Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 694

The explosion, from the occurrence to the end, was just a flash of things. The black powder explosion was accompanied by dense smoke, followed by a panic. After a few seconds, Yoko Okino finally recovered.

"Qiyao, how are you doing, are you okay?" After Yoko Okino returned to mind, he immediately turned around and watched nervously at Qiye who had just hugged her and protected her, and his affection began to ferment.

Of course Qiye knew that this was the best time to increase the relationship between the two of them, and immediately laughed in her heart, still calmly on the surface, and said, "Don't worry, Yoko, I'm fine."

Nanaya's words were taken as a show of bravery by Yoko Ono. He just pulled him to the side and checked Nanaya's body nervously. When his hand touched Nanya's back, Yoko Ono's eyes immediately gathered. Tears.

The clothes behind Qiye were torn by the fragments blown off by the explosion, and there were many fine wounds on the back. Although they were not serious, they looked scary, and the back was bloody.

Of course, this was also intentional by Nanaya. After all, the explosive power of such a little black gunpowder was really not enough for him. He did this with the intention of deceiving Yoko Okino's tears.

The facts proved that Qiye was successful, and Yoko Okino’s tears slid down her pretty face. Qiye pinched Yoko’s small face and wiped off the teardrops on her face by the way, and said, "Don’t cry, you cry It's ugly, Yoko."

Yoko lowered her head, wiped the tears on her face in a fluster, and then began to help Qiye clean the wound behind her back.


When the police car drove, Mumu quickly rushed to the scene of the crime with a group of his men, and the identity of the deceased had also been confirmed. Among the few people who came here after seven nights, the head of the commodity development department of Goi Electric, Tachibana Hidesuke was directly killed in the explosion.

And his subordinate who played near him, Okubo Tatsu, who is also from the Commodity Development Department, was also seriously injured and was sent to the hospital. The young member Nan Chishi was slightly injured, so he stayed. Among those The only one who was not injured was Nian An Jing, who happened to go to the toilet.

Mumu arrived at the scene and was shocked when he saw the injured Qiye, and said, "Qiyae, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Nanya said nonchalantly. He acted in front of Yoko Okino to deepen their relationship. He wouldn't be full and stay okay in front of the middle-aged uncle Mumu, groaning without illness. A tattered dress was put on.

Mumu glanced at Qiye with uneasiness again, as if he was sure that he was really okay, he began to inquire about the case.

After a while, Okubo Tatsu, who was bandaging in the hospital, came back with a bandage, and Mumu was able to ask about the basic situation. He held his police note in his hand and said, "The deceased is Minister Tachibana of Goi Denki, you Who are these people?"

"Police officer, this is Section Chief Yasui, Okubo and Nan Chishi. We are all under Minister Tachibana, and we are also members of the Commodity Development Department."

"Do you come to this place often?"

"Yes, because the company is very close to here, but the Minister is here for the last time today."

"The last time?" Mumu was stunned.

Yasui explained: “He will be promoted by the company next week and will be the president of the branch in New York, so we will do it again before the director leaves.”

"Police officer, the inspection result is here." The uncle of the forensic department in a dark blue uniform came over and said: "The gunpowder in this case was black gunpowder. In addition, fragments of long-distance club heads and golf clubs were found on the ground. Fragments of the ball, besides, please look at this again."

Nanya and Mumu walked over, looking at the half of the blasted golf ball in his hand, Mumu said, "This is?"

"I think this is a squib, which means that the bomb should be installed in the golf ball in advance, and then the bomb should be detonated by the impact of the shot."

Mumu put on his gloves, took the half-exploded golf ball, turned to look at the golf course manager, and said, "Mr. Katsuda, do you have a golf ball on each golf ball here? Red line?"

Katsuda, with a beard with two beards, said, "No, there are green lines on it."

"green Line."

"Yes, it's over there."

Mumu looked at the golf balls scattered on the court, and said, "That's it, it is indeed a green line, and it is a line."

"That said." Qiye pinched his chin and looked at the half ball in Mugure's hand, and said: "This ball with red crossed double lines may be a sign for a bomb."

