is very unreasonable."

When Mariko Takeuchi heard Nanya talking about the "truth of the incident", she became a little flustered and stood up again and said, "It was obviously the woman who asked my husband to kill him. Why did my husband ask her to tell the truth? ?!"

"Defendant, please be quiet!" The presiding judge had no choice but to stop Mariko Takeuchi's snarling again.

Nanaya glanced at Mariko Takeuchi with a sneer, and then said: "Ms. Takeuchi, you have to pay a price for talking nonsense. I went to the telephone company to check. At the time that the Kujo prosecutor said, Mr. Takeuchi Hiraki indeed called one. Call the Kujo prosecutor. If, according to what you said, the Kujo prosecutor went to Mr. Takeuchi, shouldn’t the Kujo prosecutor call your husband? What is your explanation, Ms. Takeuchi?"

Of course, Mariko Takeuchi wouldn't be Nanya's opponent. When Nanya choked to death, she could only sit down and not speak.

"I think the reason why Mr. Takeuchi would notify the Kujo prosecutor to tell her the truth of the matter was to use mystery as a threat to extortion money from his wife, and because of this, Ms. Takeuchi Mariko had murderous intentions. And kill him before the nine prosecutors arrive."

"However, police officer Liudao, I heard that Mr. Takeuchi jumped off the building in front of an eyewitness, the prosecutor Kujo."

Nanaya smiled slightly, and said, "When Mr. Takeuchi died, he was wearing a suit but only a pair of jeans underneath. Isn’t that unreasonable? The reason is that Ms. Takeuchi gave him a gift after killing her husband. Put on the coat, then placed the wire hanger behind him, then moved the body to the balcony, and then tied it to the hanger with a rope, and then pulled the rope into the room through the clothes hook on the balcony, and then just pulled it indoors With the rope, the corpse will be hung under the ceiling, and it looks like it’s standing by itself."

"What! It's all nonsense!" Mariko Takeuchi couldn't help retorting loudly, but she also said quietly from the presiding judge again.

"But the witness, even if this method can make the body stand up, it is impossible to make him jump down." The presiding judge looked at Qiye and asked.

"That's right, so in order to be able to pull the corpse forward, it is necessary to use the BS antenna installed on the balcony as a fulcrum and wind a rope around the chest of the corpse. Then put the prepared suicide note in the living room. After that, I waited until the nine prosecutors arrived, and then disguised as if they had just returned from the outside. I am afraid that the balcony was darker, and I was shocked by what happened before my eyes, so even the nine prosecutors did not find the abnormality at that time."

"Stop talking nonsense! What evidence do you have?!"

"The rope that should have been completely detached was wrapped around the BS antenna because of its elasticity. Only your antenna is facing downwards."

"How do I know when that was played?! Maybe before the crime happened."

"Really, I also found a twisted wire hanger in the cabinet of your bedroom."

"Because it was bent, I was planning to throw it away."

"So, the blood and hair of your comrades-in-arms on the bricks under the outdoor unit of your air conditioner have been confirmed by DNA testing to be your husband's. How can you explain this?"

"What nonsense?! I will get rid of that turning head tomorrow morning...Ah!" Mariko Takeuchi realized that she had said something wrong, but it was too late.

"Well, it's not bad." Nanya smiled and took out a recorder from her arms, and then rewinded the recording a little bit, and then played it again. Takeuchi Mariko's sentence "I will deal with it tomorrow morning." That piece of head turned" clearly appeared in everyone's ears again.

"The quality of the recording pen bought for 50,000 yuan is really good, and the recording effect is really good." Qiye said with a smile, speaking of cheating, he is definitely a master.

"The brick used as the murder weapon has been found, and the blood and hair of the deceased were found on it." Reiko Kujo explained.

Then Nanaya rewinded the recording a bit, and played the sentence of Mariko Takeuchi, "It was obviously that woman who asked my husband to kill him", and then smiled: "With this sentence, it should be enough. Charge a crime of defamation."

This made Kujo Reiko smile, because she knew that he did it for the sake of her reputation.

Do you think that one hit-and-run, one intentional murder and one slander are enough to make up for the kind of harm she caused to Reiko Kujo?Kujo Reiko's weak and wounded appearance Nanaya never wanted to see again, so he would rudely throw this woman to hell.

Qiye took out a printed document from her arms again, and said, "This is a diary that I found in the computer of the deceased Hiraki Takeuchi, which records the truth about the improper construction of Takeuchi five years ago. , I have also asked someone from the notary office to notarize it for me, which can prove that this information is completely authentic and credible."

