Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 705

Both of them were drunk and deep in this kiss. Although they had just smoked a cigarette and there was still a smell of tobacco in their mouths, it did not hinder the beauty of this kiss.

Both of them remembered that Yoko was still outside, so they didn't proceed to the next step, but stopped there.

Hoshino Terumi's breathing gradually calmed down, and the shyness in her eyes was buried calmly and indifferently. She looked at Qiye and said, "You know my secret, and I also want to know your secret."

What an aggressive girl... Qiye thought helplessly in her heart, then looked at Hoshino Terumi's face and said, "Actually, it was the first time I smoked."


Hoshino Terumi smiled...

Chapter 688-Suicide!

"Don't tell Yoko about our business." Hoshino Terumi hesitated and said to Qiye, but she had been calm and calm. At this time, some of her eyes were afraid to look at Qiye, as if she was afraid of him being angry.

"Why?" Nanya looked at Hoshino Terumi suspiciously, and then said: "Are you afraid that Yoko will be sad? Yoko will accept it."

"I know." Hoshino Terumi nodded. Qiye's flower heart is no secret for a long time, she naturally knows it, and Yoko also knows that Hoshino Terumi is not worried about this.

Indifferent, she is too kind to lose to Yoko. In her opinion, she and Qiye met after all. In the relationship between Yoko, Qiye and herself, she belongs to the third party and loves her deeply. Looking at this man, but couldn't do anything to hurt her best sister, Hoshino Terumi chose to lower her identity.

"Then you are planning to be my lover?" Qiye lowered her head and looked at Hoshino Terumi, her eyes were a bit funny, but there was also some pity. This stupid woman is really stupid (pure).


"Now, let me tell you another secret." Qiye's tone suddenly became frivolous, looking at the curious Hoshino Terumi in her eyes, and said: "In fact, Yoko and I are pretended boy and girl friends."

"What?" A hint of shock appeared on Hoshino Terumi's face. After all, Qiye and Yoko's intimate behavior before, Qiye said without concealing words, it is hard to believe that they are pretending to be a couple.

But the fact is like this. Although they are both pretending, Nanaya and Yoko Okino's acting skills are much better than that of Kenzaki Osamu and Kusano.

"But, Yoko..." Hoshino Terumi's tone was a little anxious. She could see that Yoko was definitely more than acting to Nanya. The expression of a little girl in love would never be able to perform. At the end, Yoko didn't know how sad it would be, which was what Hoshino Terumi didn't want to see.

"I know." Nanya knew what Hoshino Terumi was about to say, and immediately interrupted her, saying: "So I plan to do a fake show to pursue Yoko... after I pursue you."

Hoshino Terumi was stunned, and then there was an expression on his face that he didn't know whether he was angry or funny, and he was fooled!But in his eyes, there is a deep touch.

Nanaya's words are to remind her that Yoko Okino will be his girlfriend, but after her, but these words do not mean that Yoko Okino is inferior to Hoshino Terumi, but to tell her that he, Between her and Yoko, there is no need to be so clear.


"Nanaiya, let's go." Such a lively voice, of course, would not belong to the woman Hoshino Terumi, but belong to Yoko Okino.

Knowing that his friend Kaoru Kusano is no longer in danger, Yoko Okino's heart is naturally relaxed, but now she is eager to visit Kaoru Kusano in the hospital.

"Wait a minute, Yoko, I can't leave for the time being." Qiye grabbed Yoko, looked at her suspiciously, and said, "Because I already know who the murderer is."

"What?" Yoko was taken aback, and immediately shook Qiye's hand tightly, and said, "Qiya, who is the murderer?!"

There are two issues that Yoko is most concerned about now. One is Kaoru Kusano’s current situation, and the other is the murderer. For the person who almost killed his best friend, even a gentle and kind girl like Yoko Okino was moved. It's really hot.

"I'm a bit thirsty, go drink a glass of water first." Yue Yexue suddenly said lightly.

Qiye glanced at Yue Yexue with interest and said, "Whatever, but please hurry up."

Yue Yexue nodded, walked into the kitchen, drank a glass of water, and walked out, leaning against the table, waiting for Qiye's reasoning.

"It's a pity that the plan was not completely successful in the end. Kaoru was successfully rescued and returned. You should...not be disappointed," Qiye suddenly changed her mouth when she said this, and then looked at the person leaning on the table. "In the bathroom, the one with Kaoru's arm and throat is you, Yuki."

Although Qiye only met with Yue Yexue and Kaoru Kusano for the first time today, but with Yoko and Terumi's relationship, it is okay for Qiye to call them by their names directly.

"Impossible!" Before Yue Yexue responded, Yoko rushed to the front of Qiye, exuding a strong aura, and in an instant, she changed from a gentle and weak soft sister to a domineering sister.

"It can't be Yuuki! She will never hurt Kaoru!!" Yoko Okino said in front of Nanaya, which is probably the bravest she faced Nanaya.

"Yoko..." Qiye stroked Yoko's small face, soothing her, and said: "Listen to me first."

