Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 702


Kaoru Kusano snorted and walked to the bathroom. Qiye pinched her chin with interesting eyes in her eyes. This was really interesting. Looking at Kenzaki's reaction again, I seemed to understand something.

But except for Nanya, the three of Yoko and the others obviously know Kaoru Kusano very well. Yue Yexue smiled with her arms around her arms and said, "Ah, she is still like this. As long as it is her acting, she would be embarrassed to be with everyone. Look."

This is the same as Walnut. A friend of mine knew that I was writing a book and asked me what book I was writing. I just didn't want to tell him. I felt very awkward to let my good friend know.

"The plan went well." Yoko smiled.

"Hey, do you really want to do this?"

"Of course, that's why I called you."

"Okay, I'll wait in the living room first." Hoshino Terumi said lightly, and then walked to the living room with her cigarette in his mouth.

"Yoko, go to the bathroom to change clothes first."


Qiye looked at Yoko Okino with a smile on his face and said, "Hey, someone, can you explain to me, what are you guys planning?"

Yoko Okino stuck out her tongue at Qiye and said, "I won't tell you!"

Looking at Yoko Okino's cute appearance, Qiye couldn't help but pinch her...xiang buttocks with her hands, and then said "viciously", "Bad girl, even I dare to hide it, be careful I smash your ass! "

Suddenly, Yoko Okino was pinched by Nanaya, and screamed, her face suddenly redder than her clothes, and she jumped a step away, covering her little butt with her hands, her expression on her face was shame and annoyance. people.

"Bad! How can you pinch me... I... there!" Yoko Okino looked at Qiye with shame and annoyance. Of course, any girl would have this kind of reaction when she was pinched suddenly.

"Who told you to be disobedient." Qiye smiled, moved her palm, she still seemed to be able to feel the youthful elasticity between her fingers, "The hand feels really good."

Yoko Okino was so embarrassed that he was about to squirt. He couldn't stand Qiye's cheeky, pushed him hard, then covered his face in embarrassment and fled into the bathroom.

Qiye was waiting at the bathroom door, and when Yoko Okino changed his clothes and came out, Qiye's eyes suddenly brightened, and his eyes were also stained with some interesting meaning.

Wearing can be said to be exposed, with the navel and scented shoulders all exposed, just like sportswear, but there are also differences. The upper body is a so-called clothing that can only cover the chest, but there is a sleeve with a left arm next to it, and there is no right arm. Yes, the lower part is the other way around. It looks like a pink fat thigh, but it has the right half of the trouser tube, the upper and lower body are also wearing a layer of pink tulle on the outside, a hair band on the head, and there are Two things like ladybug tentacles.

Wearing white long gloves and kicking a pair of white boots underneath, it was the costume that Yoko Okino wore when she formed the Earth Girl performance with three other people when Yoko Okino debuted. This time she wore them again. Set of clothes.

My boss~~ Qiye has the urge to hold his forehead, and Yoko Okino really has an idea, but he actually thought of this way. Now this dress can’t be worn outside. After all, the times are different and the aesthetic concepts are also Not the same, if this suit is worn out, the rate of return is infinite.

"" Yoko Okino lowered her head slightly and asked in a low voice. She is also very embarrassed now. After all, this suit was also a matter of years ago. At that time she was eighteen and now twenty-two. Now, it feels a bit pretentious to wear this dress.

Qiye moved in her heart and took the shy Yoko into her arms without any hesitation, and said, "Yoko, you are so beautiful, will you show me this way in the future?" It's a good idea to play with uniform temptation occasionally.

"Just... don't." Yoko said shyly and happily, with more crimson rising on her little face, her little hand gently pushed Qiye's chest, and said: " let me go... "

She looked like a coward and cute little rabbit on her side, Qiye liked it very much in her heart, lowered her head, and kissed Yoko gently on the lips.

Nanaya didn't go deep, but she let the shy Yoko escape again. This was the second time she was kissed by Nanaya. It also made Yoko secretly annoyed by herself. She was kissed twice, but she became less and less resistant. .

