Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 710

Kogoro Mouri fell off the phone severely, opened a can of beer again, and poured it into his mouth severely.

After hanging up the phone, Fei Yingli returned to the bridal shop again with a smile on her face, and did not show her face to Qiye and the other sisters.

Although Maori Kogoro’s phone call made Fei Hideri feel upset, she didn’t have to be angry all the time. After all, Maori Kogoro was just an insignificant person to her. She didn’t need to disturb her good mood for an insignificant person. .

Women, sometimes they are as weak as water, but sometimes they are colder than the thousand years of ice!


In addition to Kogoro Mori, there was another person who almost demolished the house after learning about this. This person is our lovely Conan children's shoes.

Today is a nice weather, the sun is shining, white clouds floating in the sky, from time to time it will block the too strong sunlight, but it is not particularly hot, there are some breeze in the air, very comfortable, it can be said to be very good.

Conan's gloomy mood has improved a bit because of the good weather recently, but not long after he arrived at school, Conan's good mood completely disappeared.

"What's the matter?" Conan raised his head and looked at the little Lolita who was colder than him coldly.

Because of Qiye’s intervention, it is of course impossible for the Ke Ai in the original book to exist. The relationship between Conan and Xiao Ai is only maintained on APTX-4869. Xiao Ai needs this perfect test product, and Conan also needs to rely on Xiao Ai to come. Get bigger, nothing more.

And because of Conan’s hatred of Qiye, Conan also hated the people around Qiye. In Conan’s view, Xiao Ai is a Frankenstein who has researched murderous poison and killed many people. Of course there is no good face.

Xiao Ai doesn't matter, just like Fei Yingli, she doesn't need to be in a bad mood because of an insignificant person, so Qiye and her sister are worried.Today, Xiao Ai's mood looks quite good, this point was discovered by Bu Mei and asked, it really made Xiao Ai a moment of stunned.

"It's just good news to tell you." Xiao Ai embraced her arms, with a sneer that didn't fit this immature face, and said, "About Xiaolan and Qiye."

Conan's gaze suddenly became sharp. Xiaolan's news was of his absolute concern, and once Xiaolan's news involved Qiye, Conan couldn't pay attention.

Xiao Ai was very satisfied with Conan's expression, smiled coldly, and said, "Xiao Lan is pregnant."

"Impossible!!" Conan slapped the table and immediately stood up. The news that Xiao Ai said made his face suddenly become hideous, and said: "You must be lying, this can't be true!"

"Why, don't you dare to accept the reality?" Xiao Ai looked at Conan disdainfully. She was really a coward using this method to escape reality. "You can ask someone from Didan High School to say hello. Xiaolan has dropped out of school. I have a baby at home. Of course, if you have the courage, you can also call Xiaolan and ask in person to see what kind of answer Xiaolan will give you."

When she got home last night, Xiao Ai knew that Xiao Lan was pregnant. Although Qi Ye had been thinking about the wedding and didn’t say anything to Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai knew very well that if she did that, Qi Ye would Very happy.

Conan's face was hideous, and before he could speak, Xiao Ai gave him another message.

"Qiyae is already preparing for her wedding with Xiaolan. I think they will reserve a special seat for Shinichi Kudo. You remember to notify him then."

Conan was unwilling to face Xiao Ai again, and immediately ran out of the classroom, and Bu Mei heard Xiao Ai's words and couldn't help but look at Xiao Ai, and said: "Ai Jiang, is Xiao Lan really going to marry Brother Qiye? ?"

"Yes." Different from the sneer at Conan, Xiao Ai should be gentler when facing Bu Mei. Seeing the disappointed look on the girl's face, Xiao Ai sneered at her too precociously while reaching out to touch her. Touching Bumei's little head.

"Now, rest assured, Bu Mei, that big pervert won't give up on you just because you are married to Xiaolan. You will marry him sooner or later."

"Really?" Bu Mei's eyes flickered at Xiao Ai. Xiao Ai's maturity and calmness gave way to Bu Mei who had always trusted her very much.

"of course."

"Great!" Bumei cheered, and then she held her face again, her eyes full of fantasy, and her face flushed.

The corner of Xiaowei's mouth twitched, feeling that this girl was too precocious, but she also had her own thoughts in her heart: It seems...I should hurry too.

Xiaolan's pregnancy gave Xiao Ai a sense of crisis, not because she was worried about her status, but because she didn't want to go to elementary school with Qiye's daughter. What was that?!

The research progress of APTX-4869's antidote must be accelerated...


After Conan ran out of the classroom, he immediately ran to the school's sports equipment room. The location here is relatively remote. Generally, except for people to pick up things during physical education class, very few people come here. It is really bad. Good place.

