Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 716

Qiye rushed to the bed and grabbed Saya's unscientific breasts with her hands, and said, "Saya, I'm getting up soon. I'm going to be spanked when I lie in bed."

"Hmm..." Gaocheng Saya was still asleep, when he heard Qiye's voice suddenly, his eyes opened slightly, and his consciousness gradually returned to his brain. He felt the big hand on his chest, his consciousness has not yet Completely awake, the blush has poured into her cute little face.

"Asshole, what did you do early in the morning..." Gao Cheng Saya complained in shame, because his brain was still not sober, his voice was a little confused, glutinous, and very cute.

"Of course it's here to soothe my lovely Saya." Qiye smiled badly. He didn't have this thought before. Seeing Gaocheng Saya sleeping in a daze, Qiye came to the mood and directly pressed it on.

"Ah... you're bad... don't..." Poor Gaocheng Saya was in this dazed state, and was just like that by this slut.

After the morning exercises, the fully awake Saya Gaocheng realized the situation just now, and almost rushed to kill Qiye, but after Qiye stubbornly stood up his brother, Saya Gaocheng immediately defeated.

After breakfast, Qiye’s task today is not light. He has to go to the hotel in the morning to see the preparation of the banquet. According to the menu he ordered, Qiye has a large number of guests, so the amount of ingredients needed is also large. All these must be prepared. Well, you can't drop the chain at the wedding.

In the afternoon, he would go to the wedding photo studio. To be honest, he himself would like to see the effect of yesterday's wedding photo for the first time.

These hard things, Xiao Lan, don't need to go, and leave it to a man to solve, and Xiao Lan has only one task today-shopping!

Shopping is indeed a specialty of women. They always have endless physical strength and interest when pressing the road. Today Saturday, a few students at school have no class, and several girls all accompanied Xiaolan to the road. , And their main goal of sweeping goods today is baby products.

After the wedding, Xiaolan will become a mother in about half a year. The baby's clothes, milk powder, and toys must be prepared in advance, otherwise it will be troublesome to prepare again.

Speaking of these girls, the eldest is Mira. He is nineteen years old this year. According to the Japanese algorithm, he is not an adult, but one of them is particularly interested in babies. After the birth of this child, except With the exception of Xiaolan's mother, this vote is all godmother.

It is indeed a rare thing to see nine girls in groups visiting the baby supplies store, and two of these girls also carried weapons, a samurai sword and a gentian gun, all of which were shot. The kind that can really kill, is this definitely not the rhythm of robbery?

Chapter Seven Hundred-Big Sister Poison Island Kungko!

Jingling, Jingling...

The sound of an alarm clock awakened Conan, and Conan immediately ejected from the bed. It could be seen that he slept very lightly and had poor sleep quality.

Conan could have fooled Little Lolita’s face. At this time, her face was white, white, and scary, without the gloss of a normal healthy person. There were faint dark circles around her eyes, and her eye sockets were also a little sunken. , It looks like you are taking drugs.

Conan picked up his cell phone and dialed one of the most important numbers again. Of course, what he got was again "The phone you dialed is turned off."

What Conan didn’t know was that soon after he made the call, Yuanzi thought about it, and directly lost Xiaolan’s mobile phone, and then changed her to a new mobile phone and new number, purely to prevent Kudo Shin from coming again. Harass Xiaolan.

Conan took out from his arms the two antidote that he had asked for since childhood when he abandoned his dignity. He only had these two antidote, and one antidote could last for about five hours. In other words, he could only change Cheng Kudo Shinichi only took ten hours, and one of the antidote must be used at the wedding banquet. He must attend Xiaolan’s wedding as Kudo Shinichi, or Dr. Aka would die, that is to say, Conan only had five. Hours of time.

Conan took off his clothes, and then took out an antidote, his face looked as if he was eating toxic cyanide, and swallowed an antidote.

Soon, the antidote's effect occurred in Conan's body, and Conan immediately screamed.

Whether it’s getting bigger or smaller, Conan’s body is constantly convulsing and trembling on the bed, and his body is just like in a science fiction movie. He began to grow up quickly. In less than two minutes, he grew up from a kid. The head became a youth.

When Conan became Shinichi Kudo again, he rolled his eyes and immediately fainted on the bed.

Originally, according to Kudo Shinichi’s willpower, he should not faint, and he already has the experience of restoring to the original state, and it should not be the case. However, he has suffered too many blows recently, and his mental power has been far worse than before. In addition, the protagonist's luck has disappeared, so Kudo Shinichi has not survived the increased pain this time, and fainted.

Dr. A Li knew that he was going to take the antidote to get bigger, so he didn't feel anything when he heard his scream, so he just ignored him.

Kudo Shinichi fainted on the bed until he woke up naturally, which was more than half an hour later.

"Damn it, my head hurts." Shinichi Kudo clutched his forehead and said in a low voice. He didn't sleep well last night, his spirit was continuously hit, and he just suffered the pain of getting bigger. It was strange that his head didn't hurt. , This is more serious than a hangover.

After resting for a few minutes, Kudo Shinichi looked at the alarm clock. It has been more than half an hour. In other words, he still has more than four hours. Time is not waiting. Kudo Shinichi immediately put on the prepared clothes. , After talking to Dr. A Li, he rushed out immediately.

The reason why Kudo Shinichi pays so much attention to time is because he doesn't know how to get in touch with Xiaolan. The most convenient mobile phone is no longer working. Kudo Shinichi can only go to Xiaolan directly, but the most serious problem is that he is in the Six Houses. Can't get in.

