Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 701

Yoko Okino is not tall, a little shorter than Xiaolan, so when she sees Qiye, she has to look up and say, "You know, she is someone everyone knows."

"I know..." Qiye pinched his chin, and said, "That is to say, he is a big star. I don't know how he looks like?" Guys.

"Bad guy! You can't hit her idea!" Yoko Okino pinched Qiye for a while, and instantly changed from a cute little cat to a female cat protecting her calf, and said, "Today is her engagement banquet. !"

Qiye smiled, what's wrong with the engagement, he got married several times.


Nanaya and Yoko walked a few steps again, and they saw a man in a black suit and sunglasses standing next to a dark blue sports car, saying hello to Yoko.

The man walked over, pushed his sunglasses down a bit, and said, "The golden star of the Metropolitan Police Department has six roads and seven nights. I didn't expect you to actually invite him, Yoko."

Qiye looked at the long-haired man, and realized that there was nothing in his eyes to Yoko, and there was no hostility, and said, "Who are you?" Qiye really didn't know him.

The long-haired man was visibly stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice. Yoko chuckled under his mouth, and then said: "Nanaya, he is the actor Kenzaki Osamu who plays the detective Zuowen."

"Detective Zuojin? I haven't read it." Qiye said very honestly, and then, regardless of Kenzaki's obviously stiff face, she looked at someone who was smiling narrowly next to her, and said, "Your engaged close friend is not him, right."

"No, I'm the actor, Yoko's close friend is the heroine who Yao married me." Jianzaki Xiu explained, then looked at Nanya and Yoko's arm together, and said: "I didn't expect you She must be very happy to be able to hire Liudao Qiye police officer, and she might have your meal next time."

There were two blushes on Yoko Okino's face, but she did not deny it, but said: "Actually, I haven't told her about it. I want to surprise her."

The crowd reached the twenty-eighth floor of the apartment building where the heroine lived.Yoko's close friend should be about the same age as her, and at a young age, living on the twenty-eighth floor of such a high-end apartment building, I have to say that they are mixed well.

Qiye went to ring the doorbell, but no one came to open the door. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to open the door. What greeted him was a purple tennis racket with his head down.

"Hey~~" Qiye caught the smashed tennis racket with one hand, then turned to look at Yoko, and said, "Yoko, the way your close friends welcome people is really special."

"Kaoru, what are you doing?" Yoko Okino also reacted at this time, looking at her friend Kaoru Kusano slightly annoyed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Because there are too many voyeurs lately, so I just..."

Qiye turned to look at Yoko, pointed her finger at herself, and said, "Is there such a handsome voyeur as I am?" And if I want to watch it, I just watch it. Is a helmet necessary?Of course the latter sentence is from my heart.

Originally, Yoko Okino wanted to say no, but thinking about how she had been bullied by him over the past two days, she wrinkled her nose in an uncomfortable voice and said, "Smelly!"

"Yoko, I didn't take you to such a blow." Qiye looked at Yoko with a sad expression.

It was the first time Yoko saw him like this, and found it very funny, and suddenly smiled unceremoniously.

Kaoru Kusano sensed the interaction between Nanaya and Yoko, and he didn’t need to be introduced at all, so he appointed Nanaya as a "Yoko's boyfriend", and then he hung up on him, teasing: "Yoko, it turns out You are silent, you already have a boyfriend, when are you going to get married?"

Yoko, who was still laughing at Nanya, flushed immediately after hearing Kaoru Kusano's words, glared at her friend in shame, and said incongruously, "What, I won't marry this bad guy! "

"Blushing and blushing, hahahaha..." Kaoru Kusano teased Yoko with a grin, and finally made Yoko shy away from her watch. He grabbed Kaoru Kusano and started tickling her, while gritted her teeth and said: "Dead girl! Call you! Laugh at me! Tell you to laugh at me!"

"Hahahaha... I dare not... Haha... I dare not dare..."

When Yoko and Kaoru Kusano were having fun, the door was opened again, and a big beauty with long light brown hair in a purple dress walked in.

"Oh, it seems you guys had a great time."

"Xiaoxue." Seeing that Yue Yexue was coming, Yoko stopped fighting with Kaoru Kusano, and looked at her other friend happily, "Your nails are still so beautiful." Among them, Yue Yexue has always I like doing nail art the most.

"This fake nail is not bad." Yue Yexue showed off her beautiful nails, then looked around and said, "Huimei hasn't arrived yet?"

