Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 699

As a demon king, the light in Conan’s eyes is what Qiye hates the most. Hope, that is, the light of hope, makes Qiye extremely hate Conan, and to torture Conan in this way. Qiye is looking forward to seeing despair in Conan’s eyes. Look like.

After Qiye finished speaking this sentence, he turned and walked towards the villa. He finished what he had to say. It's better to go back and sleep with Xiaolan Nephrite Wenxiang, who is fine with a kid playing in the mud here. .

"Goodbye, Conan, I'll go back to accompany Xiaolan, you can play here." Qiye waved her hand with her back to Conan, and said deliberately.

"Damn it!" Conan gritted his teeth and raised his foot to catch up.

Although Qiye was walking, her figure swayed a few times among the trees, and she reached the door of the villa in the blink of an eye, and Conan only ran two steps.

When Conan finally ran back to the villa, Qiye had already carried a plate with some drinks, food and snacks on it, and walked towards the second floor. These things were all taken from the kitchen.

Qiye stood on the stairs, waved to Conan, and said, "Bye, Conan sauce, I'm going to accompany my dear Xiaolan."

"Damn it! Stop it!"

Conan immediately chased up, trying to prevent Qiye from approaching Xiaolan again, but how could his small body go faster than Qiye's height? When he chased to the second floor, Qiye just walked into the room and then banged Close the door.

Conan slammed the door hard, but it was of no use. Two minutes later, Conan's small body had no strength. He could only sit on the ground slumpingly, his eyes were dispirited, unwilling, angry, and painful. After a while, Conan did not Using his small hand that had become red and swollen, he took out the earring-like phone made by Dr. Aka, and dialed the phone at Dr. Aka's home.

"Hey, Shinichi, what's the matter?" Dr. Ari's voice came through the phone, and this familiar voice finally made Conan slightly recovered.

"Doctor..." Conan's voice seemed weak, and said: "You have to be careful recently, that bastard Liudaoqiye is going to kill you."

"What?!" Dr. A Li was obviously taken aback, but it's normal. A normal person suddenly heard that someone was going to kill him. Everyone would be scared.

"What the hell is going on, Shinichi?"

"That guy is a lunatic, who knows what's going on with him?" Conan gritted his teeth and said. Conan hates this angel for Qiye's attitude that doesn't care about anything, even his life is completely indifferent, "All in all, Doctor, you have to be careful these days, that guy may do it anytime!"

"...I see, Shinichi, you have to be more careful yourself." Dr. A Li instigated a bit heavily, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Conan sighed inexplicably and looked at the closed door in front of him, as if facing a Pandora's box. The girl inside attracted him to open the door, but once it was opened This door may face a hell that is even more terrifying and dark than the crime, disease, and hatred hidden in Pandora's Box.

Not to mention how complicated Conan's mood is, Qiye's mood is definitely very good, teasing Conan can be regarded as one of his very important entertainment projects, after all, abusers are always so interesting.

Qiye entered the room, locked the door, and set up another barrier so that Conan could not disturb him and Xiaolan. Then she put the food she was holding on the bedside table, and then she took off her body in an instant. Yes, I opened the quilt and rushed in.

Under the quilt, Qiye’s body and Xiaolan’s slippery body were intimately relieved. Xiaolan, who had been sleeping, moved twice and climbed onto Qiye’s body, her pretty face pressed against Qiye’s strong and generous chest, not just In the dream, he still said soberly: "Are you back?"

Qiye looked down at Xiaolan, feeling that she had a shallow smile on her face, but her long eyelashes seemed to be trembling, she immediately shaved Xiaolan's nose, and said, "Wake up?"

Xiao Lan opened a pair of beautiful big eyes and looked at Qiye beside her tenderly with a sweet smile on her face, saying: "I will know as soon as you leave."

Although Xiaolan is a master of karate, she doesn't have the strong instincts of being a warrior like Dudao Kongzi, and her sense of breath is still far away. She can know it at the moment Qiye leaves, and it is all because of her angel's heart.

"Lan, you really make me like it too much, I really want to spoil you for a lifetime." Qiye held Xiaolan's soft body tightly, with plenty of joy on her face.

"Hehe..." Xiao Lan put out her tongue mischievously, and there was happiness in her playful face, "Aren't you afraid of spoiling me?"

"I'm not afraid." Qiye smiled, then rolled up a lock of Xiaolan's long hair with her fingers, and gently scratched Xiaolan's tender face with her hair, "I just want to spoil you, love you, and love you forever. , Xiao Lan will always be my angel, I will hold you in the palm of my hand, protect you and care for you for the rest of my life, Lan, you will never escape from my palm."

"I didn't even think about running away." Xiaolan said a little coquettishly, then put her arms around Qiye's neck, moved, and took the initiative to deliver the sweet kiss that Kudo Shinichi wanted to get anyway.

After a passionate kiss that immersed the two of them, Xiaolan closed her eyes and leaned on Qiye, with her cheek on her collarbone, which also showed the sexy charm of a man, and said softly: "Qiya, I love you so much. Yes, I love you more than I love myself."

After the two talked for a while, the love words that made both sides feel warm, they returned to normal. After all, love words can't be said all the time. That would also cause love fatigue.

Qiye turned on the TV, then put the food she just brought on the bed, hugged Xiaolan while eating while watching TV, and could touch Xiaolan twice by the way. Life was really uncomfortable.

