Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 688

With the guidance of Qiye's familiar hand, Kujo Reiko's tension when she lost her first kiss quickly disappeared, and the whole person was immersed in the beauty of kissing, and her two jade arms held Qiye's neck tightly.

As they twisted their bodies, the loose red yukata on Reiko Kujo had already separated from her body, and the beautiful body of the mature woman appeared in front of Nanaya.

Qiye's body moved downwards, separating the slender jade legs of Reiko Jiujiao, opening her mouth to hold the wet little bun, and her tongue swept over it wantonly.

After Kujo Reiko's body was completely wet, Nanaya also began to untie his clothes, and he only wore one piece of clothing. He didn't even bother to wear boxer shorts inside. It was completely vacuumed, and there was nothing when he opened the belt. Up.

Qiye's whole body was pressed on Kujo Reiko's body, and the hot weapon was placed under Kujo Reiko's body. Qiye obviously felt that Kujo Reiko's whole body was stiff.

Qiye leaned down, her lips pressed against Kujo Reiko's ear, and said, "If you don't say anything, I will continue."

Kujo Reiko pursed her lips, still closing her eyes somewhat deceively, she acquiesced in all his actions towards her.

Qiye secretly laughed at the woman's behavior, but didn't shame the woman anymore, and the weapon slowly pierced with him as he stood up.

When the head of the weapon entered, Reiko Kujo almost suffocated, and when she was confused, Qiye's low voice was heard in her ear: "Open your eyes and look at me."

Kujo Reiko's heart trembled, and she seemed to remember the tone he had said to herself in the car that day. She didn't know when she angered him again. This made Kujo Reiko dare not close her eyes again and immediately opened her eyes to look at him.

"Remember me, you forever man." Nanaya showed his possessive desire for this woman in a timely manner. When Kujo Reiko became blurred because of his gaze, Nanaya stabbed her forcefully and completely smashed Kujo Reiko. Run through.

"Pain!" Reiko Kujo's tears and the blood red plum blossoms under her body burst out in pain, her brain completely stayed at this moment, his blond hair, his red eyes, and the pain the moment he pierced her, it was difficult to make a sound. forget.

Really tight!Qiye secretly admired the closeness of Jiujiao Reiko's body, looked at Jiujiao Reiko's painful expression, while pitying in her heart, she was naturally very proud.

The more pure things are, the more people have the desire to destroy them. The purest thing for a woman is the membrane that protects the last layer of chastity, which can destroy the purity of a girl, which destroys men. Desire is a great satisfaction. Although Qiye is not a human being, he is a collection of various sins and resentments of mankind. He naturally has this desire to destroy.

Although Qiye is happy to admit that he is a scumbag sometimes, he is not so emotionally. Although he is not a dedicated man, he can shoulder all his responsibilities. Now, he wants to fulfill his role as a man. The husband's responsibility is to comfort this charming wife under him.

Nanaya kissed Reiko Kujo, and spoke very natural words that sounded disgusting to outsiders. For this woman who made him truly tempted, he did his best to soothe her pain, which is bound to give her a perfect memory.

Soon, Kujo Reiko's mature body responded to the symbol of man as it should be. She is not a little girl anymore, and she adapts quickly. Fragrant buttocks twisted slightly, and she told him silently. Already, it is also instinctive, in order to relieve some of my itching.

Nanaya is not the first time to experience this kind of thing, but every time she gets to this step, her mood rises inevitably, and she begins to conquer Kujo Reiko's beautiful body that coexists with maturity and youth.

Two hours later, Kujo Reiko's originally arrogant face was flushed, with a contented look, she gently pushed the monster that showed no signs of softening after venting once, and said softly, "I can't do it, next time. good or not."

The voice of the woman who became Yulu is so charming and charming, I am afraid that it can be more appealing than Chunyu. If I change to an ordinary man, I am afraid I can't help but pounce on it.

Kujo Reiko was not just a tool to vent his desires for Nanaya. This was the woman he had given sincerely. He naturally pityed her in his heart. Knowing that she was unbearable for the conquest, she retreated and stopped.

Anyway, I have already broken through this step, and it is easy to do anything in the future. Qiye kissed Reiko Kujo on the cheek, hugged her and lay down, and didn't do anything anymore.

Kujo Reiko was easily moved by his thoughtfulness in her heart. She also kissed Qiye’s cheek, and pressed her red face to his chest, listening to Qiye’s strong heartbeat, that solid The heartbeat sounded like a strange magic power, so that Reiko Kujo gradually calmed down from the emptiness and loss that had just been lost, and fell asleep sweetly like a baby.


Tokyo Rice Flower Temple...

At dusk, the two stone lions used to guard the gates in the temple were coated with a golden film by the setting sun, making the two stone lions look more majestic.

And in the temple, a pretty girl in her early twenties wearing white short sleeves and a purple coat with very beautiful, slightly curly brown long hair, was sprinkled with blood at this moment, a beautiful blue The eyes were full of fear, and not far in front of her, was a young man lying on the ground with a lot of blood flowing from his ribs.


The blood-stained fruit knife in the girl's hands fell to the ground, and she whispered "No," as if she was unbelievable about her behavior just now. The girl lost her strength and knelt on the ground.

"I obviously didn't want to kill!!!"