The Liudao Mansion has always been strictly forbidden for men outside of Qiye. Even children have never been exceptional. Conan used to want to get into the Liudao Mansion because of various things, but he was bombed by Qiye or by the poison island. come out.

Kudo Shinichi must master the time for the antidote, otherwise he might even turn back to Conan on the street. If he is photographed or discovered by the black organization, Kudo Shinichi can't imagine the consequences.

Can’t get in, Kudo Shinichi can only wait for Xiaolan to come out outside the Liudao House. Kudo Shinichi didn’t wait too long. At about eight o’clock in the morning, Xiaolan walked out of the Liudao House surrounded by eight sisters. .

Kudo Shinichi originally wanted to go to Xiaolan immediately, but the long violet hair among the nine people made Kudo Shinichi have to dispel this idea.

There are two people Kudo Shinichi is most afraid of. One is Fei Hideri, and the other is Toshishima Masako.

Although Dudao Kongzi is still young, he is the most prestigious family besides Qiye. Although he is only 18 years old, Dudao Kongzi has a convincing personality. Although Qiye’s home is not big or small, even It is the two maids Honami and Minaho, and everyone sincerely regards them as sisters, but Toshishima Tsuneko is the eldest sister that everyone secretly recognizes.

Because she practiced swords all the time, Dudao Kongzi had a calmness that ordinary people couldn't have, and the fierce sword intent that enveloped her.When the sword of Poison Island Kongzi is out of its sheath, her enemies will be completely enveloped in her sword intent, and weak-willed people will even frighten their legs.

Kudo Shinichi tried to break into the six houses several times before, but he was cut out by Toshishima Toshiko. His heart had already left a shadow on Toshishima Toshiko's sharp sword intent. This kind of shadow, unless he can defeat the poison. Dao Tongzi, otherwise it would never disappear, but Dudao Tongzi would never lose.

Because the Toxic Island is here, Kudo Shinichi dare not go out to find Xiaolan, so he can only hang from a distance like a thief, waiting for Toxic Island to leave, so that he has a chance to approach Xiaolan. After all, he can't Shout out on the street about Qiye's wife Yingli.

In the baby shop...

"Xiao Lan, what do you think about this milk bottle?" Yuanzi said to Xiao Lan as if offering a treasure, holding a milk bottle she had chosen.

Xiaolan took the baby bottle and looked at it, and smiled: "I think it's pretty good, it's pretty."

"Come on..." Toshishima Koko reluctantly stroked his forehead, and said: "This is choosing a bottle for the baby. Safety is the most important thing. Just put aside what looks good."

After speaking, I took the baby bottle selected by the garden, hung it back on the shelf, and preached: "This baby bottle is made of glass, which is heavier and fragile compared to other materials. If you accidentally break it, What should I do if the glass scratches the baby?"

"Ah pull?" Yuanzi touched his head and smiled embarrassedly: "I didn't expect that much."

Dudao Kongzi rolled her eyes helplessly, and said as if she were an older sister: "You, what if you become pregnant with a baby in the future?"

Yuanzi chuckled, her defiant temperament would be really a big trouble if she was really pregnant.

Dudao Kongzi's gaze swept across a row of shelves, among the densely packed milk bottles, and then quickly locked the very special milk bottle on a separate shelf next to it, took it down, and handed it to Xiaolan. : "Buy this."

This milk bottle is very special. It is different from the cylindrical shape of the general milk bottle. The "body" of this milk bottle is much more "full", and the mouth of the milk bottle is much wider than the general milk bottle.

Xiaolan looked at the label on the box. Three thousand five hundred yen, which is more than two hundred in RMB, is indeed very expensive for a baby bottle.

"Now, sister Kong, is there anything special about this bottle?" Yuanzi looked at this strangely shaped bottle strangely.

Dudao Kongzi looked at the eight curious babies and shook his head helplessly. Was she the only one doing homework?

Even so, Toshishima is still happy to be a teacher for her sisters, saying: "This is the baby bottle of comotomo and the most famous baby bottle in the world. The entire baby bottle is made of the safest medical grade silicone. Don’t worry. Any safety issues, and the design of this bottle is closer to the human body, the baby will like it more."

Toxic Island feels like he has become a parenting expert now, and he wants to teach these eight curious babies.

"Sister Kong knows really well." Yuanzi pointed her chin with a finger, and then smiled badly, and said, "Isn't Zijie Kong already thinking about giving birth to Qiye to know so clearly?"

As soon as this statement came out, in addition to Xiaolan, the remaining seven girls all looked at Dudao Tongzi jokingly. After all, Dudao Tongzi was so perfect that they were a little scary. Usually they joked and wanted to drive on Dudao Tongzi. It's difficult, because Dudao Kongzi never reveals flaws.

This time Toshishima Toshiko also let them down, holding her own Muramaru, and said: "Yes, I admit that I did research these things because I really wanted to get pregnant. Don't talk about me, don't you guys? A few girls don't want to." Kengzi started to fight back.

When the words of Toshishima Tsukoko came out, except for the pregnant Xiaolan and the thick-skinned garden, the remaining six faces blushed, especially the two girls, Miyamoto Rei and Mira.

With a single sentence, Toshima Tsuneko reversed the disadvantages. Seeing Miyamoto Rei and Mira shy, they chased after victory: "Rei, Mira, you two are still virgins, do you want me to create opportunities for you and Qiye Ah, it's very comfortable." (Sword Ji also has a time of pimping)

"I don't want that! Especially with that bastard!" Mila stomped her feet in shame, and cried out incongruously. Although Mila looks exactly the same as Ran, her personality is similar to that of Saya. Tired eldest lady, a tired little princess.

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