Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 687

Nanaya and Reiko Kujo wandered around in Japan, just as Reiko Kujo said when she appeared in Fei Hideri’s office with a suitcase, she didn’t decide where she was going, but just wandered around, relaxed, and changed her mood. Think of it as giving yourself a small vacation.

This is just like the classic saying, take a walk-and-go trip. It's easy to say, but ordinary people still can't do it. Go and go, what about work?Without a job, there is no money, how can my wife and children support?Without career, family, love, then go to travel?Travel to hell, but it's a one-way trip.

Nanaya and Reiko Kujo are rich and interested this time. They can take a very good walk-and-go trip. They wander around Japan. When it comes to mid-May, Nanaya and Reiko Kujo are sitting on the Shinkansen. When you arrive in Saitama Prefecture, come and join the summer festival here.

Saitama Prefecture is located in the northern part of Tokyo, Japan, and is the prefecture bordering Tokyo the most.The resident population ranks fifth in Japan, and the population density ranks fourth in Japan. It is one of the most populous cities in Japan and one of the most important industrial areas in northern Tokyo.

Like other prefectures, Saitama Prefecture is rich in land and forest resources, and has dense transportation networks. The two Shinkansen lines form the aorta of transportation. It is one of the most important transportation centers in eastern Japan. Indispensable area.

Saitama Prefecture has been known as Oedo since ancient times. There are many folk arts and historical sites remaining, and it has a colorful history and culture. It is called "the country of color". It can be said that it is a modern economy and traditional culture. city ​​of.

Summer is the most important season in Japan. The summer festivals and fireworks festivals all over the country can be said to be lively and lively, and there is no idle time from early summer to late summer.

Saitama Prefecture also holds a summer festival, and it is known as the world’s first night festival. There are so many summer festivals in Japan. Since the summer festival in Saitama prefecture can be called the world’s first night festival, it naturally has its extraordinary features. .

In Saitama Prefecture, there is a special landscape called Mt. Sandake, which is composed of three mountain peaks close to each other.

Looking towards the Sanyue Mountain from the point where the summer festival is held, the mountain on the far right is the closest to the front, but the altitude is also the lowest. The mountain on the far left is the farthest from the location of the summer festival, but the altitude is the highest with three mountains. Next to one.

The special event of the first night festival in the world is to light the three words "Heaven", "Xia" and "One" on these three mountains in order, which means that the world is number one.

Because this unique activity is difficult to imitate, it is necessary to have the special scenery of Mt. Sandake, and it is not a simple matter to burn the words Heaven, Xia, and One or three on the mountain. Saitama Prefecture is very particular about this activity. Safety is also well prepared. After all, the mountain cannot be burned. Because this is unique and unique, Saitama Prefecture’s first night festival in Saitama is one of the most attended summer festivals in Japan every year. One, it's not just those three words, it's true.

However, the next three characters of this day were originally used in ancient times to pray to heaven for the best harvest in the world in the coming year.

"It's really lively." The coquettishly dressed Reiko Kujo looked at the crowd of people in front of him, and couldn't help but said with emotion, but she had already been mentally prepared, and the situation here would not be worse than our great capital. .

"If you nod your head, it can make me low blood sugar." Qiye said while looking at the dense crowd in front of her, and then she was again attracted by Reiko Kujo next to her.

Kujo Reiko’s dress today can be described as glamorous. Because they came to participate in the summer festival, they also went to the hot spring before. After soaking in the hot spring, Kujo Reiko put on the yukata she prepared, which made Qiye somewhat Amazing feeling.

This is a long red yukata, so red, like a red mandala, glamorous, very attractive, but poisonous.

The neckline is lower than a normal yukata. It seems that Reiko Kujo deliberately exposed her white chest to him. She wore a yukata. In order to highlight her beautiful figure, Reiko Kujo didn’t wear a yukata inside. Seeing the small pink dots on the wide neckline, seeing directly is not as good as half-concealed, which makes Qiye feel very exciting.