The girl's screaming scream was so worried, but a discordant voice completely broke the situation.

"Crack!" The voice of a middle-aged man finally announced that all this is just making a movie.

"Very well, this scene is fine!" A fat man wearing a beret and a green shirt waved his hand and said, "Yoko! Well done!"

"Huh~~ Thank you very much." The female star Yoko Okino was obviously relieved, and then said with a smile, saying this to the man on the ground.

The actor lying on the ground sat up and said with a smile: "How can the handsome guy's wise acting skills make mistakes?"

The screenwriter handed a towel to Yoko Okino. While wiping the blood on his face, Yoko Okino walked up to someone watching and said with a smile: "Six Dao Police Officer, what do you think of my performance just now? "

Of course Qiye will exist in places with beautiful women. Qiye smiled slightly and said, "Miss Yoko's acting skills are very good. This TV series will definitely be very brilliant."

"This is also a trouble for six police officers. We can only shoot so smoothly with you as our consultant." Yoko Okino smiled happily.

After leaving Saitama Prefecture, Nanaya and Reiko Kujo began to wander around Japan again. When passing by this temple, they happened to meet Yoko Okino and others who were filming TV dramas here.The plot is probably about some love-hate entanglements, and in the second half there will be love-killing scenes, so Yoko Okino got rid of Qiye and took a look at their scripts to make their love-killing scenes more perfect.

Of course Qiye wouldn’t have enough to eat and stay okay to refuse a request from a beautiful woman. Of course he readily agreed. Anyway, he still has time. Only one week has passed since the one-month suspension, and there are more than twenty days left. And it didn't take long for the scene, Qiye naturally stayed.

This made a certain jealous Madonna almost choked him to death at the time, and behaved exceptionally violently in bed at night, but in the end it was still hard to beat the toughness of God of War and was defeated again.

And Qiye’s saying that Yoko Okino’s acting is very good is not a compliment, let alone a lie. Yoko Okino does not rely on a face to eat, she is indeed talented in acting, and her acting skills are comparable to those of Fenghua Xiaoxue. But it's not the best among the women that Qiye has seen.

After all, Yoko Okino is still young and has not had too complicated experiences. Compared to her two predecessors, Kiko and Belmode, she is still far behind. After all, those two women are one. She is a born genius actor, one is the witch with a thousand faces who kills countless people, Yoko Okino, is too tender.

To say that her acting skills are the best, Qiye thinks she is still the woman of Feng Fujiko.

There are Kiko and Belmod's acting skills, I have to say that a large part of it comes from the disguise skills they learned from Kuroba Thiefichi, and the woman Feng Fujiko relied entirely on her own natural acting skills.

Feng Fujiko doesn't need to change her face. As long as she changes her clothes, she will be completely unrecognizable by others. This can only be done by changing her sense of existence. Can't learn.

Director Kudo Taketoshi walked over and patted Qiye on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Of course, because with the participation of Liudao Qiye police officers, this drama is of course very different."

The drama clerk Togaki Taeko wearing glasses took a towel to give Chijin enlightenment to the scene with Yoko Okino just now, and said, "Mr. Nachi, you have worked so hard just now. Wipe your sweat."

"Thank you." The absolutely white-faced Jizhengo took you and the towel, and said while wiping his sweat, "By the way, Taeko, would you like to eat with me tonight?"

"That's not okay." Director Kudo Taketoshi smiled and pointed to a weak-looking young man behind him, and said: "Because Taeko will marry this kid next month."

The young man Shimazaki Yuji talked about by the director suddenly blushed, and touched his hair awkwardly, saying, "Yes, that's right."

"Well, get married." Qiye squeezed her chin, and then reached Reiko Kujo's ear, and said, "How about we have a wedding in court another day?"

"You can figure it out, that's the courtroom!" Reiko Kujo glared at him shamefully and brought the wedding to the courtroom, but he couldn't figure it out.

"People before marriage look like flowers." A very discordant voice disturbed the good atmosphere here, "However, it is just an illusion."

The speaker was a skinny-looking guy. The cameraman of this TV series, Anzai Shouren, Shimazaki Yuji immediately wanted to rush to the theory after hearing his words, but was stopped by Taeko Dougaki.

Qiye looked at this guy with a kidney loss at first sight, and couldn't help but stab the Nine Reiko who was next to him with his elbow, and said, "Hey, Reiko, this guy really has a vulgar face."

"Although you won't be convicted of defamation to tell the truth, you don't have to be so direct." Reiko Kujo raised her forehead, and Yushou covered her smile. On the surface, she blamed Nanaya for her words, but she obviously agreed with Nanaya's words. , This guy named Anxi Shouren is really vulgar.

"what did you say?!"

"Why, do you want to fight?!" Facing the gaze of Anxi's guardian, Qiye was naturally not afraid, pinched her finger bones, and made a crackling noise. It is summer. Although Qiye is not soaked in the heat or cold, she will not wear a cotton jacket. On the street, there was a black T-shirt on his upper body. With his movements, his strong muscles breathed. The originally strong chest muscles, two heads, and three heads seemed to grow a little bit in an instant.

One is a look like a wretched man with a kidney failure, and the other is a tall, handsome, and strong policeman. There is no suspense at all in this duel.

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