Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from Bengbao Chapter 711

"I'm having a good time." Xiao Lan smiled slightly, with a hint of happiness in her tone. The jade finger twisted a plum and stuffed it into her mouth. The sour taste was the most suitable for Xiao Lan's current appetite.

"Haha, great." Conan laughed dryly, feeling that he didn't know what to say next. This was just a phone call. This was not a conversation between a criminal and a policeman. No one gave him a sense of oppression. , But invisibly, there seemed to be two big hands, grabbing his throat and heart respectively, making him unable to speak or even breathe.

Sonoko curled his lips. What the hell did Shinichi Kudo call for?!Jing said something that was not nutritious, and it was all nonsense for a long time!This is why Xiaolan, an idiot, has a good temper. If she was changed to her and someone called her to talk such nonsense, she would have dropped the phone long ago!

Conan didn’t know how to ask that question, but he couldn’t hang up, so he could only talk about some messy things. Xiaolan listened, but only occasionally hum. The main focus was on delicious plums and fun. On the TV show.

After a while, Xiaolan had already eaten a can of sour plums, and the TV show was over, and entered the commercial. Xiaolan changed channels and put her cheek in one hand, looking bored, saying: "Xinyi, I I'm not feeling well. If there is nothing important, I will hang up first."

Conan was panicked. This is the first time Xiaolan wants to hang up his phone. Conan used to hang up first, but this time, Xiaolan is going to hang up Conan's phone. This feeling is still different. .

Xiao Lan let go, but that didn't free the poor Kudo Shinichi, but instead made him fall into the abyss of infinite darkness.

"Wait, wait a minute! Xiaolan!!!" Conan immediately yelled anxiously when he felt that Xiaolan was really going to hang up.

"Is there anything else, Shinichi?" Xiao Lan frowned slightly, with a slight dissatisfaction in her tone, so loud, it won't frighten the baby.Xiao Lan gently stroked her unresponsive belly, a kind maternal glow appeared on her face.

"That... Xiao Lan..." Conan hesitated again and again, and finally clenched his fists, as if he had thrown everything out, and said: "Xiao Lan, are you... Are you... pregnant?"

"Huh..." After asking this question, Conan immediately slumped to the ground. This question has exhausted all his strength and courage. He collapsed on the ground feebly. The situation is worse than that of a person with a fever of 40 degrees. He still held the earring-like phone tightly in his hand, that was his last hope.

Yuanzi's face showed a disdainful sneer. She now knows what Kudo Shinichi's call meant, but...

Yuanzi originally hated the great detective Kudo Shinichi, so once there was a case, he left Xiaolan alone. It was strange that Yuanzi's good friend was not popular, and he disappeared for so long for no reason, even his father's funeral. Appeared, now that Xiaolan is pregnant, did he know to call?It's too late!And why doesn't the guy Shinichi Kudo come here in person, his father's funeral does not appear, and he does not appear now, does he think he is the earth?Can't everyone leave him?Think that everything can be solved with one phone call?Idiot guy!

"You said this..." Xiaolan's face suddenly showed some blush, and said in a low voice and extremely happy: "Yes, I'm pregnant, it's been more than a month."

Xiaolan gently stroked her belly, feeling the little life inside. Xiaolan didn't have the complicated thoughts of a garden, she just wanted to share her happiness and joy with everyone.

After Conan heard Xiaolan's words, the tears that had accumulated in his eyes burst out of his eyes, and followed his bloodless face on the dusty ground.

Conan felt that his entire world was spinning. He was drifting like a flat boat in a storm, completely unable to find his place.The Chinese say that only by being down-to-earth can feel safe, but Conan is lying on this generous ground at this time, but he does not feel any sense of security, as if the whole world has left him.

The originally dim equipment room became even darker, and there was no light or hope in sight. The father died and the mother left. Even the beloved girl was pregnant with someone else's child.

"Why...why...why..." Conan leaned against the phone and murmured unconsciously. If he left it alone, Conan might really want to see a psychologist.

