Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 706

"Xiao Kaoru..." Xue Xue, who had just woke up, obviously didn't figure out the current situation, and said, "Where is this place."

"Beihu Hospital, you have been in a coma for two days." Xiao Kaoru's face showed a relieved smile. Although there is still a bandage on her neck, it does not hinder her high spirits, "Really, even if it looks like , You can’t take the hypoglycemic medicine given to your father as a vitamin tablet."


"By the way, I'll call and tell Yoko and Terumi that you are awake." Xiao Kaoru ran out to make a call, and notified Yoko and Terumi of the news. It won’t take long to call. After returning to the special ward, Xiao Xuan Kaoru looked at Koyuki on the bed with a smile.

"I said...Xiaoxun...I..." Yue Yexue was obviously very hesitant. After all, she was facing her good friend, but she almost killed her. In this situation, normal people would find it hard to tell, she Will choose to commit suicide, fear of sin is not the point, but because when Kusano wakes up, she can no longer face Kaoru because of guilt.

Yue Yexue committed suicide by taking hypoglycemic drugs, which is a bit unpopular compared to the more popular (?) sleeping pills suicide.

Hypoglycemic drugs are not poisonous, or even life-saving drugs, but they are also for diabetics. Hypoglycemic drugs help control blood sugar and are necessary drugs for diabetics to maintain blood sugar concentration.

However, if normal people take hypoglycemic drugs, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, it will definitely cause acute hypoglycemia, early strong fasting sensation, cold sweats, general weakness, heart palpitations, trembling hands and feet, flowers in the eyes, and headaches. People may even get dizzy due to such phenomena as being in a daze, so some people will take hypoglycemic drugs to ask for leave.

These are relatively mild symptoms. If too much hypoglycemic drugs are taken, the blood sugar concentration is too low, and blood sugar cannot maintain normal life activities, which will cause the main organs of the body to supply insufficient energy and stop working. The brain is the first to bear the brunt. The heart and lungs are big energy consumers, let alone all of them, you can take a break after a strike.

At that time, if Qiye hadn’t directly stuffed Yue Yexue with two Junliang pills, Yue Yexue might have died now. Junliang pills are high in protein, high in sugar, and high in energy. They can be absorbed by the human body in the shortest possible time and supplement a lot of sugar. It is a life-saving thing for people who have taken too much hypoglycemic drugs, but it is not a matter of Qiye to care about how to get fat by eating too many junliang pills.

Compared with Yue Yexue’s hesitation and guilt, Kusano Kaoru, the victim, looked much more free and easy, saying: “It’s okay, I’ve already told the police, the one who attacked me in the bathroom was a short and chubby man. Middle-aged Obasan."

"Hey?" Yue Yexue was obviously surprised by Kaoru's free and easy and generous.

Kaoru put his hands behind him, and said, "I think it's better to say Obasan, and I don't want everyone to think that I was watched by some strange voyeur." Such an understatement of the fact that he was almost killed Take it.

"But, that's me..."

Kaoru sat on the side of the bed, pointed to the bandage on his neck, and said, "Regarding the scars on my neck, I'll treat it as punishment for deceiving everyone by deceiving your feelings. I accept it, thank you." The purpose is to make Yue Yexue no longer bear the psychological pressure.


"Yes, that engagement banquet was actually a conspiracy with Mr. Kenzaki. It was a pure prank." Kaoru Kusano showed a helpless look on his face and said, "It was actually to remind someone. Didn't I say that? Like Fujimine Yukiko, it was my dream to get married at the age of twenty, and then my dream came true as scheduled."

Kaoru Kusano took out today's newspaper, and the headline on it was Kaoru Kusano's announcement of marriage, and the marriage partner was her manager, Atsushi Kuma.

"You still like him, that unattractive man?!" Yue Yexue's face showed a shocked look, after all, that person Jian Xiong Du... can be regarded as the representative of a generation of dicks.

"It's really rude, he just has no ambitions, but he still has a lot of advantages." Kaoru Kusano said as if he was protecting the calf, then turned the newspaper in his hand to the front page of the headline, saying: "Now, look, today's front page , It will scare you to death!"

Yue Yexue glanced intently and almost jumped out of bed. Today, he squeezed out the news of Kaoru Kusano’s marriage. The news that occupied the front page of the newspaper was about her two other good friends, Hoshino Terumi and Yoko Okino. At the same time, it was announced that although they were not married, they already had a boyfriend. The boyfriends of these two big stars are still the same person. It is the famous playboy of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Yue Yexue's fright was not light, she saw Qiye's relationship with Yoko Okino on the day, but she never expected Huimei to...

"Very surprised," Kaoru Kusano looked at Yue Yexue's surprised reaction triumphantly, and said: "I was just like you when I first knew it, and almost scared me to death."

"I'm sorry to scare you, Kaoru." A faint voice sounded, and then Hoshino Terumi, who had facial paralysis, appeared at the door.


The issue of the Earth Girls Foursome was finally solved perfectly, and Qiye added two more beauties, Yoko Okino and Terumi Hoshino, to her home.

The fact that Yoko Okino and Terumi Hoshino moved to Nanya’s house is not well known, but it’s almost the same. After all, because they announced their relationship, they have been surrounded by many reporters and paparazzi recently. Ye Yoko and Hoshino Terumi were photographed by many reporters when they entered the six-door house with suitcases, but it was an impossible task to enter the six-door house.


