Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 718

Xiaolan was stunned by what Kudo Shinichi said, but the reason was that it was different from Kudo Shinichi's expectations. Kudo Shinichi thought Xiaolan's mood was shocked, sad and unbelievable, but Xiaolan was actually not that way. Dramatic psychological fluctuations.

Xiaolan just wondered why Shinichi Kudo knew about this, nothing more.

"This is what you want to talk about?" Xiaolan looked at Kudo Shinichi strangely, and came to her specially. After so many words, this is what she wanted to say?It's so boring.

Xiaolan's words also made Kudo Shin a stunned, staring at Xiaolan's more beautiful face than ever before, and said: "Xiaolan... are you... okay?"

"What can I do?" Xiaolan said without concern, then stood up, looked at Kudo Shinichi, and said, "So what you are about to say is such a boring thing."

"Xiaolan, what I said is true!" Kudo Shinichi thought that Xiaolan didn't believe it, and shouted.

Kudo Shinichi's voice attracted the attention of many people. Toshishima Sakiko drank the tea in the cup and said: "It's almost time to go, waiter, pay the bill."

"Lan, what I said is true. It's the bastard of Liudaoqiye...Uh..."

Kudo Shinichi's words were choked up here, because Xiaolan used her soft and white jade hand to pinch Kudo Shinichi's neck severely, making him speechless.

"Do you dare to say that Qiye is not a good try?!"

Xiaolan looked at Kudo Shinichi with a sharp gaze. For the first time, something appeared in her eyes, murderous, and Xiaolan showed a murderous look towards her childhood sweetheart.

"" Shinichi Kudo looked at Xiao Lan in disbelief. He never thought that Xiao Lan would pinch his neck, almost suffocating him, and even wanted to kill him.

"Lan." A jade hand was placed on Xiao Lan's shoulder, accompanied by beautiful long violet hair. "There is no need to get angry for this kind of guy, be careful of children."

"I see, Sister Kong." Xiaolan let go, calmed her breathing, calmed her mood, and completely eliminated Kudo Shinichi from her heart.

The garden was half hung on Xiaolan's body, and he looked at Kudo Shinichi who was paralyzed on the sofa with a pale face, and said, "I thought you were going to talk to Xiaolan about something important. It's boring to know everything."


"Okay." Kenzi clapped his hands and said, "Don't worry about this guy. It's almost noon now. Let's go for lunch first, and then go to other shopping malls in the afternoon. The baby's crib has not been bought yet. , And the family has to redecorate a baby room, and the wallpaper, paint, and floor have to be bought."

"Okay, okay, go to eat." Qingzi, who has recently awakened as a foodie, said very happily when she heard about eating.

"Wow, Qingzi, you've eaten a lot recently, aren't you afraid of getting fat?" He Ye looked at Qingzi strangely, and then squeezed his stomach to control his weight.

"Hehe, Qingzi intends to eat more to make her breasts grow, but it doesn't seem to have any effect yet." Hongzi chuckled and sold his best friend directly.

"Ah! Hongzi, you betray me!" Qingzi's tender face immediately became red, and she fought with Hongzi in an agitated manner. The women all made fun of someone who was thinking about their breasts growing up soon.

The nine girls laughed while playing and walked out of the cafe.


In the anticipation (?), it is finally the wedding day, and on this day, the busiest is naturally the bride and groom today.

Qiye, the bridegroom didn't sleep at all last night. Early in the morning, under the service of Kengzi and Mingmei, he put on his today's gown and got on the wedding car to greet his bride.

When getting married, the etiquette is natural. Xiaolan moved to Fei Yingli three days ago. To be precise, she moved with Fei Yingri, Qingzi, Mila and Ye Youyuan to where Fei Yingli used to live. That apartment, but because there was no one living in it for a long time, I asked the housekeeping company to clean the house two days in advance before moving in.

When Qiye arrived at Fei Yingli's side, she was naturally obstructed by the bridesmaid. After three or three calamities, and nine or nine difficulties, she received his beautiful bride.

Ten Lamborghini took the lead, twelve Porsches escorted a Rolls-Royce among them, and there were ten Ferraris behind the palace. The super-luxury caravan attracted many eyes on the streets of Tokyo.

In any case, anyone will have their eyes straight when they see billions of bills running on the street.

The interior space of the Rolls-Royce Phantom LWB is very large, but at the moment there are only three people in this car, Qiye, Xiaolan, and a driver.

Qiye is the bridegroom today. Of course, he won't bother to drive him, but it's almost the same, because the driver is his clone. On such an important day, he can't worry about handing over the responsibility of driving to the victim.

Qiye stretched out her hand to hold Xiaolan's cold and slightly trembling little hand, and said, "Lan, are you nervous?"

Xiao Lan turned her head, looked at Qiye's dress and face that was much more serious than usual, a smile on her face unconsciously, and said: "It's a bit nervous, but I'm very happy."

