Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 695

"It's okay." Qiye said indifferently. He didn't matter where he went, "Are you going to buy clothes?" This made Qiye Xiaodi a little surprised. Qiye had seen the clothes in Yoko Okino's cabinet. There are a lot of clothes, but there are not any luxury items. Why go to a place like Ginza where there are famous shops?

"Yeah." Yoko Okino nodded, glanced at Qiye's back, and said: "I want to buy you a piece of clothing as a thank you for protecting me."

Nanya smiled, but didn't mean to refuse Yoko Okino. Given this girl's character, if Nanya didn't accept it, she would probably continue to feel guilty.

Although it is the morning rush hour and the road is very congested, Qiye still drove the car, flexibly shuttled in the traffic, and quickly rushed from the golf course to Tokyo's Ginza Street.

Nanya and Yoko Okino walked into a Gucci store. The staff in luxury stores like this are very high-quality, so even if you see the big star Yoko Okino enter the store, you don’t seem too surprised. , But the person next to Yoko Okino is not her agent, but another well-known figure in Tokyo, Liudaoqiye, which surprised several shop assistants.

Qiye’s Huaxin and Women’s Fate are well-known, the eldest lady of the Toxic Island family, the eldest lady of the Takajo family, and the eldest lady of the Suzuki family. The viewing hall was buried.

The handsome policeman, who has always been associated with women, and the popular female star, the clerk in this store should not be short of talks recently.

Of course, Yoko Okino didn't have so many thoughts. Soon he picked two sweatshirts, a shirt and a pair of trousers for Nanya, and then pushed Nanya into the changing room without any explanation.

Nanaya wouldn't be able to brush Okino Yoko's kindness, took the shirt and trousers, and immediately changed them.

When Qiye got dressed and walked out of the changing room, Yoko Okino and the clerk in the shop saw Qiye's appearance. They were all taken aback and exclaimed, "So handsome!"

Originally, the clerk in this kind of shop had seen and didn't know how many customers were. There were white-collar workers who had a little money on their own, and there were also wealthy sons in the family. There were also little white faces raised by rich women.Little white face, the face is naturally passable, so these shop assistants should have seen many handsome guys.

Needless to say, Yoko Okino, there has never been a shortage of handsome men and beauties in the entertainment industry. If you want to find them, the first-tier, second-tier and third-tier players can make a big battle. After all, the number of ugly stars in the entertainment industry is still relatively high. Less.

Qiye's face and figure can meet the most demanding aesthetics, a sharp face like a knife, two sharp and heroic sword eyebrows, a pair of perfect scarlet eyes, a tall nose, and a frivolous smile.In addition, the sin of lust, one of the seven deadly sins, will itself exude an attractive aura, but Qiye will generally suppress it, otherwise the breath will attract even men, and there will be no place for Qiye to cry.

Qiye is only releasing a breath now, and it is not something that ordinary women can resist. His eyes are very kawaii and they have turned into the shape of love.

It was Yoko Okino who wanted to buy him a piece of clothing to thank Nanya for saving her, but now it has changed. Yoko Okino seems to enjoy the feeling of dressing up for Nanya, a superb beautiful man, and constantly chooses Nanya With different styles of clothes, Qiye is handsome no matter how she wears it. After trying it out, she put it aside. After a while, she has piled up a dozen clothes.

After Nanya was funny, he bought most of the clothes that Yoko Okino chose. Only one shirt was paid by Yoko Okino. Yoko Okino wanted to pay for all of her, but Nanya said it, she said. , She bought him "a" piece of clothing, and naturally he bought the rest.

This made Yoko Okino ashamed and moved...

Qiye took Yoko Okino to play outside for a whole day, and sent her home after dinner. Before leaving, Qiye gave Yoko Okino a kiss on Yoko's mouth, then turned and left, leaving Standing at the door of the room, Yoko Okino looked dull.


It was another sunny and good weather, and a fierce Hummer drove up a hill. The powerful horsepower, torque, and body directly crushed the difficult roads in the mountains.

"Qiye, I didn't expect you to take Conan out this time." Sitting in the passenger seat, wearing a light yellow turtleneck inside and a green jacket outside, Xiao Lan smiled and looked at her side, pointing her direction with one hand. Man.

Qiye grinned and said, "I'm thinking if you look at children more, would you want to give me a baby soon?"

"Hate!" Xiaolan pinched Qiye shamefully, and said, "Don't keep talking about such shy things!"

"What's so shy about having a baby?" Qiye rolled her eyes, then turned her head to look at Xiao Lan with a wicked smile, and said: "And I'm not just talking about it, but I have taken practical action, Lan sauce."

Xiaolan has been with him for so long, and understands his words with meat. A cute red floats on her snow-white face and said, "You are too bad!"

"Hey, I've always been so annoying." Qiye smiled badly, "And doesn't Lan Jiang just like how I hate it?"

Xiaolan curled her lips while learning Qiye's appearance, but she didn't have the ability to speak out, because she really liked the way Qiye talked to her.

Sitting in the back seat, Conan watched Qiye and Xiaolan flirting with Xiaolan less than one meter away. The jealousy in his heart was directly reflected on his face, he untied his seat belt, and lay down. On the back of the passenger seat, there was still a child's expression, saying: "Sister Lan hasn't graduated from high school, so she won't have children so soon, right?"

