Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 722

Xiao Lan showed a gentle smile, gently stroking her flat belly, and said: "It should be because of pregnancy. I think I can understand my mother's thinking more and more. Being a mother, for my own children. You can sacrifice everything.” (This sentence is dedicated to my favorite mother, although I always say where her IQ goes)

Qiye's hand touched Xiaolan's belly downwards, and Xiaolan's hands were tightly squeezed together, and said, "You and Yingli are fools, but I love both."

"Hehe..." Xiao Lan chuckled, then thought of something, and said: "Qiyae, will mother feel lonely now alone? After all, you just announced your relationship with her... I will look for it now. Come here mom!"

"Hey!" Qiye amusedly grabbed Xiaolan who was about to run to call Yingli over, stretched out his hand and pinched his nose, and said: "If you call Yingli now, she won't be here."


"It seems that you have only inherited Yingli's kindness and gentleness, but not her wisdom." Qiye reluctantly complained, and then looked at Xiaolan, who still didn't understand, and couldn't help holding her tightly, and said: " Please, my dear Xiaolan, today is our wedding night. It belongs to the two of us, so Yingli will not come here anyway. Understand, Liudaolan?"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Xiaolan's face showed a suddenly realized look, and then became shy again, looking at Qiye, and said: "What did you call me just now?"

This girl reacted surprisingly fast at this point.Qiye smiled secretly in her heart, looked at Xiaolan with a smile on her face, and said, "Liudaolan, is there anything wrong?"

"No, no." Xiaolan lowered her head shyly, a sweet smile on her lips.

Qiye squeezed Xiao Lan's chin and said, "Lan, it's so late, should we do something we should do on our wedding night?"

"I, I'm going to take a shower." Xiaolan pushed away Qiye, carrying her wedding dress, and fled into the bathroom like a frightened little rabbit.

Qiye was amused sitting on the bed alone. She was pregnant with the child, and she became shy again on the wedding night.

Soon, Xiaolan's scream and a wolf's smirk rang in the bathroom...

Chapter 706-Unfeeling Woman!

After getting married, the honeymoon is a must, but it was originally only the honeymoon of Qiye and Xiaolan. Because of Qiye’s behavior at the wedding, he also brought her concubine Yingri, and the three went on their honeymoon together.

Originally, Fei Yingli refused to disturb Qiye and Xiaolan's honeymoon, but in the end she couldn't help them both, so she also followed.

Taking her mother-in-law to spend her honeymoon together is a wonderful experience, because Qiye boldly announced the relationship between Concubine Yingri at the wedding, Concubine Yingri does not need to be like an underground lover, she is in touch. And because Xiaolan was pregnant, she couldn't enjoy the love with Qiye Huan, so Fei Yingli was more enthusiastic in bed than ever before on this honeymoon trip, and Qiye did not endure it all the time.

But just looking at the performance on the bed, it is really hard to tell who is the bride.

For seven nights they went to the Maldives to enjoy the sun, the sea and the beach, and then to Athens, Greece, where they admired the beauty of the Aegean Sea. Because Xiaolan was too pregnant to travel, they went to these two places.

And waiting for them to return to Japan from abroad is already a month later.

Xiaolan has been pregnant for three months now, and her belly is already big, so she is even more of a baby in the family. If she knocks a little bit, the family can be upset.

Fei Yingli returned to the law firm. Because of the relationship between the wedding and the honeymoon, she has been out of work for almost two months, and the backlog of documents can be piled up into a hill.

As soon as Fei Yingli walked into the office, she saw Li Shanlu sitting in her seat and processing documents. Li Shanlu raised her head when she heard the door opening. He saw Feiyingri's face full of cows and said, "Teacher, you But finally came back."

Fei Yingli happily went to her honeymoon, and of course all the affairs of the law firm were left to Kuriyama Ryu.Fei Yingri’s law firm is not the third-rate firm of Kogoro Mori. With Fei Yingri’s reputation and winning rate, there are many lawyers and employees involved in her law firm, plus the cooperation with other firms. This involves a huge economic chain, which can be said to affect the whole body.

Although Kuriyama Midori is Fei Yingri's personal secretary, and has learned a lot from Feiyingri, compared with Feiyingri's resolute work style and determined character, Kuriyama Midori is still far behind. Almost exhausted her in a month.

"Okay, Green, leave it to me." Fei Yingli smiled and walked quickly, Li Shanlu also took advantage of the trend and let Fei Yingli sit down.

