Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 700

"Of course... not good." If Qiye is serious, is it still Qiye?"By the way, Yoko, do you miss me? I think of you every day. Last night, I dreamed of wearing a wedding dress. The appearance of marrying me is really beautiful."

"Seven nights!" Yoko Okino screamed in shame, her face was already red, if it weren't for her resistance, she would have lost the phone in her hand.

"Hahahaha..." Qiye laughed with joy, and said: "Okay, okay, no kidding, just talk about serious matters, Yoko, what are you looking for with me this time? You won't want me to participate in any competition with you again. Right."

The last charity golf tournament was played in teams of two, and Yoko Okino and Nanaya naturally formed a group. Although Yoko Okino’s skills were not very good, there were Nanayas and they were still relaxed. Won the championship.

You are obviously joking, okay?Yoko Okino wanted to complain about him so much, but in the end he didn't say anything. Instead, he talked about the business this time, saying: "Actually, I have a friend who wants to hold an engagement banquet at her house the day after tomorrow, so I want to invite you. Join together."

"Ahhhhhhh, is it an engagement party?" Qiye was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, realizing that it should be the idols' secret episode.

Yoko Okino waited for a while and didn't hear Qiye's reply. She was a little lost and said, "If you don't have time, then forget it."

"Hey, don't hang up so quickly. Yoko finally called. I would be very sad to hang up like this." Compared to Okino Yoko's loss, Nanaya still has a casual tone. I am very rich, the day after tomorrow, no problem."

"Really?" Yoko Okino said in surprise, and then seemed to be subconsciously afraid that he would regret it, and then said, "That's it!"

"No problem, Yoko." Nanya grinned and grinned. If Yoko Okino could see him at this time, he would know that he hadn't made a good idea. "Now, Yoko, I'll ask you a question. Okay?"

"Ask." Yoko Okino was in a very good mood at this time, so he agreed.

"Now, you took me to your friend's engagement banquet. Does this count as attending with your boyfriend?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for a moment for a moment Hung up the phone.

After Yoko Okino hung up the phone, Qiye looked at the phone in her hand and smiled. This girl really can't even tell lies.

Not to mention the blushing and heartbeat of Yoko Okino after hanging up the phone. After Qiye hung up, she put on clothes, drove her Lamborghini, and went straight to the supermarket.


Thirty minutes later, Mr. Liudao Qiye, a good man in the new century, appeared at the door of Yoko Okino’s house with two bags of fruits and vegetables, fresh seafood, and pork, sheep and beef.

Ding Dong!


"Yoko, it's me, open the door."

"Hey, Qiye?" There was surprise in Yoko Okino's voice. He obviously didn't expect Qiye to come to her house suddenly, "Qiya, what do you want?"

"Hey, Yoko, you can open the door for me first."

"Okay." Yoko Okino didn't doubt Qiye, and immediately opened the door for him. When Yoko Okino saw Qiye holding two big bags, he couldn't help but froze and said: "Qiya, you took it. what is this?"

"The vegetables I bought." Qiye gestured with the two bags in her hand, and said, "I want to have dinner with you today. Welcome, Yoko?"

Yoko Okino raised her head to look at Qiye's smiling face, his face flushed unexpectedly, and without refusal, she stepped aside, obviously to let Qiye in.

Qiye whistled triumphantly, walked in, put the two bags in her hand on the countertop, and immediately took out the beef inside. After cleaning it, she carried a kitchen knife and moved it. The expensive Kobe Snow Beef is neatly divided into two-centimeter square pieces, and each piece is as precise as a machine cut.

The cuisines of different countries in the world are different and have their own characteristics. But in terms of knife skills, Chinese chefs are still the best. Only a knife can give you flowers. Unlike a western chef, you can use eight knives to cook Come.

Qiye’s cooking skills are not the best in the world, but the knives are absolutely unparalleled in the world, because no one can play a knife more smoothly than him. Beef, lamb belly, and pork bones are all cut under Qiye’s knife. Perfect shape.

Yoko Okino looked at Qiye’s knife worker in a daze, watching the beef that was so neat that he could make a pile of houses, and immediately swallowed the words "let me come". This knife skill was beyond her reach. Up.

After the meat is processed, it is the vegetables, potatoes, red and white radishes, thousand sheets, greens, celery, the peeled peels, the soaked water, the cuts, all the cuts are processed, and the plate is loaded. , Neatly coded on the flow table.

When Qiya heated the oil pan and put the beef into the pot to saute, the crackling sound made Yoko Okino recover, and hurriedly took off the pink apron hanging on the side, and then began to assist Nanya to prepare today's A sumptuous dinner.

Because all the troublesome preparatory work Qiye has been completed, Yoko Okino just needs to follow Qiye's instructions and put the appropriate ingredients in the pot at the appropriate time, then add some seasonings, and then serve it out.

