Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 704

"Will it be that simple?" Qiye squatted down, looking at the blood on the ground, and said: "Hey, Mumu, I said that most of the blood on the raincoat is on the front, which means that the blood is also from the front. The front of the raincoat is dripping, you give me a try to walk like this, try not to step on any blood.

If the blood drips from the front, it is normal to step on the foot. Otherwise, unless the legs are separated and walked, the hem of the raincoat will be stretched very open, and the blood stains will also be traced. So it becomes much wider.

"According to my guess, the prisoner may have taken the raincoat in his hand and walked out, pretending to be an illusion that the prisoner has escaped."

"Hey, don't you mean to say the prisoner..."

"Maybe it's among us, isn't it, Mr. Liudao?" Hoshino Terumi walked out of the living room after the call, still in a calm tone.

Qiye looked at Hoshino Terumi, and raised her eyebrows. This woman was so calm that she was a little scary.

"That's right." Nanya followed Hoshino Terumi's words, "For an alibi, I kept waiting for Yoko at the bathroom door when she changed clothes, and then we went to the living room together and never came out."

"Anyway, I want to ask about the alibi of each of you."

"There is still something that must be found before that." Such a calm tone still belongs to Hoshino Terumi, "The murder weapon, where is the knife that cut Kaoru's neck?"

Qiye rubbed his arms, why did he feel the yin wind blowing?

Chapter 687-The Smile of the Star!

"If the murder weapon is ours or found in the room, then the murderer is one of us, and if it is not found, it is an outsider."

Hoshino Terumi said indifferently: "The prisoner will not deliberately hide the weapon and then escape, because even if the blood is wiped clean, there should still be some hemoglobin, and even a small amount of hemoglobin will have blood luminol reaction. You can't hide it."

Luminol reagent is also called luminol. If the crime scene or the murder weapon is wiped, there will be hemoglobin residue even if it is wiped cleanly. Luminol reagent will react with heme to produce blue-violet fluorescence. Therefore, this method is generally used to identify blood stains that are invisible to the naked eye.

"Really professional forensic knowledge, ordinary people can't understand this level." Qiye looked sideways at Hoshino Terumi, who seemed to slightly avoid his gaze.

Most people may know a certain degree of blood identification knowledge because of TV programs and the like, but they should know that the reaction is called luminol reaction, and that the reaction principle is for the hemoglobin in the blood. This is not what ordinary people would know.

"Under the influence of someone, I fell in love with the detective story."

Mumu pondered for a while, and arranged for his subordinates to search the objects of everyone present. Takagi was responsible for searching Kenzaki Osamu and Nanya, and the girls were naturally handed over to the policewoman.

The result was of course not found, including Yue Yexue's fake nails, Hoshino Terumi's earrings, and Kenzaki Osamu's necklace did not detect the luminol reaction, but the results of the search on Qiye were a bit...

Qiye didn’t find anything with a luminol reaction, but there were too many things on Qiye that could be used as a murder weapon. In addition to two pistols, there were seven flying knives, two daggers, and two bear claws. , A wire saw, a Swiss army knife and a butterfly knife.

When Takagi reported the weapon found from Qiye, Mumu had the urge to kill him.

However, none of these weapons reacted to Luminol, and Qiye naturally had no suspicion.

No murder weapon was found in the room, but a bug was found on the doll in Kaoru Kusano's room, and the drawer was also turned over.

The murder weapon was not found, and the case was deadlocked. At this moment, the phone in the room rang.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and it seemed that everyone had already understood subconsciously that this call was from the hospital, and Kaoru Kusano's operation must have ended.

Nanaya patted Yoko on the shoulder and motioned to her to answer the phone. He knew that Kaoru Kusano must be fine. Let Yoko be the first to know the good news.

Yoko has no way to know so much. She walked over with a little fear and answered the phone. At this time, except for Qiye, the heartless guy, almost everyone else held their breath for fear that Yoko would miss it. Regarding the content on the phone, even the indifferent guy Hoshino Terumi is no exception.

"Hey...yes, I'm Kaoru Kusano's friend!" Yoko said to the phone. Her words immediately made everyone nervous, "Yes, hey, Kaoru, she..."

After such a few fragments of dialogue, Yoko Okino shed tears, then turned around, and said to everyone in surprise: "It's okay, the operation is successful, Xiao Kaoru is fine, and consciousness will be restored in two hours. !"

"Oh, isn't it?!" "Great!"

Everyone is overjoyed, and so are the others. Of course, Kaoru Kusano's ability to turn danger to a waste is the reason they are happy...One of the reasons, Kaoru Kusano has been through the danger, then perhaps Kaoru Kusano has seen the appearance of a murderer. With the testimony of the injured, the case can be resolved soon.

Because there was no evidence at the scene, and the guy Nanami was there, Meguro asked some of his men to go back first, and some of them went to the hospital to wait for Kaoru Kusano to wake up.

