Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 698

However, it would be strange if Qiye paid attention to it, Qiye valued Xiaolan but not Conan.

"How about it, do you want some?" Qiye shook the grilled fish in her hand, and then immediately stuffed it into her mouth.

Although Conan was angry, he could only endure it. It was already half an hour later to get enough for Qiye.

After eating and drinking, Qiye walked out of the kitchen and sat on a chair in the living room, with both hands on the table, holding a PSP in his hand, and playing the game HAPPY.

Conan really couldn't bear his leisurely appearance, and said angrily: "You come out with me!"

Qiye also didn't bother to raise her eyelids, her gaze was still focused on the game in her hand, and she said politely: "Conan, do you have to be polite? Especially for a child like you, it seems that you are really uneducated. I'm going to hit You Xizi in the ass."

Conan clenched his fists, and his finger bones crackled.

Qiye cocked her mouth and smiled: "Now, Conan, if you call Xiaolan as Xiaolan's sister, if you call me brother-in-law, I will go out with you, how about it, don't you?"

Chapter 681-General!

Conan would never call Qiye Brother-in-law, because he didn't want to admit Qiye and Xiaolan's relationship anyway, it seemed that they would really have no relationship.

Is this the spirit of Ah Q?

Conan refused to call, and Qiye was consumed with him. Anyway, he had patience and time, and his attention was always on the game in his hand. It was already an hour later for Qiye to clear the game.

Qiye put away the PSP, stood up and stretched, the stiff bones all over his body suddenly crackled, then rubbed his waist, and said: "My old bone, Lan hasn't woken up yet, so go out for a walk. All right."

Speaking of Qiye, he walked out of the villa, and Conan immediately followed him. He had to find an opportunity without outsiders to talk about Xiaolan. After all, his identity as Shinichi Kudo would also be involved in the conversation. The less people know, the better.

Qiye is tall and has a large stride. Conan has to take two or three steps to keep up when he takes one step, but he didn't deliberately walk very fast, so that Ko South Africa had to run two steps and two steps, two steps and two steps, feeling Especially awkward.

In Japan, a country that has done very well in environmental protection, the forests on the mountains are very dense, and there will be no such lovely things as green paint on the mountains.

I walked out of the villa and entered the forest without taking a few steps. Qiye seemed to be walking casually. He walked without rush, hands in his pockets, very relaxed, but Conan didn’t have so much patience and walked in. Not long in the woods, I couldn't help but say: "What the hell did you do to Xiao Lan?!!!"

Qiye turned around and looked at Conan. The expression on her face was unexpectedly pure and free of impurities. She broke her fingers and said, "I have sex with Xiaolan. I did it for almost two hours. Xiaolan went to four. Second, I shot Xiaolan twice in her body. At first she was riding on me, then I suppressed her, and then changed to..."

"Enough!" Conan yelled and interrupted Qiye's chattering. His eyes were dyed red again. Hearing a man say how he slept with his favorite girl, no man could accept it. Right.

"Didn't you ask me what I did with Xiaolan? Why did you make such a big fire? Alas, the child is really impolite now. After the child of me and Xiaolan is born, we must teach her well, at least right. Elders need to be polite, don’t you say yes, Conan?"

"Shut up!!" Although Conan knew that Qiye was deliberately pissing him off, it was impossible to suppress the anger in his heart, and the anger was directly expressed on the surface.

"Hey, I just don't shut up, what can you do with me?" Qiye provocatively asked, "Even if you don't believe me, I will tell you that I was having sex with Xiaolan just now, and we will do it tonight. Until Xiaolan is pregnant with my child."

"Damn! You scumbag! I will definitely save Xiao Lan!" Conan looked at Qiye angrily. In his opinion, Qiye definitely used some shameless means to get Xiaolan.

"Hahahaha...Kudo Shinichi, you don't think so much, Xiaolan and I don't know how happy it is to be with me!" Qiye laughed and laughed. Although Qiye is indeed a demon king, the knight who killed him is definitely not a demon king. It would be Shinichi Kudo.

