Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 693

Yoko Okino continued to wash her face and brush her teeth, and Nanya walked into Yoko Okino's bedroom unceremoniously, and then sat on Yoko Okino's bed unceremoniously.

Yoko Okino’s bedroom layout is very girly pink. Of course, she is just a girl now. The pink bed is soft, because it is summer, there is no quilt, but a pink blanket, and the bed is still Scattered with fragments of potato chips, I want to be a star

Chapter 675-Explosion!

Qiye hugged many women and met many more women. He had already done things like taking advantage of a woman when he faced a woman. He had done it very naturally, just like now, holding Yoko Okino without a word. Although there was a smirk at the corner of his mouth, there was no lust in his eyes.

He was able to completely release his lust in an instant, and naturally he was able to completely converge, which is not something humans can do.

Nanaya held Yoko Okino very naturally, as if they were a pair of passionately in love, very natural, without any embarrassment or stagnation, but both sides knew that it was not the case at all.

Suddenly, Yoko Okino was held by Qiye, and her heart was startled. Her face was blushing, and the fascinating star turned into a young girl who was first in love.

It’s not that Yoko Okino has never been in contact with the opposite sex. She also had a boyfriend before, the one who committed suicide in her apartment, but shortly after they met, she entered the showbiz development, and then broke up. The guy who fell out had no time to taste the meaty smell, and the two of them had no chance.

Most of the contacts with other opposite sexes are also at work. For example, in the last TV series, she and Jizhengo originally acted as a couple. Naturally, there was some physical contact, but she didn’t know how to do it at work. What do you think.

But the situation is different now. Although they are friends who can call each other names, they are not so good. In fact, they did not. They didn't seem to have much contact with each other. Only the case of her apartment was the same. It's only a second play.

"Don't be so nervous." Qiye smiled faintly, and the evil interest in her heart rose again, and said: "I won't think badly about you."

Yoko Okino cleverly understood the words in Nanaya, which made her unhappy.

For one thing, Qiye said that he would not think badly towards her, and seemed to imply that she should not think badly about him. Secondly, Qiye’s wicked smile seemed to say, "You look so good. It’s not pretty enough, and it’s not enough to make me feel bad.” These two points can’t make Yoko Okino happy.

"Okay, let me teach you how to play." Qiye drew back to the subject, and then drew Okino Yoko's little hand with both hands, took the cue, raised the cue to the top of his head, and then drew Okino Yoko's hand. The club swung down, and the ball head hit the white ball on the ground. The white ball flew off the ground for the first time, made an arc in the air, and then flew over half the court and landed on the ground.

"Hey? Got it?" Yoko Okino was still a little confused because of her shyness. When she woke up, she looked at the little white ball on the ground in the distance and was surprised.

Nanaya and Yoko Okino were the first guests to come to this indoor golf course today. When they came, there was not a single ball on the course. Nanaya only played a few, and they were all concentrated near the wire fence. , And a small white ball dropped just halfway through the stadium. Isn’t it hard to recognize?

"Now, let's do it again." Qiye smiled, and then took Yoko Okino's hand and dialed a small white ball over, and then took her to swing out.

After hitting a dozen or so balls in a row, Qiye let go of Yoko Okino and said, "Try it yourself." After speaking, she sat on the side chair, picked up the juice and drank it.

Yoko Okino drew a ball in front of her with his cue, and then swung the cue like Qiye had done with her just now. The ball did fly out, but it only flew five or six meters before it fell. On the ground.

"Uh..." Yoko Okino's face was embarrassed.

"Hahahaha..." Qiye smiled unceremoniously. Although he hadn't learned golf at all, he was just imitating, but the postures of the professional players he copied were enough for him.

Qiye doesn't understand golf. What he knows best is fighting. He knows how to use the smallest movement to explode the greatest strength, and how to use the smallest force to make the white ball fly further Qiye naturally knows.

"Don't laugh!" Yoko Okino pouted, and said to Qiye like a little girl.

"Okay, okay, don't laugh, don't laugh." Qiye waved her hand, strangled the laughter, and said, "You do it again."

Seeing that Qiya stopped smiling, Yoko Okino reduced the shame in her heart a bit, and then dialed a ball over and swung the club.

"Don't just think about using your hands, but also use the strength of your waist." Qiye sat and pointed to Okino Yoko's strength skills. It would be really difficult to get the ball to fly hundreds of meters away by relying solely on the strength of her hand. It's a bit, but the strength of the waist is different.

Yoko Okino has a good sense of understanding. After listening to Qiye's words, while thinking back to him just now with his own feeling, the power of twisting his waist led to the swing, and he slammed the ball out.

The little white ball crossed a good parabola. Although it was not as good as Qiye's earlier effect, it also flew more than ten meters away, which was very good compared to her results just now.

"Yeah! Great!" Yoko Okino jumped up like a little girl who got her beloved doll, and then he drew another ball and hit it again.

There were fifty balls in a basket, and Qiye played a few by herself, and then took a dozen of them with Yoko Okino, and the remaining 30 were all played by the excited Yoko Okino.

"Huh~ I feel a little tired, but it feels good." Yoko Okino sat next to her, took a towel to wipe the sweat from her head, but said in a good mood.