For the next period of time, Qiye was fine again. No major incidents occurred. There was no movement from the Black Organization and Conan. If Conan made some calculations against Qiye, Qiye would be able to counterattack, and again. I abused Conan, but Conan didn't react at all, but Qiye was bored.

More than a month passed...

At this time, let us focus the camera on the dining hall of Didan High School...

Didan is a large-scale education group from elementary school to university. In the high school, there are three giants: Yuanzi, Saya, and Koko, as well as famous alumni like Kiko and Fei Yingri. Didan can be said to be very good. money.

The dining hall of Didan High School is also very good. The 3,000 students of Didan High School basically eat here.

Humans are social animals, and they also have their favorite groups in their daily social life. It is normal for a few good friends to gather and eat together.

In the dining hall of Didan High School, there is a special table. This table is reserved by the nine female students of Didan High School. This table is their exclusive seat. No one in the whole Didan would go there without asking for fun. Sit at this table.

The reason is the samurai sword and the long spear that accompanied the nine girls.

Because of the two strongest existences of the emperor's core, Tongzi and Miyamoto, there were only nine girls on this table, and no boy dared to come and harass.

(Rei Miyamoto will definitely accept it, and the supporting actress will not accept all of them, but the heroine will definitely not let it go. Komuro Takashi will feed the dead body, and the relationship between Miyamoto Rei and the protagonist will be determined before the end Coming down, let her enter this small group for now)

Nine girls took a seat after a meal. The girl with long brown hair looked at the glamorous and dazzling purple long hair everywhere in this small group and said, "Kingko, you were so handsome when you swung the knife today. , How about you being my master? From now on, just like you, all those perverts who dare to beat me will be smashed into the air! Ha!" He also imitated the cry of the violet long-haired sword girl when he was swinging a knife, but Compared to the glamour of the sword girl, she is the cuteness of the little girl.

"You are too tempted to practice swords." Toshishima Junko said mercilessly while eating lunch, but a smile appeared on her glamorous and noble face, looking at the only one bigger than her. Girls, they are still the same as children.

The "older girl" Mira, who was hit, drooped her head, her mouth squashed and looked at the narrow-faced Toshishima Yuko, and said, "Hey, Yuko, don't say it so directly. Anyway, leave me a little bit. Face-saving."

"If I save you face, I'm afraid my Kendo Club will be overthrown by you." Poison Island Rolled his eyes and spit out mercilessly.

Although Mila has just arrived at Didan High School not long ago, in this short period of time, Mila was the witch of the "Famous Emperor Dan". For Mila who had finally separated from the palace and royal family status, she should sit down honestly. It was really difficult for her to come down to class. During most of Di Dan's time, Mila was playing, and the students of Di Dan were helplessly targeted by Mila's pranks.

Mira was a girl who liked pranks. At that time, Xiaolan could be fooled into changing her identities, but that was just a side dish. There was no princess hat on her head. Mira’s natural prank After a few months, Didan’s students had been reduced by one-third of them. There were 3,000 students in Didan High School, so in just a few moments, Mila had nearly a thousand, even the teacher. She has also corrected a lot.

Even so, because of Qiye's secret actions, and Mila was a member of this small group, even the principal would have to look at the face of the three eldest ladies here, and didn't dare to take Mila.

It would be strange that the Kendo Club would not be demolished by Mira if Yoko Toshishima really recruited Mira to her Kendo Club.

Being rejected by the poison island, Mila was not disappointed at all, and immediately targeted the other president here.

"Li, how about I join your spearmanship department?"

Rei Miyamoto put down the spoon, rolled her eyes, and said, "Why, the Swordsmanship Department that can't be harmed by Tsunko wants to come and tear down my Spearmanship Department. Your Royal Highness, my Spearmanship Department cannot withstand your toss.

Rei Miyamoto's complaint made Yuanzi laugh at Mira again, the girl who is afraid of the chaos of the world. Several lively girls are playing together. The nine golden flowers are really pleasing to the eye, but the boys of Emperor Dan We all know that these nine golden flowers have nothing to do with them.

The girls laughed for a while, and finally calmed down amidst the two coughs of Xianzi. After all, Xianzi was their recognized eldest sister. The eldest sister spoke, and the younger sister dare not follow.

"Xiao Lan, what's wrong with you, are you uncomfortable?"

After the garden calmed down, he looked at Xiaolan who was sitting next to him, and asked. Naturally, the garden and Xiaolan have been sitting together. The outer thick and thin inner garden saw that the food on Xiaolan's plate was basically all Did not move, could not help but wonder.

Japanese canteens can't be wasted, let alone a girl like Xiaolan who was originally thrifty.

"Nothing, just no appetite." Xiaolan said softly. Compared to her usual performance, she looked a little weak at this time.

"Xiao Lan, are you really okay?"

"It's okay, I... vomit..." Xiaolan was halfway through her words, and suddenly she covered her mouth and retched.

Xiaolan's abnormal reaction caused the eight girls present to calm down at the same time, their eyes focused on Xiaolan's body, and there was concern in their eyes. The unity of the harem was very important.

Dudao Kongzi looked at her frowning, stroking her chest with her hand, and constantly soothing her nauseous Xiaolan, her eyes flashed suddenly, and said:

"Lan, you won't be... pregnant, are you?"

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