Qiye squatted down. He was one meter tall and half a head taller than Conan even if he squatted down. Qiye looked at Conan and said: "And why do you think you have the ability to take Xiaolan from me? Just like you are now, a kid with no hair? Stop talking big!"

"By the way, Shinichi Kudo." Qiye suddenly remembered something, her eyes lit up, and said: "Is the thing under you hard now? It should not work, after all, you are a little kid now, you are even a man. It’s not even considered taking Xiaolan away, it’s still early, and it’s not time to dream."

Conan's face suddenly became more uncomfortable than having a bowel movement. For a man, impotence is an absolutely unacceptable and unspeakable thing. Although he knew that as long as he took the medicine, it would be no problem to change back to the original. It is a fact that he is not a man now.

"Speaking of which, Shinichi Kudo, even if you are an idiot, you should have a limit. Where on earth do you have confidence that you can fight me? Your damn dad Yusaku Kudo was bombed by me. In pieces, where do you have confidence?"

The hatred of killing his father is not shared. A strong hatred appeared on Conan, glaring at Qiye, and said: "I will find evidence to prove your crime, and then put you in jail!"

"It's a naive idea that only idiots have." Qiye directly gave an evaluation calmly.

From the perspective of Qiye, Conan is probably a person living in his own world. The world of Qiye is called Shenwei, which is the ability to write round eyes in a kaleidoscope. The world of Conan is called Utopia, which is a perfect world in fantasy.

This world is obviously full of crime, murder, arson, robbery, kidnapping, and different crimes are performed in this world every day. There is also the existence of a huge organization like the Black Organization that has been lurking for more than half a century. It is obviously one everywhere. It is a world of darkness and sin, but Conan this guy made it like the light of justice shines. If you want to be evil, you must be evil.

If you commit a crime, you will squat in jail. It’s only in the movie. In reality, every case can be solved cleanly in a few hours. If there is a murder case in reality, it will be resolved quickly within a month. The situation like this in the world of Conan can only exist in a utopia, a perfect society of utopia, impractical.

"Even if you put me in jail?" Qiye tilted her head and looked at Conan, and said, "How can such a tattered place keep me locked? Even if I go in, I can still go home and Xiaolan at night. In the exercise of sitting and creating people, you can also eat the loving breakfast Xiaolan made for me the next day. You can go with envy, Shinichi Kudo, because you will never enjoy this kind of treatment, because Xiaolan is mine. Private property, she just belongs to me."

"You nonsense!" Conan roared angrily, "Xiao Lan has been waiting for me! She has been waiting for me to come back!!"

"Waiting for you?" Qiye looked at Conan with a look of disdain, then stood up again and said: "Wait for you kid, how long will you wait? Waiting for you to grow to seventeen years old, that's ten years Time, for your... such a... thing, Xiao Lan will consume ten years of youth for you? Dear, this is a disease that needs to be cured."

Kudo Shinichi, this is not something sick, there is no word, not even a word to explain, a girl will wait for you for ten years, from the age of seventeen to nearly thirty, the most beautiful youth will be put into hardship. This is really curable.

"As long as I take the antidote, I can return to Xiaolan!!" Conan said so, and he thought so in his heart. As long as there is an antidote, he can return to his original state, and then let Xiaolan come back again. To his side.

"Are you sure I won't let Xiao Ai add some other ingredients to your antidote, for example, after making you older, you will also suffer from impotence?" Qiye looked at Conan jokingly, and suddenly felt like she was finished. This is a good idea. Maybe after I go back, I can try it out. After Kudo Shinichi takes the medicine, his body grows bigger, but his sex organs still look like a seven-year-old child, which looks good.

"The famous Kanto high school detective Shinichi Kudo is an impotence, and this impotence guy still wants to pursue girls, don't you think this is very interesting, Conan sauce?"

Conan forced himself to calm down, with a sneer on his face, and said: "If I didn't make the experiment, would you dare to give the medicine that has not been tested to Shiho Miyano?"