"Me too." Qiye held Xiaolan's face, wiped off her tears before she fell, and smiled and said, "Lan, don't cry your makeup, otherwise it will be very laborious to apply it again. Oh."

"Haha..." Xiaolan wiped the corners of her eyes, smiled and looked at Qiye, and said: "If I mess up the makeup, I won't do it myself, and I'm afraid that Yoko will turn my face with me."

There are many sayings about the most beautiful moments of a woman, and one of them is recognized as the moment of putting on a wedding gown and becoming a bride.

For Xiaolan's bridal makeup today, everyone also spent a lot of thought. The final decision was that Yoko invited a top makeup artist she knew to take charge of Xiaolan's makeup today, which also made Yoko a lot of thought.

Qiye scraped Xiaolan's nose with a smile, "Yoko wouldn't choose today even if she had to turn her face, otherwise I would spank her ass."

Xiaolan touched her nose, then made a grimace at him, pouting and said, "I'm afraid that Yoko will retaliate against me when he gets married."

Qiye was stunned for a while, and then laughed, Xiaolan's thoughts were really cute.

Today's traffic seems to be very convenient for Seven Nights. There were no traffic jams along the way. The convoy quickly reached the venue for the wedding banquet, the Ritz-Carlton Tokyo.

For today's wedding banquet, Qiye has already packaged the entire Ritz-Carlton Hotel, and prepared for the banquet tonight.

The convoy stopped at the door of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, and two Lamborghini in front of the Rolls-Royce where Qiye sat down two men and two women, and they were today's best man and bridesmaid.

The best man and bridesmaids have important responsibilities at the wedding banquet. From the beginning of the wedding reception, the best man and bridesmaids are responsible for welcoming guests after arriving at the venue. They must also always pay attention to whether there is any problem with the makeup of the bride and groom. In the banquet, the bride and groom meet Whenever it is troublesome, they can all stop them. Blocking the wine is the most common. When the ceremony comes, the best man and the bridesmaid are also responsible for welcoming the witness and the parents of both parties. Finally, the best man will lead the bridal chamber, except for the bride and groom In the whole wedding banquet, only the best man and bridesmaids are going to run through the whole venue. If the best man and bridesmaids are not reliable, the wedding banquet will be dangerous.

The best man and bridesmaid got out of the car and opened the doors for Qiye and Xiaolan respectively. Today, Mila and Qingzi served as bridesmaids on this extremely important occasion... these two unreliable girls.

Qiye started to replenish his brains. When the two bridesmaids showed up at the venue with the bride, three identical faces, what rhythm is this?

Qiye didn't intend to give the important work of bridesmaid to the two unreliable girls, Mira and Qingzi, but in the end he couldn't help them, and Qiye was actually looking forward to seeing three identical faces appearing at the wedding banquet. So I agreed in the end.

The two best men on Qiye opened the door for him, and when Qiye got off the bus, the two best men smiled at Qiye and made a kiss with a pair of white teeth.

Qiye felt a bit of cold, and couldn't help but rub his arms and got goose bumps all over.

The two best men of Qiye are actually worse than the bridesmaids. Qiye originally planned to invite Lupin III to be his best man, but that guy is probably the most unreliable person in the world, and Qiye’s wedding banquet was invited. For many policemen, Qiye didn't want her wedding to become a full-fledged martial artist, so finally let it go.

And the number of best man and bridesmaids should be equal. Since there are two bridesmaids, one best man will definitely not work.

The final result is that the names of these two best men are called Mine Fujiko and Sharon Wynyard. Let me go!

Feng Fujiko and Belmode both disguised themselves as men, and came to be the best man for Nanya. I have to say that Nanya is great. The woman Yukiko wanted to get a share, but she doesn’t have the ability to change her voice without a machine. , So I can only give up.

"You two, give me a little more seriousness!" Qiye whispered to Feng Fujiko and Belmode, although they knew it was them, but now the appearance of this man makes such an expression to him, he is not gay. ?!

Feng Fujiko and Belmode are just joking, they will not be so stupid that they will offend him at Qiye's wedding, or Qiye will make them both die sooner or later.

After entering the hotel, the hotel manager led Qiye and Xiaolan to the lounge. They had rehearsed the wedding process before, so they were familiar with some things.

After a simple meal at noon, Xiaolan was surrounded by a few girls into the lounge to make up, and Qiye wanted to follow up, but was stopped by the garden.

"Girls change clothes, Qiye is not allowed to come in." The garden blocked the entrance of the lounge, making it clear that Qiye was not allowed in.

"Why are these words so familiar?" Qiye's head dropped a few black lines, which seemed to have been heard during the last school festival.

"Hehehe..." The garden showed a mischievous smile, while pushing Qiye out, and said: "Alright, alright, hurry out, it's a gangster who is peeking at the girl changing clothes!"

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