Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 697

Xiaolan's Fatty and BRA are both white, with no extra patterns, and a very pure look. Qiye pressed on Xiaolan's body. His weight gave Xiaolan a sense of security, and then reached out and grabbed one of the bulging chests. , Feeling the softness and greasiness in his hand, said: "Lan, it seems to be a little bigger again."

"Hate, don't say such things!" After listening to Qiye's words, Xiaolan couldn't help opening her beautiful eyes, squeezing her pink fist, and bashing the wicked man on her body. As the head of the karate club, she is powerful, but now she has no power.

"I'm telling the truth." Qiye smiled, unbuttoned Xiaolan's BRA, a pair of pink and white babies bounced out, Qiye continued to knead with her hands, and said: "It's all me Thanks to regular massage, it's like this."

"Hmm..." The feeling of direct contact between the sensitive parts of the body and the man's big hand made Xiaolan groan softly, then wrinkled her nose towards Qiye, puffed her face, and said, "Qiya is a badass!"

Seeing Xiaolan's childish and cute expression, there was a mature light in her eyes, which made Qiye love very much. With a move in her heart, she lowered her head and opened her mouth to bit Xiaolan's little nose.

Xiaolan's nose was bitten by Qiye, and she was taken aback. Although Qiye usually likes to open her mouth and bite the girl's body, she can't tell where to bite, but biting her nose is really strange.

The feeling of being rubbed by two rows of teeth on Yao's nose made Xiaolan a little scared, and said: " are you biting my nose?" The voice was a bit strange because of the bitten nose.

Qiye smiled, and let go of Xiaolan's nose. He was on a whim. He just thought it was fun. Biting his nose didn't have any pleasure. It's better to chew on his mouth.

Qiye lowered her head and kissed Lan's mouth. Xiaolan didn't have the attributes of Gaocheng Saye. Although she was teased by Qiye twice, she would not retaliately bite Qiye, but obediently take her own The uvula was served, and both of them were gradually immersed in the pleasure of a hot kiss.

Qiye's hand passed through Xiaolan's white fat times, rubbing that lovely precious place, and touching the lovely little bean with her fingers, fully enjoying Xiaolan's beautiful body.

"Lan, are you on it this time?" Qiye said seductively while kissing Xiaolan's earlobe.

"Yeah." Xiaolan nodded lightly, Qiye lay down and Xiaolan turned over.

Xiaolan has grown taller than before, and his body is even taller. Because of karate practice, he often has kicks and kicks. Therefore, Xiaolan's leg muscles are stronger than ordinary girls. There is no extra fat on her legs. Full of flexibility.

Qiye's big hand stroked back and forth between Xiaolan's thigh and buttocks, touching the girl's forbidden ground without paying attention.

Xiaolan was trembling all over by him, and her body became softer, like a mermaid, lying on Qiye's body, constantly twisting her beautiful body, the two people were constantly rubbing the symbols of men and women. It is a layer of soaked cloth.

"Lan, come on."

With Qiye’s permission, Xiaolan, who was already affectionate, nodded lightly, humming as if imperceptibly, and sprayed a scent on Qiye’s face, pushing her soaked fat aside and holding on. Qiye's weapon, then slowly sat down.

"Oh... it's big." Xiaolan leaned back, protruding her chest and waist forward, her body was still in close contact with Qiye, and her hips also pressed Qiye's body more tightly because of this action.

Although she had already experienced countless times, Xiaolan still couldn't bear the hugeness of Qiye.

Xiao Lan turned into a female knight, and the strong leg strength brought to her by exercising karate became a tool to bring greater pleasure to both parties. The strong legs propped up Xiao Lan's body, and then the whole body fall.

After exercising so vigorously for a while, Xiaolan’s movements gradually slowed down, including Qiye’s weapons in her body, and then twisting her slender waist, Xiangyue doing circular motions on Qiye’s body. And sent her precious breast to Qiye's mouth.

As far as the reason for not eating any meat on the side of her mouth, Qiye bit Xiaolan's tender breast, suddenly thought of something, her greedy mouth left her chest, and looked at Xiaolan's blushing face.