Conan took out the earring-style phone, then used a bow tie voice changer to change into Kudo Shinichi's voice, and called several students from Tedan High School.

I have to say that this is really a kind of irony. You have to rely on something like a voice changer to make a phone call with your own identity, and it makes it as sneaky as a thief, not even yourself.

Conan called several of his classmates in succession. Those classmates used to play well with Kudo Shinichi. They also knew about the relationship between Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan at that time. He called him to ask. After a few hesitations, he finally told about Xiaolan's withdrawal from school and the rumors of her pregnancy.

After making a few calls in a row, I got the same statement. Conan’s face was pale and he was sitting on the floor of the sports equipment room. Because the equipment room was not used frequently, it also accumulated a lot of dust. Conan’s body immediately changed. It's dirty.

Conan gripped the clothes on the neckline tightly, his breathing became heavy and fragile, as if he would lose his breath at any time, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling with nothing, like a fish leaving the water, he would die at any time .

Pain, heart-piercing pain, Conan's hand pressed tightly to his heart, as if the pain that almost burst his heart was suppressed.

"They just heard that it was false, not true, not true..."

Conan muttered "not true" in such a low voice countless times, and then succeeded in self-hypnosis, finally shaking his hands and dialing Xiaolan's mobile phone number.

Xiaolan is at home now, enjoying the attentive service of the garden, Chengmi, Honami and Minaho.

In Qiye, they didn't expect to choose a good wedding dress in one day. Today, they mainly went to see, choose some eye-catching wedding dresses and then let Xiaolan try it. Xiaolan who had nothing to do would naturally stay at home to raise her baby.

In order to take care of Xiaolan, Yuanzi didn’t go to school. She is Xiaolan’s best friend, and naturally she knows Xiaolan best. Chengshi is a doctor. If Xiaolan is unwell, she can handle it, Honami and Minaho is a maid, who was originally doing the work of serving people, this serving team is not small.

"Nah, Yuanzi, don't have to do this, I think it's weird." Xiaolan looked helplessly at Yuanzi and the others running for her, she really felt embarrassed.

"It's okay, Xiao Lan, you are the princess of all of us now, and we are especially willing to serve you." Yuanzi said with a smile, without disgust at all, and then handed a sour plum to Xiao Lan's mouth.

Xiaolan opened her mouth and swallowed it. Now she really lived a luxurious life of reaching out for food and opening her mouth.

Xiaolan, who has been pregnant for more than a month, has already developed symptoms of sickness, her taste has changed, she has no appetite, she just likes to eat sour things, so she bought a month’s worth of sour plums, grapes and the like.

After Xiaolan vomited Meizi’s core, her mobile phone rang. Yuanzi immediately picked up the phone on the bedside table. It was an unseen number. Yuanzi tilted her head and pressed the hands-free button. Put it on the bedside table.

After Xiaolan became pregnant, the family became extremely aware of the radiation of the mobile phone. If they were able to use the hands-free, they would try to use the hands-free. I really don’t know if the family will be nervous if this continues, but it’s no wonder. This is the first child in this family.

"Xiaolan..." Kudo Shinichi's voice was almost angered on the phone.

"New One?"

"Kudo Shinichi?"

Chapter 694-The Longinus Gun Piercing the Heart!

Yuanzi looked at the phone. When she heard Kudo Shinichi's voice, her first reaction was whether to press the phone and then threw the phone out of the window, but...

Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan calmly, even her expression didn't change a bit, so she let go of this idea for now.

Kudo Shinichi, if you dare to say anything disgusting to make Xiaolan feel bad, I Suzuki Sonoko must make you pay the price!Yuanzi thought viciously in her heart.

"Shinichi, what's the matter?"

Xiaolan asked faintly, her tone was flat, much flatter than the last time I saw Kudo Shinichi at Emperor Dan's Academy Festival.After all, Xiaolan is also a normal girl. Her feelings cannot be shared with everyone. Qiye, and the little guy in her belly occupy the big part of Xiaolan's feelings, as well as her mother, and the rest of her life in the garden. Good friends, and the sisters in the family, by comparison, Shinichi Kudo, who hasn't seen him for a long time, ranks out of the dozens.

"Haha, no, that's... Well, I haven't contacted you for a long time, how are you doing recently?"

Conan said unnutritious things. He never imagined that the conversation between him and Xiaolan could do this. Before, even if he said it alone, he could talk non-stop for more than an hour, but at this moment, even Conan himself has it. The urge to hang up the phone quickly.

But Conan couldn’t help it. He was afraid. He didn’t dare to directly ask Xiaolan if he was pregnant. He hypnotized himself over and over again. It was just a fake, but he didn’t have the courage to ask Xiaolan. He was afraid that Xiaolan’s words would completely complete him. Defeated.

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