Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 720

He Ye's figure is a relatively normal figure of this young girl, full of youthful vitality, but the breasts are not considered proud, the breasts of the family are smaller than He Ye, even if you add Xiao Ai and Bu Mei, you can count them with one hand. , But compared to Yuanzi, Heye still beats a lot.

Purely compare with the above, but with more than the below.

He Ye and Yuanzi immediately started arguing about the breasts. Xiao Ai put down the coffee cup and glanced at them. A flash of amusement and helplessness flashed in her eyes, and she coldly complained, "Idiot."

Xiao Ai is not worried about this problem, because she is not a normal little Lolita after all. She knows how old she is when she grows up. Although she doesn't talk about big breasts, she is definitely much bigger than Heye, Yuanzi, and Qingzi.

Fortunately, the scene has not yet quieted down, otherwise letting others hear their conversation might attract a lot of attention.

It was 7:30 in the evening and the wedding officially began. Yoko Okino, wearing a small black dress, walked onto the main stage. Today, she exists as the host of the wedding.

"Yoko is very nervous," Hoshino Terumi, who was sitting below, said lightly. As a best friend, she could see the tension hidden under Yoko's smile.

"This is also normal, right." Dudao Yuzi smiled and curled her hair with her fingers, and said: "After all, today you absolutely can't make mistakes."

Yoko Okino is indeed very nervous, more nervous than any time on stage. When Qiye asked her to act as the emcee of his wedding, Yoko Okino was also shocked. This is the hosting experience that Yoko Okino values ​​most.

"Gentlemen and ladies, thank you very much for coming to attend the wedding of Mr. Liudao Qiye and Miss Morilan in your busy schedule." Yoko Okino took the microphone in her hand and said the prepared lines, simply, her voice was not trembling.

After a series of traditional host speeches, finally came to the topic.

"Next, with the music of the Moonlight Sonata, let us welcome the bride and groom to the show."

The lights of the entire huge banquet hall were dimmed and turned into a warm soft light of pale colors, rendering a romantic and warm atmosphere.

Slowly and melodious piano music sounded from the stage. She was dressed in a long white dress. Ten fingers leaped gently on the piano keys. One of her best songs, the piano sonata "Moonlight", came from her fingers. The tip jumped out.

"Moonlight" is the reason why Chengshi and Qiye first became acquainted with each other. Chengshi's technology is not top-notch, but it contains her endless affection.

Perhaps at a wedding, it is not appropriate to express affection to the bridegroom with the sound of the piano, but it is very suitable at this time. Chengshi didn't think so, but when he played, he involuntarily remembered her and Qiye When we met, the emotions blended into the sound of the piano and passed into the ears of every guest.

The affectionate moonlight is no longer cold and cold, but warm, warm, like the sun in the winter afternoon, not so fiery, like the softest woolen goose down, sprinkled on everyone’s body, making people Warmth came from the bottom of my heart.

Accompanied by the gentle and affectionate moonlight song, today's bride and groom, accompanied by the best man and bridesmaid, walked out from both sides of the venue. It seems that they were also affected by the moonlight. Every step of them happened to step on the sound of the moonlight. On the node, the coordination is seamless.

The gentle and melodious music, accompanied by the footsteps, made them look perfect, just walking.

Today's protagonist is Qiye and Xiaolan after all, not the piano, everyone's eyes are focused on the bride and groom, and they exclaimed.

so perfect!

Qiye's fitted gown, the perfect gown designed according to his figure, can show his figure while maintaining seriousness.The broad and solid chest muscles, the charming and sexy inverted triangle, a pair of slender, strong and powerful legs that men can also have.

The short blond hair is always so dazzling and eye-catching. This is not only in Japan, where black hair is common, even in Europe and the United States where genes determine blond hair. His blond hair is still so dazzling, and he can attract everyone's attention wherever he goes. , But if he insisted, he couldn't tell the difference between his blond hair and others. It seemed that he should be so dazzling.

Scarlet, like two perfect ruby-like eyes, at this time, they have suppressed the usual evil intentions and arrogance, exuding a soft light, looking at the most beautiful woman tonight opposite him.

Xiaolan wears that simple but not simple wedding dress, but the simple design makes her the most beautiful woman tonight, unique.

The hair does not have any special design. It has long brown-black hair that has reached the waist. All the hair stylist does is wash the blue silk and then dry it. It looks natural and beautiful.

Xiaolan's only headdress today is the crown on her head, but for Xiaolan, wearing this crown is not so much a queen, but a princess more accurately.

If there is such a princess in this world, men in this world will probably grab their heads and become her prince, but everyone knows that this pure princess can only belong to the dark prince today.

