Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 689

"Why, hurry up and do it, after all, it's not illegal to kill, and I can't beat you if you don't do it." Qiye smiled, showing her casserole-big fist, and said: "One punch to send you. See Hitler! But sorry, it's one way!"

Chapter 670-Fighting!


Qiye's black jokes made many people laugh. Obviously, although he is a colleague of the crew, the Anxi guard is obviously the unpopular kind.

Anxi Shouren's face was gloomy, but after comparing the strength of the two sides, he could only go away.

This annoying guy was rectified by Qiye, everyone was obviously in a good mood and began to pack the tools for filming.

Taeko Dougaki counted the props on site, and an old monk walked over at this time and said, "The photography should be over, right?"

"Grandpa." Taeko Dougaki turned to look at his grandfather, who is also the host of this temple, Hisaku Dougaki.

"After the filming, you have to tidy up, especially that kind of things." Togaki pointed to the prop blood on the ground that was sprinkled on the ground during the filming. It is really unlucky for such things to appear in the temple.

"I see, grandpa," Taeko Dougaki said obediently.

Qiye looked at the pool of prop blood on the ground, and turned to Kujo Reiko while saying, "If it were me, it would use real blood. Would you say, Ling... Reiko, what are you doing?"

Qiye turned her head and saw Reiko Kujo's gaze scanning the ground, as if looking for something.

"Earrings." Reiko Kujo pointed to her left earlobe and said, "I don't know where my earrings fell."

Qiye whispered a little bit that a woman is really troublesome, why do you wear so many jewelry, but she still started to help Jiujio Reiko find the missing earrings, because he remembered that they were given to her two days ago, so she cared very much.

Nanya quickly found the fallen ruby ​​earring in the small wood next to the temple, and Nanya put it on Kiujo Reiko personally again, which immediately made Kiujo Reiko smile at ease.

"Don't trouble me anymore!"

A man's voice came from the grove, Qiye recognized it, and Reiko Kujo also remembered it. It was the voice of the extremely narcissistic little white face.

"Do you have any evidence?!" The angry voice of Zhizhenwu came from the side of the tree again.

"Of course I have. If you want these photos and negatives, you should know what to do."

Qiye had already sensed that Jizhenwu and Anxi Shouren were here, but he didn't bother to care about what happened to the two men, but this time he heard some unexpected gains.

After listening to the conversation between the two of them, Reiko Kujo sneered. The two of them were really disgusting.


"Liudao Police Officer, we are going to stay in this hotel tonight." Director Hito stood in front of the Rice Flower Hotel and said, "How about it, do you want to have a drink together?"

Qiye looked at this not-so-large hotel, and said, "There shouldn't be my favorite wine here." Indeed, how could such a small place have the ultimate luxury of Polkinka? .

"How can a handsome guy like me live in such a cheap hotel? It's so out of style." When I heard this, I knew it was the little white face that Zhizhen Gou said, and then he narcissistically raised his bangs and said it. If I don't know how to live or die, "I'm going to stay at the Didan Hotel, how about it, Miss Jiutiao, do you want to be together?"

"Didan Restaurant? I really like the decoration there." Reiko Kujo touched the corner of her lips lightly, and looked at the smug expression on Zhizhengou's face, the smile on her face became arrogant and indifferent. : "I just don't like your little white face."

That Jizhengou's face is indeed a little white face. Reiko Kujo likes strong people. This is also the idea of ​​most women. It needs a strong peacekeeper. Since she is already a woman of Nanaya, Reiko Kujo is naturally not to any other man. I will be able to see it again, not to mention that the conversation I heard in the woods made Kujo Reiko feel even more disgusted with this little white face, although he didn't have a good impression.

That Chizhengo was choked by Kujo Reiko. He who has always been very narcissistic about his face is probably the first time a woman said so directly. This made his Xiaobai face a shameful red, but He can only be a little white face. Facing the arrogant and even unbelievable gaze of Reiko Kujo, he was cowardly, hummed twice, turned his head and walked away.