The despair given by the beloved has greatly affected Conan’s spirit. In addition, the luck that protects him has already weakened a lot. If it were the first time, this situation would not make Conan like this. , But now Conan is no longer the time when the protagonist was lucky.

Xiao Lan’s words were like a Ronchinus gun, and immediately pierced the heart of Conan, the Jesus. The father who was protected by the luck before died, and the sadness of the mother's abandonment all at once appeared, and the remaining luck could not be suppressed. So sad, if you don't care, Conan may be going crazy.

"Well, what are you talking about, Shinichi?" Xiaolan said questioningly, the voice on the phone was too soft and too vague, she couldn't hear what she was saying at all.

Xiaolan’s voice is as gentle and kind as ever, with happiness that can be envied by all women, but it is extremely harsh to Conan. This sweet voice also called Conan’s consciousness from the darkness. come back.

"Why?!!! What the hell is it?!!!" Conan who reacted, holding the phone was a violent roar, why the whole world betrayed me, even you betray me, why, Xiaolan?!!

Originally, when the speakerphone was on, the voice of the phone was loud. Conan's sudden roar shocked Yuanzi and Xiaolan. Xiaolan looked at the phone and said, "What's wrong, Shinichi?"

"Xiao Lan, why do you like that bastard Liu Dao Qiye?!!! Why, why are you pregnant with his child?! Why are you betraying me?!!!" Conan asked why one by one, his low EQ Incomprehensible, isn't the relationship of a childhood sweetheart for more than ten years inferior to a six-course seven nights?

"Enough!" Xiao Lan raised her voice, picked up the phone on the bedside table, her face immediately became cold, "Kudo Shinichi! I don't allow you to insult Qiye's reputation! You don't allow you to insult my child!"

"But, Xiaolan, we..."

"We have nothing!" Xiaolan interrupted Conan coldly, and said, "Isn't it? We are just classmates and childhood sweethearts. We haven't dated, have we?"

"Xiao Lan, is there no feeling between us at all?" Conan said bitterly in his heart.

"We can still be friends." Xiaolan said lightly, but then her tone became firm, and said: "However, I will never allow anyone to destroy my family and happiness, including you!"

Xiao Lan's words made Yuanzi want to applaud, Lan!You are so handsome!

To paraphrase the lines in "33 Days of Broken Love", for Xiaolan, love is a necessity in life, and LV is a luxury. After being pregnant, Xiaolan is no longer a girl in her mentality, but regards herself as a wife and With the mother's existence, she has her own happiness, and she wants to maintain her family.

Xiaolan can't accept anyone's abuse of her beloved husband, let alone deny the baby in her belly. Xiaolan will desperately maintain her home and will not allow anyone to destroy it. This home cannot be separated.Even Shinichi Kudo would never want to dismantle her home and destroy her happiness, otherwise, Xiao Lan would definitely give him an iron fist sanction, mercilessly.

Xiaolan's tough attitude also made Yuanzi very happy. She wanted to swear at Kudo Shinichi a long time ago. She was afraid that Xiaolan would be embarrassed so she endured it. But now Xiaolan's tough attitude makes Yuanzi almost jumping with excitement. stand up.

"Xiao Lan, I..."

"Enough!" This time it was Yuanzi who yelled out. She had already endured enough and snatched the phone in Xiaolan's hand and roared: "Kudo Shinichi, you bastard said enough! I warn. You, Xiao Lan is pregnant now, you better stop calling to harass her, or my mother will kill you!!"

After speaking, Yuanzi turned off the phone and threw it aside, still with an angry expression on his face.Yuanzi's words are not just a joke. If Kudo Shinichi repeatedly dared to disturb Xiaolan recklessly, he didn't need Qiye to make a move, Yuanzi would use the power of the Suzuki chaebol to wipe Kudo Shinichi from the world.

For the first time Yuanzi feels that he was born in such a wealthy family...

