Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse of travel Chapter 715

Perhaps throwing these two pills out fiercely could save him some dignity, but after all, Conan didn't have the courage to do so. He took the two pills into his arms and looked more fierce than ever.

"Six Roads and Seven Nights, Shiho Miyano! I must pay the price!!"


Seven nights while shooting wedding photos on the beach did not know that Xiao Ai had won such a beautiful battle. At this time, his attention was on his beautiful fiancee.

Xiao Lan changed her clothes, a snow-white suspender dress, and she had no other accessories, hair accessories, jewelry, and even shoes and socks. Her white feet were directly on the delicate white. It's very comfortable on the beach.

Qiye looked at Xiaolan and then at a large area of ​​the sea that was dyed red by the setting sun, remembering a news he had seen on the Internet before, and a very good idea formed in his mind.

Qiye reached out and put her arms around Xiao Lan's slender waist, brushed her five fingers across the girl's hair, and said, "Lan, do you want to have a wedding photo that amazes the world?"

Xiaolan's eyes lit up, she looked at Qiye expectantly, and said, "Can you?"

Wedding photos are of special significance to each couple. After marriage, wedding photos must be hung in the bedroom of the two to show happiness and sweetness. The quality of a set of wedding photos can even directly affect both The quality of people's marriage, and a perfect wedding photo is absolutely needed by every couple.

"As long as Xiaolan wants to, that's okay." Qiye said affirmatively. It is a man's responsibility to bring happiness to her beloved woman, and Qiye's generous shoulders can provoke this responsibility.

Qiye raised her hands and faced the sea, her body began to absorb the natural force floating in the air, which is Xianshu Chakra.

Conan World is a high-tech world compared to Hokage World, so the air quality is much worse than Hokage. There are fewer Xianshu Chakras in the air, and Qiye even stimulated the Hungry Ghost Dao ability of Reincarnation Eye.

Qiye absorbed a large number of fairy chakras, and then used these chakras to arouse the greater natural force in the air. Under Qiye’s stimulus, two whirlwinds quietly formed on the sea, and these two small whirlwinds continued to rotate, And it grew stronger by absorbing the natural force in the air, but within a few minutes, it turned from a small cyclone on the sea into two small tornadoes.

Two tornadoes raging on the sea, constantly absorbing the power of wind and water. The tornado is probably the most powerful vacuum cleaner that can exist on earth. The wind speed exceeds 400 kilometers per hour. The super tornado reaches the highest level EF5. It has strong suction power. It has absorbed countless sea water and turned into a spout of no less destructive power.

The waterspout absorbed the seawater from the sea, and then sent the seawater hundreds of meters high with incomparable strength. Countless water curtains sprinkled on the high sky, making the entire sky dark, even if it was dozens of kilometers away. Through the strong wind blowing on the surface and the roar of the ears, one can also feel the powerful power of the two super tornadoes.

"Oh! My goodness!"

"Ah! That's a tornado! My God!!"

There were still many tourists on the beach, all of them exclaimed at this time, but most of them were shocked by the scene they saw at this time and did not escape. This is also what the Japanese understand about tornadoes. Not enough.

The United States is the country with the most tornadoes in the world, with an average of 100,000 thunderstorms and 1,200 tornadoes every year. Therefore, no country in the world understands the dangers of tornadoes better than the United States, because of their poor congenital conditions.

1,200 times, three or four times a day, three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a supper. Just like the earthquake in Japan, Japan feels more than a thousand earthquakes a year, so no country can respond to earthquakes as well. Japan is an undeniable fact.

Two super tornadoes swept across the sea, and then, affected by the huge attraction of each other, the two tornadoes converged.

The lower part of the tornado is completely integrated, and the middle part is separated from each other because of the mutual repulsion of the tornadoes. Then, the top of the tornado is connected to each other because of the suction, forming a huge love that runs through the world.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of him. Even Qiye who created it all had to be amazed. All he did was to create two tornadoes, and in the back, the two tornadoes met to form a heart of love. The shape of, but it is not within Qiye's control.

The forces of the two tornadoes interacted with each other and produced violent thunderstorms and showers. Because this is a waterspout, there are endless water sources on the vast sea. Even the people on the beach have been affected by the showers.

Qiye looked at the impact of her masterpiece with satisfaction. Next to him, Xiaolan's shocked look made Qiye proud, and she took off her shirt and T-shirt, revealing her powerful muscles.

Qiye's muscles that revealed heavy metallic luster, under the impact of the rain, stood still like a rock, stretched out her hand to embrace Xiao Lan, who was still unresponsive, and kissed it deeply.

The sea is the intersection of two tornadoes. The rainstorm and thunderstorms produced make the dark sky look like an apocalypse, and this tornado that is destructive enough to destroy the city, but it is such a coincidence that they merge into a shape of love .

The two on the beach didn’t care. The destructive power of the storm and thunderstorm was forgotten by them. Xiao Lan eagerly kissed and hugged herself. The naked upper body of the strong man, the rain wet her thin dress, but Xiao Lan didn't feel any cold, to put it vulgarly, in his arms, he had shielded her from all wind and rain.

Qiye kissed Xiaolan affectionately, he was truly proud of being touched by this girl, and moved by all that this girl had done to him.

