Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 696

"It's okay." Yamazaki Hiromi smiled kindly, then looked at Qiye, and said: "Mr. Rokudo, this is the Iwami hot spring resort we are currently planning. In addition to hot springs, there are golf courses and music clubs. There is also an amusement center. We have considered almost all the equipment."

“This time, in order to revitalize the town’s economic prosperity, the plan to build a hot spring resort was drawn up. Tomorrow is the day when we officially start construction.”

Hearing this, Qiye sneered coldly. He didn't believe that there was no gray trade in it. He also didn't believe that Hachibei's idea would be as good as he said. The power and money trade inside Qiye think with toes. It's clear.

Secretary Nakamura concluded with Hachibei Hachimaki’s words and said: "That’s why we thought of asking Mr. Mori to help the company with publicity this time. We plan to ask you to be a model for the poster, or to invite you to participate in a TV commercial. ."

"Hey? Qiye is going to shoot commercials?" Xiaolan looked at Qiye in surprise. It's not that she thinks Qiye can't shoot commercials, but Qiye's usual personality. It is almost the same for him to shoot firearms. The hot spring resort is really not. Too good.And... Xiaolan subconsciously didn't want Qiye to be a model and shoot commercials. This is a woman's possessiveness. Although she can share him with her sisters at home, Xiaolan doesn't want to agree to the women outside.

Qiye glanced at Xiaolan's face and knew what she was thinking. He was not interested in making commercials or something. Otherwise, his body and temperament would be enough to become a world-class male model. Since Xiaolan didn't want him to make commercials, Naturally, Qiye wouldn't upset Xiaolan for an old woman. She smiled and said, "It's mainly good, but I think I have to think about it for a while."

Qiye didn't say how long to think about it, just typing a blank check.

Yamazaki Hiromi is not a stupid person, she also caught Qiye watching Xiaolan's reaction just now, and she didn't continue the topic now, lest the atmosphere is embarrassing, she smiled, clapped her hands, and said: "The work part will be discussed first. Come here, Aihara, you can start celebrating in advance."

"I know, I'll take things over immediately."

Today’s main dish is hot pot, shiitake mushrooms, cabbage, tofu, and pork. It boils in a big pot, steaming, and is accompanied by a lot of shabu dishes.

The hot pot is heated with a few grilled fish next to the stove. You can eat a rich hot pot or taste the delicious grilled fish. It is quite good. The woman Yamazaki Hiromi took a lot of thought. But Nanya is not the fellow Mouri Kogoro.

"Mr. Liudao, what do you think?" Yamazaki Hiromi asked, trying to test Qiye in her heart.

"It's okay." Qiye gave a not-so-good evaluation. Although this hot pot tastes good, it is really good at Qiye.

Xiaolan, an easily contented girl, is not as picky as Qiye. Holding a small dish in her hand, she said: "Pork hot pot with river fish and mountain vegetables. They are all original dishes from this place. They taste very good."

"Yes." Hachibei Hachimaki, holding a small wine glass in his hand, seemed to understand that this girl had a great influence on Nanaya, and said, "Local cuisine is also a major publicity focus of our hot spring resort."

Qiye was still smiling on her face, but there was a trace of haze in her eyes. Do you want to take advantage of Xiaolan's kindness?This is my reverse scale.

At this moment, a phone call rang, Nakamura Rie raised his head and said, "It seems to be the president's room on the second floor."

"Sorry, I'm not being with you." Yamazaki Hiromi stood up and prepared to answer the phone, "By the way, Mayor Hachimaki, you can give the good thing we treasured to Mr. Liudao to taste it."

"You said that, put it on me." Hachibei Hachimaki said loudly, and then asked Aihara to take the thing out, but Shingo Aihara did not respond. The strange Hachimaki went to the kitchen with the curious Conan. Look, I see Shingo Aihara who is on the phone.

Although it was delayed for a while, the treasures that Yamazaki Hiromi said were finally taken out. Two bottles of wine, if they are ordinary wine, it can’t be said to be treasured, but the strange thing about these two bottles of wine is not the wine itself, but the wine. Things soaked in.

my country has a very long tradition of soaking wine. The most common one is the medicinal wine made by soaking various traditional Chinese medicines, such as ginseng wolfberry wine, snake gall wine, and the exaggerated thing is that the whole snake is soaked in the wine jar. Drink this Growing wine requires some guts, and of course there are some sparkling wines that are more flavorful than medicinal, such as bayberry wine.

And these two bottles of wine are not much worse than snake wine, because the bees and salamanders on the mountain are soaked in the wine to make bee wine and newt wine.

Qiye has drunk a lot of wine, snake wine and snake gall wine, etc., those are bee wine and salamander wine, let alone drunk, it is the first time I have seen it.

"This thing is the most proud thing in our town. It is a special medicinal wine made from salamanders and bees that has nourishing functions and can enhance male energy." Bojuan said like a salesman, while pouring Qiye a glass Bee wine, "Come on, you are welcome."

Qiye took the cup, and there were two bees floating in the pale yellow wine. They looked like nothing special except the bees, and drank it as soon as he raised his head.

"Qiye..." Xiaolan wanted to say something, but Qiye had already drunk a whole glass of wine.

Qiye slapped her mouth, the taste was okay, but not everyone could be used to the taste, and the feeling of two bees crossing the esophagus should not be acceptable to everyone.

"The taste is okay." Qiye gave an evaluation casually. When the two bees arrived in his stomach, they were digested within a second, and then all were broken down into energy and absorbed by the body.

