Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 709

Everyone wanted to vomit like this, and Qiye looked at Qingzi's chest and smirked: "Qingzi's chest is so small, you can tell at a glance, where can you admit your mistakes."

Everyone looked at Qingzi and Xiaolan, and laughed suddenly. Xiaolan is not big breasts, but Qingzi has always been recognized as the smallest breasted person in the family. It is only above Bumei and Xiaoai, even if she gets bigger after breaking her body. One point, but this ranking has not changed.

"I hate it!" The thin-skinned Qingzi's face immediately burned red, and he lashed out for Qiye with an anguish, and said, "You are not allowed to say such things!"

"Then I'll do it." Qiye smiled, always a hard worker, she immediately pulled Qingzi into her arms, grabbed Qingzi's little pigeon with both hands, and said: "Qingzi's chest still hasn't grown up yet. , I was thinking that Qingzi is pregnant, but the baby will starve to death in the future."

"Hate, what are you talking about?!" Qingzi was too shy, pinched Qiye's body harder, but in the process, Qiyeda inevitably took advantage of her body.

Qiye wasn't completely nonsense. In terms of Qingzi's milk volume, if she was pregnant, her own milk would not be enough for the child to eat, let alone Qiye, who was born into a starving ghost.

"Hey, Qingzi, you have to ask Saya about this, otherwise our children will get hungry in the future." Qiye laughed. Gaocheng Saya was good at first, but after being in love with Qiyehuan, his body naturally became more mature. It's touching. It originally had the size of the E-cup, and gradually developed to the F-cup. Now it is on par with Feng Fujiko.

"Bad guy! Why did you get to me again!" Gao Cheng Saya stomped his feet nonchalantly, his pretty face beautiful and moving.

Saya Gaocheng was still watching Qingzi's shy play, how could she have thought that Qiye suddenly burned the fire to her, watching all the sisters in the family staring at her breasts, she was too shy, but there was no way to do it They were angry and could only cast fire on Qiye's body.

"Because Saya is too attractive." Qiye said with a smile, looking at the two balls on Gaocheng Saya's chest, if this is really pregnant, it should make me drink a lot.

"Damn it!" Gao Cheng Saya yelled, and rushed forward, pressing on Qiye's body, and Qingzi, to clean up this unobstructed bad guy.

Finally, the two shy girls were cleaned up, and the girls began to discuss the wedding situation.

There is only one bride at this wedding, Xiao Lan. No one will fight with her about this, but when the girls are making suggestions for the wedding, they can't help but bring some fantasy about their own wedding, and Qiye also secretly Note it down.

It’s not good to worry about a wedding, and it’s okay. Qiye can ignore a very important issue in the wedding, which is the budget. This is not for Qiye, but the rest is... even Qiye Feel big head.

Reservation and decoration of the wedding venue, then how many banquets should be set up, who is the wedding host, who should be invited, which guests cannot be arranged at the same table, who is the witness, and then there are some important guests Special notice is also required, as well as the layout of the new house, the wedding dresses and dresses of the bride and groom, the photography team that needs to be booked to take pictures of the wedding, and the flowers, cakes, champagne towers, and important things to remember for a lifetime. Wedding photos, makeup for two people on the wedding day, hair stylist and makeup artist are all specially booked, there are also the number of wedding cars, the driver, the route and time required for the wedding car, and the best man and bridesmaid, the most important There is another thing, the wedding ring.

Xiaolan is pregnant. Of course, she can't worry about these things. The main thing is that Qiye is responsible. Qiye is not the first time to get married, but it is also the first time that she manages the wedding affairs personally, and she feels the cumbersomeness.

There is also a more troublesome issue, time. Qiye doesn’t have much time. Xiaolan has been pregnant for more than a month. If he is more than a month later, Xiaolan’s belly will grow bigger, and Qiye doesn’t want to let Xiaolan. Hold a big belly for the wedding.

Could it be said that Qiye can use time to delay Xiaolan's pregnancy, and then spend three years to hold a century wedding?Qiye wanted to get a wedding of the century, but let Xiaolan hold her belly for three years, and Qiye's daughter was not Nezha!