Conan didn’t know how much he thought Xiaolan said no, but Xiaolan’s face showed a shy expression. Qiye looked at Conan’s distorted face in the rearview mirror, and the corners of her mouth widened. Of course he wouldn’t have. How kind to bring Conan out together, it is purely because he is bored and wants to drag Conan out to abuse him.

Qiye was not afraid that Conan would refuse to come, because as long as Qiye and Xiaolan came out, Conan would have to follow. Conan must guess that Qiye was calculating him, but he had to jump in for Xiaolan. This was Yangmou.

Conan finished saying this and looked at Xiaolan’s face and waited for her to respond. At this time, the car just passed a hurdle, and the car bumped upside down. Conan was originally lying on the back of the passenger seat. , His big head directly hit the roof of the car.

"Pain!" Conan was bounced, his head hit the roof of the car and then fell back into the back seat. It seems that after becoming a child, his tolerance for pain has also decreased a lot.

"Conan," Xiaolan turned her head to look at Conan worriedly, and said, "Don't move around anymore, fasten your seat belt."

Xiaolan's concern made Conan's heart warm, and a slightly nice smile appeared on her face, and he fastened his safety.

However, because of Conan’s low emotional intelligence, he would not know. The reason why Xiaolan still cares about him is because in Xiaolan’s concept, Conan is not equal to Kudo Shinichi. If he knows that Conan is Shinichi, Xiaolan is necessary. Keep your distance from him.

After seeing Conan fasten the seat belt, Xiaolan was relieved, turned her head to look at Qiye, and said, "Qiyae, did you say that President Yamazaki was the one who helped her catch the prisoner during the previous threatening incident? The president of Yamazaki Development Company?"

"Ah, yes, it's her."

"But why does she entertain us?"

"I heard her say that it is to thank me for helping her catch the prisoner last time, but it feels like she has something to ask me." Qiye took out a chocolate made by Xiaolan from her pocket and threw it into her mouth. , And then continued: "But it doesn't matter. I checked the environment here is very good. I haven't had much time to spend time with you recently, so I will take you with me this time."

"That's all because you are too carefree." Conan's ironic voice came from the back seat.

"Conan, don't be so rude!" Xiaolan turned her head, her eyes showed a trace of evil, and said: "Also, don't use'you' to be called directly. You should be called Brother Qiye, do you know?!"

Although Xiao Lan is gentle and kind, she will not shrink back when it comes to Qiye, even if the other party is just a child.

Conan opened his mouth and vaguely saw Qiye's triumphant smile. In the end, he couldn't get angry in front of Xiaolan, so he gritted his teeth and said, "I see, sister Xiaolan."

Qiye was in a good mood, the car drove faster, and at this moment, a bee flew across the woods...

Chapter 678-Bee Wine!

The fierce Hummer crushed the mountain road, and the car quickly drove to the mountain, in front of a villa in the mountain.

Qiye rang the doorbell, and the manager of this villa, Shingo Aihara, a man in his fifties, walked out and opened the door, saying, "Welcome, you are the police officer of Liudao, our president is waiting for you, please come in."

Shingo Aihara took Qiye and the others into the villa. Qiye looked at the villa. Compared to the mountain villa of the Suzuki family in the bandage weird case, this villa is about the same size, but the decoration inside is worse. That's a lot.

Although the wooden floor here is very good, compared with the old mahogany furniture everywhere in that villa, the difference is not a little bit. After all, a company is far different from the Suzuki chaebol.

Aihara Shingo took Qiye and the others to the living room, opened the door, and said, "Six police officers and they have already arrived, please come in."

"Excuse me." Qiye smiled faintly, and walked in. Behind him was Xiao Lan, and then followed Conan.

"Welcome, Police Officer Six." Hiromi Yamazaki greeted with a smile, wearing a plum-red professional uniform, and said, "I'm sorry to invite you to come to the mountains this time."

"Where and where." Nanya shook hands with Yamazaki Hiromi. At the age of fifty, Yamazaki Hiromi was naturally a rich woman under the two-dimensional rule of no ugly girls, plus the president of a company, so she was well maintained. , A fifty-year-old woman, her face is not too mountainous.

"I'll introduce it to you." Yamazaki Hiromi pointed to a burly man next to him, and said, "This is the mayor of Iwami Town, Mr. Hachimaki."

"The next name is Hachibei Hachiman, and it is my honor to be able to talk to the famous six police officers at such close range."

"Well, you're too rewarding." Nanya smiled faintly, but didn't mean to shake hands with this Hachimaki Hachibei. He seldom shakes hands with men, especially those who are involved in politics, generally this In Qiye's eyes, people are just stacks of bills, with no other effect.

"I'm the secretary Nakamura, please give me your advice." Yamazaki Hiromi's secretary Rie Nakamura also introduced himself.

"I am the administrator here, and my name is Aihara. If you have any needs, please let me know. Don't be polite. There is still something in the kitchen. I will leave first." Shingo Aihara walked into the kitchen after speaking. Up.

And because of his damn curiosity as a detective, Conan lay on the model that Secretary Nakamura just pushed, and said, "What model is this?"

"Conan, it won't work, you can't touch it!" Xiao Lan whispered.

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