" you all right." Xiaolan asked with some worry. Now that insect-eating has not become popular in the world, for girls like Xiaolan, bee-eating is really incomprehensible.

"Of course it's okay." Old God Qiye said on the ground, then poured himself a glass of bee wine, and said: "How about, Lan, do you want a glass too?"

Xiao Lan looked at the bees and salamanders in the bottle, and suddenly her head shook like a rattle. Normal girls are very resistant to creatures such as bugs and slippery creatures.

Qiye laughed and said, "Lan, if you are willing to drink it, so I can take the opportunity to get drunk and do something bad.

"I hate it!" Xiaolan pinched Qiye in a shame.

Along with Xiaolan's anger, there was a sudden sound of glass breaking upstairs, and what followed was Yamazaki Hiromi's falling body.

Chapter 677-Lan, give me a baby!

Conan once again brought misfortune to the world. Yamazaki Hiromi rushed out of the balcony from her office, smashed the balcony railing, then fell into the mountain stream and fell directly to her death.

After the local police and doctors from Iwami Town arrived, they took a look at the deceased, and everyone went to the place where the deceased fell from the building, the president's room on the second floor of the villa.

The door of the president's room is automatically locked. After closing the door, it will be automatically locked from the inside. Qiye was not in the mood to wait for Aihara to get the backup key and let Xiaolan violently break the door.

Xiao Lan smashed the door easily with a punch, causing Mayor Hachimaki and Secretary Nakamura to almost snap their tongues off.

Everyone walked into the president’s room and saw the chaos in the room. The file folder and cordless phone on the table fell on the low mountain. The floor-to-ceiling window leading to the balcony was knocked open. The glass was broken and the railing outside. The handrail was also broken, and Yamazaki Hiromi obviously fell from here.

When Conan arrived at the scene of the crime, he immediately aroused his instinct as a great detective. He moved his nose and secretly said: It smells of pesticide.

Then Conan ran to check the floor-to-ceiling windows. The nails that were used to lock the floor-to-ceiling windows were still stuck in to prevent them from being blown away by the wind, but now they were bent, that is, they were knocked open from the inside.

"Conan-chan likes investigating crimes so much, she must be a policeman when she grows up."

When Conan was about to check the railing, he heard Qiye's ridiculous voice behind him. When he turned his head, what he saw was Qiye's hateful face.

Qiye sneered and looked at Conan with disdain. This guy was hopeless for a long time, and he became like this when he arrived at the scene of the crime. How could he be relieved of such a person?

However, if Conan becomes a policeman, there will be more people dead, more than seven nights when he was a policeman, but if Conan is a policeman who knocks down his wall, then it will benefit all mankind, and maybe even will be awarded. He has an Outstanding Contribution Award and the Nobel Peace Prize.

In this world, what is the biggest factor that affects peace, of course, is our great and dear Conan children's shoes who never die.

Conan gritted his teeth and looked at Qiye, looking at Qiye’s big hand on Xiaolan’s waist, with a triumphant and proud expression on that hateful face. Conan, who is not good at analyzing emotions, actually understood the expression on Qiye’s face. meaning.

When you, the big detective, was busy investigating the case, I had already got Xiaolan in hand.

That’s what it means. Although there are minor discrepancies, it’s the main thing. When it comes to love, the girl Conan likes has long been conquered by Qiye, and family, Conan’s father, Yusaku Kudo was blown to pieces by Qiye, his mother. Being taken by Qiye, speaking of career, Conan's reasoning ability is not as good as Qiye. How can he beat people?

Now Conan still has the protection of the protagonist’s luck. Although it is declining, it is the protagonist of a world after all. The protection of his luck is naturally the strongest. However, Conan’s luck and Yusaku Kudo include Kiko, Xiaolan, and Maori. Kogoro, the Junior Detectives, and Hattori Heiji are closely related to him. Nanya killed Yusaku Kudo, acquired Yukiko and Xiaoran, and destroyed the Junior Detectives, which also weakened Conan’s luck. A lot.

With Conan here, Qiye was not interested in investigating any cases. She just ran into the guest room holding Xiaolan with an excuse, and then locked the door.

Qiye lay on the bed holding the increasingly beautiful Xiaolan, and stretched out her hand to strip off her green coat.

"Qiye..." Xiaolan's small hand grabbed Qiye's unruly big hand. Xiaolan, who knew what this man wanted to do, blushed slightly, her ruddy mouth pouted, and said, "You won't be now I just want to..."

"I just wanted to." Qiye stretched out her big hand, pinching Xiaolan's small face, feeling the delicate skin on Xiaolan's face with her fingers, like a boiled egg that has just been peeled, it makes people want to pinch involuntarily. Two clicks.

"Lan, I want you." Qiye's scarlet eyes fixed on Xiaolan's beautiful face, his eyes were so hot that they were about to burn, and the big hands left Xiaolan's face and followed her white neck. After placing it on the beautiful and sexy collarbone, Qiye's palm can already feel the tenderness and elasticity of Xiaolan's chest.

"But...but..." Xiaolan seemed to hesitate. If it was normal, they wouldn't do this kind of thing once or twice during the day, but this villa just died, and it hasn't been ten minutes until now. I want to love in this villa, it feels really...

"Lan, I want it!" Qiye expressed his desire again, her scarlet eyes were stained with more red, and her breathing became heavier.

Xiaolan finally couldn't resist Qiye's words, and closed her eyes shyly, waiting for her beloved man to take possession of her.

Qiye swallowed her saliva and removed all the turtleneck shirt, dark blue skirt and stockings from Xiaolan. The goddess in someone's heart now only has underwear on her body, lying on the bed.

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