The departure of that fellow Zhizhengwu didn't cause much disturbance. Obviously, although this fellow did not have the annoying Anxi Shouren's kidney deficiency, he was not too gregarious.

After director Kudo and several men took a shower, they were in a room while drinking beer and spanking, but Anzai's guard suddenly stood up and left.

"Anxi, where are you going?" Chiteng looked at the Anxi guard with a beer bottle.

"I have to take care of my camera." Anxi Shouren said lightly, and then walked out directly.

"What a troublesome guy."

Taeko Dougaki squatted beside her fiance Yuji Shimazaki and said, "Yuji, I have something to go home."

"Well, then you come back quickly."


Nanaya, of course, was not interested in drinking with a few men, but in the next room, where besides him, there were only two beauties, Reiko Kujo and Yoko Okino.

"Hey?" Yoko Okino uttered an exclamation, looking at Reiko Kujo in surprise, and said, "Is the prosecutor Kujo already 33 years old? I really can't see it, so young."

Yoko Okino didn't make any teasing, and the words completely from the heart made Kujo Reiko want to provoke and couldn't pick it out. Moreover, Yoko Okino's words also made Kujo Reiko proud, she was still young!

"She just looks young." Someone who just revealed the true age of Reiko Kujo just now didn't realize it at all. He peeled a peanut and threw it in his mouth, then took a sip of beer, and said: "In fact, the essence is still An old woman."


Reiko Kujo, who was so embarrassed and furious, gave Qiye a punch directly, and Qiye was shamelessly "knocked down", lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

"My family is unfortunate, my family is unfortunate~~" Qiye immediately sat up, rubbed the bag on her head that was beaten out by Reiko Kujo, then peeled a peanut and threw it into her mouth.

"Cuckl..." Yoko Okino smiled softly, covering her mouth. One is a shrewd and capable policeman, and the other is a female prosecutor who is known for her tough style, but it's really funny when we get along in private.

Reiko Kujo gave a helpless look at Yoko Okino who was smiling so hard that she could not see her teeth, but Nanaya's eyes were full of interest.

Yoko Okino also has an affinity that ordinary people don’t have. When Reiko Kujo saw the young women appearing next to Nanaya, it was natural that the small vinegar jar had become acidic again. When he spoke to Yoko Okino, his tone was more aggressive. There was also a spike, but Yoko Okino didn't notice it, which made Kujo Reiko feel embarrassed to say anything hostile.

"Hey, Shimazaki, buy me a pack of cigarettes and come back." Heteng's voice came from the next room.

And downstairs, Shimazaki Yuji who was about to go out turned his head and said, "Oh, good."

Their conversation reminded Yoko Okino something. He smiled and looked at Reiko Kujo. He called out his name very familiarly and said, "Reiko, do you want to go to the convenience store to buy something?"

"But..." Reiko Kujo didn't refuse Yoko Okino's address to her. He turned to look at the clock on the wall. It is now 9:45. "You are a big star, go out at night. It won't be so good."

Reiko Kujo can be regarded as a star in the prosecutors circle, and sometimes she needs to deal with reporters. Those all-pervasive and creative guys really make Kujo Reiko unable to complain. She is like this, let alone a popular star like Yoko Okino.

Yoko Okino is the most well-known female celebrity now. If he is photographed walking around the street at night, God knows what can be written in the newspaper the next day.

Although the woman Kujo Reiko was a bit sharp, she was still kind after all, and her jealousy disappeared unconsciously. She considered this girl who was a big star but was innocent.

"No problem," Yoko Okino raised a finger, with the expression that a child had discovered something novel on his face, and then offered a treasure to the adult, and said: "Just change the hairstyle and wear a hat. , There will be no problem."

Reiko Kujo shook her head helplessly. She really had nothing to do with such a mindless person, and then immediately glared at the only unconscious man in this room, and said: "Hey, you, hurry up and give me a fuck Get out!"



With a heavy punch from Reiko Kujo, Qiye flew out of the room directly, and had an intimate contact with the wooden floor outside.

Reiko Kujo blew her fist and said, "I have to let my old lady use this to greet you."

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