Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 721


Time to recover...

Nanya performed other gods on Kudo Shinichi. He wanted him not to do anything at the wedding. He wanted to torture Kudo Shinichi, but he would never ruin his carefully prepared wedding for this bastard. worth it.

As the representative of the parents, Fei Yingli also acted as a witness. After speaking the testimony, Xiaolan and Qiye exchanged rings.

Belmode handed the ring box to Qiye. Qiye picked up the ring and took Xiaolan's left hand. Under the attention of everyone, he slowly put the ring on Xiaolan's ring finger.

Qiye held Xiaolan's hand and said emotionally, "Lan, you can never run away now."

Xiaolan nodded shyly, lowered her head slightly, covered the tears in her eyes, and put on a ring for Qiye.

The moment when the ring was put on Qiye's hand, although it was not obvious, both Qiye and Xiaolan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. They finally completed this step, put on the ring and became a husband and wife.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Yuanzi looked at Qiye and Xiaolan on the stage, and immediately shouted, fearing that the world would not chaotically, the guests in the entire banquet hall, led by Yuanzi, also shouted together stand up.

More than two thousand people shouted uniform slogans together, and the deterrence was indeed very unusual. Qiye first glared at Yuanzi, and then turned to look at Xiaolan before the latter glared back.

Xiaolan looked at Qiye with tender eyes. Although she felt shy, she was even more happy. This time, Xiaolan took the initiative beyond everyone's expectations.

Qiye was slightly taken aback by the softness that proactively attached to her lips. Fortunately, he had a lot of similar experiences. He responded promptly and immediately hugged Xiaolan's waist. The softness of the wedding dress and the delicate skin made Qiye very fond of it. , The little life of the angel and the devil inside made Qiye more excited.

"Ooooooo~~" Yuanzi watched Qiye and Xiaolan kissing, and suddenly the unreserved wolf howled a few times, rolled up his sleeves, and wished to rush up.

The other girls are not as exaggerated as the garden, but at this time they all applauded, their eyes filled with blessings and envy. Under their lead, all the guests in the entire banquet hall applauded, and some were unreliable. The whistle made two wolf howls like the garden, and the atmosphere was extremely high at this moment.

Qiye ended her kiss with Xiaolan before the atmosphere subsided. Looking at this woman with blurred starry eyes and blushing blush, she couldn't express her love for her.

"Lan, I'm so lucky I can marry you."

"Me too, Qiye. Being able to marry you is my greatest happiness." Xiaolan's reservedness could no longer suppress her feelings. Such love words were transmitted to everyone present through the microphone.

Qiye let go of Xiaolan. When Yoko was about to remind them that they should go to the champagne tower, Qiye looked at the princess Yingli in a purple evening dress next to him, and a thought that could scare everyone to death suddenly rushed into his head.

Immediately, Qiye stretched out her hand and pulled Fei Yingli into her arms. When everyone did not respond, even when Fei Yingli had no time to scream, she kissed.


The atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell from the boiling point to the freezing point...

too crazy!!!

Chapter 705-Wedding Eve!

I have attended too few weddings. I personally feel that the wedding chapters are poorly written. It's not as good as when we were preparing for the wedding. Let's write the case honestly. Everyone, I'm sorry.


Qiye's actions were too crazy. No one thought that there was no such thing in the original process. No one knew, even Qiye did not expect that he would suddenly do this at the wedding.

The groom, at his wedding, in front of the bride and all the guests, forcibly kiss his mother-in-law?!

Even if they were as calm and calm as Belmode, Feng Fujiko, Hoshino Terumi, and Toshishima Tsuneko, the four women were shocked to the spot, let alone other people.

And Fei Yingli, who was the client, was already stunned. Her identity today is Xiaolan's mother and Qiye's mother-in-law. There shouldn't be such a move between them, even in front of so many people.

After the reaction came, the shyness, panic, fear, and guilt all flooded Fei Yingli's mind, which made her eyes burst into tears, which would drip down at any time.I wanted to resist Qiye's kiss, but I had kissed him countless times on weekdays, and my body couldn't resist him at all. Although he resisted psychologically, the shell teeth opened on his own initiative and welcomed his big tongue in.

Qiye enjoyed the softness and sweetness of Feiyingri's lips very much, but this time he did not close his eyes as comfortable as before. His scarlet eyes fixed on Feiyingri's eyes, and the gentleness in his eyes gradually calmed down Feiyingri .

Forget it, I don't care, leave everything to him.