Qiye’s wedding can only be planned for one month at the most, otherwise Xiaolan’s belly will be troublesome. In this month, Qiye must handle all the wedding, wedding photos, and honeymoon travel. Qiye has never felt pressured. That's too big.

The women chatted and discussed for an afternoon, and there was also a lot of people and strength, but it really made them come up with a few good ideas, but there are some more cheating.

For example, He Ye wants to rain a meteor shower in the sky during their wedding. For many young girls, meteors are a symbol of romance. It is understandable that He Ye wants to watch a meteor shower, but it must be in an outdoor venue to watch a meteor shower. How do you look indoors?

Xiaolan is pregnant now, so Qiye directly passed all the thoughts related to the outdoor wedding venue, but in the future, she can try to get a meteor shower when she marries with Ye.

And on the wedding day, Xiaolan will wear the wedding dress, jewelry, and wedding ring. These seven nights must be personally selected, based on Xiaolan's preferences, personality and temperament, and then let Xiaolan try.Xiaolan can't run too much now, so Qiye has to hit the target at once and choose the most suitable wedding dress and jewelry.

In fact, Qiye is a bit too exaggerated. After all, Xiaolan is only over a month old, and her physical fitness is pretty good. As long as she doesn't do any strenuous exercises or collisions, it's okay to walk around, so she won't be so exaggerated. However, Qiye is also the first time being a father, so she is really inexperienced.


"Qiye, actually..." At night, in the room, Xiao Lan was lying on the bed in her pajamas, looking at the man next to her, and said: "The wedding can be simpler."

She saw him thinking hard for the wedding of the two of them today. She knew very well that he wanted to give her an unforgettable wedding. She was very touched and happy, but she couldn't bear to bear it. Rather than taking a wedding that all girls dream of, and not wanting to make him tired, as Xiaolan said before, she loves him more than to herself.

Qiye shook her head, grabbed Xiao Lan's hand, and said, "This is the responsibility of a man. If you give yourself to me, I have the responsibility to prepare for you a world-renowned wedding, for you and for us. Child."

If there is no financial ability, there is no way. Since Qiye has the ability, naturally she wants to hold an absolutely perfect wedding for Xiaolan. After all, this separates the two completely different lives of the girl and the wife.

"Qiyae, you are still so domineering, but...I like it." Xiaolan stroked Qiye's resolute handsome face, and said tenderly.

Knowing that in the short half-day after she was pregnant, Xiaolan's mentality has also undergone a huge change, from girlfriend to wife. Although Xiaolan believed that she would marry him early on, but after having children, The mentality is still completely different.

Today, Xiaolan and Qiye are more intimate, and they will also say some love words that she was ashamed to say before. The child strengthened Xiaolan's faith and made her more courageous to show her love.

"Lan, you are really a girl who makes me have to love me all my life."

Chapter 693-Phone!

Xiaolan dropped out of Didan the next day, and had a baby at home with peace of mind, waiting for the dreamy wedding with peace of mind. Anyway, even if Xiaolan were to go to school, Qiye would never agree.

Girls like Kiko, Rei, and Ye still go to school normally, Miwako and others also go to work normally, but some are relatively free, such as Kiko, Fujiko, Chengshi, twin maids and sisters, and concubines who have cancelled all their jobs in the last month. Yingli, began to prepare for the huge wedding.

Xiaolan’s pregnancy Qiye did not intend to hide it. The news soon spread in Didan High School, but Xiaolan was also sixteen years old. Being pregnant at this age is not big news in Japan, plus poison. Daojiao's force, this matter quickly went flat, and did not cause much disturbance in Didan High School.

However, in some other places, the news that Xiao Lan was pregnant was like detonating a nuclear bomb, exerting tremendous power.

Fei Yingli was choosing a wedding dress for Xiaolan with Qiye, but suddenly received a call. The number displayed on the phone did not have a name, which means that it was not in her mobile phone address book, but the number Fei Yingli But I remember clearly, it was Kogoro Moori's call.

