Traveling from the collapse

Traveling from the collapse-Chapter 691

But this is not the focus of the discussion now. Mugure turned his attention away from Reiko Kujo, and then looked at the crew who had been summoned, and said: "Some of you are between ten and ten thirty. Has time left the hotel?"

There was a riot, and Shimazaki Yuji walked out and said, "I went out to buy cigarettes at that time."

"About when is it?"

"Nine: forty-five." Qiye said, looking at Mumu's suspicious gaze, she continued to explain: "Because I happened to look at the clock at that time, and then I went to the convenience store with Reiko and Yoko."

As for Nanaya's words, Mugure certainly believed him. He looked at Shimazaki Yuji and said, "Then when did you return to the hotel?"

"About thirty minutes later."

After asking the question, Mumu looked at the narcissistic little white face and Zhizhengrui again, and said: "Mr. Nazhi, I heard that you refused to stay in a hotel, but insisted on staying in the Emperor Dan Hotel, right?"

"That's because of the handsome self-esteem, and I am not allowed to stay in that second-rate hotel."

Walnut swears with his second brother that this and that Zhizhengwu is definitely a brain-dead thing. Talking to the police is a handsome self-esteem. I can't say that anyway.


Nanaya and Reiko Kujo rolled their eyes and gave the most appropriate evaluation. This guy is an idiot, not only his face, but his brain is white.

"What are you talking about?!" Ji Zhenwu looked at Qiye jealously, just jealous. As a little white face, his face is the only thing he can rely on. When he sees a man who is more handsome than him, little white face is ridiculous. Your self-esteem will be hit, and the emotion of jealousy will naturally arise.

However, there is one more point. It’s because Kujo Reiko was here. Before that Zhizhengaku wanted to invite Kujo Reiko, he was unabashedly satirized by Kujo Reiko. The way that Kujo Reiko and Nanaya are so close is of course to make the mind really enlightened More jealous, so this guy is really stupid.

"Why, do you want to fight?" Qiye squeezed her finger bones and said, "Although I am still on suspension, I am still a policeman. If you dare to do it, you can't escape the charge of assaulting the police."

"I think I will get back to work as soon as possible." Reiko Kujo hugged her arms, her face showed arrogance, and said: "The charge of assaulting a policeman is enough for you to sit for a few years, but I don't know if you have There is no life to go to court."

Kujo Reiko's words are clearly implying that as long as that Zhizheng Wu dares to take action, Qiye would dare to kill him for assaulting the police. That would not be illegal. Kujo Reiko knew this very well.

These two people... Mumu looked helpless, coughed twice, and brought back the atmosphere that was gradually deviating from the scene. Looking at that Zhizhen Wu, he said, "Then you will be between ten and ten thirty tonight. Where?"

That Jizhenwu’s little white face is at best just brave, how dare you really go to the tall Qiyejun, after listening to Mumu’s words, he was immediately relieved, but what he said was bullshit, and his head turned back. He didn't know what he was looking at, and said, "I was in the hotel bar before ten o'clock. There are still a lot of people who can testify for me."

"I mean after ten o'clock!" Mumu said angrily, obviously a little dissatisfied with the defiant little white face who was talking all over the sky.

"I stay in the hotel room."

"Where is the witness?"

"I have always been alone, without witnesses."

"Detective Meguro." Takagi appeared here as a dragon sleeve, holding a few photos in his hand, and said, "I found this kind of thing in the victim's room!"

Na Jizhengo’s face changed drastically, and Mumu took the photo and saw that there were two people in the photo, a man and a woman, both of whom did not look at the camera. Obviously they were taken secretly. The woman, Mumudao didn’t know him, but one. A nice beauty, and the man is the real enlightenment of the handsome guy in front of him.

"This is... the picture of Mr. Nazhi walking out of the hotel with a woman."

Yoko Okino saw the woman in the picture next to Mugure, and couldn't help being surprised: "Isn't this the actress Ritsuko Ogiyama? But, she is already married!"

Yoko Okino is also a female celebrity herself, and of course she knows some people in the circle, so she recognized this well-known Ritsuko Ogiyama at a glance.

"That's it..." Qiye smiled evilly, and said: "It's really a little white face. The handsome guy's Zhizhengwu broke out to seduce married female stars. This is really big news that can make the headlines."

Qiye deliberately bites the word "big handsome guy" seriously, and the irony is self-evident.

