Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 707

Chapter 690-I love you!


Except for the person who said this sentence, the other eight girls exclaimed at the same time. The uniform voice also attracted the attention of many people.


The Poison Island Kongzi's treasured sword lit up, and her powerful aura made her long violet hair windless, and Ling Yu's murderous aura immediately forced all curious eyes back.

It's okay or don't provoke this killer...

Dudao Kongzi retracted his treasured sword into the scabbard again, then looked at Xiaolan, and said, "Xiaolan, have you gotten your physiology?"

Xiaolan's pretty face quickly turned red because of the problem of the poison island Kiko, but now all of their girls' eyes are staring tightly, and their faces all look like me.The girls are eight more than one, and the young girls are eight. Now this group of young girls are eight.

"It's... it's been more than half a month..." Xiaolan endured the shame in her heart and uttered these words with difficulty.

Although we are all good sisters, I usually don’t feel shy when talking about physiology, underwear and other topics, and sometimes even under the lead of some shameless girls (such as Yuanzi), they talk about "what posture is better" , "A few people will be together tonight" and other topics, but this is a cafeteria after all, and there are so many unfamiliar classmates nearby. Xiaolan really needs courage to say this.

A few days before I went to the mountain with Qiye, it was Xiaolan's menstrual period, and those two days on the mountain were both dangerous periods. Since then, more than a month has passed. The menstrual period that should have come three weeks ago has reached the present. Still not here.

"Xiao Lan, you should tell us earlier about this kind of thing."

"That means, you may be pregnant now, what if you get hurt while attending gym class and training in a karate club?"

Xiaolan’s words caused a bunch of girls (mainly Heye, Qingzi, Yuanzi, and Mila) to quarrel immediately. Fortunately, Hongzi had a foresight and used his own spells. The dining table was shrouded, and the voice could not be heard outside, otherwise Xiao Lan would not have to go to school.

In the end, the calmest poison island Tongzi knocked on the table with her scabbard, signaled that the girls would be quiet, then looked at Xiaolan, and said, "Anyway, go to the hospital first, no matter what. It’s better to check first."

Dudao Kongzi does have an innate personality charm, and her calmness can indeed cover this group of unreliable girls. A group of girls are obedient to the words of Dudao Kongzi, and immediately prepared to send Xiaolan to the hospital. .

"But, the afternoon class..." As a good student, Xiao Lan, of course, thought of the problem of class. After all, for Xiao Lan, her current status is still a student.

"What class are you going to take care of now!" Yuanzi dismissed Xiaolan's words directly, and then took Xiaolan's arm and said in an irresistible tone, "Right now, Xiaolan's body is more important, whether she is pregnant or not. Go to the hospital to check it!"

"That's right!" He Ye Ye came over and took Xiaolan's arm on the other side, and said, "Leave it aside for class or something. The most important thing is to go to the hospital first!"

Xiaolan was unable to refute what the two of them said, but she understood that these two sisters were really concerned about her and couldn't help being moved.

The girls all stood up, Miyamoto took the gentian silver gun that Qiye gave her, and suddenly thought of something, looked at the island of Toshiko, and said, "Do you want to inform Qiye about this?"

All the girls were stunned, and then they all looked at the poison island Kongzi, obviously this matter was left to the elder sister to decide.

Poison Island groaned for a while, took his treasured sword, Village Amamaru, and said, “I don’t need to notify him for now. After all, I’m not sure whether Xiaolan is pregnant or not. It’s not too late to call him when I’m sure. He was happy for a while."

When the women thought about it, they all felt that what Kongzi said was reasonable, so they temporarily put aside the thought of informing Qiye, and then "escorted" Xiaolan to the hospital together.

Toxic Island Kaizi opened the way, Miyamoto Rei Palace, and Ye Heyuanzi were holding Xiaolan’s arms from left to right. The remaining girls surrounded Xiaolan in the middle, making them look like the empress dowager, making Xiaolan again Moved and helpless, knowing that they were worried that she would suffer even a little harm, but it was too much.

After leaving the school gate, Gaocheng Saye asked the driver to drive the extended Rolls-Royce Phantom at his home. The girls got into the car and drove to the nearest hospital.

The road is not far away, even in the traffic jam of Tokyo, it only takes 15 minutes.

And even for such a short distance, Xiaolan’s palms were sweating because of tension. Xiaolan’s psychological pressure was too great. It was also because Xiaolan herself wanted to have a child, and the girls were also very close to Xiaolan. I cared too much, and I didn't want Qiye to be disappointed in my heart, all these caused Xiaolan's pressure.

