Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 714

"Thank you for the compliment." With a faint smile on Qiye's face, Qiye said, "I am the scumbag who killed your father, occupied your mother, and took away your beloved childhood sweetheart, right?"

These things were originally done by him, there is no need to deny them, and this is actually very proud, right?

If it were the usual Conan, it should have started recording now, and then tempted Nanaya to say those things again, but Conan now can't think of these things at all.

"Six Dao Qiye, what do you want to do, just say it."

"Isn't it very simple?" Qiye smiled and said, "Invite you Shinichi Kudo, as a childhood sweetheart, to join me and Xiaolan's wedding to witness the wedding of a friend of mine. It's not a good idea. Thing?"

The anger in Conan's heart once again shrouded a layer of pain that could not be erased, and he roared: "Six Dao Qiye! Why are you taking everything from me!!"

"Because I'm jealous." Qiye said with a smile, without any excuse or concealment.

Nanya hates Kudo Shinichi. In addition to the original hatred of the protagonist, there is also jealousy, jealous of his good luck, so naive, but able to have such a happy family and caring parents, with Xiaolan's childhood sweethearts, Qiye is jealous, after all, a long time ago, Qiye was just an orphan with nothing, no affection, no love, no money, nothing.

Nanaya didn't need to conceal his jealousy. He told Shinichi Kudo directly. Denying the facts only proves his weakness. Jealousy is not a shameful thing. Rage, jealousy, greed, arrogance, laziness, lust and gluttony are What all intelligent beings have is only the difference between strength and weakness. What's more, Qiye is a demon king who has gathered the seven deadly sins. Even if the fact is denied, it is still a fact. Avoidance is something the weak can do, and Qiye cannot.

"Because of this, you have to do so many things?!!!" Conan felt unbelievable, because of this, he was going to ruin his family?!

"Because of this?" Qiye asked rhetorically, then smiled, and said: "Although I am not a human being, I admit that I am very emotional. I think this reason is sufficient."

Qiye itself is a collection of contradictions. On the one hand, he can control his evil thoughts and will not let evil thoughts control himself, but on the other hand, his control is worse than anyone else, because he will look at a person purely. If he was unhappy and chopped him off, this ordinary person would definitely not.

"Now, Shinichi Kudo, I have already sent you the invitation anyway, and it doesn't matter if you come or not." Qiye said casually, seeming not to put the extravagant invitation card studded with eight diamonds. In my heart, "But it's the life of Dr. Ari, it's just a bullet to me, it's easy."

"Don't worry, I will be there on time!" Conan almost crushed his teeth, but he still spit out these words through the teeth. He can't let Dr. Aha have an accident.

"Then I'll be waiting for a big drive when the time comes." Qiye laughed and said, before hanging up the phone, he paused and added another sentence, saying: "I will give you a secret for nothing, Xiaolan's mother, Fei Yingli, but also my woman."

After breaking out the secret, Qiye didn't wait for Kudo Shinichi to speak, and immediately hung up the phone, then turned it off and left it aside, looking for his angel.

And what about Conan?After hearing Qiye's words, he was obviously stunned. When he reacted, he would yell at him, but the busy tone came from the phone. Qiye had already hung up the phone and turned it off when he called back.

"Damn!! This scumbag!!!" Conan threw the phone on the sofa fiercely, his face full of anger.

"Xinyi, what's the matter?" the honest and honest old man Dr. A Li asked suspiciously.

"The bastard of Liudao Qiye, even Xiaolan's mother dared to do it!" Conan said angrily, obviously unable to accept Qiye mother and daughter co-acceptance.

"What?!" Dr. A Li was also obviously taken aback, and said: "Xinyi, no, no matter how lustful the Six Dao Qiye, Yingli and Xiaolan are mother and daughter after all."

"Why not? He told me personally just now!" Conan's face was so black that he said, "I don't know what the bastard used, even Aunt Yingli... Damn it! I won't let that bastard continue. You cheated Xiaolan!"

A mother and daughter are unacceptable to most people in this world, but there should be two kinds of people. One is unacceptable on the surface, but in my heart I really want to seek the pleasure of breaking through ethics, but But they can't do it, so this kind of person is usually called very happily. To be honest, it is envy, jealousy and hatred. The reality of others is the dream of this kind of person.

There is another kind of person who simply cannot accept this kind of incest relationship. This kind of person is generally naive. Shinichi Kudo belongs to this kind. Another reason why he is angry is that the role of the daughter involved is that Xiaolan.

Conan couldn’t imagine that the angel-like girl who grew up with him would accept the unconventional things like mother and daughter husband. Most people who know Xiaolan would not understand it, so Conan has already identified Xiaolan. Don't know about it.

What Conan didn't know, Xiao Lan was more able to do everything for feelings than he thought, including the moral bottom line.

Conan, who didn't even know about it, was now thinking about telling Xiaolan about it and destroying the relationship between Xiaolan and Qiye.

Qiye originally wanted to stimulate Conan again, but he did not expect to rekindle his fighting spirit, but after this severe blow, Conan's luck was almost the same.

"No, Shinichi, you are like this, even if you tell Xiaolan, she won't believe you." Dr. A Li said helplessly looking at Conan at this time.

Conan was stunned for a moment, and then the head that was dazzled by anger calmed down at this time. Yeah, Dr. Aka was right. He is Edogawa Conan now. Why should Xiaolan believe his words?Just like this, he ran to tell Xiaolan that Qiye had sex with your mother?Xiaolan would not believe it or not, Conan would still scold him.