"Lan, give me a baby."

Chapter six hundred and eighty-title Mother has a child!

Qiye’s words blasted in Xiaolan’s mind like a thunder, and immediately, Xiaolan’s body trembled, and the area surrounding Xiao Qiye shrank, and then Xiaolan's whole body collapsed on Qiye’s body. , Breathless, tender cheeks flushed.

Xiaolan's reaction made Qiye feel like a treasure. With a smile on her mouth, her big hand gently stroked Xiaolan's hair and hot cheeks, her big mouth was close to Xiaolan's ear, and she said, "Lan sauce, you Haven't answered me yet, will you give me a baby?"

Xiaolan heard that even though the peak had just passed, the following involuntarily contracted twice.

Qiye felt more interesting, walking with big hands on Xiaolan's body, with her mouth close to Xiaolan's ear, and she kept saying, such as "Lan is so gentle, and the most suitable mother to be a mother", "Do you think you have a boy or a girl? I think a girl is good, like her mother, beautiful", "What is the name of the child? But now even men and women don’t know if it’s a bit early to think about the name, or think of both names.", " Lan, what would you call Yingli if the child is born? Is it called grandma or aunt?"

The series of words made Xiaolan both shy and emotional, especially the last sentence. She and her mother were in chaotic generations. Wouldn't it be even more chaotic if a child came out?

But Xiaolan shouldn't have thought at this time that Qiye's child can only be a daughter, and the relationship between the upper and the lower three generations is a mess.

After a while, Xiaolan regained some strength. Hearing Qiye chattering in her ears that made her ashamed, she couldn't help but punch him, pouting her mouth, and said, "Don't talk about it anymore. People are shy!"

"How can it be shy?" Qiye ran her fingers across Xiaolan's back and said, "What we are doing now is shy, right?"

"I hate it." Xiao Lan couldn't be tough at all in front of Qiye. She was embarrassed by his words, but she didn't feel any annoyance in her mind.

"Lan, I mean serious."

Qiye’s face disappeared from all the jokes and playfulness, her expression became gentle and affectionate, her big hand touched Xiaolan’s pretty face, and she gently pinched Xiaolan’s cheek, Xiaolan’s soft and pretty face was in Qiye’s The hand deformed, and then the slippery skin slipped away from Qiye's fingers, returning to its original shape.

Qiye’s expression made Xiaolan’s heart throbbing, and she lowered her little head in embarrassment, and her delicate chin almost touched her mature chest, although she had already confirmed this man’s feelings for herself countless times. It is undeniable, but Xiaolan still feels sweet and shy at this time, even shyer than when she took off her clothes and loved him.

"Lan..." Qiye whispered, squeezing Xiao Lan's chin, let her face her, her scarlet eyes no longer dazzled, but became deep and affectionate, looking at the girl affectionately, and said: "I want you to have my baby, okay?"

"Okay..." Xiao Lan almost didn't hesitate. The star eyes were already blurred. She was completely immersed in the tenderness of Qiye. The warmth and tranquility like being surrounded by soft clouds made Xiaolan reluctant to let her go from this tenderness. Sober.

The two kissed again. Xiaolan put her arms around Qiye’s neck. Although she didn’t exert much effort, she had already handed over her body, heart, and everything to him. Today, Qiye once again proved that she The choice at that time was not wrong.

More than an hour later, amidst Xiaolan's confused "Qiye, I want to give you a baby", Qiye fired a rare second time, and the essence of the two was poured into Xiaolan's belly.

Seeing Xiaolan sleeping with a happy and contented smile, Qiye also pursed the corners of her mouth, revealing a shallow but gentle smile, and stroking Xiaolan's slightly bulged belly with her hand, and she couldn't help but feel funny. It seemed to be three months pregnant.

Qiye raised her head and looked at Xiaolan's sleeping face, wondering if it was his illusion. For a moment, he saw the maternal brilliance on Xiaolan's face in a daze.