"Xiao Lan." After the anger passed, Yuanzi immediately reached the bedside, grabbed Xiao Lan's cold little hand, and said, "Don't be angry for that kind of guy. You have a baby now, don't get angry. "

"Don't worry, Yuanzi." Xiao Lan smiled slightly before holding Yuanzi's hand, and said: "I know, I won't let myself and my baby have an accident."

"That's right, hehe..." Yuanzi saw that Xiaolan was okay, and smiled happily, then let go of Xiaolan's hand, stood up, and learned how the twin maid sisters Honami and Minaho worked. It looked like a maid's manners in a nondescript manner, and said: "Princess Lan, do you need a slave and maid to bring you some plums?"

Xiaolan looked at the garden like this very interesting, she immediately became playful, raised her head, and said, "Don't you hurry up, do you want to be punished?" Xiaolan is also really not suitable for being arrogant. Nondescript.

"Yes, your noble princess...poof!" Yuanzi saluted, and then she couldn't help but snorted.

Xiao Lan was also amused by the garden, laughing, and the depression just now was wiped out, and the garden really went to get Xiaolan Huamei.

Chapter 695-Wedding Dress!

Xiaolan didn't tell Qiye and the others about this. After all, everyone was happily planning the wedding for her. There was no need to say such things to make everyone unhappy.

In the evening, school was over, and get off work was over. The group of people who went to choose the wedding dress also came back. The family sat together and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.

Because I take care of Xiaolan’s taste, there are more sour and sweet dishes on the table than usual, such as sweet and sour pork loin, squirrel mandarin fish, and many refreshing vegetables, and some greasy dishes are also deliberately put Being far away from Xiaolan, lest she see it and feel sick.

Qiye, the only man in the family, always takes the lead, and on the left and right sides of him are Xiaolan and Tongzi. Next to Xiaolan is Concubine Yingli, and next to Fei Yingli is Xizi, so that the women take their usual seats.

"Qiyao, have you chosen your wedding dress today?" Qingzi ate a piece of fresh cod, biting her chopsticks, her mouth was still full of fish, but her big eyes that clearly said "I'm curious" tightly Staring at Qiye.

When Qingzi said this, except for the girls who accompanied Qiye to choose her wedding dress today, all the others looked at Qiye with sharp eyes. Even the people around Qiye and Xiaolan were no exception. They really Very curious.

Qiye took a sip of soup, then put some dishes into Xiaolan's bowl, then raised her head, facing a group of curious babies, she had no choice but to confess, and said: "Today we found two wedding dresses and felt that Not bad, but Yingli and I would like to take a look again and pick a few more sets for Xiaolan to try."

"I'm really envious." Qingzi bit the chopsticks, with an enviable look on her face, her big cute eyes staring straight at Qiye.

"Why, girl, do you want to wear a wedding dress too?" Qiye knew what Qingzi's idea was when she looked at Qingzi's face, and looked at this girl amusedly. When Xiaolan gets married, the girls in the family won't all treat themselves. Think of it as a leftover girl.

"Hehe..." Qingzi bit her chopsticks, her face was a little shy, but she didn't hide her thoughts, and said, "I have never worn a wedding dress before. I want to try it."

A wedding that has attracted worldwide attention, a white and noble wedding dress, and a ring that is bound to last a lifetime. These are all natural fantasies of a girl. Except for the two wives of Concubine Yingri and Yukiko, no girl wears them. The wedding dress.

"You can't wear the two wedding dresses of Xiaolan, Qingzi." It was Concubine Yingli who put down her chopsticks.

"Why, Sister Yingli?" Qingzi put down the chopsticks and hung directly on Fei Yingli, pouting her mouth, the cute bun's face puffed up and she was spoiled.

Xiaolan, Mila and Qingzi might be considered triplets if they walk on the street. In addition to their own daughters, Fei Yingli has a different affection for Mila and Qingzi to other sisters. After all, It's almost exactly the same face as her own daughter.

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