Fei Yingli immediately entered the work mode after sitting down, holding the documents that Kuriyama Green hadn't finished reading, and scanning at a glance.

As a boss, any decision involves everyone under him. If you are not careful, a big deal will happen, so you must make a cautious decision. Kuriyama Green also knows this, so the speed of approving documents is much slower than Fei Yingri.

Although it is impossible for a law firm to have more affairs than a Konoha village, there are still a lot of things accumulated in a month.

The return of Fei Yingri also let Kuriyamalu let go of the burden, went to the lounge next door to make two cups of coffee, while drinking coffee, while waiting for Fei Yingri's instructions.

After all, there is still a gap between the boss and the employees. Fei Yingli's work efficiency is much faster than that of Kuriyama Green. In one morning, the documents piled on the desk have been reduced by more than half.

"Huh~~" Fei Yingli exhaled, put down a report on the case received by the office in the last month, and then stretched her waist, her graceful figure stretched out completely because of her action.

"Let’s do it here first, Green, I’m going to have lunch, is the location booked?"

Kuriyama Luzheng hung up the phone, looked at Fei Yingli, and said, "It's already booked, the western restaurant next door."

"Okay, let's go." Fei Yingli was about to stand up when the phone on her desk rang suddenly.

"Hello, who?" Fei Yingli pressed the speakerphone button on the phone.

"Lawyer Concubine." The voice of the receptionist at the front desk came over the phone, "A gentleman who claims to be Kogoro Moori is coming to you?"

"Mouri Kogoro?" Fei Hideri was taken aback, but Kuriyama Green was not surprised, as if she knew that Mouri Kogoro would come.

"Do you want to see him?"

Fei Yingli frowned and considered for a while, then smiled relievedly, and said: "Let him in, by the way, call the security guard for me."


"Green, will that man come to see me lately?" Before Mouri Kogoro arrived at Fei Yingri's office, Fei Yingri asked Kuriyama Midori aloud.

Kuriyama Green nodded and said, "Since Qiye and Xiaolan's wedding, he has come to see the teacher at noon every day, but because you went to spend your honeymoon, you haven't found it."

"Humph!" Fei Yingli snorted coldly, with a disdainful sneer on her face, and said: "Do you know that you are coming to me now? It's too late, waste."

"Teacher, will something happen like this?"

"Don't worry, Green, I had expected such a day for a long time." Fei Yingli smiled faintly, "What's more, I have never been afraid of that waste!"

As soon as Fei Yingli's words fell, Mouri Kogoro walked into her office, rushed in to be precise, with a look of anger, people who didn’t know thought he was here to rob, and behind him was the concubine. Three security guards called by Yingli.

Fei Yingli waved his hand and motioned to the three security guards to wait outside the door.


Kogoro Moori slapped his hands on Fei Hideri's desk suddenly, and roared: "Fei Hideri, can you explain to me what is going on?!!!"

Fei Yingri frowned while looking at Kogoro Mouri, her eyes made no secret of her disgust, then looked at Kuriyama Green, and said, "Green, bring me a cup of coffee."

"Okay, sir." Kuriyama Lu said obediently, and then immediately stepped back, and when he walked past Kogoro Mori, he secretly covered his nose.

Kogoro Mouri is indeed sloppy now. Since the divorce, Kogoro Mouri has not taken care of himself. His chin is all stubble and his hair is messy like a bird's nest.Because of long-term heavy drinking, Maori Kogoro's body is full of the smell of wine, and some sourness of vomit. In addition, I don't know how long he has not taken a bath, and his body smells bad. The whole is a sloppy decadent, without merit. Middle-aged uncle.

Fei Yingli looked at the way Mouri Kogoro looked, and she didn't even know what kind of nerves she had made more than ten years ago to actually like this man.

Fei Yingli put her hands on the table, her head on the back of her hand, and looked at Kogoro Mouri indifferently, and said, "What do you want to explain? What happened to me and Nanaya?"

"You have the face to say! Do you know what you are doing?! That is incest!"


Fei Yingri was not a person who was resigned, and immediately slapped the table, stood up, and said, "What do you think you are?! Mouri Kogoro, you are no longer a policeman! You are not qualified to ask me anything! And now! Even if I want to be with Qiye, this is my concubine Yingli's own business, you have no right to ask!"

"what did you say?!"

"Do you want me to say it again?" In fact, Fei Yingli looked at Mouri Kogoro coldly, and said: "I, Fei Yingri, love Liudaoqiye, it has nothing to do with you, Mouri Kogoro!"

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