Qiye sat on the bed with her left arm around Xiaolan, and the quilt only covered the upper part of his abdomen, exposing four packs of abdominal muscles and broad and strong chest muscles.And Xiaolan leaned on Qiye. As a girl, she was covered with a quilt above her chest. She covered the lovely and charming chest with a quilt, but her arms still stretched out of the quilt.

Xiaolan peeled an orange, then held a slice of orange in her hand, and delivered it to Qiye’s mouth. Of course, Qiye was happy to enjoy Xiaolan’s service. She opened her mouth to eat the orange and put Xiaolan’s finger in her mouth carefully. After licking it twice, he let it go.

Xiao Lanjiao laughed, put her finger in her mouth and licked it twice, and that was the end.

After that, Xiaolan gave another piece of orange to her mouth, then looked at Qiye strangely, and said: "Qiyae, you seem to be very happy today, what happened?"

Qiye turned her head and looked at Xiaolan's pure eyes, and couldn't help being a little surprised. Can Xiaolan perceive his psychology?

Xiaolan is not a big demon with seven deadly sins, and as pure as she is, she won't have the ability to analyze people's hearts. She just realized that Qiye is very happy today with her angel's heart.

Of course, Qiye would not speak out the conversation between him and Shinichi Kudo, but put her arms around Xiaolan and smiled: "Of course I am happy, Xiaolan has taken the initiative to give birth to a baby for me."

"I don't believe you." Xiaolan pouted her little mouth. Her instinct told him that Qiye's happiness must not be because of this incident, but her attention was diverted by Qiye's words. She stretched out her hand and stroked herself through the quilt. With her bulging lower abdomen, what Qiye shot was still in her body, Xiaolan whispered: "Qiyae, do you think I will get pregnant this time?"

It is normal for Xiaolan to be a little worried. After all, Chengshi said that Qiye’s sperm activity is too strong, and all of their girls’ eggs cannot bear it. Whether they can get pregnant or not depends basically on their luck. I have no confidence in whether I can get pregnant.

"Of course you can." Qiye reached into the quilt and pinched Xiaolan's soft chest. "Xiaolan's luck is envious of me. Maybe this time I can'win the lottery'."

"I hate it," Xiao Lan said with an annoyed pinch for Qiye, "I don't want to win a lottery!"

"No, no!" Qiye lifted the quilt, rolled over and pressed on Xiaolan's body, and said, "I will shoot in Xiaolan every day from now on until Xiaolan is pregnant!"


After that, there was another kind of love...

Chapter six hundred and eighty-third-do you love me more and more?

Qiye shot in Xiaolan's body twice again, four times in total. The amount of Qiye's four shots has swelled Xiaolan's belly obviously, as if she was four or five months pregnant, so awkward The feeling of feeling, coupled with the soreness of her body, made Xiaolan feel weak when she went to the ground.

Xiaolan didn't even have the strength to walk, so the dinner was naturally brought to the room for Qiye.

Qiye picked up a piece of fish and sent it to Xiaolan's mouth, and then said with a smirk: "Xiaolan, you have to eat more, we will do it again in a while."

When Xiao Lan heard what he said, her face was suddenly shy and angry, and said: "You still want to come, I am about to be tossed to death by you." Xiao Lan stroked her belly, if she is really pregnant. What a great thing.

"Anla'an, I'm not willing to toss Xiaolan to death." Qiye smiled, and reached out a little bit to hit Xiaolan's stomach, and then, the stuff that filled Xiaolan's stomach quickly turned into countless things. The warm current flowed into Xiao Lan's body, Xiao Lan's limp and tired body quickly became like a dead tree in spring, full of strength again.

Generally speaking, what Qiye shoots into the girls’ bodies will be transformed into energy to nourish the girls’ bodies, so even for girls such as Yuanzi and Qingzi who have not practiced, their physical fitness will become stronger because of Qiye’s nourishment. In terms of Qiye's combat effectiveness, they will be tossed to death sooner or later, which is not good.

And Qiye only speeded up Xiaolan's absorption. After eating, Xiaolan and Qiye naturally came again. They were tossed until midnight, and the two men hugged each other and fell asleep.


The next day, the three of them drove back to Tokyo. Although Xiaolan’s body was not affected, it took six or seven hours for Xiaolan and Qiye to be together, although Xiaolan’s body was not affected. The lingering charm.

Qiye was in a good mood, whistling while driving, not knowing how relaxed and at ease, and Xiaolan also knew the reason for his whistling, her face couldn't help but flushed, and she secretly rolled his eyes.

In general, apart from Conan this time, Xiaolan and Qiye were in a good mood. As for the case...who would care about it, that was just an excuse to ask Xiaolan and Conan out.

Qiye returned home refreshedly, eating, drinking, playing games, and then doing sports activities. A few days passed quickly. On this day, Qiye received a call from Yoko Okino.

Qiye answered the phone and said with a smile: "Yo, Yoko, finally you are willing to call me. I thought you were going to avoid me forever."

Because I was kissed by Qiye last time, a certain innocent star was so shy that he didn't contact Qiye for more than a month and didn't make a phone call. Qiye thought Yoko had disappeared from this world. Of course, it was just a joke.

Hearing Qiye’s unsound tone, Yoko Okino who had managed to persuade herself to make the call on the other side of the phone immediately blushed, and her tone became shy, and said: "Hate! Nanya, don't be so wrong. Is it good?"

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