Reiko Kujo put on a big red lipstick, and her hair was dangled casually. She did not have the weak image of the previous few days. She restored her former pride and self-confidence, even worse, and produced some queens' dominance and strength. Qiye saw Her first reaction.

Wu Zetian!

Reiko Kujo dressed like a female emperor today, with the majesty and domineering of the emperor, the enchanting and charming of a woman, her dark green eyes glanced at the man, her eyes were always disdainful, but her gaze fell on Qiye's body, arrogantly The human empress has become a gentle and fragile empress.

The images of Reiko Kujo that Qiye sees on weekdays are all her self-confident, capable, and shrewd image when she is working. Last time she was a little unhappy to see her weak and fragile image, but such a charming and enchanting enchanting enchanting image, Qiye is really the first When I saw it, my eyes straightened.

Nanaya hugged Reiko Kujo's waist, strolling around the summer festival with great enjoyment, and Reiko Kujo didn't resist Nanaya's actions, the blush on her face made her more charming and moving.

"I'm going to buy something to eat." Qiye said while looking at the stalls on both sides of the street. If she didn't eat something, it would be boring to go shopping.

Reiko Kujo followed Qiye's gaze and immediately said, "I'll go buy it." After saying that, without waiting for Qiye's reaction, he plunged directly into the crowd.

Qiye was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this stupid woman was afraid that it was because of the previous things that she knew that she had done something wrong, so she felt guilty for Qiye, so she wanted to do something to compensate.Nanaya smiled bitterly, but she also enjoyed Kujo Reiko's service, so she didn't have the idiot idea to stop this idiot woman.

Reiko Kujo quickly ran back with a pair of snacks. Qiye took two skewers, and put one into her mouth, and then handed the other to Reiko Kujo's mouth. Reiko Kujo was taken aback, and then opened happily. Mouth.

Nanaya and Reiko Kujo happily enjoyed the heat and enthusiasm of summer. Looking at the three words Tianxia finally burning on the mountain in the distance, they were in a very good mood. As for the shooting that happened on this day, it was not their business. Up.

Chapter six hundred and sixty ninth-send you to see Hitler!

I think I still have to write a case, there is no case, the last chapter was dry...


In the room of a high-end hot spring hotel in Saitama Prefecture, a handsome man with short blond hair moved his lips. This unconscious move indicated that he had not fully woken up yet, and the scarlet eyes under his eyelids were also covered up. look.

The perfectly shaped nose quivered slightly, and the scent of a sweet woman was inhaled in his nose, almost instinctively. He opened his mouth and immediately bit the sweet breakfast beside his mouth.

"Um..." The sensitive part was attacked, and the woman on the bed, Madonna Reiko Kujo from the prosecutors' circle, immediately regained consciousness. After seeing the situation clearly, she almost shouted.

Reiko Kujo looked at the situation in front of her, feeling ashamed, angry and helpless in her heart, Qiye was still asleep, but she bit her chest through her clothes.

Qiye and Reiko Kujo played for a long time at the First Night Festival in the world yesterday, and did not return to the hotel until midnight. After drinking a little, Reiko Kujo, who was already tired, lay directly on the bed and fell asleep.

Nanaya would naturally not let this opportunity pass, and lay down with Reiko Kujo, although in the end they didn’t do anything, because before Nanaya wanted to do something, Reiko Kujo fell asleep, which made Nanaya very helpless, you Are you so relieved of me?

However, it is also a good enjoyment to sleep with the body of Kujo Reiko and Nephrite.

However, Reiko Kujo did not expect that Nanayakai did this to her unconsciously before she woke up.

But it’s not Qiye’s fault. At home, he can sleep with at least one girl every day. Even when working overtime in the Metropolitan Police Department, he can be accompanied by at least one of the three police flowers. The hug posture is different, so he doesn't necessarily bite something in his mouth. Sometimes he bites his chest, sometimes he bites his earlobe, bit his neck, bit his shoulder, bit his hand, bit his foot, and all kinds of mess have happened. .