Qiye covered Xiaolan with a quilt, and then determined whether the closed windows were locked, and then turned on the heating, then put on her clothes and walked out of the room.

At the door, Qiye naturally saw Conan with crimson eyes. Qiye turned around and closed the door. If Xiaolanyu's flattering attitude were seen by Conan, it would be a disadvantage.

And when Qiye turned around, the tenderness and affection that faced Xiaolan instantly disappeared, and turned into a playful look in clothes. He looked at Conan with red eyes jokingly, and said in surprise: "Oh, Conan, why are you here? Oh, are you eavesdropping here? Tsk tusk tusk tusk, this is not right, eavesdropping on other people's affairs is to cut your ears."

"Six Dao Qiye! What did you do to Xiaolan?! Why would she say that kind of thing?!" Conan looked at Qiye furiously, and his heart became fragmented when he thought of the words he had just heard.

Xiaolan’s last shout became louder because of the emotion, and although the sound insulation here is good, no matter what, you can still hear the sound in the room if you put your ear on the door. Lan's last shout all penetrated Conan's ears, rooting in his heart like a vampire, and then constantly eating away at his blood and heart, causing his heart to twitch and tremble constantly.

Nanaya looked funny at Conan who was in a state of rage, but still kept his sanity again. The protagonist was also very lucky, so that Conan would not lose his sanity even like this. However, ordinary people have suffered so many blows. , Has already gone crazy, only Conan, who is protected by luck, can survive.

However, after experiencing so many things, he hasn't grown a bit, no matter which world there is only Conan this idiot.

"What are you doing so noisy? You took gunpowder?" Qiye looked at Conan jokingly, and then when Conan was about to yell at him, he kicked Conan on the chest, causing him to hit the corridor on the second floor. On the railing, before he fell down, he kicked him up again, pressing his whole body on the railing. He couldn't escape, and he wanted to scold him. Qiye stepped on his chest and couldn't speak.

"Don't be so loud, Xiaolan is sleeping, you will disturb her." Qiye lowered her head, smiled and looked at Conan's distorted face, and said: "Do you want to wake Xiaolan and see you now? What do you look like, Shinichi Kudo? Look at you from a high school student to a little kid? What do you think Xiaolan would choose? Give up a man who can give her a sense of security and stay with you, isn't it? What about being with you just because of the so-called childhood sweetheart? Do you have the ability to protect Xiaolan, Shinichi Kudo? With your pitiful appearance, I am afraid Xiaolan will have to bother to protect you."

Conan froze for a moment. Although he was not reconciled, he did not dare to let Xiaolan know his situation. Firstly, he was afraid that the organizers would find Xiaolan. Secondly, what Qiye said was the truth, although Conan was unwilling to admit it. .

Seeing Conan's shocked expression, Qiye withdrew her feet, and then unconsciously rubbed it twice on the ground. He felt dirty.

Conan didn't care about Qiye's small movements anymore, lowered his voice and said, "Come out with me!" He was really afraid that Xiaolan would know what he was like now.

Qiye followed Conan downstairs, but he also followed here. Conan walked to the door, but Qiye turned into the kitchen.

"Hey! Here!"

"I'll take care of you to die." Qi Ye said without looking back, then went into the kitchen and opened a can of Coke for herself. By the way, she looked for something to eat. There were a lot of things, because Before everyone was eating halfway through the meal, the woman Yamazaki Hiromi fell down the mountain, and half of the food was taken back to the kitchen and placed on the countertop.

Qiye drank a coke, then took a grilled fish, pinched the tail of the fish, and stuffed the whole fish directly into his mouth. When the fish was taken out again, there was a whole fish bone left.

"Although it's cold, it tastes good." After Qiye swallowed all the fish in his mouth, she praised, then picked up another fish and stuffed it into her mouth.

Conan walked to the door of the kitchen and saw that Qiye was eating so comfortably. He was suddenly angry. Conan wanted to tell Qiye about Xiaolan. This matter is absolutely important to Conan, but Qiye is so uncomfortable. It's strange that Conan is not so popular when he cares.

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