Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 692

Qiye also made some tricks secretly, so that Zhizhenwu and a group of gays are in the same prison, so please take care of the rest.

Although that Jizhengou was arrested, the TV series has been filmed to the last few episodes, and the role played by that Jizhengou has been killed by Yoko Okino here, so the original role of the latter is just the identity of the corpse. The double can also make do with the past.

The director and screenwriter urgently revised the script, and finally got the TV series to be filmed on time, and then after the post-production was completed, it was on the screen.

Because of the homicide case of the big star Zhizhenwu, this TV series was once pushed to the forefront and attracted widespread attention. After the TV series was broadcast, Yoko Okino's acting skills and lingering plot, as well as the final exciting love killings were all received. After receiving wide acclaim, the audience's attention has gradually shifted from the murderer, Chizhengaku, to the drama itself, and the heroine Yoko Okino.

This also made Okino Yoko's popularity rise again, while that Chizhengo gradually faded out of people's sight, and after more than a week, no one was mentioning the name.

It's cruel, but this is the entertainment industry, and peers are like enemy countries. This is not just casual talk. The competition in the entertainment industry is fierce, and it is a battlefield without gun smoke.

Although Yoko Okino has a simple and kind personality and will not do anything to get into trouble, as a popular female star, Yoko Okino is more than just her, behind her there is this agency company and a huge The group dedicated to her.

The Chizhengo murder case and the sex scandal that broke out immediately caused his popularity to collapse sharply. With the broadcast of that TV series, Yoko Okino's popularity skyrocketed. The most important factor in this is two words, interest. .

Some people do decapitation business, and no one does the money-losing business. The better Yoko Okino develops, the greater the benefits she can involve. Of course, the group behind her is very willing to do something.

On the other hand, Nanaya and Reiko Kujo wandered around Japan for a month, and finally reluctantly returned to the Metropolitan Police Department and the Procuratorate.

Of course, the relationship between Nanaya and Reiko Kujo was made public, and he also warned the guys at the procuratorate that this woman belonged to him, and asked them to be acquainted.

Of course, Qiye was still the same in the Metropolitan Police Department, playing games, killing time and waiting for the end of get off work. Early in the morning, Qiye carrying a big plastic bag came to the Metropolitan Police Department to "work", and the bag was on the road when he came. A bunch of snacks bought at a convenience store.

Qiye took her place, turned on the computer, and when she was waiting to turn it on, she took out a packet of potato chips from the bag and tore it open, and waited while eating.

After turning on the computer, Qiye ate the potato chips while operating the computer proficiently with one hand, opened the browser, and then searched for Yoko Okino's new play, and clicked it to watch it directly.

Although there is a big gap between Yukiko's acting skills, but it is not bad. Compared with other Japanese romantic dramas, Okino Yoko's TV dramas are of a relatively high level, and it is also good to pass the time.

As soon as Qiye watched two episodes, the phone rang, keeping the appearance of eating snacks, then picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID on it, Qiye smiled, which is a coincidence.

It was Yoko Okino who called. After the last case was over, the two of them also exchanged phone calls.

"Hey, Police Officer Six."

As soon as Nanya answered the phone, Yoko Okino's cheerful voice rang, and a picture appeared in Nanya's mind. Today, Yoko Okino, who was resting, was lying on the bed, with his little feet tilted back and kicking the air. Next to him is a package of unpacked potato chips, accompanied by her boring TV.

"Miss Yoko, we are so familiar too, don't call me six police officers, just call my name." Qiye smiled slightly while holding the phone.

On the phone, as Qiye guessed, Yoko Okino, who was lying on the bed watching TV, flushed slightly, and then said in a cheerful tone: "Okay, but in this case, don't call me Miss Yoko, just Call me Yoko, this is fair."

"Okay." Of course, Qiye agreed readily and said, "Yoko, what can I do if you call me today?"

"Can't I call you if I'm fine?"

Slightly unexpected by Nanya, Yoko Okino directly spoke a bit savagely, which made Nanya stunned for a while, and Yoko Ono on the phone was also stunned for a while and did not speak. Obviously this ambiguous remark made her shy. , Although she said it herself.

Nanaya grinned and smiled silently, but she didn't say anything to make Yoko Okino even more shy. Instead, she said, "Why, Yoko, what's the matter with me today?"

Qiye didn't take the opportunity to make her shy and Yoko Okino breathed a sigh of relief. The expression on her face that was originally embarrassed and shy also became happy. Her two little feet kept dangling and said: "Qiya, you two Is there any time in heaven?"