Qiye biting Kujo Reiko's chest, the habit of Qiye naturally inspired by the woman's frankincense, not only bit it, but also began to move his tongue and teeth.

Kujo Reiko is still wearing last night's clothes. The summer yukata is naturally light and breathable. The fabric is soft and light, very easy to breathe, and naturally very easy to permeate.

The small grape on Reiko Kujo's chest was quickly wetted by Qiye's saliva and hardened, and a very small tent was set up on her chest.

Kujo Reiko wanted to push Nanya away, but soon this thought was burned by the flames in her body. The 33-year-old woman had a completely mature body, and it was still the body of a 33-year-old virgin. God knows How much desire is suppressed in her body, Kujo Reiko's suppression is probably better than Fei Yingli's body of 37-year-old mature woman who suppressed for ten years.

The 33-year-old woman, even if she is still an old virgin, is not comparable to a young girl. This young girl refers to Qingzi, and Ye, Mira, and Xiaolan. As for the unscientific girl from Gaocheng Saye It is not counted.

The hand that Reiko Kujo originally stretched out to push Nanya's head away, turned into a big head holding his arm, pressing his head firmly against her chest, squeezing her soft chest, and this also made Qiya Fully awake.

Qiye’s brain is like a solid-state hard drive. Compared with the mechanical hard drive of the ordinary brain, he can start up instantly as long as he is powered on, and he understands the current situation instantly, which makes him smile rather evilly, and then Continue his "work".

It was because of Qiye's rapid reaction ability that Reiko Kujo didn't realize that Qiye had woke up, and his two jade hands were still holding his big head firmly.

After Nanya wakes up, this mouth will naturally not be an unconscious action like in a dream. The skills he has tried on thousands of young girls, mature women and even young girls have been used on Reiko Kujo.

Kujo Reiko hugged Nanaya tightly, her dark green eyes, which were always full of confidence and arrogance, were closed, her bright red lips opened wide, but she couldn't make any meaningful syllables.

Kujo Reiko is very suitable for heavy makeup. The eye-catching red lipstick is very suitable for her. Some women are suitable for light makeup, while some women are suitable for heavy makeup. For example, girls like Qingzi and Ye, even at the age of Kujo Reiko, people change They have to be mature, and the dress with heavy make-up is still not suitable for them.

On the other hand, Reiko Kujo is very beautiful and affectionate with her light makeup, but Nanaya still likes her heavy makeup more. Reiko Kujo’s character and face are naturally suitable for heavy makeup. She wears bright red. Lipstick does not make people feel tacky, it is still beautiful and amazingly beautiful.

Nanaya lifted the collar of the loose yukata, and then opened her mouth to bite a grape that had been soaked with red by his saliva.

Kujo Reiko trembled, her eyes were still closed, and her red lips were tightly closed. She probably knew that Nanaya was awake, but she still didn't break it. It seemed that this could reduce her Some shame.

Women, sometimes they have such unfrank cuteness.

Kujo Reiko's thoughts are not difficult to guess, so Nanaya also knows, but he won't stop his movements because of this, instead it has become more intense.

Qiye's teeth bit a grape on the top of Jiujo Reiko's right chest until it changed from red to purple, and then Qiye left this poor and cute little thing.

After leaving the little purple grape, Nanaya's body moved up on the body of Reiko Kujo, and her lips found Reiko Kujo's red lips.

Reiko Kujo had been fascinated with him a long time ago. Last time when she was in Nanki Shirahama, Reiko Kujo was touched by the small plum key chain that Nanki gave her. Because of the case a few days ago, Reiko Kujo consciously did it by herself. Something was wrong, and she felt guilty for Qiye, so she didn't have the ability to resist his actions psychologically. Her shell teeth just made a symbolic resistance, and she let Qiye's tongue get in.

When Nanaya slipped into Kujo Reiko's mouth, he obviously felt the stiffness of the woman under him, and his big hand could not help but touch her wet chest again, gently kneading it.

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