Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 708

Chapter 591-Ethics!

Qiye and Xiaolan were indescribably deep in the ward, and the other eight girls, after they walked out of the ward, all stood still, no one spoke, but they could read infinitely from their eyes. The envy is even jealous.

"Oh... Xiaolan's luck is still so good..."

Saying this is Yuanzi. Compared with the usual escape, there are countless envy and jealousy, but it is only limited to this. Yuanzi's words do not have any maliciousness. She and Xiaolan are friends for life. , I can't take it apart.And the garden with high EQ also knows one thing very well. If she does anything to hurt Xiaolan, she will also lose the love and friendship that she cherishes most in her life.

Yuanzi's words caused the other eight girls to sigh. They were so envious. Even if Xiaolan was their good sister, they couldn't suppress the envy and jealousy in their hearts, even the virgin Mila and the yet to make peace. Rei Miyamoto who confirmed the relationship with Nanaya.

"Okay, okay." Toxic Island patted his hands, suppressed the emotions in his heart, took a deep breath, and said: "Let’s go back, too. Xiaolan is pregnant now, and we will be busy in the future. ."

Xiao Lan is now pregnant with the first child in the family. It must be the baby of the whole family. The whole family is still unable to mobilize the whole family. The family will definitely be very busy by then.

The emotions of the girls were immediately picked up by the drug island Kiko, who changed the focus from the envy and jealousy just now, and they were discussing things about the children in chirping, talking about the child's name for a while, and then thinking about what to buy for the child. Clothes and toys, I will say that I am the second aunt, you are the seventh aunt...

This has to be said, this is only more than a month, and there are still eight months. Is it necessary to be so urgent?


"Qiye..." Xiaolan held Qiye's clothes in her hands, reluctant to let go, and said: "The doctor said...the first three months and the next three months cannot be done..."

Qiye was still immersed in the warmth with Xiaolan, and didn't even think of anything in that regard, but listening to Xiaolan's words, she couldn't help but glance at Xiaolan's abdomen, and the evil fire in her abdomen immediately burned stand up.

"Will Xiaolan be very lonely? There are still more than four months left." Qiye smiled badly, hugging Xiaolan's waist.

"Hate!" Xiao Lan clenched her powder fist and beat Qiye lightly. Her voice was soft and waxy, shy and moving. It really made Qiye all the bones soft. At this time, she heard Xiaolan's shy voice again. : "If you want it, I should be fine if it is lighter..."

Looking at Xiao Lan, who was more beautiful than ever, Qiye's breathing became heavier, and her big hand grabbed Xiao Lan's swollen breasts.

Xiaolan trembled all over, closed her eyes, her delicate face flushed red, her pink lips opened slightly, and a woman’s sweet scent came out. Because of her pregnancy, her body’s estrogen secretion increased. The body has become more sensitive than before.

The two quickly removed their clothes and their bodies were completely entangled. Taking into account Xiaolan’s stomach, Qiye’s movements were extremely gentle this time. After more than 20 minutes, Xiaolan arrived once under Qiye’s gentleness. But Qiye didn't attack again, but retreated from Xiaolan's body.

"Qiyae, go ahead, I'm okay." Xiaolan gazed at Qiye on her body with wintry eyes. She knew very well that this time was too short, and Xiaolan knew that Qiye was still not satisfied.

Qiye lowered her head and kissed Xiaolan's mouth, but instead of attacking, she helped Xiaolan put on clothes, and then the two sat on the bed together and turned on the TV.

Mihua Hospital is a well-known large hospital in Japan. The special ward here is also very luxurious and of course expensive. The ward does not look like a hospital at all, it is a hotel at all. This kind of ward is also more suitable for Xiaolan. People who are sick but need quiet.

The reason why Qiye did not continue soon made Xiaolan understand. The door to the ward was opened and Fei Yingli, wearing a blue professional uniform, rushed in.

As Xiaolan’s mother, Toshishima Yuko also notified Fei Yingli of Xiaolan’s pregnancy as soon as possible. However, because the office is a little farther away from the hospital, Fei Yingli cannot drive like Qiye, so Qiye is late. It took almost half an hour to rush over.

"Lan!" Fei Yingli immediately sat on the bed, holding Xiao Lan's hand, and said, "You really have it?"

"Yeah." Xiaolan nodded shyly. As a student, she was pregnant. Xiaolan didn't panic. As soon as she was strong, she had Qiye's love, so Xiaolan could only feel happy about pregnancy. , There is a very important point, that is Fei Yingli.

Xiao Lan is now sixteen years old, and if she is another mother, her sixteen-year-old daughter will have a big belly, I am afraid she will be furious, but Fei Yingli is an alternative.

After all, Fei Yingri is thirty-seven years old. Although her appearance and body are still young, Fei Yingri does not actually have much expectation for her child to be pregnant with Qiye. Although Qiye’s harem will not catch fire, the situation of competition is naturally. Existing, Fei Yingli doesn't expect to be pregnant with Qiye's child, but she hopes that Xiaolan will be pregnant so that she can be more favored by Qiye.

"Great, Xiao Lan, great!" Fei Yingli said very happily, and Yushou held Xiao Lan's little hand tightly.