"So, it turns out that the deceased used this to scare you in the afternoon, handsome guy~~" Reiko Kujo's jade hand stroked the corner of her eyes, and a confident and proud expression appeared on her face again, just like Qiye, she took the three The words are heavy.

"Intimidation?" Hearing this keyword, Mumu immediately turned around and said: "Kujo, what's the matter?"

Megure and Reiko Kujo are old acquaintances, but the relationship is naturally not too close. This is because they have had contact at work, so the name is given by the last name.

"This afternoon, after the filming was over, Qiye and I saw the victim in the grove holding the photo in his hands and threatening Mr. Nachi for money." Reiko Kujo is a well-known prosecutor, and her testimony is of course very credible. Plus a six roads and seven nights.

"Mr. Nazhi, is this the case?" Mumu turned his head and looked at that Zhizhenwu. After all, after so many years of being a police officer, after so many years of accumulation, Mumu has solved many cases and has a certain spirit.

With a cold sweat on his face, Zhizhengwu squatted and said: "I...I am not a murderer! If I am a murderer, then what does the stone lion mean?!"

The stone lion that Zhizhenwu said was next to the dead Anxi Shouren. It seemed that he had written three words in blood before he died, stone lion.

Qiye also glanced at the stone lion on the ground at this time, and had already thought about it, and said, "Mumu, here is a discovery!"

Mumu immediately ran over PDPD, and Qiye pointed his finger at the three characters on the ground, and said: "The strokes of these three characters are a bit wrong, I suspect they were changed later."


Qiye pointed at the first word, and said, "Look at this, the strokes are broken, it should be connected here."

Nanaya pointed to the first katakana. This katakana seemed to be the word of mouth without the first vertical. The horizontal folds should have been connected together, but now they are separated.

After removing the added strokes, the remaining katakana forms two characters, handsome guy!

"The decisive evidence seems to have appeared." Mumu looked at that Zhizhenwu coldly.

"'s not me..." Ji Zhenwu said in a panic: "I did make an appointment with Anxi to meet here at 10:30, but Anxi was already dead when I arrived. It's true!"

"Okay! You don't have to say any more!"

"It's true! He was really dead when I arrived!" Zhizhengo argued loudly, but his hands were handcuffed by Mumu.

"If you have anything, go to the court to speak."

Kujo Reiko wanted to say something, but Qiye stopped her with her eyes. With the justice and cherished love in her heart, Reiko Kujo chose love after all.

This is Nanya's plan. He pushed this case onto that Zhizhengwu's body. Although this little white face was annoying at first, Nanya wouldn't do it yet, but who told him that he wanted to kill Kujo Reiko? ?

Na Zhizhengo had a motive for murder, and he himself said that he had been to the scene when the crime happened, and the deceased left his name. Although there is no evidence of fingerprints, but with these, even if he is in court no matter what. Denial is all good, but also powerless.

I'm afraid there are many prisoners in the prison who can take the same bite...Which bite?Going behind, Qiye will let the group of people greet this handsome guy well, and that group of people should be very happy.

At night, in the room, Nanaya and Reiko Kujo ended a battle. Reiko Kujo lay on Qiye's chest, panting, and it took a long time to recover.

Nanaya and Reiko Kujo are currently in their honeymoon period. It's really not good if you don't toss about it at night. Their room is naturally just for the two of them, and Yoko Okino will not be here.

"Do you want to ask about my case?" Qiye asked in a low voice, stroking Reiko Kujo's sweaty beautiful back.

"Yeah." Reiko Kujo nodded. She didn't understand this point. She saw that the secret hidden under the stone lion was not a handsome guy. It was also modified. Originally, the message left by the dead pointed to the real The murderer should be Taeko Dougaki.

"Haha, what does it matter?" Qiye smiled and said, "The two are going to get married next month. If you throw the bride into jail at this time, it would be very wicked. And... that Chizhenguo that The guy is not a good thing, but he dared to hit my dear Reiko." Nanaya bowed her head and kissed Kujo Reiko's face, and said: "This is an absolutely unforgivable sin in my law."

Qiye's words made Reiko Kujo let go of the psychological burden of "a prosecutor helped a policeman wrongfully kill a person", and twisted her hips again to cooperate with him.

But outside the door, a young girl, hearing their conversation, didn't know what it was like.

Chapter 673-Transition!

Na Zhizhengou was arrested and imprisoned because he had a motive for murder, the blood written by the deceased, and it was confirmed that he was at the scene of the crime. So no matter how he denied it, he was finally convicted of intentional homicide and thrown into prison. .

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