Nanya also smiled slightly. Although Yoko Okino's current level is not to say how good, but at least he can hit the ball every time. There should be no embarrassment of swinging the ball at the weekend game. The two balls also hit the bottom edge of the wire fence, which is good for beginners.

"Qiyae, thank you for coming to play golf with me today. If you teach me I don't know what to do." Yoko Okino looked at Qiye with a smile. She was indeed very upset. If she could not play golf. Golf, what should she do on the weekend?

"It's just a small point." Qiye shrugged and said casually. If Yoko Okino learned that he had only learned it yesterday, I don't know what his expression would be.

"You haven't eaten breakfast yet, I'll get you something to eat." Qiye said with a smile, and then stood up from his seat.

The scale of this golf course is not small. In addition to the golf course, it naturally also provides guests with thirst quenching drinks and refreshing cakes, snacks and the like. Yoko Okino wakes up early in the morning and has not eaten breakfast yet.

"Haligado." Yoko Okino folded his hands together, smiling and looking at Qiye, Qiye was stunned. For some reason, he suddenly felt that this innocent star smiled like a fox.


"Ah!" Yoko Okino opened her mouth very unfairly, and took a bite of the high-energy strawberry cake with a satisfied expression on her face.

Yoko Okino is really hungry. Although for an artist like her, eating is unstable, it’s normal to eat breakfast at noon, but when faced with food, of course, she can’t help it, alone. You may be able to endure starvation, but if you are afraid that there will be food in front of you, it will be difficult to get close, not to mention when your physical strength is exhausted after exercise.

Qiye watched Yoko Okino biting a bite of the cake, choking accidentally, and immediately drank another gulp of juice. She couldn't help laughing at this girl's bluffing and saying: "Eat so much, be careful to fat you."

Yoko Okino glared at him. What girls like most and least like to talk about is appearance, age and body. Yoko Okino is no exception. As a female star, she naturally has to strictly control her weight. She wants It's basically impossible to eat and drink.

"What's the matter? I'll play a few more games in a while." Yoko Okino said nonchalantly, and then took a bite of the cake. It seemed that she was biting not the cake, but the meat of Nanya.

Looking at her as a child, Qiye felt amused in her heart. I want to think that she can be so popular at the age of 21. There are a lot of concerts, TV shows, movies, and albums, and they are liked by so many people. Because her innocence is not dyed, if so, he is willing to help her keep this innocence.

After eating a piece of cake, drinking two glasses of juice, and regaining his strength, Yoko Okino confidently picked up the club and started playing golf. Golf is not a strenuous exercise, so he is not afraid of acute appendicitis.

In the gradual process of playing, Yoko Okino gradually became proficient. Although he did not hit the barbed wire when he was so excited at the beginning, the distance has gradually stabilized. The level is not good, but it is not bad. It can barely be seen.

Although Yoko Okino made a lot of money, she was not an extravagant and wasteful woman, so it was not exaggerated to cover the entire court. When Yoko finished his second basket and sat down to rest, a few guests also arrived on the court.

As soon as Yoko Okino saw that someone was coming, she immediately put on the sunglasses she had taken off before. After all, Innocence is not stupid. She knows that she is a public figure. It is very troublesome to be recognized outside. If she comes It’s even more troublesome if you are a reporter.

Yoko Okino made her debut early, and has been a few years now. Although she has learned a lot of ways to deal with reporters, if you don't meet those guys, it's better not to meet them.

Qiye also glanced at the few people. It was probably a few company employees and their bosses. Qiye didn't look interested at first, because they were all men. What's so interesting?

Nanaya continued to talk and laugh with Yoko, hitting a few balls from time to time. When Yoko Okino hit the ball, there was a sudden explosion on the left side, and a hot air current advanced.

Nanya's reaction was faster than the explosion, and she immediately ejected from the chair, holding Yoko Okino, who was frightened by the explosion, in her arms, and then turned her back to the explosion wave.

"Yoko, be careful!!"

Chapter 677-Unlucky guy who is in a scapegoat!

Gunpowder is black gunpowder, and you will know it after these seven nights. As the oldest gunpowder in the world, there is no one. Black gunpowder has a huge effect on the advancement of world weapon history.

Black powder is the ancestor of gunpowder. It has strong destructive power, strong sensitivity, and is easy to burn. It can be ignited by sparks, is highly explosive and flammable. It can be said to be a very dangerous gunpowder.

Although in modern technology, it is safer than black powder C4 plastic explosive, and black powder is more explosive, but black powder is still widely used in the military. The main point is that black powder is easy to prepare and cost. It is much lower compared to RDX.

Charcoal, saltpeter, and sulfur are the raw materials used to make black powder in ancient times. These things can be bought in general chemical stores. People with a little knowledge of chemistry can make black powder.

The amount of gunpowder is not large, and the explosion range is not large, but the explosion point is not far from Qiye and Yoko Okino, that is, the position where the few people who came next door just came to play, it looked like it was only five meters away.

The sound of the huge explosion frightened Yoko Ono, but before he could react, his whole body was tight, and his body fell into a strong embrace.

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