"Yeah, mother." Xiaolan nodded heavily, because of the support and joy of Concubine Yingli, Xiaolan's heart was also resolved a lot of the confusion caused by unmarried pregnancy.

"I can warn you! Xiaolan is pregnant now, even if you have to do it, you have to stay a little bit. If you hurt Xiaolan and the child, I can fight you hard!" Fei Yingli stared at Qiye with scorching eyes, instantly from the usual face For a little woman like that in Qiye, she became a powerful woman who guarded her daughter and granddaughter, Ling Ran's aura made Qiye unable to resist.

"Of course of course." Qiye wiped the cold sweat on his head and laughed. Fei Yingli has entered the mother-in-law mode, and the son-in-law of Qiye has to make a smile.He naturally knew that, so he didn't ask for it too much just now. He just retreated after making Xiaolan happy once. He was worried about his daughter, and of course he was even more worried about Xiaolan.

"It's pretty much the same." Fei Yingli snorted with satisfaction, then took Xiaolan's hand and completely entered the role of mother. She explained her pregnancy reaction when she was pregnant, and Xiaolan listened carefully. , Remember, and when Fei Yingli was uncomfortable with Xiaolan, Qiye explained what Qiye should do one by one. Qiye also listened meticulously. After all, this was the first time he was a father, without any experience.

Fei Yingli naturally cared about her daughter, and her son-in-law was still her favorite man, and she explained all the conditions of pregnancy carefully, but because she was afraid of missing something, she also typed in both sides.

After saying all, Fei Yingli reached out and touched Xiaolan's belly, which still couldn't see any reaction, with a kind smile on her face, and said, "I didn't expect to be a grandmother when I was so young."

Fei Yingli is thirty-seven this year, and it is indeed early to be a grandmother. After all, it is very common to have children at her age.

"That's because I worked hard." Qiye smiled shamelessly, stretched out her arm around Xiao Lan's waist, rubbing her nose against Xiao Lan's tender face.

"Hate, you still have the face to say!" Xiaolan naturally knew what Qiye was working on, her face was red, and she turned her head and stared at Qiye angrily.

"That's right," Fei Yingli added, looking helplessly at Qiye and Xiaolan. They didn't seem to notice a problem at all. "How do you call me when this child is born?"

Xiao Lan froze for a moment. According to normal ethics, Xiao Lan is the daughter of Fei Yingli. When her child is born, Fei Yingli is naturally the child's grandmother, but Fei Yingli and her sisters are both mother and daughter. The perverse relationship, if the child is born, how should we call Fei Yingli?Is it grandma or aunt?

Xiaolan has been immersed in the joy and happiness of pregnancy, and suddenly she didn't think of this problem.

Qiye didn't care about this problem at all, because human ethics had no binding force on him, so he scratched his face and said, "Call grandma outside, and auntie at home."

Feiyingli gave Qiye a charmingly blank look, sighed, and said, "I am ruined in your hands in my life."

"Then let me make up for you." Qiye grinned, hugged Fei Yingli, looked down at her badly, and said: "My dear mother-in-law."

"Hate! Don't call me that!" Fei Yingli suddenly changed from the imposing manner just now into a charming and pretty little woman.

"Isn't you allowed to call that?" Qiye lowered her head and looked at Fei Yingli's shy eyes, and said: "Then I'm the same as Xiaolan, can I call your mother? Mom."

Fei Yingli trembled all over, Qiye's "mother" could irritate her to death. The feeling of breaking ethics came to her heart, and her eyes were already moved.

Qiye was not satisfied at first, but she was reluctant to destroy Xiaolan excessively. Seeing Fei Yingli's expression, how she could bear it, she suddenly turned into a wolf.

More than an hour later...

Qi Ye lay on the bed, with Fei Yingli and Xiaolan's mother and daughter beside her. Just now, Qi Ye finally galloped on Fei Yingli's body at will, venting the evil fire in her heart.

Qiye reached out and stroked Xiaolan's still flat belly, and said, "Lan, I will give you a perfect wedding."

Chapter 692-Preparation!

Bang bang bang...

When Qiye returned home, he was greeted by a series of gunfire.

"Welcome home!" *N

Qiye took the paper and colored paper that had fallen on his hair, looked at the group of girls blocking the door amusedly, and said, "I'm not married yet, what are you guys fighting for?"

This group of girls actually bought a hand-held firework tube used to create the atmosphere at the wedding, banging like a cannon, red paper and paper strips fell on Qiye and Xiaolan’s head, even Fei Yingli was not spared. .

"Hehe, it's almost anyway." He Ye smiled mischievously, and then together with Qingzi, he dragged Qiye's arm into the house while Yuanzi and Mila supported Xiaolan. The difference is really big.

Qiye and Xiaolan were pressed onto the sofa, staring at them with dozens of large and small eyes. Even Qiye felt all hairy.

"Hey, what are you doing looking at the two of us like this?" Qiye hugged Xiao Lan, who was too ashamed, and looked at the group of curious babies at home with amusement.

"Hey..." Qingzi pointed her chin with her finger, and said cutely, "After the child is born, Lan Jiang and I will not be mistaken."

What is this strange idea?

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