Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 713

"It's so beautiful." Qiye didn't say a word, but the female shop assistants next to her had already told Qiye's heart.

The wedding dress chosen by Xiaolan can be said to show the minimalist design style of Pronovias to the extreme. The whole wedding dress has no too complicated parts. On the plain wedding dress, simple small flowers are the main decoration. These small flowers are all over but not It will be messy, and the Peng Qun-shaped wedding dress can make the bride lively and cute without losing the cleverness of the little woman, which is perfect for Xiaolan.

But if this is the case, it is not enough to make Qiye lose her mind. Xiaolan is really beautiful, but Qiye can’t tell how beautiful Xiaolan is, and where it’s beautiful, her beauty seems to exist naturally. It's easy to get into Qiye's heart.

There is no excessively exaggerated skirt, no excessive coquettishness, Xiaolan's innocence and the elegant and leisurely combination of this wedding dress are seamless, and the innocent beauty makes Qiye's heart move.

"Qiyae, is it good-looking?" Xiaolan was still a little bit shy, ashamed to say "Am I beautiful", and finally replaced it slightly with the word "good-looking".

"Okay, that's it." Qiye immediately decided on this one. This time he had to marvel at Xiaolan's eyes.

Later, Xiaolan took off the wedding dress and changed back to her own clothes. The wedding dress will be sent to Liudaozhai tomorrow morning. After all, it is impossible for Xiaolan to go home directly in such a wedding dress.

Seven nights swiped the card to pay the bill, and when he pulled the bill, the amount on it was really real, Xiao Lan was shocked, two million!(In RMB equivalent, it would look like one hundred and thirty thousand)

To be honest, Xiaolan's idea of ​​choosing this wedding dress was a bit ridiculous at the beginning. Although Xiaolan knew that Qiye was very willing to spend money for herself, she was still a frugal girl after all. Naturally, she didn't want Qiye to spend too much money, so at the beginning I chose the one that looked the most common, but I didn't expect it to be so expensive.

"Qiye, is it spending too much money?" Xiaolan asked Qiye's arm, looking at his smiling handsome face.

Qiye turned around, reached out and nodded Xiaolan's forehead, and said, "A man who doesn't want to spend money on his wife will be struck by lightning."

Then, in the enviable eyes of the female shop assistants, Xiaolan happily took Qiye's arm and walked out of the bridal shop.


The wedding affair was finally settled, and the banquet was also prepared quickly according to Qiye’s requirements. The guest list was gradually formed in the discussion among the girls at home. The wedding ring and the jewelry Xiaolan would wear on the wedding day were also ready for Qiye. , Now the main thing is the wedding photos.

And when Qiye and Xiaolan are going to take wedding photos, let's turn the camera to Shinichi Kudo to see what he is doing?

Since the phone call that day, Conan was obviously confused, and his eyes didn't have the light of the past, and he often wandered during class, and was named by Sumiko Kobayashi several times.

On this day, after the Didan Elementary School was over, Conan went home alone with his schoolbag. Since the detective incident, Conan has become a figure hiding in the Didan Elementary School for a long time. The child forgot about sex. After a long time, he forgot about the original things, but he also listened to his parents and no longer had any contact with Conan, so Conan went home alone after school.

Conan returned home alone again, but instead of going to the direction of the Maori detective office, he went to the other side, his original home, the direction of the Kudo family. Now he lives next door, which is Dr. Akasa. Home.

Since Qiye said that he would kill Dr. Aka last time, Conan moved out of the Maori detective office and moved into Dr. Aka's house.

Anyway, Kogoro Mori looks decadent now, Conan doesn’t expect him to pick up the case again, so as to bring him information from the black organization. Besides, Xiaolan won’t go back there anymore. Conan will stay. There, it didn't make sense to face a decadent middle-aged uncle.

"Shinichi, I'm back." Dr. Aka, who was preparing for dinner tonight, poked his head out.

"Yeah." Unlike the same, Conan responded lifelessly, then threw his schoolbag away and collapsed on the sofa.

Tired... Body tired... Heart tired... Conan never felt that a person could be so tired. This tiredness that came out of his bones just made him want to die.

"What's wrong with you, Shinichi?" Dr. A Li walked out of the "kitchen" and asked worriedly, looking at Conan who was obviously wrong today.

Conan opened his eyes tiredly. Now, only Dr. Ari is still beside him... Conan thought bitterly in his heart.

"Doctor...Xiaolan, going to get married..." Conan finally gave this sentence intermittently, and this also tore his non-scabbed wound, becoming more hideous and colorless Transparent blood poured out... Why is it colorless?Because it is tears.

"What?!" Dr. A Li yelled. He was quite surprised this time. As someone who watched Shinichi grow up with Xiao Lan, Dr. A Li had always thought that Xiao Lan and Shinichi would eventually be together. Yes, if Nanye hadn't appeared, the facts should have developed like this, but Dr. Aka would never have thought that things would come so suddenly, Xiaolan, was about to get married, but the bridegroom was not Shinichi Kudo.

"Did Kogoro and Hideri agree? Xiaolan is only sixteen years old. Do they agree that she got married so early? Shinichi, would you call them?" Dr. Aka suggested, and had to say This is a good idea. After all, even if there is no such thing as a matchmaker’s word in Japan, the opinions of parents still have a great influence.