Fei Yingli could no longer think about the result after this in her heart, she could only give everything she had to her beloved man, and let him solve all the problems afterwards.

The shocking kiss between Qiye and Feiyingli ended. Feiyingli was lying in Qiye's arms, too ashamed to meet people, kissing her son-in-law so passionately, she didn't know how to face it.

Qiye first kissed Fei Yingli's head as if soothing, and then took her hand, facing all the guests, and said without hesitation: "She, Fei Yingli, is also my wife!"

Bang bang bang...

After a period of silence, the first person to applaud was Xiao Lan. She sincerely applauded her mother, even if what this mother did just now is unethical to outsiders, and even hurt her as a daughter. of.

Driven by Xiaolan, all her sisters also clapped. This drove all the guests. Even some people who didn’t know what happened also applaud. No one said anything bad, they You should know how powerful the man standing on the stage has.

Qiye turned off the miniature microphone she was wearing, and then reached Fei Yingli's ear, who was still afraid to raise her head, and said, "Don't worry, my baby, it's all right."

Fei Yingli raised her head secretly, and saw the smiles of her sisters, her heart also relaxed.

Qiye kissed Fei Yingli on the cheek, then let go of her, and took Xiaolan's hand.

Xiao Lan wiped the corners of her eyes with her free hand. It was not sad tears, but touch and joy.Fei Yingli doesn't need to be concealed as before, like being a junior. Now she can be with Qiye in an open and honest manner. This is the reason why Xiaolan is happy.

Qiye and Xiaolan went to pour the champagne tower, while Fei Yingli returned to her seat, stroking her chest with one hand, feeling the heart beating violently. This thing happened so suddenly that Fei Yingli hasn't fully adapted to it yet, which is even more nervous than when she first went to court.

Yukiko hugged Concubine Yingri’s shoulders and said with an ambiguous expression: "Hyori, are you very happy this time? That bastard is so courageous to announce your identity in front of so many people, oooooooo, so romantic. , I never did."

"Fuck you!" Fei Yingli turned her head and glanced at her, then quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and said: "That bastard almost scared me to death. I haven't asked him to settle the account yet!"

"It's still pretending, the corners of her mouth are up to the sky." You Xizi looked at Concubine Yingli indignantly, and then gave another smirk, and said: "Yingli, you should ask him to settle the accounts. Don't ask us for help then. "

Fei Yingli's pretty face turned red. Of course, she knew what You Xizi meant to save lives. She immediately pinched You Xizi and said, "What are you talking about! Are you looking for a fight?"

"Wow! Hit and hit, who is afraid of whom?!"

"Hey, you two are almost done."


The part of the wedding was over and the banquet officially started. The guests ate and drank, no one went to talk about the topic of Concubine Yingli, Qiye and Xiaolan round the table toast, the best man and bridesmaids were also by their side.

Xiaolan was strictly forbidden to drink because she was pregnant. She had Sprite in her glass, so Qingzi and Mira didn’t have much pressure. After all, the amount of drinking of these two girls is really shallow. Up.

Belmode and Feng Fujiko are both massive, and Qiye itself does not need to hide. Most of the wine Jing gave him is let Qiye drink by herself. Belmode and Feng Fujiko don’t need to drink much, and won’t get drunk. .

As the banquet progressed, the enthusiasm was intertwined, and a luxurious wedding banquet was finally over after three hours.

After returning to her new house, after finally blocking all the girls who wanted to make trouble in the bridal chamber, Qiye lay down on the bed all of a sudden, exhaled heavily, and said: "Huh~~It's finally over, yet So nothing has happened."

Xiao Lan picked up the kettle on the table and poured him a glass of water, then gave him a blank look, and said, "You dare to say, you kissed mother in front of so many people, and didn't tell us in advance. Mom was so scared by you."

Qiye took a sip of the water cup, and when he heard Xiaolan's complaint, he smiled immediately and said, "I just had this idea suddenly. If it weren't the case, it would have no effect, and..." Qiye hugged She touched Xiaolan's waist, "Xiaolan, you won't blame me for confessing to Yingli at your wedding, do you?"

"Why?" Xiaolan smiled on her face and rubbed her cheek against Qiye's chest. Although she drank a lot of wine, Qiye didn't smell bad, and she was charmingly masculine afterwards.

"My mother has always been for me, so she didn't disclose her relationship with you. My mother sacrificed so much for me. How can I be angry?"

Qiye stroked Xiaolan's cheek and said, "Xiaolan has become more and more gentle after she became pregnant, she will definitely be a good mother."

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