When the guests noticed the bridesmaid from the bride, many people were shocked, because the two bridesmaids and the bride look exactly the same.

Mila and Qingzi wanted this effect. Today they deliberately put on the same makeup as Xiaolan, and even wore wigs and cosmetic contact lenses, and made their hair color and eye color exactly the same as Xiaolan. The part above the neck, The three can hardly tell each other.

And it’s impossible for Mila and Qingzi to steal Xiaolan’s limelight. They wear little white dresses. Although they look much more gorgeous than Xiaolan’s wedding gowns, everyone with eyes knows that they are inferior to Xiaolan. A big chunk.

Qiye and Xiaolan walked out from the two sides of the banquet hall respectively, and then walked towards the center of the banquet hall, and finally met in the middle. At this time, Qingzi and Mila secretly made faces towards Qiye.

Qiyeqiang resisted the urge to roll her eyes and stretched out her arms towards the heroine tonight.

Xiao Lan pursed the corner of her mouth, stretched out her hand, and took Qiye's arm.

Turning around, the two walked towards the main stage together...

Chapter 704-It's crazy!

No inspiration, bad writing, not sure if there will be a third chapter...


The sound of the Moonlight Sonata kept on, and Qiye and Xiaolan walked slowly towards the stage. In a short distance, they walked more slowly.

Xiaolan's right arm is holding Qiye's arm, and her left hand is holding a bouquet. Walking along the way, she received blessings, admiration, admiration, and even jealous eyes from the guests. Xiaolan felt the vanity of being a little woman for the first time. The heart was extremely satisfied at this time.

Because she got the best husband in the world.

The two walked onto the stage, and Yoko Okino smiled and looked at Qiye and Xiaolan, fulfilling her role as the host, and said: "Mr. Qiye, may I ask you, you can guarantee that you will love Miss Xiaolan for the rest of your life. She is sick or poor, happy or sad, does she love her all her life?"

Qiye looked at Yoko, always feeling that there was something funny in her smile. She rolled her eyes and smiled: "The previous ones are fine, but it's impossible to love Xiaolan for the rest of her life."

I have to say that at a wedding, it takes a lot of courage to say that you can’t just love the bride. Qiye’s words instantly calmed the audience, and even the moonlight stopped.


I don't know who was the first to laugh, and then the whole banquet hall burst into a burst of laughter.

Sato Mikako didn't pay attention to his own image at all, and smiled wildly, and said: "This bastard dares to say this at the wedding. It's a shame that he has the courage!"

"That bastard, he really dared to say anything, but..." Miyamoto also agreed with her good sister. She couldn't bear to look at someone who was wearing a groom's dress and saying something serious at all. Haha laughed.

Indeed, even if he and Xiaolan are married, he cannot only love Xiaolan alone, because there are still them, Qiye's words so unabashedly are not a joke, but a promise that he still loves them, which makes all the girls Because the jealousy that Qiye and Xiaolan had when they got married, basically all disappeared.

The impact of Qiye’s words was not small. The more than 2,000 people in the entire banquet hall basically laughed. Even Belmode and Fengfuzi almost broke the score, but one person couldn’t laugh at all. He is the second person today. The male lead, Shinichi Kudo.

Time goes back to an hour before the wedding...

After seven nights in the lounge waiting for the wedding to begin, after sensing that a certain guest had arrived at the hotel, he suddenly smiled, walked out of the lounge, and blocked the guest's only way.

"Kudo Shinichi, you are finally here. It really made me wait." Qiye leaned against the wall, smiling wickedly at the youth who appeared here.

"Six Dao Qiye, I have come, you should be satisfied this time." Kudo Shinichi looked at Qiye coldly, this time he had already used another antidote.

"Of course I am satisfied, I am very satisfied." Nanya sneered at Kudo Shinichi, and said: "To completely destroy your life, family, love, and friendship are all taken away. Looking at your painful look, I really feel very fulfilled. what."

"Six Dao Qiye, you are so perverted!"

"Whatever you say, anyway, no matter what you say, Xiaolan will not return to you, and my child in her belly will not disappear." Qiye was completely a winner, saying: "The winner, the loser, Kudo Shinichi, in front of me, you can only be a loser forever, because I am so strong."

Kudo Shinichi clenched his fists, but he managed to endure it. During this time, he learned to endure, because he knew that even if he fights, he will not be the opponent of the demon king in front of him.

"Enjoy my wedding, it will make you unforgettable." Qiye stood up straight and looked at Kudo Shinichi with scarlet eyes, and those eyes were followed by mysterious black patterns.

"Don't God!"

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