Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 719

"I was a gangster, okay?" Qiye complained to herself, but she was pushed out by the garden and could only go back to her lounge.

In Qiye’s lounge, only Feng Fujiko and Belmode were present at the moment, and most of the people gathered in Xiaolan’s lounge.

Qiye kicked the door shut with one foot, and then locked the door. When the two women saw him doing this, they took off the headgear from their faces, revealing the original stunning face and beautiful long wavy hair.

Today this is definitely a wedding that is prosperous and declining. Except for the bridegroom, naturally the bride and bridesmaids needless to say. Even the two best men are women. I can tell you that today’s wedding host is also a woman. I got the banquet today. The guests of the highest grade nine-diamond platinum card are also all women. Qiye has no father and no mother, and it is impossible for Kogoro Mouri to come. The parents of both parties are actually Fei Yingri alone.

Belmode shook his head, and a big light golden wave that had been restrained was fully unfolded. Then, Belmode walked to the front of Qiye with a catwalk, his slender fingers circled Qiye’s chest, with an ambiguous expression. He said: "My dear, how does it feel to be a groom for the first time?"

"What about you? What do you think of being a best man?" Qiye held Belmode's waist, reached out and touched something that was not hard or soft, but it was not Belmode's skin, could not help but said: "This feels really bad. "

Belmode's figure is considered tall among women, but after all, it is different from men. Women's skeletons are also narrower, so to imitate men, there must still be some fillers in the body.

"Gluck..." Bellmode smiled softly, and said: "The first time I am a best man, it feels very special, and I can see you with such a funny expression."

Qiye rolled her eyes, lowered her head, and said, "Belmod, you are provoking me."

"So what?" Belmode gave Qiye a wink and said, "You don't want to be with me today, but today is your wedding."

"I think this idea is very good." Qiye grinned and kissed Belmode.

Belmode froze for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect Qiye to have this kind of interest on the wedding day, but he didn't refuse him. He immediately hugged Qiye with his arm, and kissed him passionately, completely the other person who was present Set aside.

"Hey, don't you ignore me, okay?" Feng Fujiko resignedly expressed his emotions.

"Of course I won't ignore you." Qiye left Belmode's little mouth, and then reached out his arm around Feng Fujiko, and the three fell together on the sofa in the lounge.

Feng Fujiko raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you really plan to do it now? If you smell it on your body, it won't be good to confess to your bride." Damn, this bastard wouldn't really plan to do it now. She knew I was still...definitely to be laughed at by her.

"I just plan to do it here." Qiye noticed the panic in Feng Fujiko's eyes, and even smiled, reaching out and starting to lift Feng Fujiko's clothes.

Feng Fujiko's face rose blush. At this time, she wanted to remain calm as before, but it was a bit difficult, and her heart was flustered. Because Belmode was by her side, Feng Fujiko didn't know whether she should struggle like a little girl, or Should bear like a mature woman.

Suits, shirts, chest straps, padding, fat times, and soon all fell on the ground, 99.9 proud chest, 55.5 unscientific slender waist, and 88.8, round and plump buttocks.

In terms of overall charm, Feng Fujiko and Belmode are on the same level, but Feng Fujiko is better in figure, and Belmode is better than her devilish witch character, which is both righteous and evil.

"It's the baby who makes me impulsive." Qiye exclaimed, and then bit one of them in one bite.

"Oh..." Feng Fujiko couldn't help but let out a soft cry, blushing, and then turned his head because of his aggressive temperament, and gave Belmode a triumphant look.

Belmode gritted her teeth secretly, but in terms of her figure, she was still inferior to Feng Fujiko.

Qiye sat on the sofa, and Feng Fujiko sat on his lap facing Qiye. Qiye held Feng Fujiko's strong legs in his hands, raised her a little too high, and then put her down. Feng Fujiko's body is because of the great earth. The attraction fell, the huge thing slowly entered, and the huge size made Feng Fujiko hold his breath.

Belmode looked at Feng Fujiko's reaction suspiciously, this woman, shouldn't she return...


The painful cry of Feng Fujiko and the red liquid flowing from below confirmed Belmode's reaction. The trace of blood penetrated into the nasal cavity. Belmode smiled and said: "I didn't expect it, so you still...but now Not any more."

Feng Fujiko opened his eyes and glared at her, but his pale face from the severe pain and tears in the corners of his eyes made Feng Fujiko look pitiful.

"Belmode." Qiye reprimanded in a low voice, and it was almost here, and it would hurt feelings if it went on.

Belmode didn't speak any more, his slender fingers flicked the corners of his mouth, but there was a way to laugh at her in the future... In his eyes, an insignificant trace of envy flashed.

Qiye lowered her head and kissed Feng Fujiko's lips, and said, "Relax, baby." It's obviously a place, why be so aggressive.

