Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 703

Qiye's words made Yoko Okino give him a white look, but Yue Yexue took a look at Qiye with interest, and said: "Then, you will definitely watch the TV series played by Yoko."

"Xiaoxue!" Yoko's face flushed immediately, and he looked at Yue Yexue with shame and anger.

"Of course." Qiye said with a face on his face, hugging Yoko's slender waist and grinning smirkly: "Although it ruins my eyes, I have to take care of Yoko's face, otherwise I am afraid of being strangled to death by her."

"You hate it!" Yoko Okino's entire face turned red, and her little hand kept pinching Qiye's waist soft flesh.

"Gluck..." Yue Yexue hid her mouth and smiled and said: "It looks like we will attend Yoko's engagement banquet next time."

"That's right." Qiye nodded and admitted, then looked at the girl in her arms who was about to faint with shame, and said, "Yoko, what kind of wedding dress do you like?"

"I! Why should I answer you!" Yoko replied in a daze, and then reacted, yelling defensively.

"How do I know this, ask yourself." Qiye rolled her eyes.

Yue Yexue and Kenzaki Xiu felt a bit funny, but Hoshino Terumi still had a poker face. Kenzaki Xiu said while drinking, "By the way, today seems to be my engagement party."

Although his engagement banquet with Kaoru Kusano was actually just acting, but after all, he was still a prospective groom, how could it seem that he went wrong?

"Anlaan~~" Qiye waved her hand and said, "Why don't you lend me a little bit here? I'll get things done with Yoko by the way."



Chapter 686-Terribly calm Hoshino Terumi!

Yue Yexue, Hoshino Terumi, and Kenzaki Xiu all had the feeling of spitting blood. How did you say this, and Yoko Okino, as the heroine, was already ashamed to death at this time, and his entire face was Buried in Qiye's arms, dare not see anyone.

Fortunately, Ma Xiong Atsuk came back at this time, alleviating Yoko's shyness and embarrassment, but he came back alone, and the Kaoru whom he originally called was not there.

"How about Kaoru, why are you alone?"

"Um, I didn't respond to anything."

"Mr. Kenzaki, as a fiance, you should go and take a look." Qiye smiled and looked at Jianzaki Xiu, with a joke in his smile.

"Oh, yes." Kenzaki said, with a slight embarrassment in his tone. After all, his engagement with Kaoru Kusano was fake. Kaoru Kusano was taking a bath, so he went in to see it.

Seven nights are going to go to the bathroom, and I happened to come out with Osamu Kenzaki and walked out of the living room, first through the hallway, then the toilet, and then the bathroom. I have to say that Kaoru Kusano is quite rich and has enough space to separate the toilet from the bathroom. .

As soon as Qiye walked out of the living room, she stopped at the entrance and looked sideways. On the ground, some dark droplets fell on the ground, all the way to the door.

"What's the matter?" Jianzaki Xiu noticed that Qiye had stopped and couldn't help turning his head to ask.

Qiye squatted on the corridor, dipped his finger on something on the ground, and then squeezed it open with his finger. After the originally dark object was squeezed away, it suddenly showed a scarlet color.

Nanaya showed the things on her fingers to Shu Jianzaki, and said, "This is blood. We and Yoko are not injured. Who do you think this blood belongs to?"

"Could it be..." Kenzaki's pupils shrank, and he immediately rushed towards the bathroom. Although he and Kaoru Kusano are not boyfriend and girlfriend, and the engagement is fake, they are very good friends. This is true. Otherwise, Kaoru Kusano would not find him to act in this scene.

Qiye also followed immediately, Kenzaki Xiu rushed to the bathroom door, knocked on the door constantly, shouting Kaoru Kusano's name, but there was no response inside.

Qiye also ran over, no matter what the three-seven-ones were, he opened the door directly and saw Kaoru Kusano lying on the edge of the bath with a lot of blood flowing out of his neck.


Jianzaki Xiu was obviously taken aback by this scene, and Qiye ran over, and took the pulse of Kaoru Kusano in her hand. She realized that although her pulse was weak, but there was still a breath, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Now, he is naturally troublesome to use reincarnation.

When examining Kaoru Kusano’s injury, he secretly pinched two brown and green three pills in his hand, then stuffed them into Kaoru Kusano’s mouth without a trace, and helped her swallow the pills with chakras and used chakras. , Put the power of the green pill in Kaoru Kusano's body, and gently cover the remaining two with chakra.

The green one is the life pill, which contains the vitality of Mu Dun. No matter how you eat it, it can hold life for three days even if the heart is gone. The brown one is the Shengxue pill. Qiye temporarily uses the chakra to wrap the Shengxue pill to make it. The medicinal power of the medicine is not released immediately, and the chakra will disappear after half an hour. The medicinal power of the Shengxue Pill is naturally digested and absorbed by the human body for five minutes. At that time, Kaoru Kusano should be lying on the operating table.