Soon, a sumptuous meal was prepared. The main course was curry rice. In addition to this, it was the Chinese cuisine of Chef Qiye, red braised lamb, pork bone soup, celery stir-fried pork, and assorted stir-fry. Steamed eggs, hearty dishes are set on the table.

"I'm going to start." Yoko Okino couldn't wait to say with the chopsticks. She had already drooled, and she picked up a piece of sauce-red lamb and stuffed it into her mouth.

"It's delicious." Yoko Okino squinted and said contentedly, his mouth covered with sauce-colored sauce.

Qiye smiled, and didn't complain about her lack of a ladylike image. She also let go of her belly and began to sweep the food on the table.

After an hour, all the food on the table disappeared, and most of it fell into Qiye’s belly. Although Yoko Okino only ate a small portion, it was far more than her usual food intake, stroking herself like Sitting on a chair with a stomach like three months pregnant, it is really exhausting.

"Here, here it is." Qiye put a cup of hot tea in front of Yoko Okino.

"Halikado." Yoko Okino thanked him, took a sip of tea, and finally eased a little bit, then looked at Qiye, and said: "Qiyae, I didn't expect your cooking to be so delicious."

"Hehe..." Qiye smiled badly, propped her elbow on the table, looked at Yoko Okino, and said, "So, are you loving me more and more?"

Chapter 684-Earth Girl!

Nanya’s problem has always been so direct, but Yoko Okino has never encountered such a direct problem. Of course, if someone wants to confess to her, according to her current status, she has to go through the bodyguard, the agent’s ten. Eight bronzes will do.

It was also because she debuted too early, she has been well protected by her agent, and she is also young, so Yoko Okino has her immature aspects, such as emotionally.

"No, I didn't like you!" Yoko Okino denied like an ordinary little girl, and her reaction was within Qiye's expectations.

When a girl encounters this situation, she will either admit or deny it, or she will slap it over, and she will admit it directly. Either she is mad, or she is a girl with very high EQ, such as Yuanzi, who denies it, or because Those who are shy and have a good impression of you, or are too weak.

Nanaya can detect Yoko Okino's affection for him, but it is true that he cannot say love, but it is still possible to say that he likes it.

Qiye didn't push this pure star too much, and stopped continuing the topic, saying: "Anlaan, ready to go to bed, I'm really old, and I feel dizzy after eating~~"

"Are you going to live here?" When Yoko Okino heard that Qiye seemed to plan to live, he couldn't help but stared at him.

"Yeah." Qiye blinked at Yoko Ono, as if he was just such a pure and innocent man, "Yoko is so good, he won't drive me away, right."

Yoko Okino opened her mouth, and when she wanted Qiye to go back, he was immediately blocked in her throat, awkward to death.

"Don't worry," Qiye waved her hand, then pointed to the sofa, and said, "I will sleep here today, and I won't do anything to you." Then he glanced at Okino Yoko's actually very bumpy figure. In her tender face that was turning red and her shy eyes, she said: "Just your figure, if I hit you, I won't have any eyesight."

"You! I hate it!" Yoko Okino stood up and looked at Qiye, and then spit out such a sentence, it seems that the difficulty of movement caused by eating too much has disappeared, and he walked back to the only bedroom here. , Closed the door with a slam.

"Really, women are in trouble." Qiye spread out her hands and spit out, then lay on the sofa and turned on the TV in the living room.

You molested her, she said you are a gangster, and you don't molest, she said you hate it, and women are the biggest trouble in the world.But men are cheap, they just like to cause this kind of trouble. Some men are more cheap, not peaceful, and have to cause several troubles, and they get burnt and burn themselves to death.

Qiye lay on the sofa watching TV, and Yoko Okino could not sleep in the room, and finally spent the night unscathed.

The next day and seven nights, I went to work at the Metropolitan Police Department from Yoko Okino, and then came back in the evening and had another sumptuous dinner with Yoko Okino. In this way, the day for the engagement banquet finally arrived.

Because the owner of the engagement banquet was a close friend of Yoko Okino, and the engagement banquet was held at home, obviously not many people were invited, that is, a few close friends, so Yoko Okino dressed more casually.

Wearing a pink blouse, a red short skirt, casually tied up her long brown hair with a red headband, carrying a beige bag, and wearing a pair of glasses, this makes her look better than usual Mature.

Qiye parked the car, the two got out of the car, and Yoko Okino walked over and took Qiye’s arm. This time, Qiye’s identity was Yoko Ono’s boyfriend. The joking guess before Qiye was right, Okino Yoko is here with her boyfriend this time.

"By the way, Yoko, you haven't told me yet, who is your close friend who is going to be engaged to?" Qiye looked at Yoko Okino with a smile on her face unconsciously.

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