After Mumu left, Qiye also officially started to work. When investigating the case just now, he did not show too much reasoning ability as before, because he knew who the murderer was. What is worse now is the evidence and what is wrong. Knowing what the weapon was, and one more thing was Yoko's feelings.

Nanya arrived in Kaoru Kusano's room, and started to search the girl's room without realizing it as before.

The furnishings in the room are very simple. There is a bed with a wardrobe next to it, and a cupboard directly opposite the bed, which is also a dressing table, on top of the cupboard, an alarm clock, a mirror, and a doll. There is nothing special about this.

Qiye opened the drawers one by one. The cosmetics were neatly placed in a drawer, then jewelry, then mobile phone, laptop, and a game console, and then... ahem, underwear...

Qiye was not serious for a while, and then he pulled out the drawer that was previously said to have been turned over. Here are things like scissors and ball pens. Compared to the neat and tidy state of the other drawers, this The drawers are indeed messy.

"The only thing here, if it can be used as a murder weapon, there is only this pair of scissors." Qiye picked up the only pair of scissors in the drawer and put it under her nose and smelled it. "There is no bloody smell, it must not be a murder weapon. Huh, huh? What is this?"

Qiye curiously took out a picture from the drawer below, and the picture shows a man and a woman. You can tell with your eyes that it is a couple. The woman is naturally the owner of this house Kaoru Kusano, but the man is not today. The actor Kenzaki Osamu of the engagement banquet is Kaoru Kusano's agent, Atsushi Ma.

"Oh, if this one is sold, it should be able to sell for a good price." Qiye said indifferently.

"Hey," Hoshino Terumi appeared in the room like a ghost, and closed the door of the room easily. "Peeping into other people's privacy is not what a policeman should do."

"It's okay, I'm not a good policeman anyway." Qiye said indifferently, seemingly not afraid that Hoshino Terumi would complain to herself.

Hoshino Terumi did not delve into this issue, put the blessing board written by everyone on the cabinet and said: "Girls have some secrets that they don't want others to know, because of this, they will do stupid things. "

"A secret that you don't want others to know?" Nanya smiled, put the photo back into the distance, and then looked at Hoshino Terumi with interest, and said, "It seems that you know a lot of interesting things."

"For example?" Hoshino Terumi leaned against the door, lit a cigarette, then held his arms, waiting for Qiye to follow.

"For example, today's engagement banquet is actually fake."

"You know?" Hoshino Terumi raised her eyebrows, and there was a slight surprise in her eyes.

Qiye complained in her heart that this overly calm girl is really hard to deal with, and grabbed her hair, and said, "It's just a guess, I can only say that the two guys are too bad in acting."

While talking, Qiye walked to Hoshino Terumi's side, and then took out the cigarette she was holding in her mouth and drew it directly into her mouth. When Hoshino Terumi was slightly taken aback, her hand moved quickly.

"Huh~~" Qiye smoked a cigarette for the first time, but after a while, he didn't feel too much. His current attention is mainly on Hoshino Terumi's photo because of his actions. A little flushed face appeared once.

Qiye squeezed out the cigarette butt, looked at Hoshino Terumi, and said, "You said that girls have some secrets and didn't do anything stupid about it, what about you?"

Hoshino Terumi turned her head and looked at Qiye. After a while, she finally couldn't resist Qiye's aggressive gaze, and said, "I'm going out first."

"Really? Whatever." Qiye said indifferently, then took out a notebook-like thing from his pocket and looked through it.

"Give it back to me!" Hoshino Terumi glanced at the thing in Qiye's eye, cracked and turned around, and said anxiously, his voice also stained with anxiety and panic.

"Oh, is this yours?" Qiye smiled, and moved his finger to the side of the notebook from start to end. His eyes instantly read the content of each page, and then gave it to Hoshino Terumi.

Hoshino Terumi immediately put the notebook carefully in her pocket like a baby.

Qiye stroked the corner of her mouth, and her smile became a lot more evil, because in Hoshino Terumi’s notebook, there are all Qiye clippings. In it, almost all the cases in the newspaper in Qiye are recorded in detail, and every one of them is detailed. The suspect in the case, the deceased, the cause of death, the motive for the murder, and the tactics of committing the crime are all, almost more complete than the record of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Hoshino Terumi said earlier that she liked detective novels because she was influenced by someone. This person is already obvious.

Hoshino Terumi is one of the coldest girls that Qiye has encountered. It is colder than Xiao Ai. In comparison, Xiao Ai’s coldness is only on the surface, but Hoshino Terumi is due to her character. It is almost cold. The degree of Na Zi.

Qiye grabbed her hair, hugged Hoshino Terumi directly, and lowered her head and kissed it. The smart and calm Hoshino Terumi seemed to have already felt Qiye's actions, so she was not too surprised, nor struggling, but closed. She closed her eyes and catered to Qiye's kiss, but her pretty face turned red uncontrollably.

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