When the ambulance arrived, Kaoru Kusano was rushed to the nearest hospital. Atsushi Makuma also followed. Not long after, Mugure also rushed to the scene with his men.

"Why is a twenty-year-old girl living in such a high apartment building? Which daughter's daughter is it?" Mumu walked out of the elevator and asked strangely, having to say that this middle-aged uncle is indeed Away from fashion.

"Hey, don't you know her, the previous earth girl." Takagi said in surprise. The earth girl was established three or four years ago. At that time, Takagi was still at the police academy, and of course he was still chasing stars, so he knew something about them. .

"What is the earth?" Mumu asked while ringing the doorbell, still unknown.

Yoko Okino opened the door, and after Mumu came in, he saw the dressed-up Yoko Okino, Yue Yexue and Hoshino Terumi, who was stunned for a while, and then touched his head and said, "I'm so sorry. , I seem to have got the room number wrong."

The three of Yoko Okino and the others have not changed back to their clothes, and they still wear the same clothes they used when they debuted a few years ago. It is normal for Mumu, a middle-aged uncle who is far from fashion to make mistakes.

"Hey, Mumu, you are not mistaken." Qiye leaning against the wall looked at the middle-aged uncle and said helplessly.

"Qiyao?" Mumu looked at Qiye in surprise, and said, "Why are you here?"

"This is a long story." Nanya stood up straight, pointed at Yoko, and said: "I accompanied Yoko to the banquet, and then the case happened."

"This is really long..." Mumu wiped the sweat off his head with a speechless look.


Yoko and the others changed back to their original clothes, and Mumu finally asked about the situation of the crime.

"That’s the case, I’ll confirm it again. The three of you came to Miss Kaoru’s engagement party. In order to surprise her, when she took a shower, you changed the order of Miss Yoko, Miss Xue, and Miss Terumi in the bathroom. The clothes, and the three of them finished changing their clothes. Mr. Xiong from the manager went to the bathroom to call her but did not respond. Then Qiye found blood in the hallway, so he rushed into the bathroom and found that the victim was bleeding and fainted in the bath. Right, Qiye?"

"The situation is basically like this." Qiye said with a shrug.

"Where is the injured Miss Kaoru now?" Takagi Boyshoe, who was in charge of recording the scene of the crime, asked.

"I was taken to the Beihu Hospital by an ambulance." Qiye said lightly, but didn't care about Kaoru Kusano's situation at all. According to the development of the original work, Kaoru Kusano would never die, and Qiye gave her two blood. If Maru and Yishengmeiwan could still die like this, Kaoru Kusano would be really capable.

"Kaoru, you can't die..." Yoko didn't know Qiye's inner activities, and was really worried about her unpredictable friend. Tears flowed out again. Qiye held Yoko in her arms and comforted her softly.

"There's no way." Hoshino Terumi complained, "I'll call the hospital and ask." This woman is absolutely hot outside.

"Then I will go with you. My father is there to treat diabetes. I know the phone number there."

Hoshino Terumi and Yue Yexue went to the living room to call, while Qiye was still in the hallway, Mumu leaned over and said, "Qiyae, have you found anything?"

"Those things on the ground should be counted." Qiye pointed to the pile of exhibits behind the door, and said: "It includes a raincoat and thread gloves stained with blood, a handkerchief with lipstick and an eye drop bottle, handkerchief and eyes. I checked the potion bottle, and it smells like chloroform. It should be used to stun the injured by sprinkling the chloroform on the handkerchief."

"But, who is going to kill Kaoru?" Yoko Okino asked with red eyes.

"The person who harassed her must be the person with bad behavior. Every time a strange letter is placed outside the entrance,'I will come again','I will come again','I will come again when I die', the more content The more terrifying, the letter was typed on a typewriter, and it makes people horrified."

"So that's the case, so Kaoru hit me with a tennis racket when I rang the doorbell." Qiye said silently, although she wanted to complain, but Yoko was in this state, he still put away the idea of ​​complaining.

"By the way, was the entrance door locked when the incident happened?"

"No." Qiye put her hands in her pockets and said very positively.

"That is to say, the man found that the door was unlocked and sneaked in. He happened to meet Kaoru coming out of the bathroom. Because Kaoru saw his face, he stunned her and cut her throat with a knife. Because the blood on the raincoat and gloves was too eye-catching, he took it off and threw it outside the gate. Takagi, immediately went to interrogate people nearby. It didn't rain, but the prisoner was wearing a raincoat. It is very likely that there will be witnesses!"


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