Fortunately, Yuanzi and Heye were careful and kept talking to Xiaolan, but stopped mentioning pregnancy. This also made Xiaolan gradually relaxed, otherwise Xiaolan would suffer from prenatal anxiety.

An extended Rolls-Royce Phantom soon stopped at the door of Mihua Hospital. Under the incomprehensible gaze of the doctors, nurses and patients of the hospital, nine girls walked into the hospital together.


It was lunch time, and Qiye was of course at the Metropolitan Police Department, eating with three police flowers, but at this time, he suddenly received a phone call from Dudao Kongzi.

"Hey, Kenzi, what's the matter?" Qiye answered the phone and asked. Xiaoye seldom calls him, Yuanzi, and Ye and the others like talking on the phone. Normally, Kaizi would call him. It will not be a trivial matter.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~h ."

"Huh?" Qiye came to be interested, and Keiko wouldn't joke with him. If she said that it was good news, then it must be a good thing, but he was required to be psychologically prepared. Could it be that the good news would make him happy What do you mean mad?

"I'm ready, you can tell." Qiye said to Tsunko, but how did these words sound like they were to a doctor?

"Little Lan..."

After Toshishima Kyouko finished speaking, Qiye was visibly stunned for a few seconds, then she shook off the phone and rushed out, stepped on her Behemoth, and stepped on the accelerator to the end, leaving Mikako Sato and Miyamoto behind. Yumi and Asami Nakaoka looked at each other there.

Qiye didn't avoid them in the phone call just now, which meant that they could listen, and the three of them were not hypocritical. They really heard the content of the call clearly.


It’s a 20-minute drive from the Metropolitan Police Department to Mihua Hospital. Qiye flew by in less than half a minute, and rushed all the way to the door of the special ward. Qiye, even if he ran around the earth ten times, wouldn’t panic. Shortness of breath.

Qiye took two deep breaths just like before on the island of poisonous island, then opened the door and walked in.

When the girls saw him coming, they all consciously stepped aside from the bed, let Qiye walk straight to the bed, sat on the bed, and gently embraced the girl in the center of everyone on the bed.

The girls all wisely retreated at this time, leaving all time and space to Qiye and Xiaolan.

Qiye's big hand gently stroked Xiaolan's lower abdomen, which hadn't reacted, and felt the little breath of life in it. Qiye couldn't help but be moved, and said: "How long has it been?"

Xiaolan's face showed a blush of shyness and happiness, and she leaned gently against Qiye's shoulder and said: "The doctor said it has been more than a month, it should be...that's when..."

Xiao Lan was too shy and buried her entire face in Qiye's chest.

The time she said it was the time when we went to the mountains together. That time, Xiaolan yelled shamelessly that she would give Qiye a child, but she didn’t expect it to happen. According to the calculation of time, Xiaolan was pregnant. Time is that time.

Qiye lowered her head and buried her face in Xiaolan's hair, breathing greedily the fragrance of Xiaolan's hair. It was the first time he knew that a girl's hair could attract him so much.

"Lan, you really won the lottery again this time." Qiye laughed softly.

Xiao Lan also opened her mouth. Xiao Lan, who was soaked in the hot spring named "Happiness", couldn't hide her smile, nodded gently, and said, "Yes, but this is my best Have a good time."

"Your words are also the one I've heard most happily." Qiye's big hand ran from the top of Xiaolan's head, along the soft hair, to the ear, and then touched Xiaolan's cheek and asked her to lift it. I started looking at myself, looking at those eyes that were still red and slightly swollen. It is conceivable that Lan had cried when he heard the news.

"Lan, shall we give birth to her?"

"Yeah." Xiaolan nodded gently, stretched out her hand, and unconsciously stroked Qiye's unblemished handsome face, with tenderness in her eyes, and said: "Qiyae, what I said, I want to give you a baby. "

This child, Xiaolan, would never give up. There are so many girls in the family, so many times, only Xiaolan "won the prize", pregnant with this child, Qiye’s first child, such a chance, Xiaolan will never She would allow this opportunity to slip between her fingers. She wanted to hold on to this opportunity, because Xiaolan knew that this was the happiness of her life.

"Lan, I love you." Qiye's voice no longer has any joking and randomness, every word is engraved with his endless love for this girl.

"me too."

Xiao Lan's vision was blurred, and then she closed her eyes, and the crystal tears slid down her cheeks, sending her own fragrant kiss.

Qiye hugged Xiaolan tightly, his lips deepened as before, but there was no evil thought. Although Qiye was the most evil, it was also the most good. Xiaolan was fortunate to be able to see the moment of his love and sex.

The two hands are held tightly to each other, the ten fingers are staggered, holding the hand of the child, and growing old with the child, this is a vow of mutual learning from the world.

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