Yoko fled to the living room. Seeing Yoko's dress, Jianzaki Xiu almost squirted out the wine, and said in shock: "Ah, you really want to make that plan?!"

"Yes," Yue Yexue stood up with her bag, and said, "Then, the next one is for me to rejuvenate."

"Hurry up, I haven't changed my clothes yet." Hoshino Terumi was still calm.

"I know, I know." Yue Yexue smiled and went to the bathroom immediately.

Yoko Okino also remembered something, and took out the things he had prepared from his arms, and said, "Let's write the card now, everyone writes our blessing to Kaoru."

Yoko Okino took out the blessing board he had prepared long ago, and then first wrote his blessing on it.

"Now, next... Qiye, come on." Yoko handed the blessing board to Qiye who had just walked in.

Qiye took it and took a look, and then took the pen that Yoko Okino handed over to write something on it.

"I wish you happiness, and then hurry up to attend the engagement banquet between Yoko and I." Qiye directly read what he had written.

"Hate! What are you writing!" Yoko Okino immediately rushed towards Qiye, grabbing the blessing board in Qiye's hand, but it was too late, and Qiye's sentence was already written on it. This blessing board is not a blackboard. What is written can be erased, and it is impossible to erase it with correction fluid. Is it fair to say that the patches on the boards of others are blessed?

Yoko Okino really didn't mean anything, and could only stare at Qiya with shame, the latter smiling hippiely.

"Next, Terumi."

Hoshino Terumi was drinking juice and said lightly: "I'll forget it, I won't write."

"This is your chance to reconcile."

"Huh!" Hoshino Terumi finished the pen and the blessing board, and said, "I really can't do anything with you." The hum in the front and the words in the back contained different meanings.

"Ah, are you writing greeting cards?" Yue Yexue, who had changed his clothes, walked in and smiled. Because it is a combination, the clothes of Yue Yexue and Yoko are basically the same, but Yoko’s is red. And Yue Yexue's is green.

"Well, everyone speaks one word." Yoko turned his head and smiled at Yue Yexue, but at this time he did not see Hoshino Terumi's behavior.

"Then I'm going to change clothes."

Hoshino Terumi went out very coolly, and Yoko took a look at the blessing board, and suddenly said, "Wait, wait, why does Terumi write that?!"

What Hoshino Terumi really wrote did not seem to congratulate others on their engagement, because she wrote about the sorrows, and she also nodded a black dot with a cigarette butt below.

"After the sorrows were changed, I also lit cigarettes, which is very unique to her." Yue Yexue didn't feel surprised, and then took the blessing board and wrote her blessing, "Since Huimei uses soot, then I will ......" After speaking, Yue Yexue printed her own lipstick under her signature.

"It's your turn, agent," Yue Yexue handed the blessing board to Kaoru Kusano's agent Xiong Atsushi, and said, "You can write something too."

"No, I..."

"You're welcome." Yoko held the blessing board and handed it to Ma Xiong Atsushi.

Jian Xiong Du picked up the pen and wrote the blessings on it, but before finishing writing, tears fell and dripped on the blessing board.

"I'm sorry." The kind-hearted Yoko habitually apologized and said: "If you don't want to, then forget it."

"No, I'm just too happy." Jian Xiong Du said, rubbing the corner of his eyes.

Qiye grinned, took a sip of vodka, and thought helplessly: Isn't such an obvious thing unclear?

At this time Hoshino Terumi also changed her clothes, the styles are the same, while Hoshino Terumi's is blue.

"Then I'm going to call Kaoru out." Ma Xiong Atsushi lowered his face and walked out.

"What's up with him?"

"do not know."

Atsushi Ma went out to call Kaoru Kusano, and everyone was sitting in the living room first. At this time, the detective left text starring Jianzaki Xiu had also finished playing, and he turned off the TV. Jianzaki Xiu helplessly said, "True In the end, no one watched my performance seriously."

"Ah~~" Qiye yawned and said, "I only watch TV shows with more beautiful women, and forget about men."

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