Feng Fujiko looked at the light in Qiye's eyes. At this moment, she could no longer be evenly matched with him, and took the initiative to send her own sweet kiss.

Qiye was victorious, and after Feng Fujiko got used to it, he began his expedition.


The three of them tossed for two hours before Mingjin retreated. It is now more than three o'clock in the afternoon. The guests have gradually arrived, and the two best men should also go out to receive guests.

Qiye helped the two girls regain their strength and eased Feng Fujiko's pain. The two girls dressed up again and went out together.

Belmode looked at Feng Fujiko’s gaze and walking, and couldn’t help but remind her in a low voice, “Hey, pay attention to your walking posture and the look in your eyes. Don’t forget that you are now a man. , Don’t let people catch your attention."

When the new melon was first broken, Feng Fujiko was naturally a little different. He walked unconsciously with some twists, and his eyes were a little flattering. He looked like a coquettish man. Belmode felt like vomiting.

Feng Fujiko froze for a moment, and immediately adjusted her state. Although she was a little grateful to Belmode, she would never say it, not to mention that she had just been seen by Belmode, which is even more so Will not take the initiative to speak to her.

Belmode didn't care, and the two went out, as the best man, and began to receive guests.

Belmode was originally a big star better than Yukiko. What kind of banquet hasn't been seen before. At this time, it is naturally not a problem. Feng Fujiko is also a natural liar, and it is easy to deal with these guests.

It was 7:30 in the evening, and the wedding finally began.

Chapter 703-When the wedding is in progress!

There were so many guests at this wedding that they used the largest banquet hall in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

It was originally only Qiye and Xiaolan’s wedding, but the friends invited were not just their two friends. Qiye’s friends at the Metropolitan Police Department and Xiaolan’s friends at Didan High School totaled two to three hundred people. That's a lot.

However, Qiye sent out a lot of invitations, almost including all his friends of women, Eiji Fei and Reiko Kujo’s friends in the legal world, Qingzi’s friends in Jiang Gutian, including Kiko, Belmod, Yoko, and Terumi in the entertainment industry. Friends, all kinds of miscellaneous add up, the total number of guests exceeds two thousand.

For more than two thousand guests, more than 100 tables of luxury banquets were prepared. According to the classification of invitations, the lower the invitation, the farther the invitation is from the main stage. There is no indication of the invitation level on the invitation. Many of them got gold. At first, the guests of the invitation thought it was a very high-class position, but only after they arrived they realized that there were still platinum and diamond cards pressed on them. While secretly embarrassed, they also secretly stunned the cost of the wedding banquet.

The one closest to the main table is for the VIPs who get the nine-diamond diamond card. This table is big and exaggerated because it is the largest long table in this hotel.(It’s almost 30th)

Everyone is also wondering, who can get the extremely luxurious nine-diamond platinum card and sit on this most luxurious table, but when the guests of this table successively took their seats, many people were surprised. Get up, because the entire table is full of women.

There are young, mature, heroic, weak and innocent, and even two little loli, but without exception, they are all very beautiful.

People who know Qiye, especially men, have the urge to smash their heads to death. Is this the rhythm of showing off his girlfriend at his wedding?

It takes courage to invite so many ex-girlfriends at a wedding, and it takes more courage to invite so many ex-girlfriends, and to invite so many current girlfriends at one's own wedding, the world will come out in Qiye.

Are you really afraid that the harem will catch fire?

The girls are sitting around the main table. The snacks and drinks are already on the table. Because the table is too big, if you just put the dishes on the table, it is inconvenient to pick up the dishes, so this table It is the kind of revolving track with sushi conveyor.

"Yuanzi, don't eat too many desserts, or be careful to get tired of you." Ayako reluctantly looked at someone who was eating happily next to her, and taught her with all her heart.

"Hi, I won't eat this after eating this." Yuanzi once again swallowed a dark chocolate macaron that was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. He squinted and said. The macaron itself was made with a very high sugar content, if the filling If you use bitter dark chocolate with a very high content of cocoa butter, it's delicious.

"You said this ten minutes ago." Ayako reluctantly complained to her. Seeing Yuanzi, the jumping girl, turned her attention to the cake again, Ayako suddenly had the urge to hit her to death.

"Hey, Ayako, don't care about the garden anyway, no matter how much she eats, her breasts won't get bigger." Heye said with a smile after drinking a mouthful of freshly squeezed juice.

Since the last time Qingzi started to awaken to eat food in order to increase her breasts, Yuanzi seems to have been infected by Qingzi, and her mouth has been constantly changing recently.

Yuanzi licked the corner of her mouth, rolled the debris on her lips into her mouth, and said, "You are not much older than me."

He Ye smiled and grimaced at the garden, and said, "As long as it's older than you!"

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