Conan thought he had a hole card. Without his experimental product, Xiao Ai’s progress would have been very, very slow, and if the antidote had a problem with him, he decided that Qiye would not dare to let Xiao Ai eat it. That kind of medicine, so he was not worried.

"Idiot, don't be too self-righteous." Out of Conan's expectation, Qiye sneered coldly, as if she didn't take this to heart. "Xiao Ai now has APTX-4869 samples in her hand, and she can make more There are too many poisons, even if I lack your experimental product, I will catch a group of people and give them APTX-4869, and try them one by one. If they are not lucky, they will be thrown into the Sea of ​​Japan to feed the sharks. Yes, just use it as an experiment, you are simply a dispensable fellow."

With scheming, how could Conan be Qiye’s opponent? Conan wanted to threaten Qiye, but he was killed by Qiyeyi Army.

Let Conan be the antidote experiment, mainly because it is fun. If Conan doesn't cooperate, Qiye will find a new experiment for Xiaowei. It is easy for Conan to threaten Qiye.

"How about it, Conan, next time I will ask Xiao Ai to come up with some condimented antidote, do you eat or not?" Qiye looked at Conan playfully, this time it was his turn to threaten Conan. Up.

Conan is unwilling, but his brain with an IQ of 140 has nothing to do at this time. Except for a small sorrow, he cannot see his hope of becoming bigger. Although Dr. A Li is a scientist, he is not biochemistry, toxicology and medicine. Academic experts, and all APTX-4869 samples are in the hands of Qiye and Xiaoai, Conan doesn't have any.

"By the way, Conan, no one paid me for the last time I killed your dad. Why don't you give me the money? I don’t want much. Ten million dollars is enough. Just treat it as the red envelope you sealed at my wedding with Xiaolan."

The Dark World did have a mission to assassinate Yusaku Kudo, but that Nanya mainly wanted to kill Yusaku Kudo, so I didn't expect to pick up the task at the beginning, so he killed Yusaku Kudo and took the task later. Of course it’s not. It’s a big loss for Qiye. I lost a few C4 bombs and no one came to pay him. What a pity.

However, Nanaya also had a big appetite, ten million dollars. How could he get it? After Kudo Yusaku died, because Kudo Yusaku did not leave a will, his inheritance should be inherited by Yukiko and Kudo Shinichi in the order of inheritance. Yes, Conan can’t get bigger. Of course, Yusaku Kudo’s legacy is all to Yukiko, that is to say, all went to Qiye’s belly, robbed someone else’s wife, and swallowed all his property without a dime. It's really cool.

It can be said that if it weren't for Kogoro Mori to continue to raise Conan, Conan could only live with Dr. Akasa.

Conan turned and left. He realized that he was absolutely wrong to come to Qiye this time. He knew that Qiye had a conspiracy long ago, but he plunged in, and now he has become like this.

Qiye looked at Conan who was leaving quickly, screaming with her hands together in a trumpet shape.

"Hey, Conan, I will kill Dr. Ari."

Chapter 682-Win the prize?

Nanya’s words made Conan unable to calm down again. After all, Dr. Aka is a very important person to Kudo Shinichi. Although the old man is sometimes unreliable, he and Kudo Shinichi have a deep relationship. Otherwise, ordinary people would not risk being targeted by a mysterious organization to help a little devil.

"What the hell do you want to do?!" Conan looked at Qiye angrily, first Xiaolan, then his father and mother, is it Dr. A Li's turn now?Conan didn't understand. What was this guy taking away the important people around him one by one?!

"Well, that's the expression." Qiye, holding your chin, with a look of appreciation and playfulness, said: "It's this expression of anger and pain. It's really beautiful, Shinichi Kudo, and appreciate the deepest thing I have given you. Desperate."

"Don't think about it! I will never give up! I will definitely catch you by myself!!"

"You can try it, Kudo Shinichi." Qiye looked at Conan jokingly, her eyes were cold, "I want to look at this light and disappear from your eyes!!"

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