"Time, it's a lot of time." Qiye smiled slightly, her tone changed to joking, and said, "Why, does Yoko want to date me?"

"No!" Yoko Okino directly retorted shyly, but before Qiye teased her, she said again, "No, yes!"

Nanaya was stunned, he didn't understand what Yoko Okino meant by now.

Yoko Okino sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at her feet, her little hands messing with her proud brown hair, and said: "Actually, Nisei TV is hosting a charity golf tournament. I want to invite you to accompany me. Let's go together."

"Oh, that's it." Qiye knew it. He knew about this event. After all, some of the girls in the family paid great attention to whether the daily TV station had any events or not. If so, let Xiaolan go to the draw... …What the hell.

Some celebrities and celebrities were invited to participate in this golf tournament. Different amounts of money will be donated in the name of that person according to the results of the tournament. Yoko Okino was also invited to participate in this event.

"I have a lot of time, and it's okay to go to that competition, but if your results are too bad, don't blame me, Yoko." Qiye smiled with her mobile phone.

"No, Qiye is so good, and he will definitely win the championship." Yoko Okino immediately became happy, and the originally nervous cross-sitting posture turned into lying on the bed.

"You said that I am under a lot of pressure." Qiye said with a smile, and then took the opportunity to say: "You have to give me a little motivation if you want me to win the championship."

"Huh? What motivation?"

The smile on the corner of Qiye's mouth turned evil, and said, "If I can win the championship, can I invite the beautiful Miss Yoko to dinner with me?"

"Hey?" Yoko Okino was stunned for a moment, and her little hand curled her long brown hair nervously, stumblingly and saying: "Okay... okay..."

"Then it's settled." Qiye smiled, and was about to hang up.

"Wait, wait!" Yoko Okino on the other side of the phone felt that Qiye meant to hang up, and said anxiously.

"What's wrong, Yoko, is there anything else?" Qiye said strangely.

"Actually... that... I don't know how to play golf, can you teach me tomorrow?" Yoko Okino said embarrassedly, "If you don't have time, then forget it."

"Since it is Yoko's request, of course there is time." Qiye gave Yoko a relaxed and happy answer, "It's been a long time, and I will pick you up at your apartment tomorrow morning."


After saying this, Yoko Okino hung up the phone hurriedly, making Qiye amused while holding the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Yoko Okino jumped out of his princess bed, kicked a pair of pink slippers, came to the front of the closet, opened the closet door, and inside was a set of golf clubs that I bought only yesterday.

Chapter six hundred and seventy four-

The next day, Qiye got in his Lamborghini with a set of golf clubs in it, and then drove towards Yoko Ono's house.

Yoko Okino is not a material woman, but her home is very ordinary. In an ordinary residential area, the location is good, close to her agency, but not too big, and it doesn’t need to be too big to live alone. The place.

Qiye drove quickly and came to the community where Yoko Okino lived. After parking the car in the underground garage, Qiye came to the bottom of Yoko Okino's house and rang the doorbell.

"Is it Qiye?"

"Yeah, Yoko, did I come a little earlier?"

"Ah, no, no, you come up quickly."

Yoko Okino opened the door, but Nanya still had to go up the stairs, because the doorbell that was pressed was the doorbell at the bottom of the unit, not Yoko Okino's door.

Yoko Okino lives on the third floor, seven nights and three steps and two steps, and quickly ran up, and immediately saw Yoko Okino standing at the door with a happy face.

"It seems that I did come a little earlier." Qiye couldn't help laughing as she looked at Yoko Okino.

At this time, Yoko Okino was wearing a pink hello kitty pajamas. It was obvious that she only woke up soon. The white tooth powder on the corners of her mouth proved this. She was still brushing her teeth just now, and she didn't even have time to clean the corners of her mouth.

"No, I got up late." Yoko Okino said embarrassedly.

Qiye grabbed his hair. Actually, he came a little earlier. It's only after 7 o'clock. Yoko Okino actually got up at 6:40. Yoko Okino hasn't worked for these two days because of the charity on the weekend. Because of the golf game, the company gave her a few days of leave for her to practice, and think about how difficult it is to get up at 6:40 when she is not working.

Yoko Okino brought Nanya into the house, and then went into the bathroom immediately. After all, she was only halfway through brushing her teeth just now. Because she heard the doorbell, she panicked and ran out to open the door.

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