"Ah, who's calling me." Very timely, the last guest appeared at the door today, leaning against the door frame, with his foot against the door, with a cigarette in his mouth.

This girl is so cool!Qiye thought in her heart that this girl is really cool. The upper body is a dark blue top and a brown-black coat, but she is not wearing it, but is draped over her shoulders, and she does not wear skirts like the other three women. , But a pair of light gray trousers, a cigarette in his mouth, made this woman even cooler.

The same woman who smokes is also so beautiful. Belmode and the Hoshino Terumi in front of him are completely different. Belmode smokes, as noble and mysterious as a lady, while Hoshino Terumi carries a portion. It is rare for a woman to be chic and indifferent.

"Ala, Terumi is here too." Kaoru Kusano said, and the scene suddenly became a bit strangely quiet.

"Yeah, Yoko didn't let me come, and if I was in the way, I would leave." Hoshino Terumi said lightly.

Seeing something wrong in the scene, Yoko immediately ran over and took Hoshino Terumi's arm and pulled her in, saying, "Well, finally, all four of the Earth Maidens got together, so don't leave."

"Earth girl?" Qiye scratched her head and said, "What is that?"

The four girls are not easy to say about this, but Kenzaki Xiu explained, "That's the four of them. Xiaoxuan is a prairie full of flowers, Xiaoxue is the white snow on the top of the mountain, and the beauty is the night sky. The twinkling stars in the sky, Yoko is the sparkling blue ocean, so the four together are the earth girls."

"That's it, the names of the four people do include the four landscapes on the earth." Qiye said, pinching her chin, and then touching the back of her head, saying, "I'm sorry, it's not clear because it's too long."


The corners of the mouths and foreheads of the four earth girls all beating together, looking at someone, for a long time?Is this an apology?

Yoko Okino and Nanya's concern are naturally the most intimate. They just couldn't bear to smash them with a fist and said, "You are so tall!"

"It hurts!" Qiye held her head and looked at Yoko Okino "angrily", and said, "So violent, be careful I won't marry you in the future!"

"Hate! What nonsense are you talking about?!" Yoko Okino said with embarrassment, she would never be like this if she was normal, but Nanya could easily pick the string of gentleness and grace in her heart.

Qiye pointed at herself, rolled the blind eye, and said, "If I don't marry you, will you still marry at your level?"

"Ah!! I'm going to strangle you!!" Yoko Okino was really so angry with Qiye that she pinched Qiye's neck and swayed constantly.

"Uh...Murdering her husband...Ah..." Qiye rolled her eyes and lay on her corpse on the ground within a few seconds, shaking her limbs.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' Shame, really cute, and Hoshino Terumi's face was still cold and indifferent, but his eyes became sharper just now.

In order to relieve her shyness and embarrassment, Yoko couldn't help but look at Kaoru Kusano, the heroine of today, and said, "But I really didn't expect that Kaoru, the youngest of the four, got married first."

The adult age in Japan is 20 years old. After 20 years old, Japanese can smoke and drink. So Xiaolan was surprised when she knew Mira was 19 but had to smoke. However, Japanese men are 18 years old and women You can get married at the age of 16, but the age for smoking and drinking must be after marriage?

"Neither did I expect that the first person to get married would be Huimei."

"Speaking of, Huimei, didn't you say you have a sweetheart?"

As soon as Yoko Okino heard this, he couldn't help but look at Hoshino Terumi, and said, "Yeah, yeah, how is it with that person? Have you confessed?"

"No result." Hoshino Terumi said very coolly, still holding her arms, "Besides, instead of getting married and walking into the grave of life, it is better to have unrequited love looking at each other from a distance, and the dream will not be shattered."

This girl is too cool, Qiye thought of her chin, saying that what this girl said just now seemed a bit...

Chapter 685—Blood!

When the atmosphere became a little awkward because of Hoshino's words, a man wearing a green shirt, an apron, some pockmarks on his face, and glasses, looked like a dick and walked out.

"Sorry, Detective Zuojin is about to start, don't you want to watch it?" This guy who looks weak and looks like a dick is Kaoru Kusano's agent, Atsushi Ma.

"I don't want to watch it." Kaoru Kusano didn't seem to be in a good mood after seeing this Kuma Atsushi, and his pitch was a little higher than before. "I'll take a shower first and call me after the broadcast."

"But the dishes I just made are going to be cold, it's best to join together..."

"That's a lot of nonsense!" Kaoru Kusano turned his head and reprimanded, "I said I didn't want to watch it! You useless guy is not qualified to teach me how to do it!"

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