The photographer who took the wedding photos for Qiye and Xiaolan, at this time, under the influence of wind and rain, with his camera, this shocking scene was preserved forever.

Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Nine-Is this definitely not the rhythm of robbery?

Tornadoes come fast and go fast. Generally, the shortest tornado is a few minutes and the longest is only a few hours, and there is no need to worry about aftershocks like earthquakes.

The tornado created by Qiye finally disappeared completely after raging on the sea for more than forty minutes.

In addition to being a super vacuum cleaner, the tornado also played the role of the best air freshener in the world this time. Most of the water rolled up by the waterspout fell because of the violent shower just now. The water washes the air, and the air after the rainstorm becomes extraordinarily fresh, and PM2.5 is all goodbye.

The remaining part, which was broken down by the tornado into fine droplets, floated in the air, and after the refraction of the sunset light, a rainbow was formed in the air.

Fortunately, the team in charge of wedding photography has long been hypnotized by Qiye, otherwise the tornado just now might have caused them to run away, but they still work here for me obediently.

Xiaolan went to the temporary dressing room to be rebuilt and replaced the soaked white dress and put on a small and fresh blue printed short dress. The two took a few more photos with the rainbow and the sea as the background. After the photos, I went home contentedly.

As soon as they got home, the groom and the bride were tortured by a group of bad family members. He Ye, Qingzi, Yuanzi, Yu Xizi, and a few lively women directly rushed to ask them how they were taking their wedding photos today. The rest of the more calm women, although not as direct as a few of them, also showed countless interesting expressions in their eyes.

Today, only Qiye and Xiaolan went to take the wedding photos, and even Fei Yingli did not go. Qiye did not allow them to follow.

If they follow, Fei Yingli, You Xizi, these mature women may not be a big problem, but a few young girls may not help but want to take a few photos. If the time comes, Qiye may not be easy to scan them. Xing, so they simply forbid them to follow them at home.

Qiye pulled down the four that were hanging on her body, and then one person rewarded him with a punishment for shaving his nose, and said, "Okay, don't be so impatient. The photos will be delivered in five days. You will take care of it by then. , Don't be too surprised." Qi Ye smiled, just to stun them.

The faces of the women all showed anger, and Saya Gao Cheng kicked Qiye directly and said, "Asshole, don't talk half way!"

"I just like to say half of it." Qiye smiled and looked at Saya with an angry face, and said: "If Saya is willing to accompany me alone tonight, I can tell you in advance."

"Okay, okay." Yuanzi said immediately, and sold Gaocheng Saya without politeness at all. "Let Saya accompany Qiye alone today. Hurry up and talk about what the wedding photos look like. ?"

"Hey, Yuanzi!!" Gaocheng Saye yelled out of shame, "How can you do this!"

"What's wrong?" Yuanzi curled his lips and said: "Besides, everyone wants to know what Qiye and Xiaolan's wedding photos look like. Saya, you should sacrifice a little, and it's not a bad thing. ."

"What do you mean by'it's not a bad thing'?" Gao Cheng Saya's face was sullen, and he stared at the garden fiercely, and said: "If you want to come by yourself, I won't be with this guy... that!"

Saya Gaocheng said that partly because of her arrogant temperament. On the other hand, it is too difficult for Saya, who is struggling in sports and lacks physical strength, to deal with Qiye alone.

"Hey, Saya, I'm very sad when you say that." Qiye looked at Saya helplessly, and then turned into a look of evil again, and said: "I have decided, let Saya be with me tonight. "

"Asshole! I haven't agreed yet!" Gao Cheng Saya stomped in shame, trying to escape, but Qiye grabbed her little hand first, and couldn't escape.

"Yeah!" Yuanzi made a win, and then looked at Qiye eagerly, and said: "Qiyae, now we can tell what the wedding photo looks like."

"Of course..." Qiye dragged a long tone, and after all the appetites of a few curious babies were stoked, he said: "No!"

"Hey~~~~" Several girls uttered a long and irritating tone at the same time, and He Ye even beaten for seven nights, and said: "The one who speaks is not counted as the bad guy!"

"It doesn't matter if I say anything, I mean if Saya stays with me at night, I will tell you, but now Saya is not voluntary, I asked for it." Qiye said with a nice face, but the next sentence It changed back, "And I was a badass."

"Asshole! You hate it!"

Obviously aware of the few who had been tricked, they immediately jumped up with their teeth and claws. Before dinner, they had to do a pre-dinner exercise.


The next morning, Qiye and Xiaolan woke up together, looked at the person lying next to them, smiled at the same time, and then served each other to dress. In the morning, there was a burst of tenderness and honey.

After getting dressed, Xiaolan went downstairs to wash and prepared to eat breakfast, but Qiye arrived at the room next to Xiaolan’s room, reached out and unscrewed the doorknob directly, looking at the red-haired girl who was still sleeping on the bed, her face A smirk could not help appearing.

Last night, Qiye really let Gaocheng Saya serve him alone, and the result was that the girl with big breasts was so embarrassed that she "would rather die than follow," but in the end she couldn't resist Qiye's weird power. He was stripped naked and thrown on the bed. Only half dead before fainting.

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