After much deliberation, Conan could only contact Xiaolan as Kudo Shinichi, but no matter how he called, even if he used the phone at Dr. Ari’s home, the voice that came was "The phone you dialed is turned off." There is no contact at all.

Calling won't work, and Conan can only go to Xiaolan himself, but to restore Kudo Shinichi's appearance, Conan must go to her.

"Damn it!" Conan gritted his teeth, and didn't know how many times he cursed in his heart, and finally dialed Hui Yuanai's cell phone.

Chapter six hundred and ninety-eight-a kiss that runs through the world!

"what's up?"

Xiao Ai’s speech is always so concise and concise. At this time, she is holding her arms, standing on a street with no people, looking at the boy the size of her in front of her, her expression is indifferent and arrogant, Xiao Ai is indifferent. The pleasing to the eye has always been like this.

"I want the antidote for APTX-4869." Conan looked at the girl in front of him who was judged to be "no good except for her face", and directly stated his purpose.

Anyway, the conversation between Xiao Ai and Conan only involved antidote. The others couldn't talk at all, they could only quarrel. It might as well be simpler.

"Humph!" Xiao Ai snorted coldly, with a bit of joking on her face, and said: "I already have your blood analysis report, so why should I give you the antidote I worked so hard?"

After the last time Conan took the medicine, Xiao Ai took his blood and saved the blood analysis report in the computer. After that, the development of the antidote has not made further progress. The research is also based on the above. The second report, for the time being, Conan is useless.

For APTX-4869 drugs that violate the rules, it takes a lot of work for Xiao Ai to make a temporary antidote. Xiao Ai does not have many antidote in her hands. She doesn't need to just because Conan said a word. Give him the antidote he has worked hard.

"What do you want?" Conan looked at Xiao Ai coldly. From his trembling body, he was suppressing his anger. Who told Xiao Lan to grab his lifeline, like a Tianlong In Babu, Tianshan Tongmao controls the antidote of life and death talisman.

The smile on Xiao Ai’s face bloomed. Under the influence of the bastard Qiye, Xiao Ai’s evil taste in her heart grew stronger and stronger. She released her hands on her chest, pointed a finger to the ground, and said, "Kneel down, beg me."

Xiao Ai's request has to be overstated, but if Qiye knows about it, he will probably roll to the ground with a smile. Xiao Ai has obtained the true story of his abuse of others. The physical blow is nothing but the mental blow. It's the worst.

"What are you talking about?!" Conan's face, which had been pale due to repeated mental shocks, was three times whiter, and his whole body could not help trembling, as fragile as paper, as if he didn't know when. Would die the same.

"Did you not hear clearly?" Xiao Ai pointed to the ground again, and said every word: "I tell you to kneel, come down, come, please, me."

"Impossible!" Conan said angrily. This is not just a question of kneeling, it is a question of dignity. Once he kneels down, he will never be able to raise his head in front of Xiao Ai in the future, facing Xiao Ai, he Can only wince like a tortoise forever.

"Whatever." Xiao Ai waved her hand indifferently and said, "Anyway, I don't want to give you the antidote too much. Goodbye, I'm going home for dinner."


Scheming, Conan naturally can’t compare to Xiao Ai who had been in the black organization before, and now she was damaged by Qiye. As soon as Xiao Ai turned and left, Conan immediately stopped Xiao Ai with a loud voice. .

"What's wrong, is there anything else, detective?" Xiao Ai showed a triumphant smile on her face, turned around, and looked at Conan jokingly.

Conan’s hatred for Xiaoai at this time even surpassed that of Qiye, but just like he could not defeat Qiye, Conan had nothing to do with Xiaoai. The former was because of his strength, and Xiaoai was because of her. Take control of Conan's lifeblood.

Conan may be able to stun Xiao Ai with an anesthetic needle and then snatch the antidote from her, but this is tantamount to killing a chicken to get the eggs. In this way, he will never get the antidote in the future.As for the kidnapping of Xiaoai, our great and kind-hearted Conan will not have such thoughts.

"Say something quickly." Xiao Ai said impatiently: "I'm still rushing back to eat, or my sister will be worried. But it's really thanks to Xiaolan, because of her pregnancy, the food at home recently It's a lot richer."


Xiao Ai's words are also cruel enough, knowing that Conan has reached the top of Mount Tai and the mosquitoes and flies can't fall, she also told Xiaolan's matter, and immediately dropped the straw that crushed Conan. Conan doubled His legs softened and fell to the ground.

"Please..." After kneeling on the ground, Conan no longer had the usual backbone. It seemed that the strength of his whole body was drained in an instant. It was even more unbearable than when a drug addict was a drug addict. Give me the medicine, I only need two... just give me two antidote..."

"Very good~~" Xiao Ai shook his head and said, and then took out two small plastic bags from his pockets, each with a capsule lying in them, and threw them in front of Conan, "What you want, goodbye ."

Xiao Ai is in a very good mood. While humming a little song, there is a big smile on her face, and she walks briskly home to eat. If she doesn't go back, her sister will really worry about it.

Conan knelt on the ground, crawled forward two steps with his hands and feet, and picked up the two antidote on the ground. The tears that he had been holding back before finally dripped down. For these two pills, he had no dignity.

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