Fei Yingli gestured to Qiye with her mobile phone, and Qiye nodded. Fei Yingli walked out of the bridal shop immediately, found a place where no one was there, and connected the phone.

This represents the trust between Qiye and her, but the reason why I didn't answer the phone in the bridal shop was because Kiko, Fujiko, and Ayako all watched the wedding dresses together in the bridal shop. Fei Yingri didn't want to disturb the sisters' interest.

"Eiri..." As soon as the call was connected, Kogoro Moori's somewhat urgent voice came, but his voice was cut off here.

"Mr. Maori, now I have nothing to do with you, please pay attention to your name." Fei Yingli said coldly, without any emotion.

Mouri Kogoro took the microphone and opened his mouth several times, but in the end he could only swallow all the bitterness, and said, "Ms. Concubine, what's the matter with Xiaolan?"

Fei Yingri grinned, and she knew that Kogoro Mouri suddenly called her to ask about this. She leaned on the side of the road in a casual tone and said, "What else is going on? Xiaolan is pregnant. "

Originally, Kogoro Mori had only heard about it, but when I heard that Eri Yuri said so, could it be fake?The voice suddenly rose, and said: "What are you doing?! Xiaolan is only sixteen years old!!"

"Mori Kogoro! Pay attention to your identity!" Facing the question of Mouri Kogoro, Fei Yingri was not the one who was submissive and yelled back.

Fei Yingli is a arrogant woman. Of course, she has arrogant capital. She is respected in the legal world. She has never been yelled at like this... Yes, she has been yelled at by Qiye.

"Xiaolan is very sensible. She knows what she is doing and doesn't need you to teach her." Fei Yingli said coldly while holding the phone, her tone and eyes were extremely cold.

"Do you know what you are talking about?! Xiaolan is only sixteen, do you want her to give birth to the baby now?!" Maori Kogoro shouted.

Her daughter was pregnant when she was sixteen. This is not acceptable to all parents. Fei Yingri can accept it because of her different love for Xiaolan and Qiye, while Moori Kogoro can’t accept it because he treats Xiaolan. Love.

"That's right." Fei Yingli was holding the phone, calmer than usual, and said before Kogoro Moori became angry again: "Now Qiye and I are helping Xiaolan choose a wedding dress, and then they will go to register for the marriage, and then Will have a wedding."

"I disagree!"

"You don't agree?" Fei Yingli's mouth drawn a disdainful smile, and said: "You also said that Xiao Lan is sixteen years old, she has reached the legal marriage age, Xiao Lan is going to get married, even if you are hers My father can't stop, I know these legal provisions better than you, let alone Xiaolan's current guardian is me, not you!"

When Concubine Eri and Mori Kogoro divorced, Fei Eri immediately grabbed Xiaolan’s custody rights. After all, Fei Eri had a well-known law firm under his name, and his financial capacity was naturally better than that of Kogoro Maori’s third-rate detective affairs. It was much better, and because Xiaolan and Fei Yingli were already married to each other at that time, Xiaolan's wish was of course to be with Fei Yingli, so it didn't take much effort to grab custody.

"Moreover, your current living expenses are all given by Xiaolan. What qualifications do you have to interfere with Xiaolan's choice?" Fei Yingli said with disdain.

Kogoro Mouri trembled, and he couldn't say anything to refute. Since the divorce, Kogoro Mouri has not worked anymore. Now his living expenses are given by Xiaolan. The prize money that Xiaolan won in the lottery, if not that For a huge bonus, Kogoro Mouri would have gone to the street to beg for food.

"Huh!" Fei Yingri snorted coldly, and said mercilessly to Kogoro Maori: "Mr. Maori, I hope you don't show up at Xiaolan's wedding, it will make Xiaolan very embarrassed."

Immediately, Fei Yingri hung up the phone and added Kogoro Mouri’s phone number to the blacklist. Afterwards, Kogoro Mouri made a few more calls, and what came from the microphone was either "The number you dialed is empty" or " The phone you dialed is turned off" or something.


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