"I've already beaten it, but... hehe..." Conan smiled bitterly and swallowed all his tears.

He actually thought about this method, so he first called Kogoro Mouri, but the phone was not connected because at that time Kogoro Mouri was already drunk and lying on the table, and he called the concubine again. Yingli, what was ushered in was a curse from Fei Yingli.

"Who is my daughter going to marry? What is your surname Kudo?" Concubine Hideri blocked all Kudo Shinichi's words. Concubine Hideri, a lawyer, can block her opponents speechless. That's her skill.

Kudo Shinichi has been most afraid of Concubine Hideri since he was a child, and he did not expect it to be the same now. He was scolded and scolded by Concubine Hideri. He couldn't say a word. From the beginning to the end, Concubine Hideri said that it was really a person with one mouth and one mouth. The play...It seems to be off the track...

It is obviously impossible to start from Kogoro Mori and Hideri Kiyori. Shinichi Kudo has always been proud of IQ, but he can’t think of any way to break his head. It seems that all he can do is look at it. The beloved girl marries that man.

Six Daolan, ha ha...

Ding Dong!

When the atmosphere was calm, the doorbell rang, and Dr. A Li hurriedly went to open the door, and saw an expressionless strange man standing at the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

The man took out a red gilded envelope from his arms and said, "This is an invitation to Mr. Kudo Shinichi, please pass it to him." After speaking, he put the envelope into Dr. Akasa's hand and turned away. .

"Hey! Hey!" Dr. A Li yelled a few times, but the man had disappeared without a trace, and Dr. A Li could only walk into the house holding the envelope with a heavy face.

"What's the matter, doctor?"

"Xinyi, an invitation for you."

Conan was taken aback. Could the invitation given to him be... thinking that it might be an invitation given to him by that organization, Conan immediately opened the envelope and took out a metallic invitation card inside.

Conan, who had learned a lot of miscellaneous knowledge from Yusaku Kudo, immediately recognized that the metal of this invitation card was not ordinary goods, but pure white gold, surrounded by eight diamonds, which can be said to be an extremely luxurious invitation card.

The content on the invitation is carved instead of written. If a calligrapher or master engraver sees this invitation, he can judge that it was absolutely hand-carved, and the personality of this person is extremely strong and strong. Overbearing, these can be seen from the brush strokes, but if it is Dudao Kongzi, it must be another feeling.

After quickly scanning the content on the invitation, Conan's face immediately became darker than Bao Qingtian, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the person's phone.

"Six roads and seven nights! What do you mean?!!!"

Chapter 677-Conan who rekindled his fighting spirit!

"You finally called, Shinichi Kudo."

At this time, Qiye was on a white sandy beach, sitting leisurely on a beach chair, looking at the boundless sea not far away, it was extremely pleasant.

At this time, Qiye was taking a wedding photo with Xiaolan. The location was on the coast, and Xiaolan had to change clothes at this time. Qiye also happened to take a break, sitting on a beach chair and taking a break.

"It seems that my invitation card has been delivered. It was the first invitation card I sent out at the wedding banquet, and it was also a second-level eight-diamond diamond invitation card. How about it? From the perspective of Xiaolan's face, I take it seriously. Yours, thank me, Shinichi Kudo."

Qiye held his mobile phone, tilted his legs, and looked incredibly casual. This guy simply had already won everything and would take the initiative to show off. He was really the master of the thunderstorm that day.

Compared with the wedding banquet and the expenses on the invitation, Xiaolan’s two million yen wedding dress is really nothing, especially the invitation, which is definitely the bulk of the wedding banquet.

Seven nights invitations can be roughly divided into four levels, diamond, platinum, gold and silver invitations. Among them, diamond invitations are set with diamonds on platinum invitations. Different levels are divided according to the number of diamonds. High-end nine-diamond diamond invitations, but this kind of invitations are only for the girls of Qiye, and will never be given to others. Except for the women of Qiye, the most advanced one you can get is the eight diamonds of Shinichi Kudo Diamond invitation card.

Originally, it’s impossible to make so many complicated invitations in less than a month, because this kind of precious metal products are only perfect when they are made by hand. It was also the bosses who controlled several jewelry processing companies with other gods to get them all to work overtime to make the invitations he needed.

Because of this, those sky-high price invitations actually didn't cost Qiye a dime in the final analysis, and Qiye didn't bother to manage what those companies would lose.

The words on the invitation were written by Qiye himself, because it is faster, and it is not easy to write with ink on the metal, otherwise it will be wiped off with the hand and can only be engraved. Qiye can save it by engraving by himself. A lot of time.

As for the invitation to Kudo Shinichi, it is not so much an invitation as it is a threat. The place and time of the wedding banquet, as well as his seat, are written on it, but the latter is wrong. If Kudo Shinichi does not attend, Dr. Aka Is going to die.

Nanya was also worried that Kudo Shinichi would be afraid to attend the wedding banquet after being hit by Xiaolan, so she threatened him with this method.After all, all he has left now is Dr. A Li.

"Six Roads and Seven Nights, you are really a scumbag!" Conan held the phone and said angrily. Because of his excessive emotionality, Conan was shaking all over his body and lost his family and beloved girl. If even the last one is lost, Conan didn't know if he could survive.

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