"Huh~hu~" Yoko took a few deep breaths, nodded, and waited for Qiye to follow.

Being accused of being the murderer, Yue Yexue did not have any psychological fluctuations. Looking at Qiye, she said: "Qiyae, although you are an excellent policeman, but... there is no murder weapon. The terrible weapon that cut Xiaoxun’s neck was searched for by the police. The whole house was not found, nor on my body. If you want to say that I am a criminal, then tell me, where is the murder weapon?"

"Where is it?" Qiye grabbed his hair and said, "That thing should be in the sewer now. You want me to tell where it is, I really can't tell."

That thing has been rushed into the sewers. The intricate network of sewers in Japan, how can Qiye know where it has been rushed now? If that thing has a signal transmitter, that’s fine, but that thing is impossible to be equipped with. Messenger.

"But I know what the murder weapon is." Qiye smiled and said, "It's the beautiful nails on your fingers."

"Does it mean this fake nail? But it's a pity that the police have already checked this fake nail. There is no luminol reaction."

"No, fake nails are just a cover up." Qiye shook her head and said, "The weapon that really cut Kaoru's neck is the hardest thing in the human body except for the enamel of teeth, which is your real nails!"

"Ah!" Yue Yexue whispered, obviously shocked by Qiye's words.

"Use your nails to kill," Qiye fiddled with her fingernails and said, "It's also a coincidence. On the battlefield, I also used this method to kill my enemies. You used it as a murder weapon, It should be the sturdy nail of the thumb of the right hand. Polish the nail to be as sharp as a knife, enough to cut a person's neck. After starting, cut off the blood-stained nail, and then cover the fake nail. You can’t find it, so you will wear the thread glove with a hole. Wear gloves on your hands and a raincoat on your body so that blood will not splash on your body. After that, just throw everything outside. You can make the illusion that an outsider commits a crime, and the person who has been harassing Kaoru recently is also you.

A cold sweat appeared on Yue Yexue's face, as if he was nervous because of Qiye's words, and said, "If you say that, the nail cutting tool should be somewhere."

"Yes, that's why you looked through the drawer with scissors in Kaoru's room. What you were looking for was Kaoru's nail clippers, but unfortunately, I didn't find it."

"Kaoru doesn't wait for her nails to grow too long and she will use a file to smooth them." Hoshino Terumi said. Kaoru's little habit is only known to her, and neither Yoko nor Yuki knows.

Yue Yexue was a little unstable, pulled a chair over, sat on the chair, and said, "But, if I am a prisoner, I can also cut my nails with scissors."

"It's impossible for you to use scissors that might be suspected of being a murder weapon. If you check the luminol reaction on the scissors, your technique may be broken." Qiye buttoned her ears and reacted abnormally to Yue Yexue. It seems that you didn't notice it. "I think you bit off your nails and spit them into the toilet to flush them. After all, even if your nails are broken, you can't think of it as a murder weapon. "

"Bite it off?" Hoshino Terumi whispered in a low voice, then looked at the blessing board that Qiye asked her to take out, and said, "So that's the case, this is the evidence."

Huimei turned the blessing board in her hand over and said, "Snow, the lip print you left on this is the original red lip print, but one of them has become darker. I think this should be your nail biting. Time, Kaoru's blood on your lips."

"Haha, Terumi, you are still so good, Yoko, you have also found a very good man." Xue's abnormality at this time was already obvious, her body seemed weak, and she lay on the table and said: "Even if there is no such thing, Xiao Kaoru will prove that I did it. When she took a bath, I called her out... When she came out of the bathroom, I fainted her..."

"It's really you..." Yoko Okino obviously finds it difficult to accept that the person who hurts her friend is actually another friend of hers, her vision has been blurred, and said: "Why, why on earth..."

Yue Yexue's mentality was also a little confused at this time, and I don't know if he heard Yoko's words, but just said like a babble: "I like him...I like Mr. Kenzaki... Ever since acting with him... But both the character and Mr. Kenzaki were snatched away by Kaoru... I was also frightened by myself. It turns out that I have such a strong jealousy deep in my heart... I'm so stupid... I should cut deeper... But when I saw Xiao Kaoru’s face, I couldn’t get it off...I can’t do it, we are good friends... Maybe this is better..."

"That's not the case, the engagement was fake from the beginning, Xue! Xue!" Huimei finally showed an anxious look on her face, and she lifted up Xue who had fainted on the table, "Xue, wake up! "

Qiye stretched out her hand, probed Yue Yexue's pulse, frowned, and said, "His face is pale, she is in cold sweat, her pulse is quickened, and her body temperature drops."

"This is a hypoglycemic drug!"

"Yes, what a troublesome woman." Qiye complained, then took out two pills from his pocket, stuffed them into Yue Yexue, and the four rushed to the hospital immediately.

It was noon two days later when Yue Yexue woke up. When she woke up, it was not someone else who printed Yue Yexue's eyes, but the girl who was almost killed by her, Kaoru Kusano's worried face.

"Great, Xue, you finally woke up!"

Chapter six hundred and eighty-ninth-you won't be...

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