Qiye gave the document to the presiding judge. The presiding judge briefly looked at Reiko Kujo and said, "This is the end of today's trial, the court is closed! The next trial will be decided after discussion! About another case For murders and defamation cases, please resubmit the complaint by the prosecutor!"


Takeuchi Construction has recently been pushed to the forefront. First, the president of Takeuchi Construction's murder case, and the person she killed was her husband, and Mariko Takeuchi’s hit-and-run escape was also exploded, plus the three major slanders of Reiko Kujo case.

And with the things Nanaya found in Takeuchi’s computer, the Takeuchi construction improper construction case five years ago was also uncovered. Two murders, one slander, and one economic case. If Mariko Takeuchi can still live in this life If she comes out, Qiye will count as her skill.

Qiye hummed a small song, lying on the sofa in Fei Yingli's office, obviously in a very good mood.


"Please come in."

Dressed in casual clothes and holding a suitcase in her hand, Reiko Kujo walked in from the outside, looked at Qiye lying on the sofa, and said, "Thank you for this case."

Qiye raised her eyes, still lying on the sofa, swaying one leg, and said, "Isn't it accustomed to hear you say thank you. Let me be practical. I heard that you have been suspended?"

"Yes, because of this case, I finally decided to suspend my job for one month."

Qiye looked at the suitcase in Reiko Kujo's hand, and said, "I don't think this is a bad thing." Reiko Kujo is usually too busy at work and too hard. This time it is good to suspend her for one month, so Qiye did not interfere. This matter.

"By the way, what are you doing with the suitcase?"

"I'm going to travel, I haven't decided where to go." Reiko Kujo smiled, looked at Qiye, and said, "How about it, are you interested in being together?"

"That's okay~~" Qiye stretched out, then sat up, and said, "It just so happens that I have also been suspended for a month."

Qiye had done nothing in this case, but he himself had to emphasize that he did not get a search warrant and went to investigate Takeuchi’s home as a trespass to the residence. Later, he checked the information on Takeuchi’s computer and violated personal privacy. Bai Lai had to let Odagiri Toshiro grant him a one-month suspension.

If you can ask for suspension like this, the whole world will be the best.

"You're so embarrassed to say it." Kuri Shanlu put down the coffee cup, walked over and knocked Qiye on the head, and said: "Who is suspended from work as happy as you stopped?!"

"Hey, this handsome guy has always been different." Qiye said with a shy smile, and before Kuriyamalu took a code to throw it at him, he didn't give Reiko Kujo a chance to thank Concubine Yingri, and grabbed her directly. His hand escaped.

"I went on a trip, goodbye~~"

Fei Yingri and Kuriyama Midori looked at each other after Qiye left, and at the same time they had an idea in their hearts that Madonna, the prosecutor's world, was over.

Chapter 668-Empress?

Nanaya and Reiko Kujo have been suspended for a month. About, no one in this world can be suspended so happy except for them.

One month, Qiye has never had such a long vacation. In 30 days, he can do a lot of things. Maybe he thinks he should make more mistakes in the future, and then he can be suspended and get a very long vacation.

Qiye now thinks about when he took the initiative to ask for suspension, the expression on Odagiri Toshiro was really wonderful.

Reiko Kujo was in a very good mood. The truth of the case was revealed by Qiye. Naturally, she no longer had to bear the psychological pressure of forcing the prisoner to die. The case finally came to light five years ago, which made up for the regret in Reiko Kujo’s heart. Reiko Kujo also let go of her pride and thanked him.

And there is another thing that makes Kujo Reiko feel good, that is Nanki’s same month’s suspension of her job, I have to say that the last trip to Nanki Shirahama was not bad, and she has kept that lovely plum. And it's still in use now. Every time someone sees her key chain, they can't help showing a surprised look, but Reiko Kujo doesn't care.

She doesn't live for others, and she really likes that key chain, can't she?

After one month’s suspension, after taking into account the time to deal with some things before and after, Reiko Kujo thinks that she can stay together for at least 20 days and Qiye, or even more. This is a good thing. Having him alone for 20 days, this It is almost impossible task for any woman in Qiye.

It’s late spring and early summer, the weather is getting hotter, the green leaves on the trees have gradually turned into green, and the clothes on the girls have gradually disappeared. Summer is really wonderful for wolves. The season.

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