"That's right." Mumu nodded, agreeing with Qiye's idea, then turned his head, his eyes turned into blind eyes, and said: "Speaking of which, Qiye, I haven't asked you yet, how are you today? Will it be in this place?"

"Ahhhhhh, am I?" Qiye pointed to herself, and then said, "I'm playing golf with Yoko."

"I'm not talking about this." Mumu looked helpless, this guy really doesn't know or not, "Please, are you going to work today?"


"Yes." Mumu reluctantly finished Nanya's words, but he couldn't help it. Odagiri Toshiro couldn't have opened Nanya because of such a small matter. Although Nanya often skipped work, but if something big happened. In the end, Qiye was able to solve it perfectly, so the trivial matter of skipping work turned a blind eye.

"Really?" Qiye squeezed his chin and said, "I remember I obviously gave that guy Odakiri yesterday, did he forget his dementia?"

"Cough cough..." Mumu almost choked to death, and Qiye did this kind of thing. He blatantly skipped work, and said that his immediate boss had dementia. Anyway, Mumu didn't have the guts.

Mumu pulled on the brim of his hat and turned his attention away from the unreliable guy, and said, "Ahem, the question now is whether this case is aimed at Minister Tachibana's murder or a terrorist act regardless of the target. "

"I think the purpose of this murderer is to murder Minister." Minami Chishi, who was half-wounded by the bomb's blast, came out and said, "Because the three people here, including myself, Director Okubo, and Section Chief Yasui, There is enough hatred for us to kill the minister!"

"What are you talking about?!" Mumu was shocked, did not expect four people to come, one died, and the remaining three have motives for murder.

"What are you talking nonsense, Nan Chishi?!" Yasui said in a panic.

Okubo, who was blown badly by the bomb, smiled freely and said, “That’s right, all three of us did have a full winter for the murder of the minister. The bench was put up by the minister in his name. Instead, it was you. I don’t know that I have never been accepted after several suggestions, Nan Chishi."

"I am not the same. I have no problems with Minister!" An Jing explained with a wave of hands.

Okubo Tatsu also looked at Yasui jokingly, and said, "Chapter Yasui, you don't have to lie. We all know that, in fact, a long time ago, your most beloved girlfriend was snatched away by the minister."

"No! No! The Minister only dated her after I broke up with her!" Anjing explained in a panic.

Qiye held his chin and looked at Anjing strangely. This guy is too courageous. Why is he so afraid of killing people?Forget it, let you be the scapegoat. As for the murderer... Nanaya considered it and saw that the murderer created an opportunity for him to develop relationships with Yoko, so he didn't care about his bomb that scared Yoko. That's it.

"Hey, Mugure, I remember that Yasui once gave part of his ball to the dead before."

"Huh? Is that so? Mr. Yasui?"

"That... that is..."

Qiye held his chin, splashed dirty water on An Jing without any police ethics, and said, "So, you might also mix that bomb-filled golf ball into the ball for the dead, right?"

"Please wait a minute!" An Jing's face showed horror, and said: "If I put a bomb with a ball in it, if the bomb liquor exploded at that time, I might die together!"

Qiye looked at the machine and said, "According to the design of this machine, the last ball put in will roll out at the end, and you will finish all the balls soon? Maybe it's just to catch the bomb. Before the ball comes out."

The machines here are similar to those in the bowling alley. The balls that roll into the machine are arranged in a row, and the last ball that enters is naturally the last one to come out.

"No, I have a habit of playing fast, right, Okubo, Nan Chishi?!"

Okubo and Nan Zhishi looked at each other, and neither of them spoke.

"Anyway..." Mumu lowered the brim of his hat and said, "Please follow me to the Metropolitan Police Department, Mr. Yasui, and the two of you, Mr. Okubo and Mr. Minami Chishi."

All three were taken away by the good policeman Mumu, while a certain bad policeman who skipped work looked at a big star next to him and smiled: "Let's go too, Yoko."

Chapter 677-Transition again!

There was a bomb homicide. Of course, Yoko Okino was in no mood to continue playing golf, and the golf course would have to be closed for a while.

The two of them got out of the court, sat in the Lamborghini of Seven Nights, and the car drove out.

In the car, Yoko Okino suddenly looked at Qiye and said, "Qiyao, can I go to Ginza?"

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